org.scalatest.FlatSpecLike.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2001-2013 Artima, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.scalatest
import org.scalactic._
import Suite.anExceptionThatShouldCauseAnAbort
import Suite.autoTagClassAnnotations
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import org.scalatest.exceptions.StackDepthExceptionHelper.getStackDepth
import scala.collection.immutable.ListSet
import words.{ResultOfTaggedAsInvocation, ResultOfStringPassedToVerb, BehaveWord, ShouldVerb, MustVerb, CanVerb, StringVerbStringInvocation, StringVerbBehaveLikeInvocation}
* Implementation trait for class FlatSpec
, which facilitates a
* “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests
* are combined with text that specifies the behavior the tests verify.
* FlatSpec
is a class, not a trait,
* to minimize compile time given there is a slight compiler overhead to
* mixing in traits compared to extending classes. If you need to mix the
* behavior of FlatSpec
into some other class, you can use this
* trait instead, because class FlatSpec
does nothing more than
* extend this trait and add a nice toString
* See the documentation of the class for a detailed
* overview of FlatSpec
* @author Bill Venners
//SCALATESTJS-ONLY @scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSExportDescendentClasses(ignoreInvalidDescendants = true)
trait FlatSpecLike extends TestSuite with TestRegistration with ShouldVerb with MustVerb with CanVerb with Informing with Notifying with Alerting with Documenting { thisSuite =>
private final val engine = new Engine(Resources.concurrentSpecMod, "Spec")
import engine._
* Returns an Informer
that during test execution will forward strings passed to its
* apply
method to the current reporter. If invoked in a constructor, it
* will register the passed string for forwarding later during test execution. If invoked from inside a scope,
* it will forward the information to the current reporter immediately. If invoked from inside a test function,
* it will record the information and forward it to the current reporter only after the test completed, as recordedEvents
* of the test completed event, such as TestSucceeded
. If invoked at any other time, it will print to the standard output.
* This method can be called safely by any thread.
protected def info: Informer = atomicInformer.get
* Returns a Notifier
that during test execution will forward strings passed to its
* apply
method to the current reporter. If invoked in a constructor, it
* will register the passed string for forwarding later during test execution. If invoked while this
* FlatSpec
is being executed, such as from inside a test function, it will forward the information to
* the current reporter immediately. If invoked at any other time, it will
* print to the standard output. This method can be called safely by any thread.
protected def note: Notifier = atomicNotifier.get
* Returns an Alerter
that during test execution will forward strings passed to its
* apply
method to the current reporter. If invoked in a constructor, it
* will register the passed string for forwarding later during test execution. If invoked while this
* FlatSpec
is being executed, such as from inside a test function, it will forward the information to
* the current reporter immediately. If invoked at any other time, it will
* print to the standard output. This method can be called safely by any thread.
protected def alert: Alerter = atomicAlerter.get
* Returns a Documenter
that during test execution will forward strings passed to its
* apply
method to the current reporter. If invoked in a constructor, it
* will register the passed string for forwarding later during test execution. If invoked from inside a scope,
* it will forward the information to the current reporter immediately. If invoked from inside a test function,
* it will record the information and forward it to the current reporter only after the test completed, as recordedEvents
* of the test completed event, such as TestSucceeded
. If invoked at any other time, it will print to the standard output.
* This method can be called safely by any thread.
protected def markup: Documenter = atomicDocumenter.get
final def registerTest(testText: String, testTags: Tag*)(testFun: => Any /* Assertion */)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
val stackDepthAdjustment = -1
//SCALATESTJS-ONLY val stackDepthAdjustment = -4
engine.registerTest(testText, Transformer(testFun _), Resources.testCannotBeNestedInsideAnotherTest, "FlatSpecLike.scala", "registerTest", 4, stackDepthAdjustment, None, None, Some(pos), None, testTags: _*)
final def registerIgnoredTest(testText: String, testTags: Tag*)(testFun: => Any /* Assertion */)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
val stackDepthAdjustment = -3
//SCALATESTJS-ONLY val stackDepthAdjustment = -4
engine.registerIgnoredTest(testText, Transformer(testFun _), Resources.testCannotBeNestedInsideAnotherTest, "FlatSpecLike.scala", "registerIgnoredTest", 4, stackDepthAdjustment, None, Some(pos), testTags: _*)
* Register a test with the given spec text, optional tags, and test function value that takes no arguments.
* An invocation of this method is called an “example.”
* This method will register the test for later execution via an invocation of one of the execute
* methods. The name of the test will be a concatenation of the text of all surrounding describers,
* from outside in, and the passed spec text, with one space placed between each item. (See the documenation
* for testNames
for an example.) The resulting test name must not have been registered previously on
* this FlatSpec
* @param specText the specification text, which will be combined with the descText of any surrounding describers
* to form the test name
* @param methodName Method name of the caller
* @param testTags the optional list of tags for this test
* @param testFun the test function
* @throws DuplicateTestNameException if a test with the same name has been registered previously
* @throws TestRegistrationClosedException if invoked after run
has been invoked on this suite
* @throws NullArgumentException if specText
or any passed test tag is null
private def registerTestToRun(specText: String, methodName: String, testTags: List[Tag], testFun: () => Any /* Assertion */, pos: source.Position): Unit = {
val stackDepth = 4
val stackDepthAdjustment = -3
//SCALATESTJS-ONLY val stackDepth = 6
//SCALATESTJS-ONLY val stackDepthAdjustment = -6
def testRegistrationClosedMessageFun: String =
methodName match {
case "in" => Resources.inCannotAppearInsideAnotherInOrIs
case "is" => Resources.isCannotAppearInsideAnotherInOrIs
engine.registerTest(specText, Transformer(testFun), testRegistrationClosedMessageFun, "FlatSpecLike.scala", methodName, stackDepth, stackDepthAdjustment, None, None, Some(pos), None, testTags: _*)
* Class that supports the registration of a “subject” being specified and tested via the
* instance referenced from FlatSpec
's behavior
* This field enables syntax such as the following subject registration:
* * behavior of "A Stack"
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of the behavior
field, see the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
protected final class BehaviorWord {
* Supports the registration of a “subject” being specified and tested via the
* instance referenced from FlatSpec
's behavior
* This method enables syntax such as the following subject registration:
* * behavior of "A Stack"
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of this method, see the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
def of(description: String)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
val stackDepth = 3
//SCALATESTJS-ONLY val stackDepth = 5
registerFlatBranch(description, Resources.behaviorOfCannotAppearInsideAnIn, "FlatSpecLike.scala", "of", stackDepth, 0, Some(pos))
* Supports the registration of a “subject” being specified and tested.
* This field enables syntax such as the following subject registration:
* * behavior of "A Stack"
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of the behavior
field, see the main documentation
* for this trait.
protected val behavior = new BehaviorWord
* Class that supports the registration of tagged tests via the ItWord
* referenced from FlatSpec
's it
* This class enables syntax such as the following tagged test registration:
* * it should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) in { ... }
* ^
* It also enables syntax such as the following registration of an ignored, tagged test:
* * it should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) ignore { ... }
* ^
* In addition, it enables syntax such as the following registration of a pending, tagged test:
* * it should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) is (pending)
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of the it
field to register tagged tests, see
* the Tagging tests section in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
* For examples of tagged test registration, see
* the Tagging tests section in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
protected final class ItVerbStringTaggedAs(verb: String, name: String, tags: List[Tag]) {
* Supports the registration of tagged tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * it must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) in { ... }
* ^
* For examples of tagged test registration, see
* the Tagging tests section in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def in(testFun: => Any /* Assertion */)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToRun(verb.trim + " " + name.trim, "in", tags, testFun _, pos)
* Supports the registration of pending, tagged tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * it must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) is (pending)
* ^
* For examples of pending test registration, see the Pending tests section in the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
. And for examples of tagged test registration, see
* the Tagging tests section in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def is(testFun: => PendingStatement)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToRun(verb.trim + " " + name.trim, "is", tags, () => { testFun; succeed }, pos)
* Supports the registration of ignored, tagged tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * it must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) ignore { ... }
* ^
* For examples of ignored test registration, see the Ignored tests section in the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
. And for examples of tagged test registration, see
* the Tagging tests section in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def ignore(testFun: => Any /* Assertion */)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToIgnore(verb.trim + " " + name.trim, tags, "ignore", testFun _, pos)
* Class that supports test registration via the ItWord
instance referenced from FlatSpec
's it
* This class enables syntax such as the following test registration:
* * it should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* It also enables syntax such as the following registration of an ignored test:
* * it should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" ignore { ... }
* ^
* In addition, it enables syntax such as the following registration of a pending test:
* * it should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" is (pending)
* ^
* And finally, it also enables syntax such as the following tagged test registration:
* * it should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) in { ... }
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of the it
field, see the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
protected final class ItVerbString(verb: String, name: String) {
* Supports the registration of tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * it must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* For examples of test registration, see the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
def in(testFun: => Any /* Assertion */)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToRun(verb.trim + " " + name.trim, "in", List(), testFun _, pos)
* Supports the registration of pending tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * it must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" is (pending)
* ^
* For examples of pending test registration, see the Pending tests section in the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
def is(testFun: => PendingStatement)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToRun(verb.trim + " " + name.trim, "is", List(), () => { testFun; succeed }, pos)
* Supports the registration of ignored tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * it must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" ignore { ... }
* ^
* For examples of ignored test registration, see the Ignored tests section in the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
def ignore(testFun: => Any /* Assertion */)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToIgnore(verb.trim + " " + name.trim, List(), "ignore", testFun _, pos)
* Supports the registration of tagged tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * it must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) in { ... }
* ^
* For examples of tagged test registration, see the Tagging tests section in the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
def taggedAs(firstTestTag: Tag, otherTestTags: Tag*) = {
val tagList = firstTestTag :: otherTestTags.toList
new ItVerbStringTaggedAs(verb, name, tagList)
* Class that supports test (and shared test) registration via the instance referenced from FlatSpec
's it
* This class enables syntax such as the following test registration:
* * it should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* It also enables syntax such as the following shared test registration:
* * it should behave like nonEmptyStack(lastItemPushed)
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of the it
field, see the main documentation
* for this trait.
protected final class ItWord {
* Supports the registration of tests with should
in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * it should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* For examples of test registration, see the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
def should(string: String) = new ItVerbString("should", string)
* Supports the registration of tests with must
in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * it must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* For examples of test registration, see the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
def must(string: String) = new ItVerbString("must", string)
* Supports the registration of tests with can
in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * it can "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* For examples of test registration, see the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
def can(string: String) = new ItVerbString("can", string)
* Supports the registration of shared tests with should
in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * it should behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem)
* ^
* For examples of shared tests, see the Shared tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def should(behaveWord: BehaveWord) = behaveWord
* Supports the registration of shared tests with must
in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * it must behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem)
* ^
* For examples of shared tests, see the Shared tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def must(behaveWord: BehaveWord) = behaveWord
* Supports the registration of shared tests with can
in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * it can behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem)
* ^
* For examples of shared tests, see the Shared tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def can(behaveWord: BehaveWord) = behaveWord
* Supports test (and shared test) registration in FlatSpec
* This field enables syntax such as the following test registration:
* * it should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* It also enables syntax such as the following shared test registration:
* * it should behave like nonEmptyStack(lastItemPushed)
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of the it
field, see the main documentation
* for this trait.
protected val it = new ItWord
* Class that supports registration of ignored, tagged tests via the IgnoreWord
instance referenced
* from FlatSpec
's ignore
* This class enables syntax such as the following registration of an ignored, tagged test:
* * ignore should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) in { ... }
* ^
* In addition, it enables syntax such as the following registration of an ignored, tagged, pending test:
* * ignore should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) is (pending)
* ^
* Note: the is
method is provided for completeness and design symmetry, given there's no way
* to prevent changing is
to ignore
and marking a pending test as ignored that way.
* Although it isn't clear why someone would want to mark a pending test as ignored, it can be done.
* For more information and examples of the use of the ignore
field, see the Ignored tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
. For examples of tagged test registration, see
* the Tagging tests section in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
protected final class IgnoreVerbStringTaggedAs(verb: String, name: String, tags: List[Tag]) {
* Supports the registration of ignored, tagged tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * ignore must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) in { ... }
* ^
* For examples of the registration of ignored tests, see the Ignored tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
. For examples of tagged test registration, see
* the Tagging tests section in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def in(testFun: => Any /* Assertion */)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToIgnore(verb.trim + " " + name.trim, tags, "in", testFun _, pos)
* Supports the registration of ignored, tagged, pending tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * ignore must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) is (pending)
* ^
* Note: this is
method is provided for completeness and design symmetry, given there's no way
* to prevent changing is
to ignore
and marking a pending test as ignored that way.
* Although it isn't clear why someone would want to mark a pending test as ignored, it can be done.
* For examples of pending test registration, see the Pending tests section in the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
. For examples of the registration of ignored tests,
* see the Ignored tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
. For examples of tagged test registration, see
* the Tagging tests section in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def is(testFun: => PendingStatement)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToIgnore(verb.trim + " " + name.trim, tags, "is", () => { testFun; succeed }, pos)
// Note: no def ignore here, so you can't put two ignores in the same line
* Class that supports registration of ignored tests via the IgnoreWord
instance referenced
* from FlatSpec
's ignore
* This class enables syntax such as the following registration of an ignored test:
* * ignore should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* In addition, it enables syntax such as the following registration of an ignored, pending test:
* * ignore should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" is (pending)
* ^
* Note: the is
method is provided for completeness and design symmetry, given there's no way
* to prevent changing is
to ignore
and marking a pending test as ignored that way.
* Although it isn't clear why someone would want to mark a pending test as ignored, it can be done.
* And finally, it also enables syntax such as the following ignored, tagged test registration:
* * ignore should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) in { ... }
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of the ignore
field, see the Ignored tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
protected final class IgnoreVerbString(verb: String, name: String) {
* Supports the registration of ignored tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * ignore must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* For examples of the registration of ignored tests, see the Ignored tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def in(testFun: => Any /* Assertion */)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToIgnore(verb.trim + " " + name.trim, List(), "in", testFun _, pos)
* Supports the registration of ignored, pending tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * ignore must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" is (pending)
* ^
* Note: this is
method is provided for completeness and design symmetry, given there's no way
* to prevent changing is
to ignore
and marking a pending test as ignored that way.
* Although it isn't clear why someone would want to mark a pending test as ignored, it can be done.
* For examples of pending test registration, see the Pending tests section in the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
. For examples of the registration of ignored tests,
* see the Ignored tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def is(testFun: => PendingStatement)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToIgnore(verb.trim + " " + name.trim, List(), "is", () => { testFun; succeed }, pos)
* Supports the registration of ignored, tagged tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * ignore must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) in { ... }
* ^
* For examples of tagged test registration, see the Tagging tests section in the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
. For examples of the registration of ignored tests,
* see the Ignored tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def taggedAs(firstTestTag: Tag, otherTestTags: Tag*) = {
val tagList = firstTestTag :: otherTestTags.toList
new IgnoreVerbStringTaggedAs(verb, name, tagList)
* Class that supports registration of ignored tests via the ItWord
* referenced from FlatSpec
's ignore
* This class enables syntax such as the following registration of an ignored test:
* * ignore should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of the ignore
field, see Ignored tests section
* in the main documentation for this trait.
protected final class IgnoreWord {
* Supports the registration of ignored tests with should
in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * ignore should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of the ignore
field, see Ignored tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def should(string: String) = new IgnoreVerbString("should", string)
* Supports the registration of ignored tests with must
in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * ignore must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of the ignore
field, see Ignored tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def must(string: String) = new IgnoreVerbString("must", string)
* Supports the registration of ignored tests with can
in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * ignore can "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of the ignore
field, see Ignored tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def can(string: String) = new IgnoreVerbString("can", string)
* Supports registration of ignored tests in FlatSpec
* This field enables syntax such as the following registration of an ignored test:
* * ignore should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of the ignore
field, see the Ignored tests section
* in the main documentation for this trait.
protected val ignore = new IgnoreWord
* Class that supports the registration of tagged tests via the TheyWord
* referenced from FlatSpec
's they
* This class enables syntax such as the following tagged test registration:
* * they should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) in { ... }
* ^
* It also enables syntax such as the following registration of an ignored, tagged test:
* * they should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) ignore { ... }
* ^
* In addition, it enables syntax such as the following registration of a pending, tagged test:
* * they should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) is (pending)
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of the they
field to register tagged tests, see
* the Tagging tests section in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
* For examples of tagged test registration, see
* the Tagging tests section in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
protected final class TheyVerbStringTaggedAs(verb: String, name: String, tags: List[Tag]) {
* Supports the registration of tagged tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * they must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) in { ... }
* ^
* For examples of tagged test registration, see
* the Tagging tests section in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def in(testFun: => Any /* Assertion */)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToRun(verb.trim + " " + name.trim, "in", tags, testFun _, pos)
* Supports the registration of pending, tagged tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * they must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) is (pending)
* ^
* For examples of pending test registration, see the Pending tests section in the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
. And for examples of tagged test registration, see
* the Tagging tests section in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def is(testFun: => PendingStatement)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToRun(verb.trim + " " + name.trim, "is", tags, () => { testFun; succeed }, pos)
* Supports the registration of ignored, tagged tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * they must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) ignore { ... }
* ^
* For examples of ignored test registration, see the Ignored tests section in the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
. And for examples of tagged test registration, see
* the Tagging tests section in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def ignore(testFun: => Any /* Assertion */)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToIgnore(verb.trim + " " + name.trim, tags, "ignore", testFun _, pos)
* Class that supports test registration via the TheyWord
instance referenced from FlatSpec
's they
* This class enables syntax such as the following test registration:
* * they should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* It also enables syntax such as the following registration of an ignored test:
* * they should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" ignore { ... }
* ^
* In addition, it enables syntax such as the following registration of a pending test:
* * they should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" is (pending)
* ^
* And finally, it also enables syntax such as the following tagged test registration:
* * they should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) in { ... }
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of the it
field, see the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
protected final class TheyVerbString(verb: String, name: String) {
* Supports the registration of tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * they must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* For examples of test registration, see the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
def in(testFun: => Any /* Assertion */)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToRun(verb.trim + " " + name.trim, "in", List(), testFun _, pos)
* Supports the registration of pending tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * they must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" is (pending)
* ^
* For examples of pending test registration, see the Pending tests section in the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
def is(testFun: => PendingStatement)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToRun(verb.trim + " " + name.trim, "is", List(), () => { testFun; succeed }, pos)
* Supports the registration of ignored tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * they must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" ignore { ... }
* ^
* For examples of ignored test registration, see the Ignored tests section in the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
def ignore(testFun: => Any /* Assertion */)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToIgnore(verb.trim + " " + name.trim, List(), "ignore", testFun _, pos)
* Supports the registration of tagged tests in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * they must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) in { ... }
* ^
* For examples of tagged test registration, see the Tagging tests section in the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
def taggedAs(firstTestTag: Tag, otherTestTags: Tag*) = {
val tagList = firstTestTag :: otherTestTags.toList
new ItVerbStringTaggedAs(verb, name, tagList)
* Class that supports test (and shared test) registration via the instance referenced from FlatSpec
's it
* This class enables syntax such as the following test registration:
* * they should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* It also enables syntax such as the following shared test registration:
* * they should behave like nonEmptyStack(lastItemPushed)
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of the it
field, see the main documentation
* for this trait.
protected final class TheyWord {
* Supports the registration of tests with should
in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * they should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* For examples of test registration, see the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
def should(string: String) = new ItVerbString("should", string)
* Supports the registration of tests with must
in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * they must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* For examples of test registration, see the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
def must(string: String) = new ItVerbString("must", string)
* Supports the registration of tests with can
in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * they can "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* For examples of test registration, see the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
def can(string: String) = new ItVerbString("can", string)
* Supports the registration of shared tests with should
in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * they should behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem)
* ^
* For examples of shared tests, see the Shared tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def should(behaveWord: BehaveWord) = behaveWord
* Supports the registration of shared tests with must
in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * they must behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem)
* ^
* For examples of shared tests, see the Shared tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def must(behaveWord: BehaveWord) = behaveWord
* Supports the registration of shared tests with can
in a FlatSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * they can behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem)
* ^
* For examples of shared tests, see the Shared tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def can(behaveWord: BehaveWord) = behaveWord
* Supports test (and shared test) registration in FlatSpec
* This field enables syntax such as the following test registration:
* * they should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* It also enables syntax such as the following shared test registration:
* * they should behave like nonEmptyStack(lastItemPushed)
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of the it
field, see the main documentation
* for this trait.
protected val they = new TheyWord
* Class that supports test registration in shorthand form.
* For example, this class enables syntax such as the following test registration
* in shorthand form:
* * "A Stack (when empty)" should "be empty" in { ... }
* ^
* This class also enables syntax such as the following ignored test registration
* in shorthand form:
* * "A Stack (when empty)" should "be empty" ignore { ... }
* ^
* This class is used via an implicit conversion (named convertToInAndIgnoreMethods
* from ResultOfStringPassedToVerb
. The ResultOfStringPassedToVerb
* does not declare any methods named in
, because the
* type passed to in
differs in a FlatSpec
and a fixture.FlatSpec
* A fixture.FlatSpec
needs two in
methods, one that takes a no-arg
* test function and another that takes a one-arg test function (a test that takes a
* Fixture
as its parameter). By constrast, a FlatSpec
* only one in
method that takes a by-name parameter. As a result,
* FlatSpec
and fixture.FlatSpec
each provide an implicit conversion
* from ResultOfStringPassedToVerb
to a type that provides the appropriate
* in
* @author Bill Venners
protected final class InAndIgnoreMethods(resultOfStringPassedToVerb: ResultOfStringPassedToVerb) {
import resultOfStringPassedToVerb.rest
import resultOfStringPassedToVerb.verb
* Supports the registration of tests in shorthand form.
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * "A Stack" must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }
* ^
* For examples of test registration, see the main documentation
* for trait FlatSpec
def in(testFun: => Any /* Assertion */)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToRun(verb.trim + " " + rest.trim, "in", List(), testFun _, pos)
* Supports the registration of ignored tests in shorthand form.
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * "A Stack" must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" ignore { ... }
* ^
* For examples of ignored test registration, see the Ignored tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def ignore(testFun: => Any /* Assertion */)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToIgnore(verb.trim + " " + rest.trim, List(), "ignore", testFun _, pos)
import scala.language.implicitConversions
* Implicitly converts an object of type ResultOfStringPassedToVerb
to an
* InAndIgnoreMethods
, to enable in
and ignore
* methods to be invokable on that object.
protected implicit def convertToInAndIgnoreMethods(resultOfStringPassedToVerb: ResultOfStringPassedToVerb): InAndIgnoreMethods =
new InAndIgnoreMethods(resultOfStringPassedToVerb)
* Class that supports tagged test registration in shorthand form.
* For example, this class enables syntax such as the following tagged test registration
* in shorthand form:
* * "A Stack (when empty)" should "be empty" taggedAs() in { ... }
* ^
* This class also enables syntax such as the following tagged, ignored test registration
* in shorthand form:
* * "A Stack (when empty)" should "be empty" taggedAs(SlowTest) ignore { ... }
* ^
* This class is used via an implicit conversion (named convertToInAndIgnoreMethodsAfterTaggedAs
* from ResultOfTaggedAsInvocation
. The ResultOfTaggedAsInvocation
* does not declare any methods named in
, because the
* type passed to in
differs in a FlatSpec
and a fixture.FlatSpec
* A fixture.FlatSpec
needs two in
methods, one that takes a no-arg
* test function and another that takes a one-arg test function (a test that takes a
* Fixture
as its parameter). By constrast, a FlatSpec
* only one in
method that takes a by-name parameter. As a result,
* FlatSpec
and fixture.FlatSpec
each provide an implicit conversion
* from ResultOfTaggedAsInvocation
to a type that provides the appropriate
* in
* @author Bill Venners
protected final class InAndIgnoreMethodsAfterTaggedAs(resultOfTaggedAsInvocation: ResultOfTaggedAsInvocation) {
import resultOfTaggedAsInvocation.verb
import resultOfTaggedAsInvocation.rest
import resultOfTaggedAsInvocation.{tags => tagsList}
* Supports the registration of tagged tests in shorthand form.
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * "A Stack" must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) in { ... }
* ^
* For examples of tagged test registration, see the Tagging tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def in(testFun: => Any /* Assertion */)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToRun(verb.trim + " " + rest.trim, "in", tagsList, testFun _, pos)
* Supports the registration of tagged, ignored tests in shorthand form.
* This method supports syntax such as the following:
* * "A Stack" must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) ignore { ... }
* ^
* For examples of ignored test registration, see the Ignored tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
* For examples of tagged test registration, see the Tagging tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec
def ignore(testFun: => Any /* Assertion */)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
registerTestToIgnore(verb.trim + " " + rest.trim, tagsList, "ignore", testFun _, pos)
* Implicitly converts an object of type ResultOfTaggedAsInvocation
to an
* InAndIgnoreMethodsAfterTaggedAs
, to enable in
and ignore
* methods to be invokable on that object.
protected implicit def convertToInAndIgnoreMethodsAfterTaggedAs(resultOfTaggedAsInvocation: ResultOfTaggedAsInvocation): InAndIgnoreMethodsAfterTaggedAs =
new InAndIgnoreMethodsAfterTaggedAs(resultOfTaggedAsInvocation)
* Supports the shorthand form of test registration.
* For example, this method enables syntax such as the following:
* * "A Stack (when empty)" should "be empty" in { ... }
* ^
* This function is passed as an implicit parameter to a should
* provided in ShouldVerb
, a must
* provided in MustVerb
, and a can
* provided in CanVerb
. When invoked, this function registers the
* subject description (the first parameter to the function) and returns a ResultOfStringPassedToVerb
* initialized with the verb and rest parameters (the second and third parameters to
* the function, respectively).
protected implicit val shorthandTestRegistrationFunction: StringVerbStringInvocation =
new StringVerbStringInvocation {
def apply(subject: String, verb: String, rest: String, pos: source.Position): ResultOfStringPassedToVerb = {
val stackDepth = 6
//SCALATESTJS-ONLY val stackDepth = 8
registerFlatBranch(subject, Resources.shouldCannotAppearInsideAnIn, "FlatSpecLike.scala", "apply", stackDepth, 0, Some(pos))
new ResultOfStringPassedToVerb(verb, rest) {
def is(testFun: => PendingStatement): Unit = {
registerTestToRun(verb.trim + " " + rest.trim, "is", List(), () => { testFun; succeed }, pos)
// Note, won't have an is method that takes fixture => PendingStatement one, because don't want
// to say is (fixture => pending), rather just say is (pending)
def taggedAs(firstTestTag: Tag, otherTestTags: Tag*) = {
val tagList = firstTestTag :: otherTestTags.toList
new ResultOfTaggedAsInvocation(verb, rest, tagList) {
// "A Stack" should "bla bla" taggedAs(SlowTest) is (pending)
// ^
def is(testFun: => PendingStatement): Unit = {
registerTestToRun(verb.trim + " " + rest.trim, "is", tags, () => { testFun; succeed }, pos)
* Supports the shorthand form of shared test registration.
* For example, this method enables syntax such as the following in:
* * "A Stack (with one item)" should behave like nonEmptyStack(stackWithOneItem, lastValuePushed)
* ^
* This function is passed as an implicit parameter to a should
* provided in ShouldVerb
, a must
* provided in MustVerb
, and a can
* provided in CanVerb
. When invoked, this function registers the
* subject description (the parameter to the function) and returns a BehaveWord
protected implicit val shorthandSharedTestRegistrationFunction: StringVerbBehaveLikeInvocation =
new StringVerbBehaveLikeInvocation {
def apply(subject: String, pos: source.Position): BehaveWord = {
registerFlatBranch(subject, Resources.shouldCannotAppearInsideAnIn, "FlatSpecLike.scala", "apply", 5, 0, Some(pos))
new BehaveWord
// TODO: I got a:
// runsuite:
// [scalatest] *** RUN ABORTED ***
// [scalatest] An exception or error caused a run to abort: Duplicate test name: should return the new exception with the clue string appended, separated by a space char if passed a function that does that (Engine.scala:464)
// Shouldn't be Engine.scala clearly
* Register a test to ignore, which has the given spec text, optional tags, and test function value that takes no arguments.
* This method will register the test for later ignoring via an invocation of one of the execute
* methods. This method exists to make it easy to ignore an existing test by changing the call to it
* to ignore
without deleting or commenting out the actual test code. The test will not be executed, but a
* report will be sent that indicates the test was ignored. The name of the test will be a concatenation of the text of all surrounding describers,
* from outside in, and the passed spec text, with one space placed between each item. (See the documenation
* for testNames
for an example.) The resulting test name must not have been registered previously on
* this FlatSpec
* @param specText the specification text, which will be combined with the descText of any surrounding describers
* to form the test name
* @param testTags the optional list of tags for this test
* @param methodName caller's method name
* @param testFun the test function
* @throws DuplicateTestNameException if a test with the same name has been registered previously
* @throws TestRegistrationClosedException if invoked after run
has been invoked on this suite
* @throws NullArgumentException if specText
or any passed test tag is null
private def registerTestToIgnore(specText: String, testTags: List[Tag], methodName: String, testFun: () => Any /* Assertion */, pos: source.Position): Unit = {
val stackDepth = 4
val stackDepthAdjustment = -4
//SCALATESTJS-ONLY val stackDepth = 6
//SCALATESTJS-ONLY val stackDepthAdjustment = -6
engine.registerIgnoredTest(specText, Transformer(testFun), Resources.ignoreCannotAppearInsideAnInOrAnIs, "FlatSpecLike.scala", methodName, stackDepth, stackDepthAdjustment, None, Some(pos), testTags: _*)
* A Map
whose keys are String
names of tagged tests and whose associated values are
* the Set
of tags for the test. If this FlatSpec
contains no tags, this method returns an empty Map
* This trait's implementation returns tags that were passed as strings contained in Tag
objects passed to
* taggedAs
* In addition, this trait's implementation will also auto-tag tests with class level annotations.
* For example, if you annotate @Ignore
at the class level, all test methods in the class will be auto-annotated with
* org.scalatest.Ignore
override def tags: Map[String, Set[String]] = autoTagClassAnnotations(atomic.get.tagsMap, this)
* Run a test. This trait's implementation runs the test registered with the name specified by
* testName
. Each test's name is a concatenation of the text of all describers surrounding a test,
* from outside in, and the test's spec text, with one space placed between each item. (See the documenation
* for testNames
for an example.)
* @param testName the name of one test to execute.
* @param args the Args
for this run
* @return a Status
object that indicates when the test started by this method has completed, and whether or not it failed .
* @throws NullArgumentException if any of testName
, reporter
, stopper
, or configMap
* is null
protected override def runTest(testName: String, args: Args): Status = {
def invokeWithFixture(theTest: TestLeaf): Outcome = {
val theConfigMap = args.configMap
val testData = testDataFor(testName, theConfigMap)
new NoArgTest {
val name = testData.name
def apply(): Outcome = { theTest.testFun() }
val configMap = testData.configMap
val scopes = testData.scopes
val text = testData.text
val tags = testData.tags
val pos = testData.pos
runTestImpl(thisSuite, testName, args, true, invokeWithFixture)
* Run zero to many of this FlatSpec
's tests.
* This method takes a testName
parameter that optionally specifies a test to invoke.
* If testName
is Some
, this trait's implementation of this method
* invokes runTest
on this object, passing in:
* testName
- the String
value of the testName
* to this method
* reporter
- the Reporter
passed to this method, or one that wraps and delegates to it
* stopper
- the Stopper
passed to this method, or one that wraps and delegates to it
* configMap
- the configMap
passed to this method, or one that wraps and delegates to it
* This method takes a Set
of tag names that should be included (tagsToInclude
), and a Set
* that should be excluded (tagsToExclude
), when deciding which of this Suite
's tests to execute.
* If tagsToInclude
is empty, all tests will be executed
* except those those belonging to tags listed in the tagsToExclude
. If tagsToInclude
is non-empty, only tests
* belonging to tags mentioned in tagsToInclude
, and not mentioned in tagsToExclude
* will be executed. However, if testName
is Some
, tagsToInclude
and tagsToExclude
are essentially ignored.
* Only if testName
is None
will tagsToInclude
and tagsToExclude
be consulted to
* determine which of the tests named in the testNames
should be run. For more information on trait tags, see the main documentation for this trait.
* If testName
is None
, this trait's implementation of this method
* invokes testNames
on this Suite
to get a Set
of names of tests to potentially execute.
* (A testNames
value of None
essentially acts as a wildcard that means all tests in
* this Suite
that are selected by tagsToInclude
and tagsToExclude
should be executed.)
* For each test in the testName
, in the order
* they appear in the iterator obtained by invoking the elements
method on the Set
, this trait's implementation
* of this method checks whether the test should be run based on the tagsToInclude
and tagsToExclude
* If so, this implementation invokes runTest
, passing in:
* testName
- the String
name of the test to run (which will be one of the names in the testNames
* reporter
- the Reporter
passed to this method, or one that wraps and delegates to it
* stopper
- the Stopper
passed to this method, or one that wraps and delegates to it
* configMap
- the configMap
passed to this method, or one that wraps and delegates to it
* @param testName an optional name of one test to execute. If None
, all relevant tests should be executed.
* I.e., None
acts like a wildcard that means execute all relevant tests in this FlatSpec
* @param args the Args
for this run
* @return a Status
object that indicates when all tests started by this method have completed, and whether or not a failure occurred.
* @throws NullArgumentException if any of testName
, reporter
, stopper
, tagsToInclude
* tagsToExclude
, or configMap
is null
protected override def runTests(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status = {
runTestsImpl(thisSuite, testName, args, info, true, runTest)
* An immutable Set
of test names. If this FlatSpec
contains no tests, this method returns an
* empty Set
* This trait's implementation of this method will return a set that contains the names of all registered tests. The set's
* iterator will return those names in the order in which the tests were registered. Each test's name is composed
* of the concatenation of the text of each surrounding describer, in order from outside in, and the text of the
* example itself, with all components separated by a space. For example, consider this FlatSpec
* * import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
* class StackSpec extends FlatSpec {
* "A Stack (when not empty)" must "allow me to pop" in {}
* it must "not be empty" in {}
* "A Stack (when not full)" must "allow me to push" in {}
* it must "not be full" in {}
* }
* Invoking testNames
on this FlatSpec
will yield a set that contains the following
* two test name strings:
* * "A Stack (when not empty) must allow me to pop"
* "A Stack (when not empty) must not be empty"
* "A Stack (when not full) must allow me to push"
* "A Stack (when not full) must not be full"
override def testNames: Set[String] = {
// I'm returning a ListSet here so that they tests will be run in registration order
ListSet(atomic.get.testNamesList.toArray: _*)
override def run(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status = {
runImpl(thisSuite, testName, args, super.run)
* Supports shared test registration in FlatSpec
* This field supports syntax such as the following:
* * it should behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem)
* ^
* For more information and examples of the use of behave
, see the Shared tests section
* in the main documentation for this trait.
protected val behave = new BehaveWord
* Suite style name.
final override val styleName: String = "org.scalatest.FlatSpec"
override def testDataFor(testName: String, theConfigMap: ConfigMap = ConfigMap.empty): TestData = createTestDataFor(testName, theConfigMap, this)