breeze.optimize.LineSearch.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package breeze.optimize
import breeze.math.InnerProductModule
import breeze.util.Implicits._
trait MinimizingLineSearch {
def minimize(f: DiffFunction[Double], init: Double = 1.0):Double
* A line search optimizes a function of one variable without
* analytic gradient information. Differs only in whether or not it tries to find an exact minimizer
* @author dlwh
trait LineSearch extends ApproximateLineSearch
* A line search optimizes a function of one variable without
* analytic gradient information. It's often used approximately (e.g. in
* backtracking line search), where there is no intrinsic termination criterion, only extrinsic
* @author dlwh
trait ApproximateLineSearch extends MinimizingLineSearch {
final case class State(alpha: Double, value: Double, deriv: Double)
def iterations(f: DiffFunction[Double], init: Double = 1.0):Iterator[State]
def minimize(f: DiffFunction[Double], init: Double = 1.0):Double = iterations(f, init).last.alpha
object LineSearch {
def functionFromSearchDirection[T, I](f: DiffFunction[T], x: T, direction: T)(implicit prod: InnerProductModule[T, Double]):DiffFunction[Double] = new DiffFunction[Double] {
import prod._
/** calculates the value at a point */
override def valueAt(alpha: Double): Double = f.valueAt(x + direction * alpha)
/** calculates the gradient at a point */
override def gradientAt(alpha: Double): Double = f.gradientAt(x + direction * alpha) dot direction
/** Calculates both the value and the gradient at a point */
def calculate(alpha: Double): (Double, Double) = {
val (ff, grad) = f.calculate(x + direction * alpha)
ff -> (grad dot direction)