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breeze.linalg.SparseVector.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package breeze.linalg
 Copyright 2012 David Hall

 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at

 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.

import breeze.collection.mutable.SparseArray
import breeze.linalg.operators._
import breeze.math._
import breeze.util.ArrayUtil

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.{ specialized => spec }

 * A vector backed by binary search (with [[breeze.collection.mutable.SparseArray]]).
 * There is a parallel array of ints (in 0 until length) and values, sorted by index value.
 * To quickly access all stored values use the following loop:
 * {{{
 *  var offset = 0
 *  while( offset < v.activeSize) {
 *    val index: Int = v.indexAt(offset)
 *    val value: E = v.valueAt(offset)
 *    offset += 1
 *  }
 * }}}
 *@author dlwh
class SparseVector[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V](val array: SparseArray[V])
                                              (implicit zero: Zero[V])
                                              extends StorageVector[V]
                                              with VectorLike[V, SparseVector[V]] with Serializable {

  /** This auxiliary constructor assumes that the index array is already sorted. */
  def this(index: Array[Int], data: Array[V], activeSize: Int, length: Int)(implicit value: Zero[V])  = this(new SparseArray(index, data, activeSize, length,
  /** This auxiliary constructor assumes that the index array is already sorted. */
  def this(index: Array[Int], data: Array[V], length: Int)(implicit value: Zero[V])  = this(index, data, index.length, length)

  // Don't delete

  def data:  Array[V]  =
  def index: Array[Int] = array.index
  def activeSize = array.activeSize
  def used = activeSize
  def length = array.length

  def repr: SparseVector[V] = this

  def contains(i: Int) = array.contains(i)

  def apply(i: Int): V = {
    if(i < 0 || i >= size) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(i + " not in [0,"+size+")")

  def update(i: Int, v: V): Unit = {
    if(i < 0 || i >= size) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(i + " not in [0,"+size+")")
    array(i) = v

  def activeIterator: Iterator[(Int, V)] = activeKeysIterator zip activeValuesIterator

  def activeValuesIterator: Iterator[V] = data.iterator.take(activeSize)

  def activeKeysIterator: Iterator[Int] = index.iterator.take(activeSize)

  // TODO: allow this to vary
  /** This is always assumed to be equal to 0, for now. */
  def default: V =

  override def equals(p1: Any) = p1 match {
    case x: Vector[_] =>
        this.length == x.length &&
          (valuesIterator sameElements x.valuesIterator)
    case _ => false

  def isActive(rawIndex: Int) = array.isActive(rawIndex)

  override def toString = {
    activeIterator.mkString(s"SparseVector($length)(",", ", ")")

  def copy: SparseVector[V] = {
    new SparseVector[V](ArrayUtil.copyOf(index, index.length), ArrayUtil.copyOf(data, index.length), activeSize, size)

  def reserve(nnz: Int): Unit = {

  def compact(): Unit = {
    //ToDo 3: will require changes if non-zero defaults are implemented

   * Sets the underlying sparse array to use this data
   * @param index must be a sorted list of indices
   * @param data values corresponding to the index
   * @param activeSize number of active elements. The first activeSize will be used.
  def use(index: Array[Int], data: Array[V], activeSize: Int): Unit = {
    require(activeSize <= size, "Can't have more elements in the array than length!")
    require(activeSize >= 0, "activeSize must be non-negative")
    require(data.length >= activeSize, "activeSize must be no greater than array length...")
    array.use(index, data, activeSize)

   * same as data(i). Gives the value at the underlying offset.
   * @param i index into the data array
   * @return
  def valueAt(i: Int): V = data(i)

   * Gives the logical index from the physical index.
   * @param i
   * @return
  def indexAt(i: Int): Int = index(i)

   * Only gives true if isActive would return true for all i. (May be false anyway)
   * @return
  def allVisitableIndicesActive: Boolean = true

  @deprecated("Used asCSCRow instead", "0.12")
  def asCSCMatrix(implicit man: ClassTag[V]): CSCMatrix[V] = {

  def asCscRow(implicit man: ClassTag[V]): CSCMatrix[V] = {
    // zero SV
    if (index.length == 0)
      CSCMatrix.zeros[V](1, length)
    else {
      var ii = 0
      val nIndex = Array.tabulate[Int](length + 1)( (cp: Int) =>
        if (ii < used && cp == index(ii)) {ii += 1; ii - 1}
        else ii )
      assert(ii == used)
      new CSCMatrix[V](data, 1, length, nIndex, activeSize, Array.fill[Int](data.length)(0))

  def asCscColumn(implicit man: ClassTag[V]): CSCMatrix[V] = {
    // zero SV
    if (index.length == 0)
      CSCMatrix.zeros[V](length, 1)
    else {
      new CSCMatrix[V](data.clone(), length, 1, Array(0, used), activeSize, index)

object SparseVector extends SparseVectorOps
            with DenseVector_SparseVector_Ops
            with SparseVector_DenseMatrixOps
            with SparseVector_DenseVector_Ops {

  def zeros[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V: ClassTag:Zero](size: Int) = new SparseVector(Array.empty, Array.empty[V], 0, size)
  def apply[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V:Zero](values: Array[V]) = new SparseVector(Array.range(0,values.length), values, values.length, values.length)

  def apply[V:ClassTag:Zero](values: V*):SparseVector[V] = apply(values.toArray)
  def fill[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V:ClassTag:Zero](size: Int)(v: =>V):SparseVector[V] = apply(Array.fill(size)(v))
  def tabulate[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V:ClassTag:Zero](size: Int)(f: Int=>V):SparseVector[V]= apply(Array.tabulate(size)(f))

  def apply[V:ClassTag:Zero: Semiring](length: Int)(values: (Int, V)*): SparseVector[V] = {
    val b = new VectorBuilder[V](length)
    for( (i, v) <- values) {
      b.add(i, v)

  def vertcat[V:Zero:ClassTag](vectors: SparseVector[V]*): SparseVector[V] = {
    val resultArray = SparseArray[V](0))(_ concatenate _)
    new SparseVector(resultArray)

  def horzcat[V:Zero:ClassTag](vectors: SparseVector[V]*): CSCMatrix[V] ={
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("vector lengths must be equal, but got: " +", "))
    val rows = vectors(0).length
    val cols = vectors.length
    val data = new Array[V](
    val rowIndices = new Array[Int](data.length)
    val colPtrs = new Array[Int](vectors.length + 1)
    val used = data.length

    var vec = 0
    var off = 0
    while(vec < vectors.length) {
      colPtrs(vec) = off
      System.arraycopy(vectors(vec).data, 0, data, off, vectors(vec).activeSize)
      System.arraycopy(vectors(vec).index, 0, rowIndices, off, vectors(vec).activeSize)
      off += vectors(vec).activeSize
      vec += 1
    colPtrs(vec) = off

    new CSCMatrix(data, rows, cols, colPtrs, used, rowIndices)

  // implicits
  class CanCopySparseVector[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V:ClassTag:Zero] extends CanCopy[SparseVector[V]] {
    def apply(v1: SparseVector[V]) = {

  implicit def canCopySparse[@spec(Double, Int, Float, Long) V: ClassTag: Zero] = new CanCopySparseVector[V]

  implicit def canMapValues[V, V2: ClassTag: Zero]:CanMapValues[SparseVector[V], V, V2, SparseVector[V2]] = {
    new CanMapValues[SparseVector[V], V, V2, SparseVector[V2]] {
      /**Maps all key-value pairs from the given collection. */
      override def apply(from: SparseVector[V], fn: (V) => V2): SparseVector[V2] = {
        SparseVector.tabulate(from.length)(i => fn(from(i)))

  implicit def canMapActiveValues[V, V2: ClassTag: Zero]:CanMapActiveValues[SparseVector[V], V, V2, SparseVector[V2]] = {
    new CanMapActiveValues[SparseVector[V], V, V2, SparseVector[V2]] {
      /**Maps all active key-value pairs from the given collection. */
      override def apply(from: SparseVector[V], fn: (V) => V2): SparseVector[V2] = {
        val out = new Array[V2](from.activeSize)
        var i = 0
        while(i < from.activeSize) {
          out(i) = fn(
          i += 1
        new SparseVector(from.index.take(from.activeSize), out, from.activeSize, from.length)

  implicit def scalarOf[T]: ScalarOf[SparseVector[T], T] = ScalarOf.dummy

  implicit def canIterateValues[V]: CanTraverseValues[SparseVector[V], V] = {
    new CanTraverseValues[SparseVector[V],V] {

      def isTraversableAgain(from: SparseVector[V]): Boolean = true

      /** Iterates all key-value pairs from the given collection. */
      def traverse(from: SparseVector[V], fn: ValuesVisitor[V]): Unit = {
        fn.zeros(from.size - from.activeSize, from.default)
        fn.visitArray(, 0, from.activeSize, 1)

  implicit def canTraverseKeyValuePairs[V]:CanTraverseKeyValuePairs[SparseVector[V], Int, V] = {
    new CanTraverseKeyValuePairs[SparseVector[V], Int, V] {
      def isTraversableAgain(from: SparseVector[V]): Boolean = true

      /** Iterates all key-value pairs from the given collection. */
      def traverse(from: SparseVector[V], fn: CanTraverseKeyValuePairs.KeyValuePairsVisitor[Int, V]): Unit = {
        import from._

        fn.visitArray(index, data, 0, activeSize, 1)
        if(activeSize != size) {
          fn.zeros(size - activeSize, Iterator.range(0, size).filterNot(index contains _), from.default)


  implicit def canCreateZeros[V:ClassTag:Zero]: CanCreateZeros[SparseVector[V], Int] = {
    new CanCreateZeros[SparseVector[V], Int] {
      def apply(d: Int): SparseVector[V] = {

  implicit def canCreateZerosLike[V:ClassTag:Zero]: CanCreateZerosLike[SparseVector[V], SparseVector[V]] = {
    new CanCreateZerosLike[SparseVector[V], SparseVector[V]] {
      def apply(d: SparseVector[V]): SparseVector[V] = {

  implicit def canTransformValues[V:Zero:ClassTag]:CanTransformValues[SparseVector[V], V] = {
    new CanTransformValues[SparseVector[V], V] {
      val z = implicitly[Zero[V]]
      /**Transforms all key-value pairs from the given collection. */
      def transform(from: SparseVector[V], fn: (V) => V): Unit = {
        val newData =  mutable.ArrayBuilder.make[V]()
        val newIndex = mutable.ArrayBuilder.make[Int]()
        var used = 0
        var i = 0
        while(i < from.length) {
          val vv = fn(from(i))
          if(vv != z) {
            newData += vv
            newIndex += i
            used += 1
          i += 1
        from.array.use(newIndex.result(), newData.result(), used)

      /**Transforms all active key-value pairs from the given collection. */
      def transformActive(from: SparseVector[V], fn: (V) => V): Unit = {
        var i = 0
        while(i < from.activeSize) {
 = fn(
          i += 1

  implicit def canMapPairs[V, V2: ClassTag: Zero]:CanMapKeyValuePairs[SparseVector[V], Int, V, V2, SparseVector[V2]] = {
    new CanMapKeyValuePairs[SparseVector[V], Int, V, V2, SparseVector[V2]] {
      /**Maps all key-value pairs from the given collection. */
      def map(from: SparseVector[V], fn: (Int, V) => V2): SparseVector[V2] = {
        SparseVector.tabulate(from.length)(i => fn(i, from(i)))

      /**Maps all active key-value pairs from the given collection. */
      def mapActive(from: SparseVector[V], fn: (Int, V) => V2): SparseVector[V2] = {
        val out = new Array[V2](from.used)
        var i = 0
        while(i < from.used) {
          out(i) = fn(from.index(i),
          i += 1
        new SparseVector(from.index.take(from.used), out, from.used, from.length)

//  implicit def canTranspose[V:ClassTag:Zero]: CanTranspose[SparseVector[V], CSCMatrix[V]] = {
//    new CanTranspose[SparseVector[V], CSCMatrix[V]] {
//      def apply(from: SparseVector[V]): CSCMatrix[V] = {
//        val transposedMtx: CSCMatrix[V] = CSCMatrix.zeros[V](1, from.length)
//        var i = 0
//        while (i < from.activeSize) {
//          val c = from.index(i)
//          transposedMtx(0, c) =
//          i += 1
//        }
//        transposedMtx
//      }
//    }
//  }

  implicit def canTransposeComplex: CanTranspose[SparseVector[Complex], CSCMatrix[Complex]] = {
    new CanTranspose[SparseVector[Complex], CSCMatrix[Complex]] {
      def apply(from: SparseVector[Complex]) = {
        val transposedMtx: CSCMatrix[Complex] = CSCMatrix.zeros[Complex](1, from.length)
        var i = 0
        while (i < from.activeSize) {
          val c = from.index(i)
          transposedMtx(0, c) =
          i += 1

  implicit def canDim[E]: dim.Impl[SparseVector[E],Int] = new dim.Impl[SparseVector[E],Int] {
    def apply(v: SparseVector[E]): Int = v.size

  implicit def canTabulate[E:ClassTag:Zero]: CanTabulate[Int, SparseVector[E], E] = new CanTabulate[Int,SparseVector[E],E] {
    def apply(d: Int, f: (Int) => E): SparseVector[E] = tabulate[E](d)(f)

  implicit def space[E: Field : ClassTag : Zero]: MutableFiniteCoordinateField[SparseVector[E], Int, E] = {
    MutableFiniteCoordinateField.make[SparseVector[E], Int, E]

  private def init() = {}

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