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breeze.linalg.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package breeze
Copyright 2012 David Hall
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import breeze.linalg.DenseMatrix
import breeze.numerics.abs
import breeze.io.{FileStreams, CSVWriter, CSVReader}
import linalg.operators._
import breeze.linalg.support.{RangeExtender, CanCopy}
import math.Semiring
import storage.Zero
import java.io.{PrintWriter, File, FileReader}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import spire.syntax.cfor._
* This package contains everything relating to Vectors, Matrices, Tensors, etc.
* If you're doing basic work, you probably want [[breeze.linalg.DenseVector]] and [[breeze.linalg.DenseMatrix]],
* which support most operations. We also have [[breeze.linalg.SparseVector]]s and (basic!) support
* for a sparse matrix ([[breeze.linalg.CSCMatrix]]).
* This package object contains Matlab-esque functions for interacting with tensors and matrices.
* @author dlwh
package object linalg {
* Computes y += x * a, possibly doing less work than actually doing that operation
def axpy[A, X, Y](a: A, x: X, y: Y)(implicit axpy: scaleAdd.InPlaceImpl3[Y, A, X]): Unit = { axpy(y, a, x) }
* Generates a vector of linearly spaced values between a and b (inclusive).
* The returned vector will have length elements, defaulting to 100.
def linspace(a : Double, b : Double, length : Int = 100) : DenseVector[Double] = {
val increment = (b - a) / (length - 1)
DenseVector.tabulate(length)(i => a + increment * i)
* Copy a T. Most tensor objects have a CanCopy implicit, which is what this farms out to.
def copy[T](t: T)(implicit canCopy: CanCopy[T]): T = canCopy(t)
* Add methods to the string class in order to make file reading easier
* @param s
implicit class String2File(s: String) {
def toFile:File = new File(s)
* Reads in a DenseMatrix from a CSV File
def csvread(file: File,
separator: Char=',',
quote: Char='"',
escape: Char='\\',
skipLines: Int = 0): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
val input = new FileReader(file)
var mat = CSVReader.read(input, separator, quote, escape, skipLines)
mat = mat.takeWhile(line => line.length != 0 && line.head.nonEmpty) // empty lines at the end
if(mat.length == 0) {
} else {
def csvwrite(file: File, mat: Matrix[Double],
separator: Char=',',
quote: Char='\u0000',
escape: Char='\\',
skipLines: Int = 0): Unit = {
CSVWriter.writeFile(file, IndexedSeq.tabulate(mat.rows,mat.cols)(mat(_,_).toString), separator, quote, escape)
def mmwrite[T:Numeric](file: File, mat: Matrix[T]): Unit = {
if (mat.activeSize == mat.size) {
val out = new PrintWriter(FileStreams.output(file))
out.println("%%MatrixMarket matrix array real general")
out.println(s"% produced by ${getClass}")
out.println(s"${mat.rows} ${mat.cols}")
cforRange2(0 until mat.cols, 0 until mat.rows){(j, i) =>
out.println(mat(i, j))
} else {
val out = new PrintWriter(FileStreams.output(file))
out.println("%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real general")
out.println(s"% produced by ${getClass}")
out.println(s"${mat.rows} ${mat.cols} ${mat.activeSize}")
mat.activeIterator foreach { case ((i, j), v) =>
out.println(s"${i + 1} ${j + 1} $v")
implicit def RangeToRangeExtender(re: Range):RangeExtender = new support.RangeExtender(re)
import math.Ring
// implicits for lifting scalars with appropriate operators
implicit class InjectNumericOps[T](val repr: T) extends AnyVal with ImmutableNumericOps[T]
* Basic linear algebraic operations.
* @author dlwh,dramage,retronym,afwlehmann,lancelet
private[linalg] def requireNonEmptyMatrix[V](mat: Matrix[V]): Unit =
if (mat.cols == 0 || mat.rows == 0)
throw new MatrixEmptyException
private[linalg] def requireSquareMatrix[V](mat: Matrix[V]): Unit =
if (mat.rows != mat.cols)
throw new MatrixNotSquareException
private[linalg] def requireSymmetricMatrix(mat: Matrix[Double], tol: Double = 1e-7): Unit = {
for (i <- 0 until mat.rows; j <- 0 until i)
if (abs(mat(i,j) - mat(j,i)) > abs(mat(i,j)) * tol )
throw new MatrixNotSymmetricException
* Vector cross product of 3D vectors a and b.
def cross[V1](a: DenseVector[V1], b: DenseVector[V1])(implicit ring: Ring[V1], man: ClassTag[V1]): DenseVector[V1] = {
require(a.length == 3)
require(b.length == 3)
ring.-(ring.*(a(1), b(2)), ring.*(a(2), b(1))),
ring.-(ring.*(a(2), b(0)), ring.*(a(0), b(2))),
ring.-(ring.*(a(0), b(1)), ring.*(a(1), b(0)))
* Returns the rank of each element in the given vector, adjusting for
* ties.
def ranks[V:Ordering](x : Vector[V]): Array[Double] = {
val a = x
val as = argsort(a)
val rv = new Array[Double](as.length)
var i = 0
while (i < as.length) {
// count number of tied values at rank i
var numTiedValuesAtI = 1
while (i + numTiedValuesAtI < as.length && a(as(i + numTiedValuesAtI)) == a(as(i))) {
numTiedValuesAtI += 1
// set return value for next numTiedValuesAtI indexes in as
val rank = 1 + i + (numTiedValuesAtI - 1) / 2.0
var j = 0
while (j < numTiedValuesAtI) {
rv(as(i + j)) = rank
j += 1
i += numTiedValuesAtI
* The lower triangular portion of the given real quadratic matrix X. Note
* that no check will be performed regarding the symmetry of X.
def lowerTriangular[T: Semiring: ClassTag:Zero](X: Matrix[T]): DenseMatrix[T] = {
val N = X.rows
DenseMatrix.tabulate(N, N)( (i, j) =>
if(j <= i) X(i,j)
else implicitly[Semiring[T]].zero
* The lower triangular portion of the given real quadratic matrix X with
* the diagnal elements is zero!
def strictlyLowerTriangular[T: Semiring: ClassTag:Zero](X: Matrix[T]): DenseMatrix[T] = {
val N = X.rows
DenseMatrix.tabulate(N, N)( (i, j) =>
if(j < i) X(i,j)
else implicitly[Semiring[T]].zero
* The upper triangular portion of the given real quadratic matrix X. Note
* that no check will be performed regarding the symmetry of X.
def upperTriangular[T: Semiring: ClassTag: Zero](X: Matrix[T]): DenseMatrix[T] = {
val N = X.rows
DenseMatrix.tabulate(N, N)( (i, j) =>
if(j >= i) X(i,j)
else implicitly[Semiring[T]].zero
* The upper triangular portion of the given real quadratic matrix X with
* the diagnal elements is zero!
def strictlyUpperTriangular[T: Semiring: ClassTag:Zero](X: Matrix[T]): DenseMatrix[T] = {
val N = X.rows
DenseMatrix.tabulate(N, N)( (i, j) =>
if(j > i) X(i,j)
else implicitly[Semiring[T]].zero
* Performs a principal components analysis on the given numeric data
* matrix and returns the results as an object of class PCA.
* If the no covariance matrix is supplied, one obtained from the given
* data is used.
def princomp(
x: DenseMatrix[Double],
covmatOpt: Option[DenseMatrix[Double]] = None
): PCA = {
covmatOpt match {
case Some(covmat) => new PCA(x, covmat)
case None => new PCA(x, cov(x))
* A generic function (based on the R function of the same name) whose
* default method centers and/or scales the columns of a numeric matrix.
* If ‘scale’ is ‘TRUE’ then scaling is done by dividing the (centered)
* columns of ‘x’ by their standard deviations if ‘center’ is ‘TRUE’, and
* the root mean square otherwise. If ‘scale’ is ‘FALSE’, no scaling is
* done.
def scale(
x: DenseMatrix[Double],
center: Boolean = true,
scale: Boolean = false
): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
import breeze.stats.{mean, stddev}
if (center) {
val xc = x(*,::) - mean(x, Axis._0).t
if (scale)
xc(*,::) /:/ stddev(x(::, *)).t
} else {
if (scale)
x(*,::) /:/ columnRMS(x)
* Compute the covariance matrix from the given data, centering
* if necessary. Very simple, just does the basic thing.
def cov(x: DenseMatrix[Double], center: Boolean = true): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
val xc = scale(x,center,false)
(xc.t * xc) /= xc.rows - 1.0
import breeze.linalg.Options.{Zero => OZero, _}
def padRight[T]( v: DenseVector[T], dimensions: Dimensions1)
(implicit canPad: CanPadRight[DenseVector[T], Dimensions1, DenseVector[T]]): DenseVector[T] = canPad(v, dimensions, OZero)
def padRight[T]( v: DenseVector[T], dimensions: Dimensions1, mode: OptPadMode)
(implicit canPad: CanPadRight[DenseVector[T], Dimensions1, DenseVector[T]]): DenseVector[T] = canPad(v, dimensions, mode)
def padRight[T]( v: DenseMatrix[T], dimensions: Dimensions1)
(implicit canPad: CanPadRight[DenseMatrix[T], Dimensions1, DenseMatrix[T]]): DenseMatrix[T] = canPad(v, dimensions, OZero)
def padRight[T]( v: DenseMatrix[T], dimensions: Dimensions2, mode: OptPadMode)
(implicit canPad: CanPadRight[DenseMatrix[T], Dimensions2, DenseMatrix[T]]): DenseMatrix[T] = canPad(v, dimensions, mode)
def padLeft[T]( v: DenseVector[T], dimensions: Dimensions1)
(implicit canPad: CanPadLeft[DenseVector[T], Dimensions1, DenseVector[T]]): DenseVector[T] = canPad(v, dimensions, OZero)
def padLeft[T]( v: DenseVector[T], dimensions: Dimensions1, mode: OptPadMode)
(implicit canPad: CanPadLeft[DenseVector[T], Dimensions1, DenseVector[T]]): DenseVector[T] = canPad(v, dimensions, mode)
def padLeft[T]( v: DenseMatrix[T], dimensions: Dimensions1)
(implicit canPad: CanPadLeft[DenseMatrix[T], Dimensions1, DenseMatrix[T]]): DenseMatrix[T] = canPad(v, dimensions, OZero)
def padLeft[T]( v: DenseMatrix[T], dimensions: Dimensions2, mode: OptPadMode)
(implicit canPad: CanPadLeft[DenseMatrix[T], Dimensions2, DenseMatrix[T]]): DenseMatrix[T] = canPad(v, dimensions, mode)
* Helper function to compute the root-mean-square of the columns of a
* matrix. Feel free to make this more general.
private def columnRMS(x: DenseMatrix[Double]): DenseVector[Double] =
(sum(x *:* x, Axis._0) / (x.rows - 1.0)).t.map( scala.math.sqrt _ )
/** Alias for randomDouble */
val rand: randomDouble.type = randomDouble
* val to determine if breeze is using natives or f2jblas
lazy val usingNatives = com.github.fommil.netlib.BLAS.getInstance.getClass.getName != "com.github.fommil.netlib.F2jBLAS"
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