org.scalactic.Bool.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2001-2013 Artima, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.scalactic
* A trait that represent a rich-featured boolean value, which includes the following members:
* - a boolean value
* - methods useful for failure messages construction
* - logical expression methods that makes
* Bool
is used by code generated from BooleanMacro
(which AssertionsMacro
and RequirementsMacro
* it needs to be public so that the generated code can be compiled. It is expected that ScalaTest users would ever need to use Bool
trait Bool {
private def makeString(raw: String, args: Array[Any]): String =
Resources.formatString(raw, args.map(Prettifier.default))
* Construct and return failure message, by applying arguments returned from failureMessageArgs
* raw message returned from rawFailureMessage
def failureMessage: String =
if (failureMessageArgs.isEmpty) rawFailureMessage else makeString(rawFailureMessage, failureMessageArgs.toArray)
* Construct and return negated failure message, by applying arguments returned from negatedFailureMessageArgs
* raw message returned from rawNegatedFailureMessage
def negatedFailureMessage: String =
if (negatedFailureMessageArgs.isEmpty) rawNegatedFailureMessage else makeString(rawNegatedFailureMessage, negatedFailureMessageArgs.toArray)
* Construct and return mid sentence failure message, by applying arguments returned from midSentenceFailureMessageArgs
* raw message returned from rawMidSentenceFailureMessage
def midSentenceFailureMessage: String =
if (midSentenceFailureMessageArgs.isEmpty) rawMidSentenceFailureMessage else makeString(rawMidSentenceFailureMessage, midSentenceFailureMessageArgs.toArray)
* Construct and return mid sentence negated failure message, by applying arguments returned from midSentenceNegatedFailureMessageArgs
* raw message returned from rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
def midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage: String =
if (midSentenceNegatedFailureMessageArgs.isEmpty) rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage else makeString(rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage, midSentenceNegatedFailureMessageArgs.toArray)
* the Boolean
value of this Bool
def value: Boolean
* raw message to report a failure
def rawFailureMessage: String
* raw message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message
def rawNegatedFailureMessage: String
* raw mid sentence message to report a failure
def rawMidSentenceFailureMessage: String
* raw mid sentence message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message
def rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage: String
* Arguments to construct final failure message with raw message returned from rawFailureMessage
def failureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any]
* Arguments to construct final negated failure message with raw message returned from rawNegatedFailureMessage
def negatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any]
* Arguments to construct final mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceFailureMessage
def midSentenceFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any]
* Arguments to construct final negated mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
def midSentenceNegatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any]
* Logical and
this Bool
with another Bool
* @param bool another Bool
* @return a Bool
that represents the result of logical and
def &&(bool: Bool): Bool =
if (value)
new AndBool(this, bool)
* Logical and
this Bool
with another Bool
* @param bool another Bool
* @return a Bool
that represents the result of logical and
def &(bool: Bool): Bool = &&(bool)
* Logical or
this Bool
with another Bool
* @param bool another Bool
* @return a Bool
that represents the result of logical or
def ||(bool: => Bool): Bool = new OrBool(this, bool)
* Logical or
this Bool
with another Bool
* @param bool another Bool
* @return a Bool
that represents the result of logical or
def |(bool: => Bool): Bool = ||(bool)
* Negate this Bool
* @return a Bool
that represents the result of negating the original Bool
def unary_! : Bool = new NotBool(this)
* Bool
companion object that provides factory methods to create different sub types of Bool
* Bool
is used by code generated from BooleanMacro
(which AssertionsMacro
and RequirementsMacro
* it needs to be public so that the generated code can be compiled. It is expected that ScalaTest users would ever need to use Bool
object Bool {
* Create a negated version of the given Bool
* @param bool the given Bool
* @return a negated version of the given Bool
def notBool(bool: Bool): Bool = new NotBool(bool)
* Create simple macro Bool
that is used by BooleanMacro
to wrap an unrecognized Boolean
* @param expression the Boolean
* @param expressionText the original expression text (source code)
* @return a simple macro Bool
def simpleMacroBool(expression: Boolean, expressionText: String): Bool = new SimpleMacroBool(expression, expressionText)
* Create binary macro Bool
that is used by BooleanMacro
to wrap a recognized Boolean
expression, which includes Boolean
expression that
* uses ==
, ===
, !=
, !==
, >
, >=
, <
, <=
, &&
* &
, ||
and |
* @param left the left-hand-side (LHS) of the Boolean
* @param operator the operator (method name) of the Boolean
* @param right the right-hand-side (RHS) of the Boolean
* @param expression the Boolean
* @return a binary macro Bool
def binaryMacroBool(left: Any, operator: String, right: Any, expression: Boolean): Bool = new BinaryMacroBool(left, operator, right, expression)
* Overloaded method that takes a Bool
in place of Boolean
expression to create a new binary macro Bool
* @param left the left-hand-side (LHS) of the Boolean
* @param operator the operator (method name) of the Boolean
* @param right the right-hand-side (RHS) of the Boolean
* @param bool the Bool
that will provide the Boolean
expression value with bool.value
* @return a binary macro Bool
def binaryMacroBool(left: Any, operator: String, right: Any, bool: Bool): Bool = new BinaryMacroBool(left, operator, right, bool)
* Create unary macro Bool
that is used by BooleanMacro
to wrap a recognized Boolean
expression represented by a unary method call,
* which includes Boolean
expression that uses isEmpty
* @param left the left-hand-side (LHS) of the Boolean
* @param operator the operator (method name) of the Boolean
* @param expression the Boolean
* @return a unary macro Bool
def unaryMacroBool(left: Any, operator: String, expression: Boolean): Bool =
new UnaryMacroBool(left, operator, expression)
* Overloaded method that takes a Bool
in place of Boolean
expression to create a new unary macro Bool
* @param left the left-hand-side (LHS) of the Boolean
* @param operator the operator (method name) of the Boolean
* @param bool the Bool
that will provide the Boolean
expression value with bool.value
* @return a binary macro Bool
def unaryMacroBool(left: Any, operator: String, bool: Bool): Bool =
new UnaryMacroBool(left, operator, bool.value)
* Create macro Bool
that is used by BooleanMacro
to wrap a recognized Boolean
* represented by a isInstanceOf
method call,
* @param left the left-hand-side (LHS) of the Boolean
* @param operator the operator (method name) of the Boolean
* @param className the class name passed to isInstanceOf
method call
* @param expression the Boolean
* @return a Bool
instance that represents a isInstanceOf
method call
def isInstanceOfMacroBool(left: Any, operator: String, className: String, expression: Boolean): Bool =
new IsInstanceOfMacroBool(left, operator, className, expression)
* Overloaded method that takes a Bool
in place of Boolean
expression to create a new isInstanceOf
* macro Bool
* @param left the left-hand-side (LHS) of the Boolean
* @param operator the operator (method name) of the Boolean
* @param className the class name passed to isInstanceOf
method call
* @param bool the Bool
that will provide the Boolean
expression value with bool.value
* @return a Bool
instance that represents a isInstanceOf
method call
def isInstanceOfMacroBool(left: Any, operator: String, className: String, bool: Bool): Bool =
new IsInstanceOfMacroBool(left, operator, className, bool.value)
* Create macro Bool
that is used by BooleanMacro
to wrap a recognized Boolean
* represented by length
and size
method call,
* @param left the left-hand-side (LHS) of the Boolean
* @param operator the operator (method name) of the Boolean
* @param actual the actual value returned from length
or size
method call
* @param expected the expected value returned from length
or size
method call
* @return a Bool
instance that represents a length
or size
method call
def lengthSizeMacroBool(left: Any, operator: String, actual: Any, expected: Any): Bool =
new LengthSizeMacroBool(left, operator, actual, expected)
* Create exists macro Bool
that is used by BooleanMacro
to wrap a recognized Boolean
* represented by exists
method call.
* @param left the left-hand-side (LHS) of the Boolean
* @param right the right-hand-side (RHS) of the Boolean
* @param expression the Boolean
* @return a exists macro Bool
def existsMacroBool(left: Any, right: Any, expression: Boolean): Bool =
new ExistsMacroBool(left, right, expression)
* A helper method to check is the given Bool
is a simple macro Bool
and contains empty expression text.
* @param bool the Bool
to check
* @return true
if the given Bool
is a simple macro Bool
and contains empty expression text, false
def isSimpleWithoutExpressionText(bool: Bool): Boolean =
bool match {
case s: org.scalactic.SimpleMacroBool if s.expressionText.isEmpty => true
case _ => false
private[scalactic] class SimpleBool(expression: Boolean) extends Bool {
* the Boolean
value of this Bool
val value: Boolean = expression
* raw message to report a failure
* @return Localized string for "Expression was false"
def rawFailureMessage: String = Resources.rawExpressionWasFalse
* raw message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message
* @return Localized string for "Expression was true"
def rawNegatedFailureMessage: String = Resources.rawExpressionWasTrue
* raw mid sentence message to report a failure
* @return Localized string for "Expression was false"
def rawMidSentenceFailureMessage: String = Resources.rawExpressionWasFalse
* raw mid sentence message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message
* @return Localized string for "Expression was false"
def rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage: String = Resources.rawExpressionWasTrue
* Arguments to construct final failure message with raw message returned from rawFailureMessage
* @return empty Vector
def failureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = Vector.empty
* Arguments to construct final negated failure message with raw message returned from rawNegatedFailureMessage
* @return empty Vector
def negatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = Vector.empty
* Arguments to construct final mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceFailureMessage
* @return empty Vector
def midSentenceFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = Vector.empty
* Arguments to construct final negated mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
* @return empty Vector
def midSentenceNegatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = Vector.empty
* Bool that represents the result of logical AND
of two Bool
* @param bool1 the first Bool
* @param bool2 the second Bool
private[scalactic] class AndBool(bool1: Bool, bool2: Bool) extends Bool {
* the result of bool1.value
logical AND
lazy val value: Boolean = bool1.value && bool2.value
* raw message to report a failure
* @return Localized raw string for "{0}, but {1}"
def rawFailureMessage: String = Resources.rawCommaBut
* raw message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message
* @return Localized raw string for "{0}, and {1}"
def rawNegatedFailureMessage: String = Resources.rawCommaAnd
* raw mid sentence message to report a failure
* @return Localized raw string for "{0}, but {1}"
def rawMidSentenceFailureMessage: String = Resources.rawCommaBut
* raw mid sentence message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message
* @return Localized raw string for "{0}, and {1}"
def rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage: String = Resources.rawCommaAnd
* Arguments to construct final failure message with raw message returned from rawFailureMessage
* @return Vector
that contains bool1.negatedFailureMessage
and bool2.midSentenceFailureMessage
def failureMessageArgs = Vector(bool1.negatedFailureMessage, bool2.midSentenceFailureMessage)
* Arguments to construct final negated failure message with raw message returned from rawNegatedFailureMessage
* @return Vector
that contains bool1.negatedFailureMessage
and bool2.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
def negatedFailureMessageArgs = Vector(bool1.negatedFailureMessage, bool2.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage)
* Arguments to construct final mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceFailureMessage
* @return Vector
that contains bool1.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
and bool2.midSentenceFailureMessage
def midSentenceFailureMessageArgs = Vector(bool1.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage, bool2.midSentenceFailureMessage)
* Arguments to construct final negated mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
* @return Vector
that contains bool1.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
and bool2.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
def midSentenceNegatedFailureMessageArgs = Vector(bool1.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage, bool2.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage)
* Bool that represents the result of logical OR
of two Bool
* @param bool1 the first Bool
* @param bool2 the second Bool
private[scalactic] class OrBool(bool1: Bool, bool2: Bool) extends Bool {
* the result of bool1.value
logical OR
lazy val value: Boolean = bool1.value || bool2.value
* raw message to report a failure
* @return Localized raw string for "{0}, and {1}"
def rawFailureMessage: String = Resources.rawCommaAnd
* raw message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message
* @return Localized raw string for "{0}, and {1}"
def rawNegatedFailureMessage: String = Resources.rawCommaAnd
* raw mid sentence message to report a failure
* @return Localized raw string for "{0}, and {1}"
def rawMidSentenceFailureMessage: String = Resources.rawCommaAnd
* raw mid sentence message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message
* @return Localized raw string for "{0}, and {1}"
def rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage: String = Resources.rawCommaAnd
* Arguments to construct final failure message with raw message returned from rawFailureMessage
* @return Vector
that contains bool1.failureMessage
and bool2.midSentenceFailureMessage
def failureMessageArgs = Vector(bool1.failureMessage, bool2.midSentenceFailureMessage)
* Arguments to construct final negated failure message with raw message returned from rawNegatedFailureMessage
* @return Vector
that contains bool1.failureMessage
and bool2.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
def negatedFailureMessageArgs = Vector(bool1.failureMessage, bool2.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage)
* Arguments to construct final mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceFailureMessage
* @return Vector
that contains bool1.midSentenceFailureMessage
and bool2.midSentenceFailureMessage
def midSentenceFailureMessageArgs = Vector(bool1.midSentenceFailureMessage, bool2.midSentenceFailureMessage)
* Arguments to construct final negated mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
* @return Vector
that contains bool1.midSentenceFailureMessage
and bool2.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
def midSentenceNegatedFailureMessageArgs = Vector(bool1.midSentenceFailureMessage, bool2.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage)
private[scalactic] class NotBool(bool: Bool) extends Bool {
val value: Boolean = !bool.value
* raw message to report a failure
* @return the passed in bool.rawNegatedFailureMessage
def rawFailureMessage: String = bool.rawNegatedFailureMessage
* raw message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message
* @return the passed in bool.rawFailureMessage
def rawNegatedFailureMessage: String = bool.rawFailureMessage
* raw mid sentence message to report a failure
* @return the passed in bool.rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
def rawMidSentenceFailureMessage: String = bool.rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
* raw mid sentence message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message
* @return the passed in bool.rawMidSentenceFailureMessage
def rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage: String = bool.rawMidSentenceFailureMessage
* Arguments to construct final failure message with raw message returned from rawFailureMessage
* @return the passed in bool.negatedFailureMessageArgs
def failureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = bool.negatedFailureMessageArgs
* Arguments to construct final negated failure message with raw message returned from rawNegatedFailureMessage
* @return the passed in bool.failureMessageArgs
def negatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = bool.failureMessageArgs
* Arguments to construct final mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceFailureMessage
* @return the passed in bool.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessageArgs
def midSentenceFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = bool.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessageArgs
* Arguments to construct final negated mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
* @return the passed in bool.midSentenceFailureMessageArgs
def midSentenceNegatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = bool.midSentenceFailureMessageArgs
* Simple macro Bool
that is used by BooleanMacro
to wrap an unrecognized Boolean
* @param expression the Boolean
* @param expressionText the original expression text (source code)
private[scalactic] class SimpleMacroBool(expression: Boolean, val expressionText: String) extends Bool {
* the Boolean
value of this Bool
, holding the passed in expression value.
val value: Boolean = expression
* raw message to report a failure
* @return Localized raw string of "Expression was false" if passed in expressionText
is empty, else "{0} was false"
def rawFailureMessage: String = if (expressionText.isEmpty) Resources.rawExpressionWasFalse else Resources.rawWasFalse
* raw message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message
* @return Localized raw string of "Expression was true" if passed in expressionText
is empty, else "{0} was true"
def rawNegatedFailureMessage: String = if (expressionText.isEmpty) Resources.rawExpressionWasTrue else Resources.rawWasTrue
* raw mid sentence message to report a failure
* @return Localized raw string of "Expression was false" if passed in expressionText
is empty, else "{0} was false"
def rawMidSentenceFailureMessage: String = if (expressionText.isEmpty) Resources.rawExpressionWasFalse else Resources.rawWasFalse
* raw mid sentence message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message
* @return Localized raw string of "Expression was true" if passed in expressionText
is empty, else "{0} was true"
def rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage: String = if (expressionText.isEmpty) Resources.rawExpressionWasTrue else Resources.rawWasTrue
* Arguments to construct final failure message with raw message returned from rawFailureMessage
* @return empty Vector
if passed in expressionText
is empty, else Vector
that contains the unquoted expressionText
def failureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = if (expressionText.isEmpty) Vector.empty else Vector(UnquotedString(expressionText))
* Arguments to construct final negated failure message with raw message returned from rawNegatedFailureMessage
* @return empty Vector
if passed in expressionText
is empty, else Vector
that contains the unquoted expressionText
def negatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = if (expressionText.isEmpty) Vector.empty else Vector(UnquotedString(expressionText))
* Arguments to construct final mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceFailureMessage
* @return empty Vector
if passed in expressionText
is empty, else Vector
that contains the unquoted expressionText
def midSentenceFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = if (expressionText.isEmpty) Vector.empty else Vector(UnquotedString(expressionText))
* Arguments to construct final negated mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
* @return empty Vector
if passed in expressionText
is empty, else Vector
that contains the unquoted expressionText
def midSentenceNegatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = if (expressionText.isEmpty) Vector.empty else Vector(UnquotedString(expressionText))
* Binary macro Bool
that is used by BooleanMacro
to wrap a recognized Boolean
expression, which includes Boolean
expression that
* uses ==
, ===
, !=
, !==
, >
, >=
, <
, <=
, &&
* &
, ||
and |
* @param left the left-hand-side (LHS) of the Boolean
* @param operator the operator (method name) of the Boolean
* @param right the right-hand-side (RHS) of the Boolean
* @param expression the Boolean
private[scalactic] class BinaryMacroBool(left: Any, operator: String, right: Any, expression: Boolean) extends Bool {
* Overloaded constructor that takes a Bool
in place of Boolean
* @param left the left-hand-side (LHS) of the Boolean
* @param operator the operator (method name) of the Boolean
* @param right the right-hand-side (RHS) of the Boolean
* @param bool the Bool
that will provide the Boolean
expression value with bool.value
def this(left: Any, operator: String, right: Any, bool: Bool) =
this(left, operator, right, bool.value)
* the Boolean
value of this Bool
val value: Boolean = expression
private def getObjectsForFailureMessage =
left match {
case aEqualizer: org.scalactic.TripleEqualsSupport#Equalizer[_] =>
Prettifier.getObjectsForFailureMessage(aEqualizer.leftSide, right)
case aEqualizer: org.scalactic.TripleEqualsSupport#CheckingEqualizer[_] =>
Prettifier.getObjectsForFailureMessage(aEqualizer.leftSide, right)
case _ => Prettifier.getObjectsForFailureMessage(left, right)
* raw message to report a failure, this method implementation will return the friendly raw message based on the passed
* in operator
* @return Localized friendly raw message based on the passed in operator
def rawFailureMessage: String = {
operator match {
case "==" => Resources.rawDidNotEqual
case "===" => Resources.rawDidNotEqual
case "!=" => Resources.rawEqualed
case "!==" => Resources.rawEqualed
case ">" => Resources.rawWasNotGreaterThan
case ">=" => Resources.rawWasNotGreaterThanOrEqualTo
case "<" => Resources.rawWasNotLessThan
case "<=" => Resources.rawWasNotLessThanOrEqualTo
case "startsWith" => Resources.rawDidNotStartWith
case "endsWith" => Resources.rawDidNotEndWith
case "contains" =>
left match {
case leftMap: scala.collection.GenMap[_, _] => Resources.rawDidNotContainKey
case _ => Resources.rawDidNotContain
case "eq" => Resources.rawWasNotTheSameInstanceAs
case "ne" => Resources.rawWasTheSameInstanceAs
case "&&" | "&" =>
(left, right) match {
case (leftBool: Bool, rightBool: Bool) =>
if (leftBool.value)
case (leftBool: Bool, rightAny: Any) =>
if (leftBool.value)
case _ =>
case "||" | "|" => Resources.rawCommaAnd
case _ => Resources.rawExpressionWasFalse
* raw message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message, this method implementation will return the
* friendly raw message based on the passed in operator
* @return Localized negated friendly raw message based on the passed in operator
def rawNegatedFailureMessage: String =
operator match {
case "==" => Resources.rawEqualed
case "===" => Resources.rawEqualed
case "!=" => Resources.rawDidNotEqual
case "!==" => Resources.rawDidNotEqual
case ">" => Resources.rawWasGreaterThan
case ">=" => Resources.rawWasGreaterThanOrEqualTo
case "<" => Resources.rawWasLessThan
case "<=" => Resources.rawWasLessThanOrEqualTo
case "startsWith" => Resources.rawStartedWith
case "endsWith" => Resources.rawEndedWith
case "contains" =>
left match {
case leftMap: scala.collection.GenMap[_, _] => Resources.rawContainedKey
case _ => Resources.rawContained
case "eq" => Resources.rawWasTheSameInstanceAs
case "ne" => Resources.rawWasNotTheSameInstanceAs
case "&&" | "&" => Resources.rawCommaAnd
case "||" | "|" => Resources.rawCommaAnd
case _ => Resources.rawExpressionWasTrue
* raw mid sentence message to report a failure
* @return the same result as rawFailureMessage
def rawMidSentenceFailureMessage: String = rawFailureMessage
* raw mid sentence message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message
* @return the same result as rawNegatedFailureMessage
def rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage: String = rawNegatedFailureMessage
* Arguments to construct final failure message with raw message returned from rawFailureMessage
. Based
* on the passed in operator, this implementation will return the arguments needed by rawFailureMessage
* to construct the final friendly failure message.
* @return Vector that contains arguments needed by rawFailureMessage
to construct the final friendly failure message
def failureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] =
operator match {
case "==" | "===" | "!=" | "!==" | ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" =>
val (leftee, rightee) = getObjectsForFailureMessage
Vector(leftee, rightee)
case "startsWith" | "endsWith" | "contains" | "eq" | "ne" =>
Vector(left, right)
case "&&" | "&" =>
(left, right) match {
case (leftBool: Bool, rightBool: Bool) =>
if (leftBool.value)
Vector(UnquotedString(leftBool.negatedFailureMessage), UnquotedString(rightBool.midSentenceFailureMessage))
case (leftBool: Bool, rightAny: Any) =>
if (leftBool.value)
Vector(UnquotedString(leftBool.negatedFailureMessage), rightAny)
case (leftAny: Any, rightBool: Bool) =>
Vector(leftAny, UnquotedString(if (rightBool.value) rightBool.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage else rightBool.midSentenceFailureMessage))
case _ =>
Vector(left, right)
case "||" | "|" =>
(left, right) match {
case (leftBool: Bool, rightBool: Bool) =>
Vector(UnquotedString(leftBool.failureMessage), UnquotedString(rightBool.midSentenceFailureMessage))
case (leftBool: Bool, rightAny: Any) =>
Vector(UnquotedString(leftBool.failureMessage), rightAny)
case (leftAny: Any, rightBool: Bool) =>
Vector(leftAny, UnquotedString(rightBool.midSentenceFailureMessage))
case _ =>
Vector(left, right)
case _ => Vector.empty
* Arguments to construct final negated failure message with raw message returned from rawNegatedFailureMessage
. Based
* on the passed in operator, this implementation will return the arguments needed by rawNegatedFailureMessage
to construct
* the final negated friendly failure message.
* @return Vector that contains arguments needed by rawNegatedFailureMessage
to construct the final negated friendly failure message
def negatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] =
operator match {
case "==" | "===" | "!=" | "!==" | ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" =>
val (leftee, rightee) = getObjectsForFailureMessage
Vector(leftee, rightee)
case "startsWith" | "endsWith" | "contains" | "eq" | "ne" =>
Vector(left, right)
case "&&" | "&" =>
(left, right) match {
case (leftBool: Bool, rightBool: Bool) =>
UnquotedString(if (leftBool.value) leftBool.negatedFailureMessage else leftBool.failureMessage),
UnquotedString(if (rightBool.value) rightBool.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage else rightBool.midSentenceFailureMessage)
case (leftBool: Bool, rightAny: Any) =>
Vector(UnquotedString(if (leftBool.value) leftBool.negatedFailureMessage else leftBool.failureMessage), rightAny)
case (leftAny: Any, rightBool: Bool) =>
Vector(leftAny, UnquotedString(if (rightBool.value) rightBool.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage else rightBool.negatedFailureMessage))
case _ =>
Vector(left, right)
case "||" | "|" =>
(left, right) match {
case (leftBool: Bool, rightBool: Bool) =>
UnquotedString(if (leftBool.value) leftBool.negatedFailureMessage else leftBool.failureMessage),
UnquotedString(if (rightBool.value) rightBool.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage else rightBool.midSentenceFailureMessage)
case (leftBool: Bool, rightAny: Any) =>
Vector(UnquotedString(if (leftBool.value) leftBool.negatedFailureMessage else leftBool.failureMessage), rightAny)
case (leftAny: Any, rightBool: Bool) =>
Vector(leftAny, UnquotedString(if (rightBool.value) rightBool.midSentenceNegatedFailureMessage else rightBool.midSentenceFailureMessage))
case _ =>
Vector(left, right)
case _ => Vector.empty
* Arguments to construct final mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceFailureMessage
* @return the same result as failureMessageArgs
def midSentenceFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = failureMessageArgs
* Arguments to construct final negated mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
* @return the same result as negatedFailureMessageArgs
def midSentenceNegatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = negatedFailureMessageArgs
* Unary macro Bool
that is used by BooleanMacro
to wrap a recognized Boolean
expression represents a unary method call, which includes
* Boolean
expression that uses isEmpty
* @param left the left-hand-side (LHS) of the Boolean
* @param operator the operator (method name) of the Boolean
* @param expression the Boolean
private[scalactic] class UnaryMacroBool(left: Any, operator: String, expression: Boolean) extends Bool {
* the Boolean
value of this Bool
val value: Boolean = expression
* raw message to report a failure, this method implementation will return the friendly raw message based on the passed
* in operator
* @return Localized friendly raw message based on the passed in operator
def rawFailureMessage: String = {
operator match {
case "isEmpty" => Resources.rawWasNotEmpty
case "nonEmpty" => Resources.rawWasEmpty
case _ => Resources.rawExpressionWasFalse
* raw message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message, this method implementation will return the
* friendly raw message based on the passed in operator
* @return Localized negated friendly raw message based on the passed in operator
def rawNegatedFailureMessage: String =
operator match {
case "isEmpty" => Resources.rawWasEmpty
case "nonEmpty" => Resources.rawWasNotEmpty
case _ => Resources.rawExpressionWasTrue
* raw mid sentence message to report a failure
* @return the same result as rawFailureMessage
def rawMidSentenceFailureMessage: String = rawFailureMessage
* raw mid sentence message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message
* @return the same result as rawNegatedFailureMessage
def rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage: String = rawNegatedFailureMessage
* Arguments to construct final failure message with raw message returned from rawFailureMessage
. Based
* on the passed in operator, this implementation will return the arguments needed by rawFailureMessage
* to construct the final friendly failure message.
* @return Vector that contains arguments needed by rawFailureMessage
to construct the final friendly failure message
def failureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] =
operator match {
case "isEmpty" | "nonEmpty" =>
case _ => Vector.empty
* Arguments to construct final negated failure message with raw message returned from rawNegatedFailureMessage
. Based
* on the passed in operator, this implementation will return the arguments needed by rawNegatedFailureMessage
to construct
* the final negated friendly failure message.
* @return Vector that contains arguments needed by rawNegatedFailureMessage
to construct the final negated friendly failure message
def negatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] =
operator match {
case "isEmpty" | "nonEmpty" =>
case _ => Vector.empty
* Arguments to construct final mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceFailureMessage
* @return the same result as failureMessageArgs
def midSentenceFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = failureMessageArgs
* Arguments to construct final negated mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
* @return the same result as negatedFailureMessageArgs
def midSentenceNegatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = negatedFailureMessageArgs
* Macro Bool
that is used by BooleanMacro
to wrap a recognized Boolean
* that represents a isInstanceOf
method call.
* @param left the left-hand-side (LHS) of the Boolean
* @param operator the operator (method name) of the Boolean
* @param className the class name passed to isInstanceOf
method call
* @param expression the Boolean
private[scalactic] class IsInstanceOfMacroBool(left: Any, operator: String, className: String, expression: Boolean) extends Bool {
* the Boolean
value of this Bool
val value: Boolean = expression
* raw message to report a failure, this method implementation will return the friendly raw message based on the passed
* in operator
* @return Localized friendly raw message based on the passed in operator
def rawFailureMessage: String = {
operator match {
case "isInstanceOf" => Resources.rawWasNotInstanceOf
case _ => Resources.rawExpressionWasFalse
* raw message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message, this method implementation will return the
* friendly raw message based on the passed in operator
* @return Localized negated friendly raw message based on the passed in operator
def rawNegatedFailureMessage: String =
operator match {
case "isInstanceOf" => Resources.rawWasInstanceOf
case _ => Resources.rawExpressionWasTrue
* raw mid sentence message to report a failure
* @return the same result as rawFailureMessage
def rawMidSentenceFailureMessage: String = rawFailureMessage
* raw mid sentence message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message
* @return the same result as rawNegatedFailureMessage
def rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage: String = rawNegatedFailureMessage
* Arguments to construct final failure message with raw message returned from rawFailureMessage
. Based
* on the passed in operator, this implementation will return the arguments needed by rawFailureMessage
* to construct the final friendly failure message.
* @return Vector that contains arguments needed by rawFailureMessage
to construct the final friendly failure message
def failureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] =
operator match {
case "isInstanceOf" =>
Vector(left, UnquotedString(className))
case _ => Vector.empty
* Arguments to construct final negated failure message with raw message returned from rawNegatedFailureMessage
. Based
* on the passed in operator, this implementation will return the arguments needed by rawNegatedFailureMessage
to construct
* the final negated friendly failure message.
* @return Vector that contains arguments needed by rawNegatedFailureMessage
to construct the final negated friendly failure message
def negatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] =
operator match {
case "isInstanceOf" =>
Vector(left, UnquotedString(className))
case _ => Vector.empty
* Arguments to construct final mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceFailureMessage
* @return the same result as failureMessageArgs
def midSentenceFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = failureMessageArgs
* Arguments to construct final negated mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
* @return the same result as negatedFailureMessageArgs
def midSentenceNegatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = negatedFailureMessageArgs
* Macro Bool
that is used by BooleanMacro
to wrap a recognized Boolean
* that represents a length
or size
method call.
* @param left the left-hand-side (LHS) of the Boolean
* @param operator the operator (method name) of the Boolean
* @param actual the actual length or size of left
* @param expected the expected length or size of left
private[scalactic] class LengthSizeMacroBool(left: Any, operator: String, actual: Any, expected: Any) extends Bool {
* the Boolean
value of this Bool
val value: Boolean = actual == expected
* raw message to report a failure, this method implementation will return the friendly raw message based on the passed
* in operator
* @return Localized friendly raw message based on the passed in operator
def rawFailureMessage: String = {
operator match {
case "length" => Resources.rawHadLengthInsteadOfExpectedLength
case "size" => Resources.rawHadSizeInsteadOfExpectedSize
case _ => Resources.rawExpressionWasFalse
* raw message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message, this method implementation will return the
* friendly raw message based on the passed in operator
* @return Localized negated friendly raw message based on the passed in operator
def rawNegatedFailureMessage: String =
operator match {
case "length" => Resources.rawHadLength
case "size" => Resources.rawHadSize
case _ => Resources.rawExpressionWasTrue
* raw mid sentence message to report a failure
* @return the same result as rawFailureMessage
def rawMidSentenceFailureMessage: String = rawFailureMessage
* raw mid sentence message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message
* @return the same result as rawNegatedFailureMessage
def rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage: String = rawNegatedFailureMessage
* Arguments to construct final failure message with raw message returned from rawFailureMessage
. Based
* on the passed in operator, this implementation will return the arguments needed by rawFailureMessage
* to construct the final friendly failure message.
* @return Vector that contains arguments needed by rawFailureMessage
to construct the final friendly failure message
def failureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] =
operator match {
case "length" | "size" =>
Vector(left, actual, expected)
case _ => Vector.empty
* Arguments to construct final negated failure message with raw message returned from rawNegatedFailureMessage
. Based
* on the passed in operator, this implementation will return the arguments needed by rawNegatedFailureMessage
to construct
* the final negated friendly failure message.
* @return Vector that contains arguments needed by rawNegatedFailureMessage
to construct the final negated friendly failure message
def negatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] =
operator match {
case "length" | "size" =>
Vector(left, actual)
case _ => Vector.empty
* Arguments to construct final mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceFailureMessage
* @return the same result as failureMessageArgs
def midSentenceFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = failureMessageArgs
* Arguments to construct final negated mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
* @return the same result as negatedFailureMessageArgs
def midSentenceNegatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = negatedFailureMessageArgs
* Macro Bool
that is used by BooleanMacro
to wrap a recognized Boolean
* that represents a length
or size
method call.
* @param left the left-hand-side (LHS) of the Boolean
* @param right the right-hand-side (RHS) of the Boolean
* @param expression the Boolean
private[scalactic] class ExistsMacroBool(left: Any, right: Any, expression: Boolean) extends Bool {
* the Boolean
value of this Bool
val value: Boolean = expression
* raw message to report a failure, this method implementation will return localized "x did not contain y" message.
* @return Localized friendly raw message based on the passed in operator
def rawFailureMessage: String =
* raw message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message, this method implementation will return localized
* "x contained y" message.
* @return Localized negated friendly raw message based on the passed in operator
def rawNegatedFailureMessage: String =
* raw mid sentence message to report a failure
* @return the same result as rawFailureMessage
def rawMidSentenceFailureMessage: String = rawFailureMessage
* raw mid sentence message with a meaning opposite to that of the failure message
* @return the same result as rawNegatedFailureMessage
def rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage: String = rawNegatedFailureMessage
* Arguments to construct final failure message with raw message returned from rawFailureMessage
. This
* implementation will return a Vector
that contains the passed in left
and right
* @return Vector that contains arguments needed by rawFailureMessage
to construct the final friendly failure message
def failureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] =
Vector(left, right)
* Arguments to construct final negated failure message with raw message returned from rawNegatedFailureMessage
* This implementation will return a Vector
that contains the passed in left
and right
* @return Vector that contains arguments needed by rawNegatedFailureMessage
to construct the final negated friendly failure message
def negatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] =
Vector(left, right)
* Arguments to construct final mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceFailureMessage
* @return the same result as failureMessageArgs
def midSentenceFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = failureMessageArgs
* Arguments to construct final negated mid sentence failure message with raw message returned from rawMidSentenceNegatedFailureMessage
* @return the same result as negatedFailureMessageArgs
def midSentenceNegatedFailureMessageArgs: IndexedSeq[Any] = negatedFailureMessageArgs
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