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package breeze.linalg
import breeze.generic.UFunc
import org.netlib.util.intW
import com.github.fommil.netlib.LAPACK.{getInstance=>lapack}
import spire.implicits.{cforRange, cforRange2}
sealed private[this] trait QRMode
private[this] case object CompleteQR extends QRMode // Q and R have dimensions (m, m), (m, n)
private[this] case object ReducedQR extends QRMode // Q and R have dimensions (m, k), (k, n) with k = min(m, n)
* QR Factorization
* Previous versions of Breeze had qr(m, skipQ), where we could
* skip the computation in making Q if we didn't want it. That is now supplanted by qr.justR(m)
* Supports complete and reduced mode of factorization of matrix A with dimensions (m, n).
* If mode is complete matrices Q and R have dimensions (m, m), (m, n).
* If mode is reduced matrices Q and R have dimensions (m, k), (k, n) with k = min(m, n).
* Complete QR factorization can be called by qr(A).
* Reduced QR factorization can be called by qr.reduced(A). If computation of Q is unnecessary, it
* can be skipped by qr.reduced.justR(A)
* @return (Q, R)
* Q - A matrix with orthonormal columns
* R - The upper-triangular matrix
object qr extends UFunc {
case class QR[M](q: M, r: M)
type DenseQR = QR[DenseMatrix[Double]]
type SDenseQR = QR[DenseMatrix[Float]]
implicit object impl_DM_Double extends Impl[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseQR] {
def apply(v: DenseMatrix[Double]): DenseQR = {
val (q, r) = doQr(v, skipQ = false)(mode = CompleteQR)
QR(q, r)
implicit object impl_DM_Float extends Impl[DenseMatrix[Float], SDenseQR] {
def apply(v: DenseMatrix[Float]): SDenseQR = {
val (q, r) = doQr_Float(v, skipQ = false)(mode = CompleteQR)
QR(q, r)
* QR that just returns R.
object justR extends UFunc {
implicit object impl_DM_Double extends Impl[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]] {
def apply(v: DenseMatrix[Double]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
doQr(v, skipQ = true)(mode = CompleteQR)._2
implicit object impl_DM_Float extends Impl[DenseMatrix[Float], DenseMatrix[Float]] {
def apply(v: DenseMatrix[Float]): DenseMatrix[Float] = {
doQr_Float(v, skipQ = true)(mode = CompleteQR)._2
implicit def canJustQIfWeCanQR[T, M](implicit qrImpl: qr.Impl[T, QR[M]]): Impl[T, M] = {
new Impl[T, M] {
def apply(v: T): M = qrImpl(v).r
* QR that just returns Q.
object justQ extends UFunc {
implicit def canJustQIfWeCanQR[T, M](implicit qrImpl: qr.Impl[T, QR[M]]): Impl[T, M] = {
new Impl[T, M] {
def apply(v: T): M = qrImpl(v).q
* QR Factorization that returns Q and R with dimensions (m, k), (k, n) where k = min(m, n)
object reduced extends UFunc {
implicit object impl_reduced_DM_Double extends Impl[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseQR] {
def apply(v: DenseMatrix[Double]): DenseQR = {
val (q, r) = doQr(v, skipQ = false)(mode = ReducedQR)
QR(q, r)
implicit object impl_reduced_DM_Float extends Impl[DenseMatrix[Float], SDenseQR] {
def apply(v: DenseMatrix[Float]): SDenseQR = {
val (q, r) = doQr_Float(v, skipQ = false)(mode = ReducedQR)
QR(q, r)
* QR that just returns R with reduced size.
object justR extends UFunc {
implicit object impl_reduced_DM_Double extends Impl[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]] {
def apply(v: DenseMatrix[Double]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
doQr(v, skipQ = true)(mode = ReducedQR)._2
implicit object impl_reduced_DM_Float extends Impl[DenseMatrix[Float], DenseMatrix[Float]] {
def apply(v: DenseMatrix[Float]): DenseMatrix[Float] = {
doQr_Float(v, skipQ = true)(mode = ReducedQR)._2
implicit def canJustQIfWeCanQR[T, M](implicit qrImpl: qr.reduced.Impl[T, QR[M]]): Impl[T, M] = {
new Impl[T, M] {
def apply(v: T): M = qrImpl(v).r
* QR that just returns Q with reduced size.
object justQ extends UFunc {
implicit def canJustQIfWeCanQR[T, M](implicit qrImpl: qr.reduced.Impl[T, QR[M]]): Impl[T, M] = {
new Impl[T, M] {
def apply(v: T): M = qrImpl(v).q
private def doQr(M: DenseMatrix[Double], skipQ: Boolean)
(mode: QRMode): (DenseMatrix[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]) = {
val A = M.copy
val m = A.rows
val n = A.cols
val mn = scala.math.min(m, n)
val tau = new Array[Double](mn)
// Calculate optimal size of work data 'work'
val work = new Array[Double](1)
val info = new intW(0)
lapack.dgeqrf(m, n,, m, tau, work, -1, info)
// do QR
val lwork = if (info.`val` != 0) n else work(0).toInt
var workspace = new Array[Double](lwork)
lapack.dgeqrf(m, n,, m, tau, workspace, lwork, info)
//Error check
if (info.`val` > 0)
throw new NotConvergedException(NotConvergedException.Iterations)
else if (info.`val` < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
// Handle mode that don't return Q
if (skipQ) (null, upperTriangular(A(0 until mn, ::)))
else {
val Q = if (mode == CompleteQR && m > n) DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](m, m)
else DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](m, n)
val mc = if (mode == CompleteQR && m > n) m else mn
Q(::, 0 until n) := A
// Calculate optimal size of workspace
lapack.dorgqr(m, mc, mn,, m, tau, work, -1, info)
val lwork1 = if (info.`val` != 0) n else work(0).toInt
workspace = new Array[Double](lwork1)
// Compute Q
lapack.dorgqr(m, mc, mn,, m, tau, workspace, lwork1, info)
//Error check
if (info.`val` > 0)
throw new NotConvergedException(NotConvergedException.Iterations)
else if (info.`val` < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
// Upper triangle
cforRange(0 until mc){ i =>
cforRange(0 until min(i, A.cols)){ j =>
A(i, j) = 0.0
(Q(::, 0 until mc), A(0 until mc, ::))
private def doQr_Float(M: DenseMatrix[Float], skipQ: Boolean)
(mode: QRMode): (DenseMatrix[Float], DenseMatrix[Float]) = {
val A = M.copy
val m = A.rows
val n = A.cols
val mn = scala.math.min(m, n)
val tau = new Array[Float](mn)
// Calculate optimal size of work data 'work'
val work = new Array[Float](1)
val info = new intW(0)
lapack.sgeqrf(m, n,, m, tau, work, -1, info)
// do QR
val lwork = if (info.`val` != 0) n else work(0).toInt
var workspace = new Array[Float](lwork)
lapack.sgeqrf(m, n,, m, tau, workspace, lwork, info)
//Error check
if (info.`val` > 0)
throw new NotConvergedException(NotConvergedException.Iterations)
else if (info.`val` < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
// Handle mode that don't return Q
if (skipQ) (null, upperTriangular(A(0 until mn, ::)))
else {
val Q = if (mode == CompleteQR && m > n) DenseMatrix.zeros[Float](m, m)
else DenseMatrix.zeros[Float](m, n)
val mc = if (mode == CompleteQR && m > n) m else mn
Q(::, 0 until n) := A
// Calculate optimal size of workspace
lapack.sorgqr(m, mc, mn,, m, tau, work, -1, info)
val lwork1 = if (info.`val` != 0) n else work(0).toInt
workspace = new Array[Float](lwork1)
// Compute Q
lapack.sorgqr(m, mc, mn,, m, tau, workspace, lwork1, info)
//Error check
if (info.`val` > 0)
throw new NotConvergedException(NotConvergedException.Iterations)
else if (info.`val` < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
// Upper triangle
cforRange(0 until mc){ i =>
cforRange(0 until min(i, A.cols)){ j =>
A(i, j) = 0.0f
(Q(::, 0 until mc), A(0 until mc, ::))
* QR Factorization with pivoting
* input: A m x n matrix
* output: (Q,R,P,pvt) where AP = QR
* Q: m x m
* R: m x n
* P: n x n : permutation matrix (P(pvt(i),i) = 1)
* pvt : pivot indices
object qrp extends UFunc {
case class QRP[M, PivotMatrix](q: M, r: M, pivotMatrix: PivotMatrix, pivotIndices: Array[Int])
type DenseQRP = QRP[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseMatrix[Int]]
implicit object impl_DM_Double extends Impl[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseQRP] {
def apply(A: DenseMatrix[Double]): DenseQRP = {
val m = A.rows
val n = A.cols
//Get optimal workspace size
// we do this by sending -1 as lwork to the lapack function
val scratch, work = new Array[Double](1)
var info = new intW(0)
lapack.dgeqrf(m, n, scratch, m, scratch, work, -1, info)
val lwork1 = if(info.`val` != 0) n else work(0).toInt
lapack.dorgqr(m, m, scala.math.min(m,n), scratch, m, scratch, work, -1, info)
val lwork2 = if(info.`val` != 0) n else work(0).toInt
//allocate workspace mem. as max of lwork1 and lwork3
val workspace = new Array[Double](scala.math.max(lwork1, lwork2))
//Perform the QR factorization with dgep3
val maxd = scala.math.max(m,n)
val AFact = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](m,maxd)
val pvt = new Array[Int](n)
val tau = new Array[Double](scala.math.min(m,n))
cforRange2(0 until m, 0 until n){
(r, c) => AFact(r,c) = A(r,c)
lapack.dgeqp3(m, n,, m, pvt, tau, workspace, workspace.length, info)
//Error check
if (info.`val` > 0)
throw new NotConvergedException(NotConvergedException.Iterations)
else if (info.`val` < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
//Get R
val R = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](m,n)
cforRange(0 until min(n, maxd)){ c =>
cforRange(0 to min(m, c)){ r =>
R(r,c) = AFact(r,c)
//Get Q from the matrix returned by dgep3
val Q = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](m,m)
lapack.dorgqr(m, m, scala.math.min(m,n),, m, tau, workspace, workspace.length, info)
cforRange2(0 until m, 0 until min(m, maxd)){
(r, c) => Q(r,c) = AFact(r,c)
//Error check
if (info.`val` > 0)
throw new NotConvergedException(NotConvergedException.Iterations)
else if (info.`val` < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException()
//Get P
import NumericOps.Arrays._
pvt -= 1
val P = DenseMatrix.zeros[Int](n,n)
cforRange(0 until n){ i =>
P(pvt(i), i) = 1