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package breeze.optimize
import breeze.linalg.operators.OpMulMatrix
import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix, DenseVector}
import breeze.math.{InnerProductVectorSpace, MutableInnerProductVectorSpace, VectorSpace}
import breeze.stats.distributions.Rand
* Represents a function for which we can easily compute the Hessian.
* For conjugate gradient methods, you can play tricks with the hessian,
* returning an object that only supports multiplication.
* @author dlwh
trait SecondOrderFunction[T, H] extends DiffFunction[T] {
/** Calculates both the value and the gradient at a point */
def calculate(x: T): (Double, T) = {
val t@(v, g, _) = calculate2(x)
(v, g)
/** Calculates the value, the gradient, and the Hessian at a point */
def calculate2(x: T): (Double, T, H)
object SecondOrderFunction {
def empirical[T, I](f: DiffFunction[T], eps: Double = 1E-5)(implicit vs: VectorSpace[T, Double]): SecondOrderFunction[T, EmpiricalHessian[T]] = {
new SecondOrderFunction[T, EmpiricalHessian[T]] {
/** Calculates the value, the gradient, and the Hessian at a point */
def calculate2(x: T): (Double, T, EmpiricalHessian[T]) = {
val (v, grad) = f.calculate(x)
val h = new EmpiricalHessian(f, x, grad, eps)
(v, grad, h)
def minibatchEmpirical[T, I](f: BatchDiffFunction[T], eps: Double = 1E-5, batchSize: Int = 30000)(implicit vs: InnerProductVectorSpace[T, Double]): SecondOrderFunction[T, EmpiricalHessian[T]] = {
new SecondOrderFunction[T, EmpiricalHessian[T]] {
/** Calculates the value, the gradient, and the Hessian at a point */
def calculate2(x: T): (Double, T, EmpiricalHessian[T]) = {
val subset = Rand.subsetsOfSize(f.fullRange, batchSize).draw()
val (v, grad) = f.calculate(x)
val newf = new DiffFunction[T] {
def calculate(x: T): (Double, T) = {
f.calculate(x, subset)
val h = new EmpiricalHessian(newf, x, newf.gradientAt(x), eps)
(v, grad, h)
* The empirical hessian evaluates the derivative for multiplcation.
* H * d = \lim_e -> 0 (f'(x + e * d) - f'(x))/e
* @param df
* @param x the point we compute the hessian for
* @param grad the gradient at x
* @param eps a small value
* @tparam T
class EmpiricalHessian[T](df: DiffFunction[T], x: T,
grad: T, eps: Double = 1E-5)(implicit vs: VectorSpace[T, Double]) {
import vs._
def *(t: T): T = {
(df.gradientAt(x + t * eps) - grad) / eps
object EmpiricalHessian {
implicit def product[T, I]: OpMulMatrix.Impl2[EmpiricalHessian[T], T, T] = {
new OpMulMatrix.Impl2[EmpiricalHessian[T], T, T] {
def apply(a: EmpiricalHessian[T], b: T): T = {
a * b
* Calculate the Hessian using central differences
* H_{i,j} = \lim_h -> 0 ((f'(x_{i} + h*e_{j}) - f'(x_{i} + h*e_{j}))/4*h
* + (f'(x_{j} + h*e_{i}) - f'(x_{j} + h*e_{i}))/4*h)
* where e_{i} is the unit vector with 1 in the i^^th position and zeros elsewhere
* @param df differentiable function
* @param x the point we compute the hessian for
* @param eps a small value
* @return Approximate hessian matrix
def hessian(df: DiffFunction[DenseVector[Double]],
x: DenseVector[Double],
eps: Double = 1E-5)
(implicit vs: VectorSpace[DenseVector[Double], Double],
copy: CanCopy[DenseVector[Double]]): DenseMatrix[Double] = {
import vs._
val n = x.length
val H = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](n, n)
// second order differential using central differences
val xx = copy(x)
for (i <- 0 until n) {
xx(i) = x(i) + eps
val df1 = df.gradientAt(xx)
xx(i) = x(i) - eps
val df2 = df.gradientAt(xx)
val gradient = (df1 - df2)/(2*eps)
H(i, ::) := gradient.t
xx(i) = x(i)
// symmetrize the hessian
for (i <- 0 until n) {
for (j <- 0 until i) {
val tmp = (H(i,j) + H(j,i)) * 0.5
H(i,j) = tmp
H(j,i) = tmp
class FisherDiffFunction[T](df: BatchDiffFunction[T],
gradientsToKeep: Int = 1000)
(implicit vs: MutableInnerProductVectorSpace[T, Double]) extends SecondOrderFunction[T, FisherMatrix[T]] {
/** Calculates the value, the gradient, and an approximation to the Fisher approximation to the Hessian */
def calculate2(x: T): (Double, T, FisherMatrix[T]) = {
val subset = Rand.subsetsOfSize(df.fullRange, gradientsToKeep).draw()
val toKeep = => df.calculate(x, IndexedSeq(i))).seq
val (v, otherGradient) = df.calculate(x)
// val fullGrad = * (df.fullRange.size - subset.size).toDouble )(_ += _ ) /df.fullRange.size.toDouble
// val fullV = * (df.fullRange.size - subset.size) )(_ + _) / df.fullRange.size
(v, otherGradient, new FisherMatrix(
* The Fisher matrix approximates the Hessian by E[grad grad']. We further
* approximate this with a monte carlo approximation to the expectation.
* @param grads
* @param vs
* @tparam T
class FisherMatrix[T](grads: IndexedSeq[T])(implicit vs: MutableInnerProductVectorSpace[T, Double]) {
import vs._
def *(t: T): T = { => g * (g dot t)).reduceLeft(_ += _) /= grads.length.toDouble
object FisherMatrix {
implicit def product[T, I]: OpMulMatrix.Impl2[FisherMatrix[T], T, T] = {
new OpMulMatrix.Impl2[FisherMatrix[T], T, T] {
def apply(a: FisherMatrix[T], b: T): T = {
a * b