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package breeze.collection.mutable
Copyright 2012 David Hall
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import{Storage, Zero, ConfigurableDefault}
import collection.mutable.BitSet
import breeze.util.ArrayUtil
import java.util
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* A SparseArray is a sparse representation of an array using a two-array binary-search approach.
* There are two arrays: index and data, which together are pairs (i, v) of indices into the array
* and the value at that position.
* The default value is assumed to be null for AnyRef, and 0 for AnyVal types.
* @author dlwh, dramage
final class SparseArray[@specialized(Double, Int, Float, Long) V](var index: Array[Int],
var data: Array[V],
private var used: Int,
val size: Int,
val default: V) extends ArrayLike[V] with Storage[V] with Serializable {
def this(size: Int, default: V)(implicit manElem: ClassTag[V]) = {
this(Array.empty,Array.empty,0, size, default)
def this(size: Int)(implicit manElem: ClassTag[V], zero: Zero[V]) = {
this(size, ConfigurableDefault.default[V].value(zero))
final def apply(i: Int):V = {
val offset = findOffset(i)
if (offset >= 0) data(offset) else default
* Only iterates "active" elements
def valuesIterator = data.iterator.take(used)
* Only iterates "active" keys
def keysIterator = index.iterator.take(used)
def get(i: Int) : Option[V] = {
val offset = findOffset(i)
if (offset >= 0) Some(data(offset)) else None
def getOrElse(i : Int, value : =>V) : V = {
val offset = findOffset(i)
if (offset >= 0) data(offset) else value
def getOrElseUpdate(i : Int, value : =>V) : V = {
val offset = findOffset(i)
if (offset >= 0) data(offset)
else {
val v = value
* Maps all values. If f(this.default) is not equal to the new default
* value, the result may be an efficiently dense (or almost dense) paired
* array.
def map[B:ClassTag:Zero](f : V=>B) : SparseArray[B] = {
val newZero = implicitly[Zero[B]].zero
if (used <= length && f(default) == newZero) {
// some default values but f(default) is still default
val newIndex = new Array[Int](used)
val newData = new Array[B](used)
var i = 0
var o = 0
while (i < used) {
newIndex(o) = index(i)
val newValue = f(data(i))
if (newValue != newZero) {
newData(o) = newValue
o += 1
i += 1
new SparseArray[B](newIndex, newData, o, length, newZero)
} else {
// no default values stored or f(default) is non-default
val newDefault = f(default)
val newIndex = new Array[Int](length)
val newData = new Array[B](length)
var i = 0
var o = 0
while (i < used) {
while (o < index(i)) {
newIndex(o) = o
newData(o) = newDefault
o += 1
newIndex(o) = o
newData(o) = f(data(i))
o += 1
i += 1
while (o < length) {
newIndex(o) = o
newData(o) = newDefault
o += 1
val rv = new SparseArray[B](newIndex, newData, o, length, newDefault)
* Filter's the array by removing all values for which f is false.
def filter(f : V=>Boolean) : SparseArray[V] = {
val newIndex = new Array[Int](used)
val newData = ArrayUtil.copyOf(data, used)
var i = 0; var o = 0
while (i < used) {
if (f(data(i))) {
newIndex(o) = index(i) - (i - o)
newData(o) = data(i)
o += 1
i += 1
if (f(default)) {
// if default values are accepted, assume we're full length.
var newLength = length - (i - o)
// ... and subtract from that length how many defined tail elements
// were filtered ...
var ii = used - 1
while (ii >= 0 && index(ii) > newIndex(o) && index(ii) == newLength - 1) {
ii -= 1
newLength -= 1
new SparseArray[V](newIndex, newData, o, newLength, default)
} else {
// if default values are not accepted, return a "dense" array by
// setting each position in newIndex consecutively to forget missing
// values
val newLength = o
new SparseArray[V](Array.range(0,newLength), newData.take(newLength), newLength, newLength, default)
override def toString = iterator.mkString("SparseArray(", ", ", ")")
def activeSize = used
final def valueAt(i: Int) = data(i)
final def indexAt(i: Int) = index(i)
def contains(i: Int) = findOffset(i) >= 0
private var lastReturnedPos = -1
* Returns the offset into index and data for the requested vector
* index. If the requested index is not found, the value is
* negative and can be converted into an insertion point with ~rv.
protected final def findOffset(i : Int) : Int = {
if (i < 0 || i >= size)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index "+i+" out of bounds [0,"+used+")")
if (used == 0) {
// empty list do nothing
} else {
val index = this.index
if (i > index(used - 1)) {
// special case for end of list - this is a big win for growing sparse arrays
} else {
// regular binary search from begin to end (inclusive)
var begin = 0
var end = used - 1
// Simple optimization: position i can't be after offset i.
if (end > i)
end = i
var found = false
var mid = (end + begin) >> 1
// another optimization: cache the last found
// position and restart binary search from lastReturnedPos
// This is thread safe because writes of ints
// are atomic on the JVM.
// We actually don't want volatile here because
// we want a poor-man's threadlocal...
// be sure to make it a local though, so it doesn't
// change from under us.
val l = lastReturnedPos
if (l >= 0 && l < end) {
mid = l
// unroll the loop once. We're going to
// check mid and mid+1, because if we're
// iterating in order this will give us O(1) access
val mi = index(mid)
if (mi == i) {
found = true
} else if (mi > i) {
end = mid - 1
} else {
// mi < i
begin = mid + 1
// a final stupid check:
// we're frequently iterating
// over all elements, so we should check if the next
// pos is the right one, just to see
if (!found && mid < end) {
val mi = index(mid + 1)
if (mi == i) {
mid = mid + 1
found = true
} else if (mi > i) {
end = mid
} else {
// mi < i
begin = mid + 2
mid = (end + begin) >> 1
// pick up search.
while (!found && begin <= end) {
if (index(mid) < i) {
begin = mid + 1
mid = (end + begin) >> 1
else if (index(mid) > i) {
end = mid - 1
mid = (end + begin) >> 1
found = true
// note: hold onto a local variable
// because multithreading
val result = if (found || mid < 0)
// no match found, insertion point
else if (i <= index(mid))
~mid // Insert here (before mid)
~(mid + 1) // Insert after mid
lastReturnedPos = result
* Sets the given value at the given index if the value is not
* equal to the current default. The data and
* index arrays will be grown to support the insertion if
* necessary. The growth schedule doubles the amount
* of allocated memory at each allocation request up until
* the sparse array contains 1024 values, at which point
* the growth is additive: an additional n * 1024 spaces will
* be allocated for n in 1,2,4,8,16. The largest amount of
* space added to this vector will be an additional 16*1024*(sizeof(Elem)+4),
* which is 196608 bytes at a time for a SparseVector[Double],
* although more space is needed temporarily while moving to the
* new arrays.
final def update(i : Int, value : V) {
val offset = findOffset(i)
if (offset >= 0) {
// found at offset
data(offset) = value
} else if (value != default) {
// need to insert at ~offset
val insertPos = ~offset
used += 1
if (used > data.length) {
// need to grow array
val newLength = {
if (data.length == 0) { 4 }
else if (data.length < 0x0400) { data.length * 2 }
else if (data.length < 0x0800) { data.length + 0x0400 }
else if (data.length < 0x1000) { data.length + 0x0800 }
else if (data.length < 0x2000) { data.length + 0x1000 }
else if (data.length < 0x4000) { data.length + 0x2000 }
else { data.length + 0x4000 }
// allocate new arrays
val newIndex = util.Arrays.copyOf(index, newLength)
val newData = ArrayUtil.copyOf(data, newLength)
// copy existing data into new arrays
System.arraycopy(index, insertPos, newIndex, insertPos + 1, used - insertPos - 1)
System.arraycopy(data, insertPos, newData, insertPos + 1, used - insertPos - 1)
// update pointers
index = newIndex
data = newData
} else if (used - insertPos > 1) {
// need to make room for new element mid-array
System.arraycopy(index, insertPos, index, insertPos + 1, used - insertPos - 1)
System.arraycopy(data, insertPos, data, insertPos + 1, used - insertPos - 1)
// assign new value
index(insertPos) = i
data(insertPos) = value
def isActive(i: Int) = true
def allVisitableIndicesActive = true
/** Compacts the array by removing all stored default values. */
def compact() {
//ToDo 3: will require changes if non-zero defaults are implemented
val nz = { // number of non-zeros
var _nz = 0
var i = 0
while (i < used) {
if (data(i) != default) {
_nz += 1
i += 1
val newData = ClassTag[V](data.getClass.getComponentType).newArray(nz)
val newIndex = new Array[Int](nz)
var i = 0
var o = 0
while (i < used) {
if (data(i) != default) {
newData(o) = data(i)
newIndex(o) = index(i)
o += 1
i += 1
data = newData
index = newIndex
used = nz
def use(index: Array[Int], data: Array[V], used: Int) {
this.index = index = data
this.used = used
def reserve(nnz: Int) {
if(nnz >= used && nnz != index.length) {
index = util.Arrays.copyOf(index, nnz)
data = ArrayUtil.copyOf(data, nnz)
* Like compact, but doesn't look for defaultValues that can be removed.
def quickCompact() {
def concatenate(that:SparseArray[V])(implicit man :ClassTag[V]):SparseArray[V]={
if(this.default!=that.default) throw new IllegalArgumentException("default values should be equal")
new SparseArray((this.index.slice(0,this.used) union that.index.slice(0,that.used).map(_ + this.size)).toArray,
(,this.used) union,that.used)).toArray,
object SparseArray {
def apply[@specialized(Int, Float, Double) T:ClassTag:Zero](values : T*) = {
val rv = new SparseArray[T](Array.range(0, values.length), values.toArray, values.length, values.length, implicitly[Zero[T]].zero)
* Creates a SparseArray filled with the given value. The value function
* is called once initially to test if the returned value is equal to the
* DefaultArrayValue - if so, an empty SparseArray with initialActiveLength
* non-zero entries is returned. Otherwise, an inefficient "dense"
* SparseArray is returned.
* @author dramage
def fill[@specialized(Int, Float, Double) T:ClassTag:Zero](length : Int)(value : =>T) : SparseArray[T] = {
if (value != implicitly[Zero[T]].zero) {
val rv = new SparseArray[T](size = length)
var i = 0
while (i < length) {
rv(i) = value
i += 1
} else {
new SparseArray[T](length)
def create[@specialized(Int, Float, Double) T:ClassTag:Zero](length : Int)(values : (Int,T)*) = {
val rv = new SparseArray[T](length)
for ((k,v) <- values) {
rv(k) = v
def tabulate[@specialized(Int, Float, Double) T:ClassTag:Zero](length : Int)(fn : (Int => T)) = {
val rv = new SparseArray[T](length)
var i = 0
while (i < length) {
val v = fn(i)
if (v != rv.default) {
rv(i) = v
i += 1