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package breeze.stats.regression
import breeze.generic.UFunc
import breeze.linalg._
import com.github.fommil.netlib.LAPACK.{getInstance => lapack}
import spire.implicits.cfor
private case class LassoCalculator(data: DenseMatrix[Double], outputs: DenseVector[Double], lambda: Double, workArray: Array[Double], MAX_ITER: Int=100, IMPROVE_THRESHOLD: Double=1e-8) {
* The main purpose of this complicated calculator object is to recycle all the assorted work arrays.
* If we didn't write it this way, we'd have to manually thread all the work arrays
* throughout a slew of functions.
require(data.rows == outputs.size)
require(data.rows > data.cols)
require(data.rows == outputs.size)
require(workArray.size >= 2*data.rows*data.cols)
private val outputCopy = DenseVector.zeros[Double](outputs.size)
private val singleColumnMatrix = new DenseMatrix[Double](data.rows, 1)
private val resultVec = DenseVector.zeros[Double](data.cols)
lazy val result: LassoResult = {
var improvedResult = true
var iter = 0
while (improvedResult && (iter < MAX_ITER)) {
iter += 1
improvedResult = false
cfor(0)(i => ii+1)(i => {
val eoc = estimateOneColumn(i)
val oldCoefficient = resultVec(i)
resultVec(i) = shrink(eoc.coefficients(0))
if (oldCoefficient != resultVec(i)) {
improvedResult = true
LassoResult(resultVec, computeRsquared, lambda)
private def shrink(x: Double): Double = {
// Soft thresholding
val sb = math.signum(x)
val ab = sb*x
if (ab > lambda) {
} else {
private def copyColumn(column: Int): Unit = {
/* After running this routine, outputCopy should consist of the residuals after multiplying
* data against resultVec, excluding the specified column.
* The single column matrix should then be set to equal the data from that column.
require(column < data.cols)
require(column >= 0)
cfor(0)(i => i < outputs.size, i => i+1)(i => {
singleColumnMatrix(i, 0) = data(i, column)
var o = outputs(i)
cfor(0)(j => j < data.cols, j => j+1)(j => {
if (j != column) {
o -= data(i,j) * resultVec(j)
outputCopy(i) = o
private def computeRsquared = {
var r2 = 0.0
cfor(0)(i => i < outputs.size, i => i+1)(i => {
var o = outputs(i)
cfor(0)(j => j < data.cols, j => j+1)(j => {
o -= data(i,j) * resultVec(j)
r2 += o*o
private def estimateOneColumn(column: Int): LeastSquaresRegressionResult = {
* Goal of this routine is to use the specified column to explain as much of the residual
* as possible, after using the already specified values in other columns.
leastSquaresDestructive(singleColumnMatrix, outputCopy, workArray)
case class LassoResult(coefficients: DenseVector[Double], rSquared: Double, lambda: Double) extends RegressionResult[DenseVector[Double], Double] {
require(lambda >= 0)
def apply(x: DenseVector[Double]): Double =
object lasso extends UFunc {
* This ufunc implements lasso regression, as described in section 2.2 of
* Coordinate Descent Optimization for l1 Minimization with Application to Compressed Sensing; a Greedy Algorithm
* by Yingying Li Stanley Osher
* Download at:
implicit val matrixVectorWithWorkArray: Impl4[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseVector[Double], Double, Array[Double], LassoResult] = new Impl4[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseVector[Double], Double, Array[Double], LassoResult] {
def apply(data: DenseMatrix[Double], outputs: DenseVector[Double], lambda: Double, workArray: Array[Double]): LassoResult = LassoCalculator(data, outputs, lambda, workArray).result
implicit val matrixVectorSpecifiedWork: Impl4[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseVector[Double], Double, Int, LassoResult] = new Impl4[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseVector[Double], Double, Int, LassoResult] {
def apply(data: DenseMatrix[Double], outputs: DenseVector[Double], lambda: Double, workSize: Int): LassoResult = LassoCalculator(data, outputs, lambda, new Array[Double](workSize)).result
implicit val matrixVector: Impl3[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseVector[Double], Double, LassoResult] = new Impl3[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseVector[Double], Double, LassoResult] {
def apply(data: DenseMatrix[Double], outputs: DenseVector[Double], lambda: Double): LassoResult = LassoCalculator(data.copy, outputs.copy, lambda, new Array[Double](math.max(1, data.rows*data.cols*2))).result