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breeze.linalg.HashVector.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package breeze.linalg
import operators._
import support._
import support.CanTraverseValues.ValuesVisitor
import support.CanTraverseKeyValuePairs.KeyValuePairsVisitor
import breeze.collection.mutable.OpenAddressHashArray
import breeze.macros.expand
import breeze.math._
import scala.{specialized=>spec}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
* A HashVector is a sparse vector backed by an OpenAddressHashArray
* @author dlwh
class HashVector[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) E](val array: OpenAddressHashArray[E]) extends Vector[E] with VectorLike[E, HashVector[E]] {
// don't delete
def activeIterator: Iterator[(Int, E)] = array.activeIterator
def activeValuesIterator: Iterator[E] = array.activeValuesIterator
def activeKeysIterator: Iterator[Int] = array.activeKeysIterator
def apply(i: Int): E = array(i)
def update(i: Int, v: E) {
array(i) = v
def default = array.defaultValue
def activeSize: Int = array.activeSize
def length: Int = array.length
def copy: HashVector[E] = new HashVector(array.copy)
def repr = this
final def iterableSize: Int = array.iterableSize
def data =
final def index = array.index
final def isActive(i: Int) = array.isActive(i)
override def toString = {
activeIterator.mkString("HashVector(",", ", ")")
def allVisitableIndicesActive:Boolean = false
override def hashCode() = {
var hash = 47
// we make the hash code based on index * value, so that zeros don't affect the hashcode.
val dv = array.default.value(
var i = 0
while(i < activeSize) {
if(isActive(i)) {
val ind = index(i)
val v = data(i)
if(v != dv) {
hash = MurmurHash3.mix(hash, v.##)
hash = MurmurHash3.mix(hash, ind)
i += 1
MurmurHash3.finalizeHash(hash, activeSize)
object HashVector extends HashVectorOps
with DenseVector_HashVector_Ops
with HashVector_DenseVector_Ops
with HashVector_SparseVector_Ops
with SparseVector_HashVector_Ops
def zeros[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V: ClassTag:Zero](size: Int) = {
new HashVector(new OpenAddressHashArray[V](size))
def apply[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V:Zero](values: Array[V]) = {
implicit val man = ClassTag[V](values.getClass.getComponentType.asInstanceOf[Class[V]])
val oah = new OpenAddressHashArray[V](values.length)
for( (v,i) <- values.zipWithIndex) oah(i) = v
new HashVector(oah)
def apply[V:ClassTag:Zero](values: V*):HashVector[V] = {
def fill[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V:ClassTag:Zero](size: Int)(v: =>V):HashVector[V] = apply(Array.fill(size)(v))
def tabulate[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V:ClassTag:Zero](size: Int)(f: Int=>V):HashVector[V]= apply(Array.tabulate(size)(f))
def apply[V:ClassTag:Zero](length: Int)(values: (Int, V)*) = {
val r = zeros[V](length)
for( (i, v) <- values) {
r(i) = v
// implicits
implicit def canCreateZeros[V:ClassTag:Zero]: CanCreateZeros[HashVector[V],Int] =
new CanCreateZeros[HashVector[V],Int] {
def apply(d: Int): HashVector[V] = {
// implicits
class CanCopyHashVector[@specialized(Int, Float, Double) V:ClassTag:Zero] extends CanCopy[HashVector[V]] {
def apply(v1: HashVector[V]) = {
implicit def canCopyHash[@specialized(Int, Float, Double) V: ClassTag: Zero]: CanCopyHashVector[V] = new CanCopyHashVector[V]
implicit def canMapValues[V, V2: ClassTag: Zero]:CanMapValues[HashVector[V], V, V2, HashVector[V2]] = {
new CanMapValues[HashVector[V], V, V2, HashVector[V2]] {
def apply(from: HashVector[V], fn: (V) => V2) = {
HashVector.tabulate(from.length)(i => fn(from(i)))
implicit def canMapActiveValues[V, V2: ClassTag: Zero]:CanMapActiveValues[HashVector[V], V, V2, HashVector[V2]] = {
new CanMapActiveValues[HashVector[V], V, V2, HashVector[V2]] {
def apply(from: HashVector[V], fn: (V) => V2) = {
val out = new OpenAddressHashArray[V2](from.length)
var i = 0
while(i < from.iterableSize) {
out(from.index(i)) = fn(
i += 1
new HashVector(out)
implicit def scalarOf[T]: ScalarOf[HashVector[T], T] = ScalarOf.dummy
implicit def canIterateValues[V]:CanTraverseValues[HashVector[V], V] = {
new CanTraverseValues[HashVector[V],V] {
def isTraversableAgain(from: HashVector[V]): Boolean = true
def traverse(from: HashVector[V], fn: ValuesVisitor[V]): Unit = {
fn.zeros(from.size - from.activeSize, from.default)
var i = 0
while(i < from.iterableSize) {
i += 1
implicit def canTraverseKeyValuePairs[V]:CanTraverseKeyValuePairs[HashVector[V], Int, V] = {
new CanTraverseKeyValuePairs[HashVector[V], Int, V] {
def traverse(from: HashVector[V], fn: KeyValuePairsVisitor[Int, V]): Unit = {
fn.zeros(from.size - from.activeSize, Iterator.range(0, from.size).filterNot(from.index contains _), from.default)
var i = 0
while(i < from.iterableSize) {
i += 1
def isTraversableAgain(from: HashVector[V]): Boolean = true
def traverse(from: HashVector[V], fn: ValuesVisitor[V]): Unit = {
implicit def canMapPairs[V, V2: ClassTag: Zero]:CanMapKeyValuePairs[HashVector[V], Int, V, V2, HashVector[V2]] = {
new CanMapKeyValuePairs[HashVector[V], Int, V, V2, HashVector[V2]] {
/**Maps all key-value pairs from the given collection. */
def map(from: HashVector[V], fn: (Int, V) => V2) = {
HashVector.tabulate(from.length)(i => fn(i, from(i)))
/**Maps all active key-value pairs from the given collection. */
def mapActive(from: HashVector[V], fn: (Int, V) => V2) = {
val out = new OpenAddressHashArray[V2](from.length)
var i = 0
while(i < from.iterableSize) {
out(from.index(i)) = fn(from.index(i),
i += 1
new HashVector(out)
implicit def canTabulate[E:ClassTag:Zero]: CanTabulate[Int, HashVector[E], E] = new CanTabulate[Int,HashVector[E],E] {
def apply(d: Int, f: (Int) => E): HashVector[E] = tabulate[E](d)(f)
implicit def space[E:Field:ClassTag:Zero]: MutableFiniteCoordinateField[HashVector[E],Int,E] = {
implicit val _dim = dim.implVDim[E, HashVector[E]]
MutableFiniteCoordinateField.make[HashVector[E], Int, E]
import breeze.math.PowImplicits._
implicit def dv_hv_UpdateOp[@expand.args(Int, Double, Float, Long) T,
@expand.args(OpMulScalar, OpDiv, OpSet, OpMod, OpPow) Op <: OpType]
(implicit @expand.sequence[Op]({_ * _}, {_ / _}, {(a,b) => b}, {_ % _}, {_ pow _})
op: Op.Impl2[T, T, T]):Op.InPlaceImpl2[DenseVector[T], HashVector[T]] = new Op.InPlaceImpl2[DenseVector[T], HashVector[T]] {
def apply(a: DenseVector[T], b: HashVector[T]):Unit = {
require(a.length == b.length, "Vectors must have the same length")
val ad =
var aoff = a.offset
val astride = a.stride
var i = 0
while(i < a.length) {
ad(aoff) = op(ad(aoff), b(i))
aoff += astride
i += 1
// this shouldn't be necessary but it is:
implicit def dv_hv_op[@expand.args(Int, Double, Float, Long) T,
@expand.args(OpAdd, OpSub, OpMulScalar, OpDiv, OpSet, OpMod, OpPow) Op <: OpType] = {
DenseVector.pureFromUpdate(implicitly[Op.InPlaceImpl2[DenseVector[T], HashVector[T]]])
private def init() = {}