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package breeze.optimize.proximal
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.util.SerializableLogging
import scala.math.sqrt
import breeze.optimize.{LBFGS, OWLQN, DiffFunction}
import org.netlib.util.intW
import breeze.optimize.proximal.Constraint._
import scala.math.abs
import breeze.numerics._
import com.github.fommil.netlib.LAPACK.{getInstance=>lapack}
import com.github.fommil.netlib.BLAS.{getInstance=>blas}
import breeze.optimize.linear.{PowerMethod, NNLS, ConjugateGradient}
import breeze.stats.distributions.Rand
import spire.syntax.cfor._
* Proximal operators and ADMM based Primal-Dual QP Solver
* Reference:
* It solves problem that has the following structure
* 1/2 x'Hx + f'x + g(x)
* s.t Aeqx = b
* g(x) represents the following constraints which covers ALS based matrix factorization use-cases
* 1. x >= 0
* 2. lb <= x <= ub
* 3. L1(x)
* 4. L2(x)
* 5. Generic regularization on x
* @param nGram rank of dense gram matrix
* @param proximal proximal operator to be used
* @param Aeq rhs matrix for equality constraints
* @param beq lhs constants for equality constraints
* @param abstol ADMM absolute tolerance
* @param reltol ADMM relative tolerance
* @param alpha over-relaxation parameter default 1.0 1.5 - 1.8 can improve convergence
* @author debasish83
class QuadraticMinimizer(nGram: Int,
proximal: Proximal = null,
Aeq: DenseMatrix[Double] = null,
beq: DenseVector[Double] = null,
maxIters: Int = -1,
abstol: Double = 1e-6, reltol: Double = 1e-4, alpha: Double = 1.0)
extends SerializableLogging {
type BDM = DenseMatrix[Double]
type BDV = DenseVector[Double]
case class State private[QuadraticMinimizer](x: BDV, u: BDV, z: BDV, scale: BDV,
R: BDM, pivot: Array[Int],
xHat: BDV, zOld: BDV, residual: BDV,
s: BDV, iter: Int, converged: Boolean) {
val linearEquality = if (Aeq != null) Aeq.rows else 0
if (linearEquality > 0)
require(beq.length == linearEquality, s"QuadraticMinimizer linear equalities should match beq vector")
val n = nGram + linearEquality
val full = n * n
val upperSize = nGram*(nGram + 1)/2
* wsH is the workspace for gram matrix / quasi definite system based on the problem definition
* Quasi definite system is formed if we have a set of affine constraints in quadratic minimization
* minimize 0.5x'Hx + c'x + g(x)
* s.t Aeq x = beq
* Proximal formulations can handle different g(x) as specified above but if Aeq x = beq is not
* a probability simplex (1'x = s, x >=0) and arbitrary equality constraint, then we form the
* quasi definite system by adding affine constraint Aeq x = beq in x-update and handling bound
* constraints like lb <= z <= ub in g(z) update.
* Capability of adding affine constraints let us support all the features that an interior point
* method like Matlab QuadProg and Mosek can handle
* The affine system looks as follows:
* Aeq is l x rank
* H is rank x rank
* wsH is a quasi-definite matrix
* [ P + rho*I, Aeq' ]
* [ Aeq , 0 ]
* if wsH is positive definite then we use cholesky factorization and cache the factorization
* if wsH is quasi definite then we use lu factorization and cache the factorization
* Preparing the wsH workspace is expensive and so memory is allocated at the construct time and
* an API updateGram is exposed to users so that the workspace can be used by many solves that show
* up in distributed frameworks like Spark mllib ALS
private val wsH = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](n, n)
val transAeq = if (linearEquality > 0) Aeq.t else null
val admmIters = if (maxIters < 0) Math.max(400, 20 * n) else maxIters
def getProximal = proximal
private def updateQuasiDefinite = {
if (linearEquality > 0) {
wsH(nGram until (nGram + Aeq.rows), 0 until Aeq.cols) := Aeq
wsH(0 until nGram, nGram until (nGram + Aeq.rows)) := transAeq
wsH(nGram until (nGram + Aeq.rows), nGram until (nGram + Aeq.rows)) := 0.0
* updateGram allows the user to seed QuadraticMinimizer with symmetric gram matrix most useful for cases
* where the gram matrix does not change but the linear term changes for multiple solves. It should be
* called iteratively from Normal Equations constructed by the user
* @param H rank * rank size full gram matrix
def updateGram(H: DenseMatrix[Double]): Unit = {
wsH(0 until nGram, 0 until nGram) := H
* updateGram API allows user to seed QuadraticMinimizer with upper triangular gram matrix (memory
* optimization by 50%) specified through primitive arrays. It is exposed for advanced users like
* Spark ALS where ALS constructs normal equations as primitive arrays
* @param upper upper triangular gram matrix specified in primitive array
def updateGram(upper: Array[Double]): Unit = {
require(upper.length == upperSize, s"QuadraticMinimizer:updateGram upper triangular size mismatch")
var i = 0
var pos = 0
var h = 0.0
while (i < nGram) {
var j = 0
while (j <= i) {
h = upper(pos)
wsH(i, j) = h
wsH(j, i) = h
pos += 1
j += 1
i += 1
* Public API to get an initialState for solver hot start such that subsequent calls can reuse
* state memmory
* @return the state for the optimizer
def initialize = {
var pivot: Array[Int] = null
// Allocate memory for pivot
if (linearEquality > 0) pivot = Array.fill[Int](n)(0)
val x = DenseVector.zeros[Double](nGram)
val z = DenseVector.zeros[Double](nGram)
val u = DenseVector.zeros[Double](nGram)
// scale = rho*(z - u) - q
val scale = DenseVector.zeros[Double](n)
if (proximal == null) {
State(x, u, z, scale, null, pivot, null, null, null, null, 0, false)
} else {
val xHat = DenseVector.zeros[Double](nGram)
val zOld = DenseVector.zeros[Double](nGram)
val residual = DenseVector.zeros[Double](nGram)
val s = DenseVector.zeros[Double](nGram)
State(x, u, z, scale, null, pivot, xHat, zOld, residual, s, 0, false)
//u is the lagrange multiplier
//z is for the proximal operator application
private def reset(q: DenseVector[Double], state: State) = {
import state._
val nlinear = q.length
val info = new intW(0)
//TO DO : Mutate wsH and put the factors in it, the arraycopy is not required
if (linearEquality > 0) {
val equality = nlinear + beq.length
require(wsH.rows == equality && wsH.cols == equality, s"QuadraticMinimizer:reset quasi definite and linear size mismatch")
// TO DO : Use LDL' for symmetric quasi definite matrix lapack.dsytrf
lapack.dgetrf(n, n,, scala.math.max(1, n), pivot, info)
else {
require(wsH.rows == nlinear && wsH.cols == nlinear, s"QuadraticMinimizer:reset cholesky and linear size mismatch")
lapack.dpotrf("L", n,, scala.math.max(1, n), info)
x := 0.0
u := 0.0
z := 0.0
State(x, u, z, scale, wsH, pivot, xHat, zOld, residual, s, 0, false)
private def updatePrimal(q: BDV, x: BDV, u: BDV, z: BDV, scale: BDV, rho: Double, R: BDM, pivot: Array[Int]) = {
//scale = rho*(z - u) - q
cforRange(0 until z.length) { i =>
val entryScale = rho * (z(i) - u(i)) - q(i)
scale.update(i, entryScale)
if (linearEquality > 0)
cforRange(0 until beq.length) { i => scale.update(nGram + i, beq(i)) }
// TO DO : Use LDL' based solver for quasi definite / sparse gram
if (linearEquality > 0) {
// x = U \ (L \ q)
QuadraticMinimizer.dgetrs(R, pivot, scale)
} else {
// x = R \ (R' \ scale)
// Step 1 : R' * y = scale
// Step 2 : R * x = y
QuadraticMinimizer.dpotrs(R, scale)
cforRange(0 until x.length) { i => x.update(i, scale(i)) }
* minimizeAndReturnState API gives an advanced control for users who would like to use
* QuadraticMinimizer in 2 steps, update the gram matrix first using updateGram API and
* followed by doing the solve by providing a user defined initialState. It also exposes
* rho control to users who would like to experiment with rho parameters of the admm
* algorithm. Use user-defined rho only if you understand the proximal algorithm well
* @param q linear term for the quadratic optimization
* @param rho rho parameter for ADMM algorithm
* @param initialState provide a initialState using initialState API
* @param resetState use true if you want to hot start based on the provided state
* @return converged state from ADMM algorithm
def minimizeAndReturnState(q: DenseVector[Double],
rho: Double,
initialState: State,
resetState: Boolean = true): State = {
val startState = if (resetState) reset(q, initialState) else initialState
import startState._
// Unconstrained Quadratic Minimization with/without affine constraints does not need
// proximal update
if (proximal == null) {
updatePrimal(q, x, u, z, scale, rho, R, pivot)
z := x
return State(x, u, z, scale, R, pivot, xHat, zOld, residual, s, 1, true)
//scale will hold q + linearEqualities
val convergenceScale = sqrt(n)
var nextIter = 0
while (nextIter <= admmIters) {
//primal update
updatePrimal(q, x, u, z, scale, rho, R, pivot)
//proximal z-update with relaxation
//zold = (1-alpha)*z
//x_hat = alpha*x + zold
zOld := z
zOld *= 1 - alpha
xHat := x
xHat *= alpha
xHat += zOld
//zold = z
zOld := z
//z = xHat + u
z := xHat
z += u
//Apply proximal operator
proximal.prox(z, rho)
//z has proximal(x_hat)
//Dual (u) update
xHat -= z
u += xHat
//Convergence checks
//history.r_norm(k) = norm(x - z)
residual := x
residual -= z
val residualNorm = norm(residual, 2)
//history.s_norm(k) = norm(-rho*(z - zold))
s := z
s -= zOld
s *= -rho
val sNorm = norm(s, 2)
residual := z
residual *= -1.0
//s = rho*u
s := u
s *= rho
val epsPrimal = convergenceScale * abstol + reltol * max(norm(x, 2), norm(residual, 2))
val epsDual = convergenceScale * abstol + reltol * norm(s, 2)
if (residualNorm < epsPrimal && sNorm < epsDual) {
return State(x, u, z, scale, R, pivot, xHat, zOld, residual, s, nextIter, true)
nextIter += 1
State(x, u, z, scale, R, pivot, xHat, zOld, residual, s, nextIter, false)
private def computeRhoSparse(H: DenseMatrix[Double]): Double = {
val eigenMax = QuadraticMinimizer.normColumn(H)
require(linearEquality <= 0, s"QuadraticMinimizer:computeRho L1 with affine not supported")
val eigenMin = QuadraticMinimizer.approximateMinEigen(H)
sqrt(eigenMin * eigenMax)
private def computeRho(H: DenseMatrix[Double]): Double = {
proximal match {
case null => 0.0
case ProximalL1(lambda: Double) => computeRhoSparse(H)
case ProjectProbabilitySimplex(lambda: Double) => computeRhoSparse(H)
case _ => sqrt(QuadraticMinimizer.normColumn(H))
* minimizeAndReturnState API gives an advanced control for users who would like to use
* QuadraticMinimizer in 2 steps, update the gram matrix first using updateGram API and
* followed by doing the solve by providing a user defined initialState. rho is
* automatically calculated by QuadraticMinimizer from problem structure
* @param q linear term for the quadratic optimization
* @param initialState provide a initialState using initialState API
* @return converged state from QuadraticMinimizer
def minimizeAndReturnState(q: DenseVector[Double], initialState: State): State = {
val rho = computeRho(wsH)
cforRange(0 until q.length) { i => wsH.update(i, i, wsH(i, i) + rho) }
minimizeAndReturnState(q, rho, initialState)
* minimizeAndReturnState API that takes a symmetric full gram matrix and the linear term for
* quadratic minimization
* @param H gram matrix, symmetric of size rank x rank
* @param q linear term
* @param initialState provide a initialState using initialState API for memory optimization
* @return converged state from QuadraticMinimizer
def minimizeAndReturnState(H: DenseMatrix[Double], q: DenseVector[Double], initialState: State): State = {
minimizeAndReturnState(q, initialState)
* minimizeAndReturnState API that takes upper triangular entries of the gram matrix specified through primitive
* array for performance reason and the linear term for quadratic minimization
* @param upper upper triangular gram matrix specified as primitive array
* @param q linear term
* @param initialState provide a initialState using initialState API for memory optimization
* @return converged state from QuadraticMinimizer
def minimizeAndReturnState(upper: Array[Double], q: DenseVector[Double], initialState: State): State = {
minimizeAndReturnState(q, initialState)
* minimize API for cases where gram matrix is updated through updateGram API. If a initialState is not provided
* by default it constructs it through initialize
* @param q linear term for quadratic optimization
* @param initialState provide an optional initialState for memory optimization
* @return converged solution
def minimize(q: DenseVector[Double], initialState: State): DenseVector[Double] = {
minimizeAndReturnState(q, initialState).z
* minimize API for cases where gram matrix is provided by the user. If a initialState is not provided
* by default it constructs it through initialize
* @param H symmetric gram matrix of size rank x rank
* @param q linear term for quadratic optimization
* @param initialState provide an optional initialState for memory optimization
* @return converged solution
def minimize(H: DenseMatrix[Double], q: DenseVector[Double], initialState: State): DenseVector[Double] = {
minimizeAndReturnState(H, q, initialState).z
* minimize API for cases where upper triangular gram matrix is provided by user as primitive array.
* If a initialState is not provided by default it constructs it through initialize
* @param upper upper triangular gram matrix of size rank x (rank + 1)/2
* @param q linear term for quadratic optimization
* @param initialState provide an optional initialState for memory optimization
* @return converged solution
def minimize(upper: Array[Double], q: DenseVector[Double], initialState: State): DenseVector[Double] = {
minimizeAndReturnState(upper, q, initialState).z
def minimizeAndReturnState(H: DenseMatrix[Double], q: DenseVector[Double]): State = minimizeAndReturnState(H, q, initialize)
def minimizeAndReturnState(q: DenseVector[Double]): State = minimizeAndReturnState(q, initialize)
def minimize(H: DenseMatrix[Double], q: DenseVector[Double]): DenseVector[Double] = minimize(H, q, initialize)
def minimize(q: DenseVector[Double]): DenseVector[Double] = minimize(q, initialize)
object QuadraticMinimizer {
* y := alpha * A * x + beta * y
* For `DenseMatrix` A.
def gemv(alpha: Double,
A: DenseMatrix[Double],
x: DenseVector[Double],
beta: Double,
y: DenseVector[Double]): Unit = {
val tStrA = if (A.isTranspose) "T" else "N"
val mA = if (!A.isTranspose) A.rows else A.cols
val nA = if (!A.isTranspose) A.rows else A.cols
blas.dgemv(tStrA, mA, nA, alpha,, mA,, 1, beta,, 1)
* Triangular LU solve for finding y such that y := Ax where A is the LU factorization
* @param A vector representation of LU factorization
* @param pivot pivot from LU factorization
* @param x the linear term for the solve which will also host the result
def dgetrs(A: DenseMatrix[Double],
pivot: Array[Int],
x: DenseVector[Double]): Unit = {
val n = x.length
require(A.rows == n)
val nrhs = 1
val info: intW = new intW(0)
lapack.dgetrs("No transpose", n, nrhs,, 0, n, pivot, 0,, 0, n, info)
if (info.`val` > 0) throw new LapackException("DGETRS: LU solve unsuccessful")
* Triangular Cholesky solve for finding y through backsolves such that y := Ax
* @param A vector representation of lower triangular cholesky factorization
* @param x the linear term for the solve which will also host the result
def dpotrs(A: DenseMatrix[Double], x: DenseVector[Double]) : Unit = {
val n = x.length
val nrhs = 1
require(A.rows == n)
val info: intW = new intW(0)
lapack.dpotrs("L", n, nrhs,, 0, n,, 0, n, info)
if (info.`val` > 0) throw new LapackException("DPOTRS : Leading minor of order i of A is not positive definite.")
//upper bound on max eigen value
def normColumn(H: DenseMatrix[Double]): Double = {
var absColSum = 0.0
var maxColSum = 0.0
for (c <- 0 until H.cols) {
for (r <- 0 until H.rows) {
absColSum += abs(H(r, c))
if (absColSum > maxColSum) maxColSum = absColSum
absColSum = 0.0
//approximate max eigen using inverse power method
def approximateMaxEigen(H: DenseMatrix[Double]) : Double = {
val pm = new PowerMethod()
val init = DenseVector.rand[Double](H.rows, Rand.gaussian(0, 1))
pm.eigen(H, init)
//approximate min eigen using inverse power method
def approximateMinEigen(H: DenseMatrix[Double]) : Double = {
val R = cholesky(H).t
val pmInv = PowerMethod.inverse()
val init = DenseVector.rand[Double](H.rows, Rand.gaussian(0, 1))
1.0/pmInv.eigen(R, init)
def apply(rank: Int,
constraint: Constraint,
lambda: Double=1.0): QuadraticMinimizer = {
constraint match {
case SMOOTH => new QuadraticMinimizer(rank)
case POSITIVE => new QuadraticMinimizer(rank, ProjectPos())
case BOX => {
//Direct QP with bounds
val lb = DenseVector.zeros[Double](rank)
val ub = DenseVector.ones[Double](rank)
new QuadraticMinimizer(rank, ProjectBox(lb, ub))
new QuadraticMinimizer(rank, ProjectProbabilitySimplex(lambda))
case EQUALITY => {
//Direct QP with equality and positivity constraint
val Aeq = DenseMatrix.ones[Double](1, rank)
val beq = DenseVector.ones[Double](1)
new QuadraticMinimizer(rank, ProjectPos(), Aeq, beq)
case SPARSE => new QuadraticMinimizer(rank, ProximalL1().setLambda(lambda))
def computeObjective(h: DenseMatrix[Double], q: DenseVector[Double], x: DenseVector[Double]): Double = {
val res = (x.t*h*x)*0.5 +
case class Cost(H: DenseMatrix[Double],
q: DenseVector[Double]) extends DiffFunction[DenseVector[Double]] {
def calculate(x: DenseVector[Double]) = {
(computeObjective(H, q, x), H * x + q)
def optimizeWithLBFGS(init: DenseVector[Double],
H: DenseMatrix[Double],
q: DenseVector[Double]) = {
val lbfgs = new LBFGS[DenseVector[Double]](-1, 7)
val state = lbfgs.minimizeAndReturnState(Cost(H, q), init)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length < 4) {
println("Usage: QpSolver n m lambda beta")
println("Test QpSolver with a simple quadratic function of dimension n and m equalities lambda beta for elasticNet")
val problemSize = args(0).toInt
val nequalities = args(1).toInt
val lambda = args(2).toDouble
val beta = args(3).toDouble
println(s"Generating randomized QPs with rank ${problemSize} equalities ${nequalities}")
val (aeq, b, bl, bu, q, h) = QpGenerator(problemSize, nequalities)
println(s"Test QuadraticMinimizer, CG , BFGS and OWLQN with $problemSize variables and $nequalities equality constraints")
val luStart = System.nanoTime()
val luResult = h \ q *:* (-1.0)
val luTime = System.nanoTime() - luStart
val cg = new ConjugateGradient[DenseVector[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]]()
val startCg = System.nanoTime()
val cgResult = cg.minimize(q *:* (-1.0), h)
val cgTime = System.nanoTime() - startCg
val qpSolver = new QuadraticMinimizer(problemSize)
val qpStart = System.nanoTime()
val result = qpSolver.minimize(h, q)
val qpTime = System.nanoTime() - qpStart
val startBFGS = System.nanoTime()
val bfgsResult = optimizeWithLBFGS(DenseVector.rand[Double](problemSize), h, q)
val bfgsTime = System.nanoTime() - startBFGS
println(s"||qp - lu|| norm ${norm(result - luResult, 2)} max-norm ${norm(result - luResult, inf)}")
println(s"||cg - lu|| norm ${norm(cgResult - luResult,2)} max-norm ${norm(cgResult - luResult, inf)}")
println(s"||bfgs - lu|| norm ${norm(bfgsResult - luResult, 2)} max-norm ${norm(bfgsResult - luResult, inf)}")
val luObj = computeObjective(h, q, luResult)
val bfgsObj = computeObjective(h, q, bfgsResult)
val qpObj = computeObjective(h, q, result)
println(s"Objective lu $luObj bfgs $bfgsObj qp $qpObj")
println(s"dim ${problemSize} lu ${luTime/1e6} ms qp ${qpTime/1e6} ms cg ${cgTime/1e6} ms bfgs ${bfgsTime/1e6} ms")
val lambdaL1 = lambda * beta
val lambdaL2 = lambda * (1 - beta)
val regularizedGram = h + (DenseMatrix.eye[Double](h.rows) *:* lambdaL2)
val sparseQp = QuadraticMinimizer(h.rows, SPARSE, lambdaL1)
val sparseQpStart = System.nanoTime()
val sparseQpResult = sparseQp.minimizeAndReturnState(regularizedGram, q)
val sparseQpTime = System.nanoTime() - sparseQpStart
val owlqn = new OWLQN[Int, DenseVector[Double]](-1, 7, lambdaL1, 1e-6)
val init = DenseVector.rand[Double](problemSize)
val startOWLQN = System.nanoTime()
val owlqnResult = owlqn.minimizeAndReturnState(Cost(regularizedGram, q), init)
val owlqnTime = System.nanoTime() - startOWLQN
println(s"||owlqn - sparseqp|| norm ${norm(owlqnResult.x - sparseQpResult.x, 2)} inf-norm ${norm(owlqnResult.x - sparseQpResult.x, inf)}")
println(s"sparseQp ${sparseQpTime/1e6} ms iters ${sparseQpResult.iter} owlqn ${owlqnTime/1e6} ms iters ${owlqnResult.iter}")
val posQp = QuadraticMinimizer(h.rows, POSITIVE, 0.0)
val posQpStart = System.nanoTime()
val posQpResult = posQp.minimizeAndReturnState(h, q)
val posQpTime = System.nanoTime() - posQpStart
val nnls = new NNLS()
val nnlsStart = System.nanoTime()
val nnlsResult = nnls.minimizeAndReturnState(h, q)
val nnlsTime = System.nanoTime() - nnlsStart
println(s"posQp ${posQpTime/1e6} ms iters ${posQpResult.iter} nnls ${nnlsTime/1e6} ms iters ${nnlsResult.iter}")
val boundsQp = new QuadraticMinimizer(h.rows, ProjectBox(bl, bu))
val boundsQpStart = System.nanoTime()
val boundsQpResult = boundsQp.minimizeAndReturnState(h, q)
val boundsQpTime = System.nanoTime() - boundsQpStart
println(s"boundsQp ${boundsQpTime/1e6} ms iters ${boundsQpResult.iter} converged ${boundsQpResult.converged}")
val qpEquality = new QuadraticMinimizer(h.rows, ProjectPos(), aeq, b)
val qpEqualityStart = System.nanoTime()
val qpEqualityResult = qpEquality.minimizeAndReturnState(h, q)
val qpEqualityTime = System.nanoTime() - qpEqualityStart
println(s"Qp Equality ${qpEqualityTime/1e6} ms iters ${qpEqualityResult.iter} converged ${qpEqualityResult.converged}")