org.scalastyle.scalariform.MethodLengthChecker.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 the original author or authors.
// See the LICENCE.txt file distributed with this work for additional
// information regarding copyright ownership.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.scalastyle.scalariform
import org.scalastyle.CombinedAst
import org.scalastyle.CombinedChecker
import org.scalastyle.Lines
import org.scalastyle.PositionError
import org.scalastyle.ScalastyleError
import org.scalastyle.scalariform.VisitorHelper.Clazz
import org.scalastyle.scalariform.VisitorHelper.visit
import _root_.scalariform.parser.FunDefOrDcl
class MethodLengthChecker extends CombinedChecker {
val errorKey = "method.length"
val DefaultMaximumLength = 50
val DefaultIgnoreComments = false
private val SinglelineComment = "//"
private val MultilineCommentsOpener = "/*"
private val MultilineCommentsCloser = "*/"
case class FunDefOrDclClazz(t: FunDefOrDcl, position: Option[Int], subs: List[FunDefOrDclClazz]) extends Clazz[FunDefOrDcl]()
def verify(ast: CombinedAst): List[ScalastyleError] = {
val maxLength = getInt("maxLength", DefaultMaximumLength)
val ignoreComments = getBoolean("ignoreComments", DefaultIgnoreComments)
val it = for {
t <- localvisit(ast.compilationUnit.immediateChildren.head)
f <- traverse(t)
if matches(f, ast.lines, maxLength, ignoreComments)
} yield {
PositionError(t.position.get, List("" + maxLength))
private def traverse(t: FunDefOrDclClazz): List[FunDefOrDclClazz] = t :: t.subs.flatMap(traverse)
private def matches(t: FunDefOrDclClazz, lines: Lines, maxLines: Int, ignoreComments: Boolean) = {
if (ignoreComments) {
val count = for {
(_, start) <- lines.findLineAndIndex(t.t.defToken.offset)
(_, end) <- lines.findLineAndIndex(t.t.tokens.last.offset)
} yield {
var count = 0
var multilineComment = false
// do not count deftoken line and end block line
for (i <- (start + 1) until (end - 1)) {
val lineText = lines.lines(i).text.trim
if (lineText.startsWith(SinglelineComment)) {
// do nothing
} else {
if (lineText.contains(MultilineCommentsOpener)) {
// multiline comment start /*
// this line won't be counted even if
// there exists any token before /*
multilineComment = true
if (!multilineComment) {
count = count + 1
if (lineText.contains(MultilineCommentsCloser)) {
// multiline comment end */
// this line won't be counted even if
// there exists any token after */
multilineComment = false
count.get > maxLines
} else {
val head = lines.toLineColumn(t.t.defToken.offset)
val tail = lines.toLineColumn(t.t.tokens.last.offset)
tail.get.line - head.get.line > maxLines
private def localvisit(ast: Any): List[FunDefOrDclClazz] = ast match {
case t: FunDefOrDcl => List(FunDefOrDclClazz(t, Some(t.nameToken.offset), localvisit(t.localDef)))
case t: Any => visit(t, localvisit)
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