breeze.stats.distributions.Exponential.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package breeze.stats.distributions
import breeze.numerics.log
import breeze.optimize.DiffFunction
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.ExponentialDistribution
import scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime
* @author dlwh
case class Exponential(rate: Double)(implicit basis: RandBasis = Rand) extends ContinuousDistr[Double] with Moments[Double, Double] with HasCdf with HasInverseCdf {
override def toString() = ScalaRunTime._toString(this)
require(rate > 0)
def unnormalizedLogPdf(x: Double) = - rate * x
lazy val logNormalizer = - math.log(rate)
def draw() = -math.log(basis.uniform.draw())/rate
override def probability(x: Double, y: Double): Double = {
new ExponentialDistribution(rate).probability(x, y)
override def inverseCdf(p: Double): Double = {
new ExponentialDistribution(rate).inverseCumulativeProbability(p)
// Probability that x < a <= Y
override def cdf(x: Double): Double = {
new ExponentialDistribution(rate).cumulativeProbability(x)
override def mean: Double = 1 / rate
override def variance: Double = 1 / (rate * rate)
override def mode: Double = 0
override def entropy: Double = 1 - log(rate)
object Exponential extends ExponentialFamily[Exponential,Double] with ContinuousDistributionUFuncProvider[Double,Exponential] {
type Parameter = Double
case class SufficientStatistic(n: Double, v: Double) extends breeze.stats.distributions.SufficientStatistic[SufficientStatistic] {
def +(t: SufficientStatistic) = copy(n + t.n, v + t.v)
def *(weight: Double) = copy(n * weight, v * weight)
def emptySufficientStatistic = SufficientStatistic(0,0)
def sufficientStatisticFor(t: Double) = SufficientStatistic(1,t)
def mle(stats: SufficientStatistic) = {
stats.n / stats.v
def likelihoodFunction(stats: SufficientStatistic) = new DiffFunction[Double] {
def calculate(x: Double) = {
val obj = x * stats.v - stats.n * math.log(x)
val deriv = stats.v - stats.n / x
def distribution(p: Double) = new Exponential(p)