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breeze.linalg.SliceVector.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package breeze.linalg
import breeze.linalg.operators.{OpMulScalar, OpSet}
import breeze.math.{Semiring}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.{specialized => spec}
* A SliceVector is a vector that is a view of another underlying tensor. For instance:
* {{{
* val m = DenseMatrix(...)
* m( (1,2), (3,4), (4,5))
* }}}
* will give a SliceVector such that apply/update at index 0 will map to m(1,2), index 1 to m(3,4), etc.
* @author dlwh
class SliceVector[@spec(Int) K, @spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V:ClassTag](val tensor: Tensor[K,V],
val slices: IndexedSeq[K])
extends Vector[V] with VectorLike[V, SliceVector[K, V]] {
def apply(i: Int): V = tensor(slices(i))
def update(i: Int, v: V) {tensor(slices(i)) = v}
def copy: DenseVector[V] = DenseVector((slices map (tensor.apply _)): _*)
def length: Int = slices.length
def activeSize: Int = slices.length
def repr: SliceVector[K, V] = this
def activeKeysIterator: Iterator[Int] = keysIterator
def activeIterator: Iterator[(Int, V)] = iterator
def activeValuesIterator: Iterator[V] = valuesIterator
override def toString = {
valuesIterator.mkString("SliceVector(", ", ", ")")
object SliceVector extends SliceVectorOps {
implicit def scalarOf[K, T]: ScalarOf[SliceVector[K, T], T] = ScalarOf.dummy
implicit def canMapKeyValuePairs[K, V, V2: ClassTag]: CanMapKeyValuePairs[SliceVector[K, V], Int, V, V2, DenseVector[V2]] = {
new CanMapKeyValuePairs[SliceVector[K, V], Int, V, V2, DenseVector[V2]] {
override def map(from: SliceVector[K, V], fn: (Int, V) => V2): DenseVector[V2] = {
DenseVector.tabulate(from.length)(i => fn(i, from(i)))
override def mapActive(from: SliceVector[K, V], fn: (Int, V) => V2): DenseVector[V2] = {
map(from, fn)
implicit def canMapValues[K, V, V2: ClassTag]: CanMapValues[SliceVector[K, V], V, V2, DenseVector[V2]] = {
new CanMapValues[SliceVector[K, V], V, V2, DenseVector[V2]] {
override def apply(from: SliceVector[K, V], fn: (V) => V2): DenseVector[V2] = {
DenseVector.tabulate(from.length)(i => fn(from(i)))
implicit def canCreateZerosLike[K, V: ClassTag : Zero]: CanCreateZerosLike[SliceVector[K, V], DenseVector[V]] = {
new CanCreateZerosLike[SliceVector[K, V], DenseVector[V]] {
def apply(v1: SliceVector[K, V]): DenseVector[V] = {
implicit def canIterateValues[K, V]: CanTraverseValues[SliceVector[K, V], V] =
new CanTraverseValues[SliceVector[K, V], V] {
def isTraversableAgain(from: SliceVector[K, V]): Boolean = true
/** Iterates all key-value pairs from the given collection. */
def traverse(from: SliceVector[K, V], fn: ValuesVisitor[V]): Unit = {
from.valuesIterator foreach {
implicit def canIterateKeyValuePairs[K, V]: CanTraverseKeyValuePairs[SliceVector[K, V], Int, V] = {
new CanTraverseKeyValuePairs[SliceVector[K, V], Int, V] {
/** Traverses all values from the given collection. */
override def traverse(from: SliceVector[K, V], fn: KeyValuePairsVisitor[Int, V]): Unit = {
from.iterator foreach {
case (k, v) => fn.visit(k, v)
def isTraversableAgain(from: SliceVector[K, V]): Boolean = true
implicit def canTransformValues[K, V]: CanTransformValues[SliceVector[K, V], V] = {
new CanTransformValues[SliceVector[K, V], V] {
def transform(from: SliceVector[K, V], fn: (V) => V) {
for (i <- 0 until from.length) {
from(i) = fn(from(i))
def transformActive(from: SliceVector[K, V], fn: (V) => V) {
transform(from, fn)
trait SliceVectorOps {
// todo: all all the other ops (can this be done with some macro magic?
implicit def opSetInPlace[K, V]: OpSet.InPlaceImpl2[SliceVector[K, V], V] = new SVOpSetInPlace[K, V]
implicit def opMulScalar[K, V : ClassTag : Semiring]: OpMulScalar.Impl2[SliceVector[K, V], V, DenseVector[V]] = new SVOpMulScalar[K, V]
implicit def opMulScalarInPlace[K, V : ClassTag : Semiring]: OpMulScalar.InPlaceImpl2[SliceVector[K, V], V] = new SVOpMulScalarInPlace[K, V]
class SVOpSetInPlace[@specialized(Int) K, @specialized(Double, Int, Float, Long) V] extends OpSet.InPlaceImpl2[SliceVector[K, V], V] {
def apply(a: SliceVector[K, V], b: V): Unit = a.keysIterator.foreach(k => a.update(k, b))
class SVOpMulScalar[@specialized(Int) K, @specialized(Double, Int, Float, Long) V: ClassTag : Semiring] extends OpMulScalar.Impl2[SliceVector[K, V], V, DenseVector[V]] {
val semiring = implicitly[Semiring[V]]
def apply(a: SliceVector[K, V], b: V): DenseVector[V] = a.iterator.foldLeft(new VectorBuilder[V](a.length))({
case (builder, (k, v)) =>
builder.add(k, semiring.*(v, b))
class SVOpMulScalarInPlace[@specialized(Int) K, @specialized(Double, Int, Float, Long) V: ClassTag : Semiring] extends OpMulScalar.InPlaceImpl2[SliceVector[K, V], V] {
val semiring = implicitly[Semiring[V]]
def apply(a: SliceVector[K, V], b: V): Unit = a.iterator.foreach({
case (k, v) => a(k) = semiring.*(v, b)