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package breeze.linalg.operators
Copyright 2012 David Hall
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import breeze.generic.UFunc.UImpl2
import breeze.generic.{UFunc, MMRegistry2/*, Multimethod2*/}
import scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
object BinaryOp {
def fromCopyAndUpdate[A, B, Op](implicit op: UFunc.InPlaceImpl2[Op, A, B], copy: CanCopy[A]):UFunc.UImpl2[Op, A, B, A] = {
new UFunc.UImpl2[Op, A, B, A] {
def apply(a: A, b: B): A = {
val c = copy(a)
* This is a special kind of BinaryOp that supports registration
* of specialized implementations for a given operation.
* @author dlwh
// This trait could reuse code from Multimethod2, but not doing so allows us to reduce code size a lot
// because we don't need BinaryOp's to inherit from Function2, which has a lot of @specialzied cruft.
trait BinaryRegistry[A, B, Op, +R] extends UFunc.UImpl2[Op, A, B, R] with MMRegistry2[UFunc.UImpl2[Op, _ <: A, _ <: B, _ <: (R @uncheckedVariance)]] {
protected def bindingMissing(a: A, b: B):R = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Types not found!" + a + b + " " + ops)
protected def multipleOptions(a: A, b: B, m: Map[(Class[_],Class[_]),UImpl2[Op, _ <: A, _ <: B, _ <: R @uncheckedVariance]]) = {
throw new RuntimeException("Multiple bindings for method: " + m)
private val l1cache: ThreadLocal[((Class[_], Class[_]), Option[UImpl2[Op, _ <: A, _ <: B, _ <: R @uncheckedVariance]])] = {
new ThreadLocal[((Class[_], Class[_]), Option[UImpl2[Op, _ <: A, _ <: B, _ <: R]])]
def apply(a: A, b: B): R = {
val ac = a.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass
val bc = b.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass
val pair = (ac, bc)
val firstLevelCached = l1cache.get()
if (firstLevelCached != null && pair == firstLevelCached._1) {
firstLevelCached._2 match {
case None => bindingMissing(a, b)
case some@Some(m) =>
m.asInstanceOf[UImpl2[Op, A, B, R]].apply(a, b)
} else {
slowPath(a, b, ac, bc, pair)
private def slowPath(a: A, b: B, ac: Class[_ <: AnyRef], bc: Class[_ <: AnyRef], pair: (Class[_ <: AnyRef], Class[_ <: AnyRef])): R = {
val cached: Option[UImpl2[Op, _ <: A, _ <: B, _ <: R@uncheckedVariance]] = cache.get(pair)
if (cached != null) {
cached match {
case None => bindingMissing(a, b)
case some@Some(m) =>
l1cache.set(pair -> some)
m.asInstanceOf[UImpl2[Op, A, B, R]].apply(a, b)
} else {
val options = resolve(ac, bc.asInstanceOf[Class[_ <: B]])
options.size match {
case 0 =>
cache.put(ac -> bc, None)
bindingMissing(a, b)
case 1 =>
val method = options.values.head
cache.put(ac -> bc, Some(method))
method.asInstanceOf[UImpl2[Op, A, B, R]].apply(a, b)
case _ =>
val selected = selectBestOption(options)
if (selected.size != 1)
multipleOptions(a, b, options)
else {
val method = selected.values.head
val some = Some(method)
l1cache.set(pair -> some)
cache.put(pair, some)
method.asInstanceOf[UImpl2[Op, A, B, R]].apply(a, b)
def register[AA<:A, BB<:B](op: UImpl2[Op, AA, BB, _ <: R @uncheckedVariance])(implicit cA: ClassTag[AA], cB: ClassTag[BB]) = {
super.register(cA.runtimeClass, cB.runtimeClass, op)