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package breeze.optimize.linear
import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix, DenseVector}
import breeze.stats.distributions.Rand
import breeze.util.SerializableLogging
import spire.syntax.cfor._
import breeze.optimize.proximal.QpGenerator
import breeze.optimize.proximal.QuadraticMinimizer.gemv
import breeze.linalg.axpy
* NNLS solves nonnegative least squares problems using a modified
* projected gradient method.
* @param maxIters user defined maximum iterations
* @author tmyklebu debasish83
class NNLS(val maxIters: Int = -1) extends SerializableLogging {
type BDM = DenseMatrix[Double]
type BDV = DenseVector[Double]
case class State private[NNLS](x: BDV, grad: BDV, dir: BDV,
lastDir: BDV, res: BDV, tmp: BDV,
lastNorm: Double, lastWall: Int,
iter: Int, converged: Boolean)
// find the optimal unconstrained step
private def steplen(ata: BDM, dir: BDV, res: BDV,
tmp: BDV): Double = {
val top = dir dot res
gemv(1.0, ata, dir, 0.0, tmp)
// Push the denominator upward very slightly to avoid infinities and silliness
top / ( + 1e-20)
// stopping condition
private def stop(step: Double, ndir: Double, nx: Double): Boolean = {
((step.isNaN) // NaN
|| (step < 1e-7) // too small or negative
|| (step > 1e40) // too small; almost certainly numerical problems
|| (ndir < 1e-12 * nx) // gradient relatively too small
|| (ndir < 1e-32) // gradient absolutely too small; numerical issues may lurk
* Solve a least squares problem, possibly with nonnegativity constraints, by a modified
* projected gradient method. That is, find x minimising ||Ax - b||_2 given A^T A and A^T b.
* We solve the problem
* min_x 1/2 x' ata x' - x'atb
* subject to x >= 0
* The method used is similar to one described by Polyak (B. T. Polyak, The conjugate gradient
* method in extremal problems, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz. 9(4)(1969), pp. 94-112) for bound-
* constrained nonlinear programming. Polyak unconditionally uses a conjugate gradient
* direction, however, while this method only uses a conjugate gradient direction if the last
* iteration did not cause a previously-inactive constraint to become active.
def initialize(n: Int): State = {
val grad = DenseVector.zeros[Double](n)
val x = DenseVector.zeros[Double](n)
val dir = DenseVector.zeros[Double](n)
val lastDir = DenseVector.zeros[Double](n)
val res = DenseVector.zeros[Double](n)
val tmp = DenseVector.zeros[Double](n)
val lastNorm = 0.0
val lastWall = 0
State(x, grad, dir, lastDir, res, tmp, lastNorm, lastWall, 0, false)
def reset(ata: DenseMatrix[Double],
atb: DenseVector[Double],
state: State) = {
import state._
require(ata.cols == ata.rows, s"NNLS:iterations gram matrix must be symmetric")
require(ata.rows == state.x.length, s"NNLS:iterations gram and linear dimension mismatch")
x := 0.0
grad := 0.0
dir := 0.0
lastDir := 0.0
res := 0.0
tmp := 0.0
State(x, grad, dir, lastDir, res, tmp, 0.0, 0, 0, false)
* minimizeAndReturnState allows users to hot start the solver using initialState. If a initialState is provided and
* resetState is set to false, the optimizer will hot start using the previous state. By default resetState is
* true and every time reset will be called on the incoming state
* @param ata gram matrix
* @param atb linear term
* @param initialState initial state for calling the solver from inner loops
* @param resetState reset the state based on the flag
* @return converged state
def minimizeAndReturnState(ata: DenseMatrix[Double],
atb: DenseVector[Double],
initialState: State,
resetState: Boolean = true): State = {
val startState = if (resetState) reset(ata, atb, initialState) else initialState
import startState._
val n = atb.length
val iterMax = if (maxIters < 0) Math.max(400, 20 * n) else maxIters
var nextNorm = lastNorm
var nextWall = lastWall
var nextIter = 0
while (nextIter <= iterMax) {
// find the residual
gemv(1.0, ata, x, 0.0, res)
axpy(-1.0, atb, res)
grad := res
// project the gradient
cforRange(0 until n) { i =>
if (grad(i) > 0.0 && x(i) == 0.0) {
grad(i) = 0.0
val ngrad =
dir := grad
// use a CG direction under certain conditions
var step = steplen(ata, grad, res, tmp)
var ndir = 0.0
val nx = x dot x
if (nextIter > nextWall + 1) {
val alpha = ngrad / nextNorm
axpy(alpha, lastDir, dir)
val dstep = steplen(ata, dir, res, tmp)
ndir =
if (stop(dstep, ndir, nx)) {
// reject the CG step if it could lead to premature termination
dir := grad
ndir = dir dot dir
} else {
step = dstep
} else {
ndir = dir dot dir
// terminate?
if (stop(step, ndir, nx)) {
return State(x, grad, dir, lastDir, res, tmp, nextNorm, nextWall, nextIter, true)
else {
// don't run through the walls
cforRange(0 until n) { i =>
if (step * dir(i) > x(i)) {
step = x(i) / dir(i)
// take the step
cforRange(0 until n) { i =>
if (step * dir(i) > x(i) * (1 - 1e-14)) {
x(i) = 0
nextWall = nextIter
} else {
x(i) -= step * dir(i)
lastDir := dir
nextNorm = ngrad
nextIter += 1
State(x, grad, dir, lastDir, res, tmp, nextNorm, nextWall, nextIter, false)
def minimizeAndReturnState(ata: DenseMatrix[Double], atb: DenseVector[Double]): State = {
val initialState = initialize(atb.length)
minimizeAndReturnState(ata, atb, initialState)
def minimize(ata: DenseMatrix[Double], atb: DenseVector[Double]): DenseVector[Double] = {
minimizeAndReturnState(ata, atb).x
def minimize(ata: DenseMatrix[Double],
atb: DenseVector[Double],
init: State): DenseVector[Double] = {
minimizeAndReturnState(ata, atb, init).x
object NNLS {
/** Compute the objective value */
def computeObjectiveValue(ata: DenseMatrix[Double], atb: DenseVector[Double], x: DenseVector[Double]): Double = {
val res = (x.t*ata*x)*0.5 -
def apply(iters: Int) = new NNLS(iters)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length < 2) {
println("Usage: NNLS n s")
println("Test NNLS with quadratic function of dimension n for s consecutive solves")
val problemSize = args(0).toInt
val numSolves = args(1).toInt
val nnls = new NNLS()
var i = 0
var nnlsTime = 0L
while(i < numSolves) {
val ata = QpGenerator.getGram(problemSize)
val atb = DenseVector.rand[Double](problemSize, Rand.gaussian(0,1))
val startTime = System.nanoTime()
nnls.minimize(ata, atb)
nnlsTime = nnlsTime + (System.nanoTime() - startTime)
i = i + 1
println(s"NNLS problemSize $problemSize solves $numSolves ${nnlsTime/1e6} ms")