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breeze.linalg.DenseVector.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package breeze.linalg
Copyright 2012 David Hall
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import breeze.generic.UFunc.SinkImpl2
import scala.{specialized=>spec}
import breeze.generic._
import breeze.linalg.operators._
import breeze.math._
import breeze.util.{ArrayUtil, Isomorphism}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import com.github.fommil.netlib.BLAS.{getInstance => blas}
import breeze.macros.expand
import scala.math.BigInt
import spire.syntax.cfor._
import CanTraverseValues.ValuesVisitor
import CanZipAndTraverseValues.PairValuesVisitor
import scalaxy.debug._
* A DenseVector is the "obvious" implementation of a Vector, with one twist.
* The underlying data may have more data than the Vector, represented using an offset
* into the array (for the 0th element), and a stride that is how far elements are apart
* from one another.
* The i'th element is at offset + i * stride
* @author dlwh
* @param data data array
* @param offset index of the 0'th element
* @param stride separation between elements
* @param length number of elements
@SerialVersionUID(1L) // TODO: scala doesn't propagate this to specialized subclasses. Sigh.
class DenseVector[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V](val data: Array[V],
val offset: Int,
val stride: Int,
val length: Int) extends StorageVector[V]
with VectorLike[V, DenseVector[V]] with Serializable{
def this(data: Array[V]) = this(data, 0, 1, data.length)
def this(data: Array[V], offset: Int) = this(data, offset, 1, data.length)
def this(length: Int)(implicit man: ClassTag[V]) = this(new Array[V](length), 0, 1, length)
// ensure that operators are all loaded.
def repr: DenseVector[V] = this
def activeSize = length
def apply(i: Int): V = {
if(i < - size || i >= size) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(i + " not in [-"+size+","+size+")")
val trueI = if(i<0) i+size else i
if (noOffsetOrStride) {
} else {
data(offset + trueI * stride)
def update(i: Int, v: V): Unit = {
if(i < - size || i >= size) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(i + " not in [-"+size+","+size+")")
val trueI = if(i<0) i+size else i
if (noOffsetOrStride) {
data(trueI) = v
} else {
data(offset + trueI * stride) = v
private[linalg] val noOffsetOrStride = offset == 0 && stride == 1
@deprecated("This isn't actually any faster any more", "0.12-SNAPSHOT")
def unsafeUpdate(i: Int, v: V): Unit = if (noOffsetOrStride) data(i) = v else data(offset+i*stride) = v
private def checkIfSpecialized(): Unit = {
if(data.isInstanceOf[Array[Double]] && getClass.getName() == "breeze.linalg.DenseVector") throw new Exception("...")
// uncomment to debug places where specialization fails
// checkIfSpecialized()
def activeIterator: Iterator[(Int, V)] = iterator
def activeValuesIterator: Iterator[V] = valuesIterator
def activeKeysIterator: Iterator[Int] = keysIterator
override def equals(p1: Any) = p1 match {
case y: DenseVector[_] =>
y.length == length && ArrayUtil.nonstupidEquals(data, offset, stride, length,, y.offset, y.stride, y.length)
case _ => super.equals(p1)
// TODO: this is only consistent if the hashcode of inactive elements is 0!!!
override def hashCode(): Int = ArrayUtil.zeroSkippingHashCode(data, offset, stride, length)
override def toString = {
valuesIterator.mkString("DenseVector(",", ", ")")
* Returns a copy of this DenseVector. stride will always be 1, offset will always be 0.
* @return
def copy: DenseVector[V] = {
if (stride == 1) {
val newData = ArrayUtil.copyOfRange(data, offset, offset + length)
new DenseVector(newData)
} else {
implicit val man = ClassTag[V](data.getClass.getComponentType.asInstanceOf[Class[V]])
val r = new DenseVector(new Array[V](length))
r := this
* same as apply(i). Gives the value at the underlying offset.
* @param i index into the data array
* @return apply(i)
def valueAt(i: Int): V = apply(i)
* Unsafe version of above, a way to skip the checks.
@deprecated("This isn't actually any faster any more", "0.12-SNAPSHOT")
def unsafeValueAt(i: Int): V = data(offset + i * stride)
* Gives the logical index from the physical index.
* @param i
* @return i
def indexAt(i: Int): Int = i
* Always returns true.
* Some storages (namely HashStorage) won't have active
* indices packed. This lets you know if the bin is
* actively in use.
* @param i index into index/data arrays
* @return
def isActive(i: Int): Boolean = true
* Always returns true.
* @return
def allVisitableIndicesActive: Boolean = true
* Faster foreach
* @param fn
* @tparam U
override def foreach[@spec(Unit) U](fn: (V) => U): Unit = {
if (stride == 1) { // ABCE stuff
cforRange(offset until (offset + length)) { j =>
} else {
var i = offset
cforRange(0 until length) { j =>
i += stride
* Slices the DenseVector, in the range [start,end] with a stride stride.
* @param start
* @param end
* @param stride
def slice(start: Int, end: Int, stride: Int=1): DenseVector[V] = {
if(start > end || start < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Slice arguments " + start +", " +end +" invalid.")
if(end > length || end < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("End " + end + "is out of bounds for slice of DenseVector of length " + length)
new DenseVector(data, start * this.stride + offset, stride * this.stride, (end-start)/stride)
/** Creates a copy of this DenseVector that is represented as a 1 by length DenseMatrix */
def toDenseMatrix: DenseMatrix[V] = {
/** Creates a view of this DenseVector that is represented as a 1 by length DenseMatrix */
def asDenseMatrix: DenseMatrix[V] = {
new DenseMatrix[V](1, length, data, offset, stride)
override def toArray(implicit cm: ClassTag[V]): Array[V] = if(stride == 1){
ArrayUtil.copyOfRange(data, offset, offset + length)
} else {
val arr = new Array[V](length)
var i = 0
var off = offset
while(i < length) {
arr(i) = data(off)
off += stride
i += 1
/**Returns copy of this [[breeze.linalg.DenseVector]] as a [[scala.Vector]]*/
def toScalaVector()(implicit cm: ClassTag[V]): scala.Vector[V] = this.toArray.toVector
protected def writeReplace(): Object = {
new DenseVector.SerializedForm(data, offset, stride, length)
object DenseVector extends VectorConstructors[DenseVector]
with DenseVector_GenericOps
with DenseVectorOps
with DenseVector_OrderingOps
with DenseVector_SpecialOps {
def zeros[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V: ClassTag : Zero](size: Int): DenseVector[V] = {
val data = new Array[V](size)
if(size != 0 && data(0) != implicitly[Zero[V]].zero)
ArrayUtil.fill(data, 0, data.length, implicitly[Zero[V]].zero)
def apply[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V](values: Array[V]): DenseVector[V] = {
// ensure we get specialized implementations even from non-specialized calls
(values:AnyRef) match {
case v: Array[Double] => new DenseVector(v).asInstanceOf[DenseVector[V]]
case v: Array[Float] => new DenseVector(v).asInstanceOf[DenseVector[V]]
case v: Array[Int] => new DenseVector(v).asInstanceOf[DenseVector[V]]
case v: Array[Long] => new DenseVector(v).asInstanceOf[DenseVector[V]]
case _ => new DenseVector(values)
* Creates a new DenseVector using the provided array (not making a copy!). In generic contexts, prefer to
* use this (or apply) instead of `new DenseVector[V](data, offset, stride, length)`, which in general
* won't give specialized implementations.
* @param rows
* @param cols
* @param data
* @tparam V
* @return
def create[V](data: Array[V], offset: Int, stride: Int, length: Int): DenseVector[V] = {
(data:AnyRef) match {
case v: Array[Double] => new DenseVector(v, offset = offset, stride = stride, length = length).asInstanceOf[DenseVector[V]]
case v: Array[Float] => new DenseVector(v, offset = offset, stride = stride, length = length).asInstanceOf[DenseVector[V]]
case v: Array[Int] => new DenseVector(v, offset = offset, stride = stride, length = length).asInstanceOf[DenseVector[V]]
case v: Array[Long] => new DenseVector(v, offset = offset, stride = stride, length = length).asInstanceOf[DenseVector[V]]
case _ => new DenseVector(data, offset = offset, stride = stride, length = length)
def ones[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V: ClassTag:Semiring](size: Int): DenseVector[V] = fill[V](size, implicitly[Semiring[V]].one)
def fill[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V: ClassTag:Semiring](size: Int, v: V): DenseVector[V] = {
val r = apply(new Array[V](size))
assert(r.stride == 1)
ArrayUtil.fill(, r.offset, r.length, v)
// concatenation
* Horizontal concatenation of two or more vectors into one matrix.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if vectors have different sizes
def horzcat[V: ClassTag:Zero](vectors: DenseVector[V]*): DenseMatrix[V] = {
val size = vectors.head.size
if (!(vectors forall (_.size == size)))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("All vectors must have the same size!")
val result = DenseMatrix.zeros[V](size, vectors.size)
for ((v, col) <- vectors.zipWithIndex)
result(::, col) := v
* Vertical concatenation of two or more column vectors into one large vector.
def vertcat[V](vectors: DenseVector[V]*)(implicit canSet: OpSet.InPlaceImpl2[DenseVector[V], DenseVector[V]], vman: ClassTag[V], zero: Zero[V]): DenseVector[V] = {
val size = vectors.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.size)
val result = zeros[V](size)
var offset = 0
for (v <- vectors) {
result.slice(offset, offset + v.size) := v
offset += v.size
// capabilities
implicit def canCreateZerosLike[V:ClassTag:Zero]:CanCreateZerosLike[DenseVector[V], DenseVector[V]] =
new CanCreateZerosLike[DenseVector[V], DenseVector[V]] {
def apply(v1: DenseVector[V]): DenseVector[V] = {
implicit def canCopyDenseVector[V:ClassTag]: CanCopy[DenseVector[V]] = {
new CanCopy[DenseVector[V]] {
def apply(v1: DenseVector[V]): DenseVector[V] = {
implicit def negFromScale[V](implicit scale: OpMulScalar.Impl2[DenseVector[V], V, DenseVector[V]], field: Ring[V]) = {
new OpNeg.Impl[DenseVector[V], DenseVector[V]] {
override def apply(a : DenseVector[V]): DenseVector[V] = {
scale(a, field.negate(
implicit def canMapValues[@specialized(Int, Float, Double) V, @specialized(Int, Float, Double) V2](implicit man: ClassTag[V2]): CanMapValues[DenseVector[V], V, V2, DenseVector[V2]] = {
new CanMapValues[DenseVector[V], V, V2, DenseVector[V2]] {
/**Maps all key-value pairs from the given collection. */
def apply(from: DenseVector[V], fn: (V) => V2): DenseVector[V2] = {
val out = new Array[V2](from.length)
// threeway fork, following benchmarks and hotspot docs on Array Bounds Check Elimination (ABCE)
if (from.noOffsetOrStride) {
fastestPath(out, fn,
} else if (from.stride == 1) {
mediumPath(out, fn,, from.offset)
} else {
slowPath(out, fn,, from.offset, from.stride)
private def mediumPath(out: Array[V2], fn: (V) => V2, data: Array[V], off: Int): Unit = {
cforRange(0 until out.length) { j =>
out(j) = fn(data(j + off))
private def fastestPath(out: Array[V2], fn: (V) => V2, data: Array[V]): Unit = {
cforRange(0 until out.length) { j =>
out(j) = fn(data(j))
final private def slowPath(out: Array[V2], fn: (V) => V2, data: Array[V], off: Int, stride: Int): Unit = {
var i = 0
var j = off
while (i < out.length) {
out(i) = fn(data(j))
i += 1
j += stride
implicit def canMapValuesToSink[@specialized(Int, Float, Double) V, @specialized(Int, Float, Double) V2]: mapValues.SinkImpl2[DenseVector[V2], DenseVector[V], V =>V2] = {
new mapValues.SinkImpl2[DenseVector[V2], DenseVector[V], V=>V2] {
/**Maps all key-value pairs from the given collection. */
def apply(sink: DenseVector[V2], from: DenseVector[V], fn: (V) => V2) = {
require(sink.length == from.length)
// threeway fork, following benchmarks and hotspot docs on Array Bounds Check Elimination (ABCE)
if (sink.noOffsetOrStride && from.noOffsetOrStride) {
fastestPath(sink, fn,
} else if (sink.stride == 1 && from.stride == 1) {
mediumPath(sink, fn,, from.offset)
} else {
slowPath(sink, fn,, from.offset, from.stride)
private def mediumPath(sink: DenseVector[V2], fn: (V) => V2, data: Array[V], off: Int): Unit = {
val out =
val ooff = sink.offset
cforRange(0 until sink.length) { j =>
out(j + ooff) = fn(data(j + off))
private def fastestPath(sink: DenseVector[V2], fn: (V) => V2, data: Array[V]): Unit = {
val out =
cforRange(0 until sink.length) { j =>
out(j) = fn(data(j))
final private def slowPath(out: DenseVector[V2], fn: (V) => V2, data: Array[V], off: Int, stride: Int): Unit = {
var i = 0
var j = off
while (i < out.length) {
out(i) = fn(data(j))
i += 1
j += stride
implicit def scalarOf[T]: ScalarOf[DenseVector[T], T] = ScalarOf.dummy
implicit def canIterateValues[V]: CanTraverseValues[DenseVector[V], V] =
new CanTraverseValues[DenseVector[V], V] {
def isTraversableAgain(from: DenseVector[V]): Boolean = true
/** Iterates all key-value pairs from the given collection. */
def traverse(from: DenseVector[V], fn: ValuesVisitor[V]): Unit = {
fn.visitArray(, from.offset, from.length, from.stride)
implicit def canTraverseZipValues[V,W]: CanZipAndTraverseValues[DenseVector[V], DenseVector[W], V,W] =
new CanZipAndTraverseValues[DenseVector[V], DenseVector[W], V,W] {
/** Iterates all key-value pairs from the given collection. */
def traverse(from1: DenseVector[V], from2: DenseVector[W], fn: PairValuesVisitor[V,W]): Unit = {
if (from1.size != from2.size) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vectors to be zipped must have same size")
cfor(0)(i => i < from1.size, i => i+1)(i => {
fn.visit(from1(i), from2(i))
implicit def canTraverseKeyValuePairs[V]: CanTraverseKeyValuePairs[DenseVector[V], Int, V] =
new CanTraverseKeyValuePairs[DenseVector[V], Int, V] {
def isTraversableAgain(from: DenseVector[V]): Boolean = true
def traverse(from: DenseVector[V], fn: CanTraverseKeyValuePairs.KeyValuePairsVisitor[Int, V]): Unit = {
import from._
fn.visitArray((ind: Int)=> (ind - offset)/stride, data, offset, length, stride)
implicit def canTransformValues[@specialized(Int, Float, Double) V]: CanTransformValues[DenseVector[V], V] =
new CanTransformValues[DenseVector[V], V] {
def transform(from: DenseVector[V], fn: (V) => V) {
val data =
val length = from.length
val stride = from.stride
val offset = from.offset
if (stride == 1) {
cforRange(offset until offset + length) { j =>
data(j) = fn(data(j))
} else {
slowPath(fn, data, length, stride, offset)
private def slowPath(fn: (V) => V, data: Array[V], length: Int, stride: Int, offset: Int): Unit = {
val end = offset + stride * length
var j = offset
while (j != end) {
data(j) = fn(data(j))
j += stride
def transformActive(from: DenseVector[V], fn: (V) => V) {
transform(from, fn)
implicit def canMapPairs[V, V2](implicit man: ClassTag[V2]):CanMapKeyValuePairs[DenseVector[V], Int, V, V2, DenseVector[V2]] =
new CanMapKeyValuePairs[DenseVector[V], Int, V, V2, DenseVector[V2]] {
/**Maps all key-value pairs from the given collection. */
def map(from: DenseVector[V], fn: (Int, V) => V2): DenseVector[V2] = {
// slow: DenseVector.tabulate(from.length)(i => fn(i, from(i)))
val arr = new Array[V2](from.length)
val d =
val stride = from.stride
var i = 0
var j = from.offset
while(i < arr.length) {
arr(i) = fn(i, d(j))
i += 1
j += stride
/**Maps all active key-value pairs from the given collection. */
def mapActive(from: DenseVector[V], fn: (Int, V) => V2): DenseVector[V2] = {
map(from, fn)
// slicing
// specialize to get the good class
implicit def canSlice[V]: CanSlice[DenseVector[V], Range, DenseVector[V]] = {
new CanSlice[DenseVector[V], Range, DenseVector[V]] {
def apply(v: DenseVector[V], re: Range): DenseVector[V] = {
val range: Range = re.getRangeWithoutNegativeIndexes( v.length )
require(range.isEmpty || range.last < v.length)
require(range.isEmpty || range.start >= 0)
DenseVector.create(, offset = v.offset + v.stride * range.start, stride = v.stride * range.step, length = range.length)
implicit def canTransposeComplex: CanTranspose[DenseVector[Complex], DenseMatrix[Complex]] = {
new CanTranspose[DenseVector[Complex], DenseMatrix[Complex]] {
def apply(from: DenseVector[Complex]): DenseMatrix[Complex] = {
new DenseMatrix(data = map { _.conjugate },
offset = from.offset,
cols = from.length,
rows = 1,
majorStride = from.stride)
class CanZipMapValuesDenseVector[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V, @spec(Int, Double) RV:ClassTag] extends CanZipMapValues[DenseVector[V],V,RV,DenseVector[RV]] {
def create(length : Int) = DenseVector(new Array[RV](length))
/**Maps all corresponding values from the two collection. */
def map(from: DenseVector[V], from2: DenseVector[V], fn: (V, V) => RV): DenseVector[RV] = {
require(from.length == from2.length, s"Vectors must have same length")
val result = create(from.length)
var i = 0
while (i < from.length) { = fn(from(i), from2(i))
i += 1
implicit def zipMap[V, R:ClassTag]: CanZipMapValuesDenseVector[V, R] = new CanZipMapValuesDenseVector[V, R]
implicit val zipMap_d: CanZipMapValuesDenseVector[Double, Double] = new CanZipMapValuesDenseVector[Double, Double]
implicit val zipMap_f: CanZipMapValuesDenseVector[Float, Float] = new CanZipMapValuesDenseVector[Float, Float]
implicit val zipMap_i: CanZipMapValuesDenseVector[Int, Int] = new CanZipMapValuesDenseVector[Int, Int]
class CanZipMapKeyValuesDenseVector[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V, @spec(Int, Double) RV:ClassTag] extends CanZipMapKeyValues[DenseVector[V],Int, V,RV,DenseVector[RV]] {
def create(length : Int) = DenseVector(new Array[RV](length))
/**Maps all corresponding values from the two collection. */
def map(from: DenseVector[V], from2: DenseVector[V], fn: (Int, V, V) => RV): DenseVector[RV] = {
require(from.length == from2.length, "Vector lengths must match!")
val result = create(from.length)
var i = 0
while (i < from.length) { = fn(i, from(i), from2(i))
i += 1
override def mapActive(from: DenseVector[V], from2: DenseVector[V], fn: ((Int), V, V) => RV): DenseVector[RV] = {
map(from, from2, fn)
implicit def zipMapKV[V, R:ClassTag]: CanZipMapKeyValuesDenseVector[V, R] = new CanZipMapKeyValuesDenseVector[V, R]
implicit val canAddIntoD: OpAdd.InPlaceImpl2[DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double]] = {
new OpAdd.InPlaceImpl2[DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double]] {
def apply(a: DenseVector[Double], b: DenseVector[Double]) = {
canDaxpy(a, 1.0, b)
implicitly[BinaryUpdateRegistry[Vector[Double], Vector[Double], OpAdd.type]].register(this)
implicit object canDaxpy extends scaleAdd.InPlaceImpl3[DenseVector[Double], Double, DenseVector[Double]] with Serializable {
def apply(y: DenseVector[Double], a: Double, x: DenseVector[Double]) {
require(x.length == y.length, s"Vectors must have same length")
// using blas here is always a bad idea.
if (x.noOffsetOrStride && y.noOffsetOrStride) {
val ad =
val bd =
cforRange(0 until x.length) { i =>
bd(i) += ad(i) * a
} else {
cforRange(0 until x.length) { i =>
y(i) += x(i) * a
implicitly[TernaryUpdateRegistry[Vector[Double], Double, Vector[Double], scaleAdd.type]].register(canDaxpy)
implicit val canAddD: OpAdd.Impl2[DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double]] = {
implicitly[BinaryRegistry[Vector[Double], Vector[Double], OpAdd.type, Vector[Double]]].register(canAddD)
implicit val canSubIntoD: OpSub.InPlaceImpl2[DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double]] = {
new OpSub.InPlaceImpl2[DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double]] {
def apply(a: DenseVector[Double], b: DenseVector[Double]) = {
canDaxpy(a, -1.0, b)
implicitly[BinaryUpdateRegistry[Vector[Double], Vector[Double], OpSub.type]].register(this)
implicit val canSubD: OpSub.Impl2[DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double]] = {
implicitly[BinaryRegistry[Vector[Double], Vector[Double], OpSub.type, Vector[Double]]].register(canSubD)
implicit object canDotD extends OpMulInner.Impl2[DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double], Double] {
def apply(a: DenseVector[Double], b: DenseVector[Double]) = {
require(a.length == b.length, s"Vectors must have same length")
if (a.noOffsetOrStride && b.noOffsetOrStride && a.length < DenseVectorSupportMethods.MAX_SMALL_DOT_PRODUCT_LENGTH) {
DenseVectorSupportMethods.smallDotProduct_Double(,, a.length)
} else {
blasPath(a, b)
private def blasPath(a: DenseVector[Double], b: DenseVector[Double]): Double = {
if ((a.length <= 300 || !usingNatives) && a.stride == 1 && b.stride == 1) {
DenseVectorSupportMethods.dotProduct_Double(, a.offset,, b.offset, a.length)
} else {
val boff = if (b.stride >= 0) b.offset else (b.offset + b.stride * (b.length - 1))
val aoff = if (a.stride >= 0) a.offset else (a.offset + a.stride * (a.length - 1))
a.length,, boff, b.stride,, aoff, a.stride)
implicitly[BinaryRegistry[Vector[Double], Vector[Double], OpMulInner.type, Double]].register(canDotD)
TODO: scaladoc crashes on this. I don't know why. It makes me want to die a little.
Returns the k-norm of this Vector.
implicit def canNorm[@expand.args(Int, Float, Long, BigInt, Complex) T]: norm.Impl2[DenseVector[T], Double, Double] = {
new norm.Impl2[DenseVector[T], Double, Double] {
def apply(v: DenseVector[T], n: Double): Double = {
import v._
if (n == 1) {
var sum = 0.0
foreach (v => sum += v.abs.toDouble )
} else if (n == 2) {
var sum = 0.0
foreach (v => { val nn = v.abs.toDouble; sum += nn * nn })
} else if (n == Double.PositiveInfinity) {
var max = 0.0
foreach (v => { val nn = v.abs.toDouble; if (nn > max) max = nn })
} else {
var sum = 0.0
foreach (v => { val nn = v.abs.toDouble; sum += math.pow(nn,n) })
math.pow(sum, 1.0 / n)
* Returns the p-norm of this Vector (specialized for Double).
implicit def canNorm_Double: norm.Impl2[DenseVector[Double], Double, Double] = {
new norm.Impl2[DenseVector[Double], Double, Double] {
def apply(v: DenseVector[Double], p: Double): Double = {
if (p == 2) {
var sq = 0.0
v.foreach (x => sq += x * x)
} else if (p == 1) {
var sum = 0.0
v.foreach (x => sum += math.abs(x))
} else if (p == Double.PositiveInfinity) {
var max = 0.0
v.foreach (x => max = math.max(max, math.abs(x)))
} else if (p == 0) {
var nnz = 0
v.foreach (x => if (x != 0) nnz += 1)
} else {
var sum = 0.0
v.foreach (x => sum += math.pow(math.abs(x), p))
math.pow(sum, 1.0 / p)
implicit def canDim[E]: dim.Impl[DenseVector[E],Int] = new dim.Impl[DenseVector[E],Int] {
def apply(v: DenseVector[E]): Int = v.length
// this produces bad spaces for builtins (inefficient because of bad implicit lookup)
implicit def space[E](implicit field: Field[E], man: ClassTag[E]): MutableFiniteCoordinateField[DenseVector[E],Int,E] = {
import field._
implicit val cmv = canMapValues[E,E]
implicit val space_Double: MutableFiniteCoordinateField[DenseVector[Double], Int, Double] = {
implicit val space_Float: MutableFiniteCoordinateField[DenseVector[Float], Int, Float] = {
implicit val space_Int: MutableFiniteCoordinateField[DenseVector[Int], Int, Int] = {
implicit val space_Long: MutableFiniteCoordinateField[DenseVector[Long], Int, Long] = {
object TupleIsomorphisms {
implicit object doubleIsVector extends Isomorphism[Double,DenseVector[Double]] {
def forward(t: Double) = DenseVector(t)
def backward(t: DenseVector[Double]) = { assert(t.size == 1); t(0)}
implicit object pdoubleIsVector extends Isomorphism[(Double,Double),DenseVector[Double]] {
def forward(t: (Double,Double)) = DenseVector(t._1,t._2)
def backward(t: DenseVector[Double]) = { assert(t.size == 2); (t(0),t(1))}
* This class exists because @specialized instances don't respect the serial
* @param data
* @param offset
* @param stride
* @param length
case class SerializedForm(data: Array[_],
offset: Int,
stride: Int,
length: Int) extends Serializable {
def readResolve():Object = {
data match {//switch to make specialized happy
case x: Array[Int] => new DenseVector(x, offset, stride, length)
case x: Array[Long] => new DenseVector(x, offset, stride, length)
case x: Array[Double] => new DenseVector(x, offset, stride, length)
case x: Array[Float] => new DenseVector(x, offset, stride, length)
case x: Array[Short] => new DenseVector(x, offset, stride, length)
case x: Array[Byte] => new DenseVector(x, offset, stride, length)
case x: Array[Char] => new DenseVector(x, offset, stride, length)
case x: Array[_] => new DenseVector(x, offset, stride, length)
// used to make sure the operators are loaded
private def init() = {}