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package breeze.optimize.proximal
import breeze.linalg.{norm, DenseVector}
import breeze.math.MutableInnerProductModule
import breeze.optimize._
import breeze.optimize.proximal.LinearGenerator.Cost
import breeze.util.SerializableLogging
import breeze.optimize.proximal.Constraint._
import scala.math._
import breeze.linalg.DenseMatrix
import breeze.linalg.sum
import breeze.linalg.max
import breeze.util.Implicits._
* NonlinearMinimizer solves the problem that has the following structure
* minimize f(x) + g(x)
* g(x) represents the following constraints
* 1. x >= 0
* 2. lb <= x <= ub
* 3. L1(x)
* 4. Aeq*x = beq
* 5. aeq'x = beq
* 6. 1'x = s, x >= 0 ProbabilitySimplex from the reference Proximal Algorithms by Boyd et al, Duchi et al
* f(x) can be a smooth convex function defined by DiffFunction or a proximal operator. For now the exposed API
* takes DiffFunction
* g(x) is defined by a proximal operator
* For proximal algorithms like L1 through soft-thresholding and Huber Loss (look into library of proximal
* algorithms for further details) we provide ADMM based Proximal algorithm based on the following
* reference:
* A subset of proximal operators are projection operators. For projection, NonlinearMinimizer companion
* object provides project API which generates a Spectral Projected Gradient (SPG) or Projected Quasi Newton (PQN)
* solver. For projection operators like positivity, bounds, probability simplex etc, these algorithms converges
* faster as compared to ADMM based proximal algorithm.
* 1. Implement FISTA / Nesterov's accelerated method and compare with ADMM
* 2. For non-convex function experiment with TRON-like Primal solver
* @author debasish83
class NonlinearMinimizer(proximal: Proximal, maxIters: Int = -1, innerIters: Int = 3, bfgsMemory: Int = 7,
rho: Double = 1.0, alpha: Double = 1.0,
abstol: Double = 1e-6, reltol: Double = 1e-4) extends SerializableLogging {
import NonlinearMinimizer.BDV
val lbfgs = new LBFGS[BDV](m=bfgsMemory,tolerance=abstol,maxIter=innerIters)
case class State private[NonlinearMinimizer](bfgsState: lbfgs.State, u: BDV, z: BDV, xHat: BDV, zOld: BDV, residual: BDV, s: BDV, admmIters: Int, iter: Int, converged: Boolean)
private def initialState(primal: DiffFunction[BDV], init: BDV) = {
val z = init.copy
val u = init.copy
val xHat = init.copy
val zOld = init.copy
val residual = init.copy
val s = init.copy
val resultState = lbfgs.minimizeAndReturnState(primal, xHat)
val admmIters = if (maxIters < 0) max(400, 20*z.length) else maxIters
State(resultState, u, z, xHat, zOld, residual, s, admmIters, 0, false)
def iterations(primal: DiffFunction[BDV], init: BDV): Iterator[State] = Iterator.iterate(initialState(primal, init)) { state =>
import state._
val scale = sqrt(init.size) * abstol
val proxPrimal = NonlinearMinimizer.ProximalPrimal(primal, u, z, rho)
val resultState = lbfgs.minimizeAndReturnState(proxPrimal, bfgsState.x)
//z-update with relaxation
//zold = (1-alpha)*z
//x_hat = alpha*x + zold
zOld := z
zOld *= 1 - alpha
xHat := resultState.x
xHat *= alpha
xHat += zOld
//zold = z
zOld := z
//z = xHat + u
z := xHat
z += u
//Apply proximal operator
proximal.prox(z, rho)
//z has proximal(x_hat)
//Dual (u) update
xHat -= z
u += xHat
//Convergence checks
//history.r_norm(k) = norm(x - z)
residual := resultState.x
residual -= z
val residualNorm = norm(residual)
//history.s_norm(k) = norm(-rho*(z - zold))
s := z
s -= zOld
s *= -rho
val sNorm = norm(s)
//TO DO : Make sure z.muli(-1) is actually needed in norm calculation
residual := z
residual *= -1.0
//s = rho*u
s := u
s *= rho
val epsPrimal = scale + reltol * max(norm(resultState.x), norm(residual))
val epsDual = scale + reltol * norm(s)
if (residualNorm < epsPrimal && sNorm < epsDual || iter > admmIters) {
State(resultState, u, z, xHat, zOld, residual, s, admmIters, iter + 1, true)
} else {
State(resultState, u, z, xHat, zOld, residual, s, admmIters, iter + 1, false)
def minimize(primal: DiffFunction[BDV], init: BDV): BDV = {
minimizeAndReturnState(primal, init).z
def minimizeAndReturnState(primal: DiffFunction[BDV], init: BDV): State = {
iterations(primal, init).last
object NonlinearMinimizer {
type BDV = DenseVector[Double]
* Proximal modifications to Primal algorithm for scaled ADMM formulation
* AdmmObj(x, u, z) = f(x) + rho/2*||x - z + u||2
* dAdmmObj/dx = df/dx + rho*(x - z + u)
case class ProximalPrimal[T](primal: DiffFunction[T],
u: T,
z: T,
rho: Double)
(implicit space: MutableInnerProductModule[T, Double]) extends DiffFunction[T] {
import space._
override def calculate(x: T) = {
val (f, g) = primal.calculate(x)
val scale = x - z + u
val proxObj = f + 0.5 * rho * pow(norm(scale), 2)
val proxGrad = g + scale *:* rho
(proxObj, proxGrad)
case class Projection(proximal: Proximal) {
def project(x: BDV): BDV = {
* A subset of proximal operators can be represented as Projection operators and for those
* operators, we give an option to the user to choose a projection based algorithm. The options
* available for users are SPG (Spectral Projected Gradient) and PQN (Projected Quasi Newton)
* @param proximal operator that defines proximal algorithm
* @return FirstOrderMinimizer to optimize on f(x) and proximal operator
def project(proximal: Proximal, maxIter: Int = -1, m: Int = 10, tolerance: Double = 1e-6, usePQN: Boolean = false): FirstOrderMinimizer[BDV, DiffFunction[BDV]] = {
val projectionOp = Projection(proximal)
if (usePQN) new ProjectedQuasiNewton(projection = projectionOp.project, tolerance = 1e-6, maxIter = maxIter, m = m)
else new SpectralProjectedGradient(projection = projectionOp.project, tolerance = tolerance, maxIter = maxIter, bbMemory = m)
* A compansion object to generate projection based minimizer that can use SPG/PQN as the solver
* @param ndim the problem dimension
* @param constraint one of the available constraint, possibilities are x>=0; lb<=x<=ub;aeq*x = beq;
* 1'x = s, x >= 0; ||x||1 <= s
* @param lambda the regularization parameter for most of the constraints
* @return FirstOrderMinimizer to optimize on f(x) and proximal operator
def apply(ndim: Int, constraint: Constraint, lambda: Double, usePQN: Boolean = false): FirstOrderMinimizer[BDV, DiffFunction[BDV]] = {
constraint match {
case IDENTITY => project(ProjectIdentity())
case POSITIVE => project(ProjectPos())
case BOX => {
val lb = DenseVector.zeros[Double](ndim)
val ub = DenseVector.ones[Double](ndim)
project(ProjectBox(lb, ub))
case EQUALITY => {
val aeq = DenseVector.ones[Double](ndim)
project(ProjectHyperPlane(aeq, 1.0))
case PROBABILITYSIMPLEX => project(ProjectProbabilitySimplex(lambda))
case SPARSE => project(ProjectL1(lambda))
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("NonlinearMinimizer does not support the Projection Operator")
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length < 3) {
println("Usage: ProjectedQuasiNewton n lambda beta")
println("Test NonlinearMinimizer with a quadratic function of dimenion n and m equalities with lambda beta for elasticNet")
val problemSize = args(0).toInt
val lambda = args(1).toDouble
val beta = args(2).toDouble
println(s"Generating Linear and Logistic Loss with rank ${problemSize}")
val (quadraticCost, h, q) = LinearGenerator(problemSize)
val lambdaL1 = lambda * beta
val lambdaL2 = lambda * (1 - beta)
val owlqn = new OWLQN[Int, DenseVector[Double]](-1, 10, lambdaL1, 1e-6)
val regularizedGram = h + (DenseMatrix.eye[Double](h.rows) *:* lambdaL2)
val sparseQp = QuadraticMinimizer(h.rows, SPARSE, lambdaL1)
val sparseQpStart = System.nanoTime()
val sparseQpResult = sparseQp.minimizeAndReturnState(regularizedGram, q)
val sparseQpTime = System.nanoTime() - sparseQpStart
val init = DenseVector.zeros[Double](problemSize)
val owlqnStart = System.nanoTime()
val owlqnResult = owlqn.minimizeAndReturnState(Cost(regularizedGram, q), init)
val owlqnTime = System.nanoTime() - owlqnStart
println("ElasticNet Formulation")
println("Linear Regression")
val owlqnObj = QuadraticMinimizer.computeObjective(regularizedGram, q, owlqnResult.x) + lambdaL1 * owlqnResult.x.foldLeft(0.0) { (agg, entry) => agg + abs(entry)}
val sparseQpL1Obj = sparseQpResult.x.foldLeft(0.0) { (agg, entry) => agg + abs(entry)}
val sparseQpObj = QuadraticMinimizer.computeObjective(regularizedGram, q, sparseQpResult.x) + lambdaL1 * sparseQpL1Obj
val quadraticCostWithL2 = QuadraticMinimizer.Cost(regularizedGram, q)
init := 0.0
val projectL1Linear = ProjectL1(sparseQpL1Obj)
val nlSparseStart = System.nanoTime()
val nlSparseResult = NonlinearMinimizer.project(projectL1Linear).minimizeAndReturnState(quadraticCostWithL2, init)
val nlSparseTime = System.nanoTime() - nlSparseStart
val nlSparseL1Obj = nlSparseResult.x.foldLeft(0.0) { (agg, entry) => agg + abs(entry)}
val nlSparseObj = QuadraticMinimizer.computeObjective(regularizedGram, q, nlSparseResult.x) + lambdaL1 * nlSparseL1Obj
init := 0.0
val nlProx = new NonlinearMinimizer(proximal = ProximalL1(lambdaL1))
val nlProxStart = System.nanoTime()
val nlProxResult = nlProx.minimizeAndReturnState(quadraticCostWithL2, init)
val nlProxTime = System.nanoTime() - nlProxStart
val nlProxObj = QuadraticMinimizer.computeObjective(regularizedGram, q, nlProxResult.z) + lambdaL1 * nlProxResult.z.foldLeft(0.0) { (agg, entry) => agg + abs(entry)}
println(s"owlqn ${owlqnTime / 1e6} ms iters ${owlqnResult.iter} sparseQp ${sparseQpTime / 1e6} ms iters ${sparseQpResult.iter}")
println(s"nlSparseTime ${nlSparseTime / 1e6} ms iters ${nlSparseResult.iter}")
println(s"nlProxTime ${nlProxTime / 1e6} ms iters ${nlProxResult.iter}")
println(s"owlqnObj $owlqnObj sparseQpObj $sparseQpObj nlSparseObj $nlSparseObj nlProxObj $nlProxObj")
val logisticLoss = LogisticGenerator(problemSize)
val elasticNetLoss = DiffFunction.withL2Regularization(logisticLoss, lambdaL2)
println("Linear Regression with Bounds")
init := 0.0
val nlBox = NonlinearMinimizer(problemSize, BOX, 0.0)
val nlBoxStart = System.nanoTime()
val nlBoxResult = nlBox.minimizeAndReturnState(quadraticCostWithL2, init)
val nlBoxTime = System.nanoTime() - nlBoxStart
val nlBoxObj = quadraticCostWithL2.calculate(nlBoxResult.x)._1
val qpBox = QuadraticMinimizer(problemSize, BOX, 0.0)
val qpBoxStart = System.nanoTime()
val qpBoxResult = qpBox.minimizeAndReturnState(regularizedGram, q)
val qpBoxTime = System.nanoTime() - qpBoxStart
val qpBoxObj = QuadraticMinimizer.computeObjective(regularizedGram, q, qpBoxResult.x)
println(s"qpBox ${qpBoxTime / 1e6} ms iters ${qpBoxResult.iter}")
println(s"nlBox ${nlBoxTime / 1e6} ms iters ${nlBoxResult.iter}")
println(s"qpBoxObj $qpBoxObj nlBoxObj $nlBoxObj")
println("Logistic Regression with Bounds")
init := 0.0
val nlBoxLogisticStart = System.nanoTime()
val nlBoxLogisticResult = nlBox.minimizeAndReturnState(elasticNetLoss, init)
val nlBoxLogisticTime = System.nanoTime() - nlBoxLogisticStart
val nlBoxLogisticObj = elasticNetLoss.calculate(nlBoxLogisticResult.x)._1
println(s"Objective nl ${nlBoxLogisticObj} time ${nlBoxLogisticTime / 1e6} ms")
println("Linear Regression with ProbabilitySimplex")
val nlSimplex = NonlinearMinimizer(problemSize, PROBABILITYSIMPLEX, 1.0)
init := 0.0
val nlSimplexStart = System.nanoTime()
val nlSimplexResult = nlSimplex.minimizeAndReturnState(quadraticCost, init)
val nlSimplexTime = System.nanoTime() - nlSimplexStart
val nlSimplexObj = quadraticCost.calculate(nlSimplexResult.x)._1
val qpSimplexStart = System.nanoTime()
val qpSimplexResult = QuadraticMinimizer(problemSize, EQUALITY).minimizeAndReturnState(h, q)
val qpSimplexTime = System.nanoTime() - qpSimplexStart
val qpSimplexObj = quadraticCost.calculate(qpSimplexResult.x)._1
println(s"Objective nl $nlSimplexObj qp $qpSimplexObj")
println(s"Constraint nl ${sum(nlSimplexResult.x)} qp ${sum(qpSimplexResult.x)}")
println(s"time nl ${nlSimplexTime / 1e6} ms qp ${qpSimplexTime / 1e6} ms")
println("Logistic Regression with ProbabilitySimplex")
init := 0.0
val nlLogisticSimplexStart = System.nanoTime()
val nlLogisticSimplexResult = nlSimplex.minimizeAndReturnState(elasticNetLoss, init)
val nlLogisticSimplexTime = System.nanoTime() - nlLogisticSimplexStart
val nlLogisticSimplexObj = elasticNetLoss.calculate(nlLogisticSimplexResult.x)._1
init := 0.0
val nlProxSimplex = new NonlinearMinimizer(proximal = ProjectProbabilitySimplex(1.0))
val nlProxLogisticSimplexStart = System.nanoTime()
val nlProxLogisticSimplexResult = nlProxSimplex.minimizeAndReturnState(elasticNetLoss, init)
val nlProxLogisticSimplexTime = System.nanoTime() - nlProxLogisticSimplexStart
val nlProxLogisticSimplexObj = elasticNetLoss.calculate(nlProxLogisticSimplexResult.z)._1
println(s"Objective nl ${nlLogisticSimplexObj} admm ${nlProxLogisticSimplexObj}")
println(s"Constraint nl ${sum(nlLogisticSimplexResult.x)} admm ${sum(nlProxLogisticSimplexResult.z)}")
println(s"time nlProjection ${nlLogisticSimplexTime / 1e6} ms nlProx ${nlProxLogisticSimplexTime / 1e6} ms")
println("Logistic Regression with ProximalL1 and ProjectL1")
init := 0.0
val owlqnLogisticStart = System.nanoTime()
val owlqnLogisticResult = owlqn.minimizeAndReturnState(elasticNetLoss,init)
val owlqnLogisticTime = System.nanoTime() - owlqnLogisticStart
val owlqnLogisticObj = elasticNetLoss.calculate(owlqnLogisticResult.x)._1
val s = owlqnLogisticResult.x.foldLeft(0.0) { case (agg, entry) => agg + abs(entry)}
init := 0.0
val proximalL1 = ProximalL1().setLambda(lambdaL1)
val nlLogisticProximalL1Start = System.nanoTime()
val nlLogisticProximalL1Result = new NonlinearMinimizer(proximalL1).minimizeAndReturnState(elasticNetLoss, init)
val nlLogisticProximalL1Time = System.nanoTime() - nlLogisticProximalL1Start
init := 0.0
val nlLogisticProjectL1Start = System.nanoTime()
val nlLogisticProjectL1Result = NonlinearMinimizer(problemSize, SPARSE, s).minimizeAndReturnState(elasticNetLoss, init)
val nlLogisticProjectL1Time = System.nanoTime() - nlLogisticProjectL1Start
val proximalL1Obj = elasticNetLoss.calculate(nlLogisticProximalL1Result.z)._1
val projectL1Obj = elasticNetLoss.calculate(nlLogisticProjectL1Result.x)._1
println(s"Objective proximalL1 $proximalL1Obj projectL1 $projectL1Obj owlqn $owlqnLogisticObj")
println(s"time proximalL1 ${nlLogisticProximalL1Time / 1e6} ms projectL1 ${nlLogisticProjectL1Time / 1e6} ms owlqn ${owlqnLogisticTime / 1e6} ms")