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package breeze.optimize
import breeze.util._
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.numerics._
import breeze.math._
* Implements the Orthant-wise Limited Memory QuasiNewton method,
* which is a variant of LBFGS that handles L1 regularization.
* Paper is Andrew and Gao (2007) Scalable Training of L1-Regularized Log-Linear Models
* @author dlwh
class OWLQN[K, T](maxIter: Int, m: Int, l1reg: K => Double, tolerance: Double)(implicit space: MutableEnumeratedCoordinateField[T, K, Double]) extends LBFGS[T](maxIter, m, tolerance=tolerance) with SerializableLogging {
def this(maxIter: Int, m: Int, l1reg: K => Double)(implicit space: MutableEnumeratedCoordinateField[T, K, Double]) = this(maxIter, m, l1reg, 1E-8)
def this(maxIter: Int, m: Int, l1reg: Double, tolerance: Double = 1E-8)(implicit space:MutableEnumeratedCoordinateField[T, K, Double]) = this(maxIter, m, (_: K) => l1reg, tolerance)
def this(maxIter: Int, m: Int, l1reg: Double)(implicit space: MutableEnumeratedCoordinateField[T, K, Double]) = this(maxIter, m, (_: K) => l1reg, 1E-8)
def this(maxIter: Int, m: Int)(implicit space: MutableEnumeratedCoordinateField[T, K, Double]) = this(maxIter, m, (_: K) => 1.0, 1E-8)
require(m > 0)
import space._
override protected def chooseDescentDirection(state: State, fn: DiffFunction[T]) = {
val descentDir = super.chooseDescentDirection(state.copy(grad = state.adjustedGradient), fn)
// The original paper requires that the descent direction be corrected to be
// in the same directional (within the same hypercube) as the adjusted gradient for proof.
// Although this doesn't seem to affect the outcome that much in most of cases, there are some cases
// where the algorithm won't converge (confirmed with the author, Galen Andrew).
val correctedDir =, state.adjustedGradient, { case (d, g) => if (d * g < 0) d else 0.0 })
override protected def determineStepSize(state: State, f: DiffFunction[T], dir: T) = {
val iter = state.iter
val normGradInDir = {
val possibleNorm = dir dot state.grad
// if (possibleNorm > 0) { // hill climbing is not what we want. Bad LBFGS.
// logger.warn("Direction of positive gradient chosen!")
// logger.warn("Direction is:" + possibleNorm)
// Reverse the direction, clearly it's a bad idea to go up
// dir *= -1.0
// dir dot state.grad
// } else {
// }
val ff = new DiffFunction[Double] {
def calculate(alpha: Double) = {
val newX = takeStep(state, dir, alpha)
val (v, newG) = f.calculate(newX)
val (adjv, adjgrad) = adjust(newX, newG, v)
// TODO not sure if this is quite right...
// Technically speaking, this is not quite right.
// dir should be (newX - state.x) according to the paper and the author.
// However, in practice, this seems fine.
// And interestingly the MSR reference implementation does the same thing (but they don't do wolfe condition checks.).
adjv -> (adjgrad dot dir)
val search = new BacktrackingLineSearch(state.value, shrinkStep= if(iter < 1) 0.1 else 0.5)
val alpha = search.minimize(ff, if(iter < 1) .5/norm(state.grad) else 1.0)
// projects x to be on the same orthant as y
// this basically requires that x'_i = x_i if sign(x_i) == sign(y_i), and 0 otherwise.
override protected def takeStep(state: State, dir: T, stepSize: Double) = {
val stepped = state.x + dir * stepSize
val orthant = computeOrthant(state.x, state.adjustedGradient), orthant, { case (v, ov) =>
v * I(math.signum(v) == math.signum(ov))
// Adds in the regularization stuff to the gradient
override protected def adjust(newX: T, newGrad: T, newVal: Double): (Double, T) = {
var adjValue = newVal
val res = space.zipMapKeyValues.mapActive(newX, newGrad, {case (i, xv, v) =>
val l1regValue = l1reg(i)
require(l1regValue >= 0.0)
if(l1regValue == 0.0) {
} else {
adjValue += Math.abs(l1regValue * xv)
xv match {
case 0.0 => {
val delta_+ = v + l1regValue
val delta_- = v - l1regValue
if (delta_- > 0) delta_- else if (delta_+ < 0) delta_+ else 0.0
case _ => v + math.signum(xv) * l1regValue
adjValue -> res
private def computeOrthant(x: T, grad: T) = {
val orth =, grad, {case (v, gv) =>
if(v != 0) math.signum(v)
else math.signum(-gv)