breeze.interpolation.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package breeze
import breeze.generic.{VariableUFunc, MappingUFunc, UFunc}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import breeze.math.Field
import breeze.linalg.Vector
package object interpolation {
object UnivariateInterpolatorImpl extends UFunc with MappingUFunc {
implicit def impl[T]: Impl2[UnivariateInterpolator[T], T, T] = new Impl2[UnivariateInterpolator[T], T, T] {
def apply(k: UnivariateInterpolator[T], v: T): T = k(v)
trait UnivariateInterpolator[T] extends VariableUFunc[UnivariateInterpolatorImpl.type, UnivariateInterpolator[T]] {
def apply(x: T): T
abstract class HandyUnivariateInterpolator[T:ClassTag:Field:Ordering]
(x_coords: Vector[T],
y_coords: Vector[T])
extends UnivariateInterpolator[T] {
if (x_coords.size != x_coords.toArray.toSet.size)
throw new Exception("x coordinates must be unique")
if (x_coords.size != y_coords.size)
throw new Exception("x_coords and y_coords must be of the same size")
if (x_coords.size == 0)
throw new Exception("need to provide at least one pair of coordinates")
private val nodes = x_coords.toArray zip y_coords.toArray sortBy {n => n._1}
protected val X: Array[T] = nodes map {n => n._1}
protected val Y: Array[T] = nodes map {n => n._2}
private val ord = implicitly[Ordering[T]]
import ord.mkOrderingOps
def apply(x: T): T = {
if (x < X(0) || x > X(X.size - 1))
protected def interpolate(x: T): T
protected def extrapolate(x: T): T = {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Out of the domain [" + X(0) + "," + X(X.size-1) + "]")
protected def bisearch(x: T): Int = bisearch(0, X.length-1, x)
private def bisearch(low: Int, high: Int, x: T): Int = (low+high)/2 match {
case mid if low == high => mid
case mid if X(mid) < x => bisearch(mid+1, high, x)
case mid => bisearch(low, mid, x)