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package breeze.numerics
import breeze.generic.UFunc
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.macros.expand
import breeze.math._
import spire.implicits._
package object financial {
sealed class PaymentTime(val t: Int)
case object Start extends PaymentTime(1)
case object End extends PaymentTime(0)
def futureValue(rate: Double, numPeriods: Int, payment:Double, presentValue: Double, when: PaymentTime = End):Double = {
require(numPeriods >= 0)
if (rate == 0) {
} else {
val fromPv = presentValue * math.pow(1.0+rate, numPeriods)
val fromPayments = payment*((1.0+rate*when.t)/rate)*(math.pow(1.0+rate, numPeriods)-1.0)
-1*(fromPv + fromPayments)
def presentValue(rate: Double, numPeriods: Int, payment:Double, futureValue: Double, when: PaymentTime = End):Double = {
require(numPeriods >= 0)
if (rate == 0) {
} else {
val denominator = math.pow(1.0+rate, numPeriods)
val fromPayments = payment*((1.0+rate*when.t)/rate)*(math.pow(1.0+rate, numPeriods)-1.0)
-1*(futureValue + fromPayments) / denominator
object netPresentValue extends UFunc {
implicit def reduce[@expand.args(Double, Float, Int) Scalar, T](implicit iter: CanTraverseValues[T, Scalar], @expand.sequence[Scalar](0.0, 0.0f, 0) zero: Scalar): Impl2[Double, T, Double] = new Impl2[Double, T, Double] {
def apply(rate: Double, revenueStream: T): Double = {
val visit = new ValuesVisitor[Scalar] {
final val decayConst: Double = 1.0/(1.0 + rate)
var decayUntilNow: Double = 1.0
var sum: Double = 0.0
def visit(a: Scalar): Unit = {
sum += decayUntilNow*a
decayUntilNow *= decayConst
def zeros(numZero: Int, zeroValue: Scalar): Unit = ()
iter.traverse(revenueStream, visit)
def payment(rate: Double, numPeriods: Int, presentValue: Double, futureValue: Double = 0.0, when: PaymentTime = End):Double = {
if (rate == 0) {
-1*(futureValue+presentValue) / numPeriods
} else {
val denominator = ((1.0+rate*when.t)/rate)*(math.pow(1.0+rate, numPeriods)-1.0)
-1*(futureValue + presentValue * math.pow(1.0+rate, numPeriods)) / denominator
def principalInterest(rate: Double, numPeriods: Int, presentValue: Double, futureValue: Double = 0.0, when: PaymentTime = End): (DenseVector[Double],DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double]) = {
if (when == Start) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("This method is broken for payment at the start of the period!")
val pmt = payment(rate, numPeriods, presentValue, futureValue, when)
val interestPayment = DenseVector.zeros[Double](numPeriods)
val principalPayment = DenseVector.zeros[Double](numPeriods)
val principalRemaining = DenseVector.zeros[Double](numPeriods)
var principal = presentValue
var interest = presentValue*rate
cfor(0)(i => i < numPeriods, i => i+1)(i => {
val ip = -1*math.max(interest, 0)
interest += ip
principal += (pmt - ip)
principalRemaining(i) = principal
interestPayment(i) = ip
principalPayment(i) = pmt - ip
interest += (principal + interest)*rate
(principalPayment, interestPayment, principalRemaining)
def interestPayments(rate: Double, numPeriods: Int, presentValue: Double, futureValue: Double = 0.0, when: PaymentTime = End): DenseVector[Double] = principalInterest(rate, numPeriods, presentValue, futureValue, when)._1
def principalPayments(rate: Double, numPeriods: Int, presentValue: Double, futureValue: Double = 0.0, when: PaymentTime = End): DenseVector[Double] = principalInterest(rate, numPeriods, presentValue, futureValue, when)._2
def principalRemaining(rate: Double, numPeriods: Int, presentValue: Double, futureValue: Double = 0.0, when: PaymentTime = End): DenseVector[Double] = principalInterest(rate, numPeriods, presentValue, futureValue, when)._3
private def roots(coeffs: DenseVector[Double]) = {
val coeffsArray = coeffs.toArray;
val trailingZeros = coeffsArray.indexWhere(0 != _);
val tailZerosIdx = coeffsArray.lastIndexWhere(0 != _)
val nonZeroCoeffs = coeffs.slice(trailingZeros, tailZerosIdx + 1)
val N = nonZeroCoeffs.length - 1;
val complexRoots = if (0 < N) {
val A = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](N, N);
//fill the 1th diagnal below the main diagnal with ones
val downDiagIdxs = for(i <-(1 until N)) yield (i, i - 1)
A(downDiagIdxs) := 1.0
A(0 until 1, ::) := nonZeroCoeffs(1 to N) /:/ -nonZeroCoeffs(0)
val rootEig = eig(A)
val nonZeroEigNum = rootEig.eigenvalues.length;
val complexEig = DenseVector.zeros[Complex](nonZeroEigNum)
for (i <- 0 until nonZeroEigNum) {
complexEig(i) = Complex(rootEig.eigenvalues(i), rootEig.eigenvaluesComplex(i))
} else {
DenseVector.zeros[Complex](N + 1)
//pading 0 to the end
val fullRoots = if (0 < trailingZeros) {
DenseVector.vertcat(complexRoots, DenseVector.zeros[Complex](trailingZeros))
} else {
def interalRateReturn(cashflow: DenseVector[Double]): Option[Double]= {
require(cashflow(0) < 0, "Input cash flows per time period. The cashflow(0) represent the initial invesment which should be negative!")
val res = roots(reverse(cashflow))
val realRes = DenseVector[Double](
for(c:Complex <- res.toArray
if (( == 0) && (0 <
val rates = realRes.mapValues(v =>1.0 / v - 1.0)
val rate = if (rates.length <= 0) {
} else {
def modifiedInternalRateReturn(values:DenseVector[Double], financeRate:Double, reinvestRate:Double = 0) = {
val n = values.length
var posCnt:Int = values.valuesIterator.count(0 < _)
val positives = values.mapValues(x => if (0 < x) x else 0)
var negCnt:Int = values.valuesIterator.count(_ < 0)
val negatives = values.mapValues(x => if (x < 0) x else 0)
if (posCnt == 0 || negCnt == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The values must has one positive and negative value!")
val inflowNPV:Double = netPresentValue(reinvestRate, positives)
val outflowNPV:Double = netPresentValue(financeRate, negatives)
val mirr = (pow(math.abs(inflowNPV/outflowNPV), (1.0 / (n-1))) * (1.0 + reinvestRate) - 1.0)
def numberPeriodicPayments(rate:Double, pmt:Double,
pv:Double, fv:Double = 0.0, when:PaymentTime = End) = {
require(pmt != 0, "The payment of annuity(pmt) can not be zero!")
val nper = if (0 == rate) {
(-fv + pv)/pmt;
} else {
val z = pmt*(1.0 + rate*when.t)/rate
log((z - fv)/(z + pv))/log(1.0 + rate)
def ratePeriodicPayments(nper:Double, pmt:Double, pv:Double, fv:Double,
when:PaymentTime = End, guess:Double = 0.1, tol:Double = 1E-06,
maxiter:Int = 100) = {
var rate = guess;
var iter = 0
var close = false
while(iter < maxiter && !close) {
val nextRate = rate - annuityFDivGradf(nper, pmt, pv, fv, when, rate)
val diff = abs(nextRate - rate)
close = diff < tol
iter += 1
rate = nextRate
if (close) Option[Double](rate) else None
private def annuityFDivGradf(nper: Double, pmt: Double, pv: Double, fv: Double, when: PaymentTime, rate: Double) = {
val t1 = pow(1.0 + rate, nper)
val t2 = pow(1.0 + rate, nper - 1.0)
val annuityF = fv + pv * t1 + pmt * (t1 - 1) * (1.0 + rate * when.t) / rate
val gradAnnuityF = nper * t2 * pv - pmt * (t1 - 1.0) * (1.0 + rate * when.t) / pow(rate, 2.0) +
nper * pmt * t2 * (1.0 + rate * when.t) / rate + pmt * (t1 - 1) * when.t / rate
val fDivGradF = annuityF/gradAnnuityF