org.scalatest.ParallelTestExecution.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2001-2013 Artima, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.scalatest
import org.scalatest.time.Span
import org.scalatest.tools.{TestSpecificReporter, DistributedTestRunnerSuite, TestSortingReporter}
* Trait that causes that the tests of any suite it is mixed into to be run in parallel if
* a Distributor
is passed to runTests
* ScalaTest's normal approach for running suites of tests in parallel is to run different suites in parallel,
* but the tests of any one suite sequentially. This approach should provide sufficient distribution of the work load
* in most cases, but some suites may encapsulate multiple long-running tests. Such suites may dominate the execution
* time of the run. If so, mixing in this trait into just those suites will allow their long-running tests to run in parallel with each
* other, thereby helping to reduce the total time required to run an entire run.
* To make it easier for users to write tests that run in parallel, this trait runs each test in its own instance of the class.
* Running each test in its own instance enables tests to use the same instance vars
and mutable objects referenced from
* instance variables without needing to synchronize. Although ScalaTest provides functional approaches to
* factoring out common test code that can help avoid such issues, running each test in its own instance is an insurance policy that makes
* running tests in parallel easier and less error prone.
* For the details on how ParallelTestExecution
works, see the documentation for methods run
, runTests
, and runTest
* which this trait overrides.
* Note: This trait's implementation of runTest
is final
, to ensure that behavior
* related to individual tests are executed by the same thread that executes the actual test. This means,
* for example, that you won't be allowed to write ...with ParallelTestExecution with BeforeAndAfter
* Instead, you'd need to put ParallelTestExecution
last, as
* in: with BeforeAndAfter with ParallelTestExecution
. For more details, see the documentation
* for the runTest
* @author Bill Venners
trait ParallelTestExecution extends OneInstancePerTest { this: Suite =>
* Modifies the behavior of super.runTests
to facilitate parallel test execution.
* This trait's implementation of this method always invokes super.runTests
to delegate
* to OneInstancePerTest
's implementation, but it may pass in a modified args
* If args.runTestInNewInstance
is false
and args.distributor
is defined,
* this trait's implementation of this method will wrap the passed args.reporter
in a new Reporter
* that can sort events fired by parallel tests back into sequential order, with a timeout. It will pass this new reporter to
* super.runTests
(in args.reporter
) as well as a defined DistributedTestSorter
* (in args.distributedTestSorter) that can be used to communicate with the sorting reporter. Otherwise, if args.runTestInNewInstance
* true
or args.distributor
is empty, this trait's implementation of this method simply calls super.runTests
* passing along the same testName
and args
* @param testName an optional name of one test to run. If None
, all relevant tests should be run.
* I.e., None
acts like a wildcard that means run all relevant tests in this Suite
* @param args the Args
for this run
* @return a Status
object that indicates when all tests started by this method have completed, and whether or not a failure occurred.
protected abstract override def runTests(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status = {
val newArgs =
if (args.runTestInNewInstance)
args // This is the test-specific instance
else {
args.distributor match { // This is the initial instance
case Some(distributor) =>
val testSortingReporter = new TestSortingReporter(suiteId, args.reporter, sortingTimeout, testNames.size, args.distributedSuiteSorter, System.err)
args.copy(reporter = testSortingReporter, distributedTestSorter = Some(testSortingReporter))
case None =>
// Always call super.runTests, which is OneInstancePerTest's runTests. But if RTINI is NOT
// set, that means we are in the initial instance. In that case, we wrap the reporter in
// a new TestSortingReporter, and wrap the distributor in a new DistributorWrapper that
// knows is passed the TestSortingReporter. We then call super.runTests, which is OIPT's runTests.
super.runTests(testName, newArgs)
* Modifies the behavior of super.runTest
to facilitate parallel test execution.
* This trait's implementation of this method only changes the supertrait implementation if
* args.distributor
is defined. If args.distributor
is empty, it
* simply invokes super.runTests
, passing along the same testName
* and args
* If args.distributor
is defined, then it uses the args.runTestInNewInstance
* flag to decide what to do. If runTestInNewInstance
* is true
, this is the general instance responsible for running all tests, so
* it first notifies args.distributedTestSorter
(if defined) that it is
* distributing this test by invoking distributingTest
on it, passing in the
* testName
. Then it wraps a new instance of this class, obtained by invoking
* newInstance
in a suite whose run method will ensure that only the test whose
* name was passed to this method as testName
is executed. Finally, this trait's
* implementation of this method submits this wrapper suite to the distributor.
* If runTestInNewInstance
is false
, this is the test-specific (distributed)
* instance, so this trait's implementation of this method simply invokes super.runTest
* passing along the same testName
and args
object, delegating responsibility
* for actually running the test to the super implementation. After super.runTest
* (or completes abruptly by throwing an exception), it notifies args.distributedTestSorter
* (if defined) that it has completed running the test by invoking completedTest
on it,
* passing in the testName
* Note: this trait's implementation of this method is final
to ensure that
* any other desired runTest
behavior is executed by the same thread that executes
* the test. For example, if you were to mix in BeforeAndAfter
* ParallelTestExecution
, the before
and after
code would
* be executed by the general instance on the main test thread, rather than by the test-specific
* instance on the distributed thread. Marking this method final
ensures that
* traits like BeforeAndAfter
can only be "super" to ParallelTestExecution
* and, therefore, that its before
and after
code will be run
* by the same distributed thread that runs the test itself.
* @param testName the name of one test to execute.
* @param args the Args
for this run
* @return a Status
object that indicates when the test started by this method has completed, and whether or not it failed .
final protected abstract override def runTest(testName: String, args: Args): Status = {
args.distributor match {
case Some(distribute) =>
if (args.runTestInNewInstance) {
// Tell the TSR that the test is being distributed
for (sorter <- args.distributedTestSorter)
// It will be oneInstance, testName, args.copy(reporter = ...)
distribute(new DistributedTestRunnerSuite(newInstance, testName, args), args.copy(tracker = args.tracker.nextTracker))
else {
// In test-specific (distributed) instance, so just run the test. (RTINI was
// removed by OIPT's implementation of runTests.)
try {
super.runTest(testName, args)
finally {
// Tell the TSR that the distributed test has completed
for (sorter <- args.distributedTestSorter)
case None => super.runTest(testName, args)
* Construct a new instance of this Suite
* This trait's implementation of runTests
invokes this method to create
* a new instance of this Suite
for each test. This trait's implementation
* of this method uses reflection to call this.getClass.newInstance
. This
* approach will succeed only if this Suite
's class has a public, no-arg
* constructor. In most cases this is likely to be true, because to be instantiated
* by ScalaTest's Runner
a Suite
needs a public, no-arg
* constructor. However, this will not be true of any Suite
defined as
* an inner class of another class or trait, because every constructor of an inner
* class type takes a reference to the enclosing instance. In such cases, and in
* cases where a Suite
class is explicitly defined without a public,
* no-arg constructor, you will need to override this method to construct a new
* instance of the Suite
in some other way.
* Here's an example of how you could override newInstance
to construct
* a new instance of an inner class:
* * import org.scalatest.Suite
* class Outer {
* class InnerSuite extends Suite with ParallelTestExecution {
* def testOne() {}
* def testTwo() {}
* override def newInstance = new InnerSuite
* }
* }
override def newInstance: Suite with ParallelTestExecution = {
val instance = getClass.newInstance.asInstanceOf[Suite with ParallelTestExecution]
//SCALATESTJS-ONLY override def newInstance: Suite with ParallelTestExecution
* A maximum amount of time to wait for out-of-order events generated by running the tests
* of this Suite
in parallel while sorting the events back into a more
* user-friendly, sequential order.
* The default implementation of this method returns the value specified via -T
Runner, or 2 seconds, if no -T
was supplied.
* @return a maximum amount of time to wait for events while resorting them into sequential order
protected def sortingTimeout: Span = Suite.testSortingReporterTimeout
* Modifies the behavior of super.run
to facilitate parallel test execution.
* This trait's implementation of this method only changes the supertrait implementation if both
* testName
and args.distributedTestSorter
are defined. If either
* testName
or args.distributedTestSorter
is empty, it
* simply invokes super.run
, passing along the same testName
* and args
* If both testName
and args.distributedTestSorter
are defined, however,
* this trait's implementation of this method will create a "test-specific reporter" whose apply
* method will invoke the apply
method of the DistributedTestSorter
, which takes
* a test name as well as the event. It will then invoke super.run
passing along
* the same testName
and an Args
object that is the same except with the
* original reporter replaced by the test-specific reporter.
* @param testName an optional name of one test to execute. If None
, all relevant tests should be executed.
* I.e., None
acts like a wildcard that means execute all relevant tests in this Suite
* @param args the Args
for this run
* @return a Status
object that indicates when all tests and nested suites started by this method have completed, and whether or not a failure occurred.
abstract override def run(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status = {
(testName, args.distributedTestSorter) match {
case (Some(name), Some(sorter)) =>
super.run(testName, args.copy(reporter = createTestSpecificReporter(sorter, name)))
case _ =>
super.run(testName, args)
protected[scalatest] def createTestSpecificReporter(testSorter: DistributedTestSorter, testName: String): Reporter =
new TestSpecificReporter(testSorter, testName)