org.scalatest.enablers.Collecting.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2001-2013 Artima, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.scalatest.enablers
import org.scalactic.Every
import scala.collection.GenTraversable
import org.scalatest.FailureMessages
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.language.higherKinds
* Supertrait for typeclasses that enable loneElement
and inspectors syntax
* for collections.
* A Collecting[E, C]
provides access to the "collecting nature" of type C
in such
* a way that loneElement
syntax can be used with type C
. A C
* can be any type of "collecting", a type that in some way collects or brings together elements of type E
* ScalaTest provides implicit implementations for several types. You can enable the contain
matcher syntax
* on your own type U
by defining an Collecting[E, U]
for the type and making it available implicitly.
* ScalaTest provides implicit Collecting
instances for scala.collection.GenTraversable
* Array
, java.util.Collection
and java.util.Map
in the
* Collecting
companion object.
trait Collecting[E, C] {
* Implements the loneElement
syntax of trait LoneElement
* Returns the lone element contained in a collection, wrapped in a Some
, or None
* if the collection contains either no elements or more than one element.
* @param collection a collection about which an assertion is being made
* @return Some[E]
if the collection contains one and only one element, None
def loneElementOf(collection: C): Option[E]
* Returns the size of the passed collection
* @param collection a collection
to check the size of
* @return the size of the passed collection
def sizeOf(collection: C): Int
* Returns a GenTraversable[E]
containing the same elements (in the same
* order, if the original collection had a defined order), as the passed collection
* @param collection a collection
to check the size of
* @return a GenTraversable[E]
containing the same elements as the passed collection
def genTraversableFrom(collection: C): GenTraversable[E]
* Companion object for Collecting
that provides implicit implementations for the following types:
* scala.collection.GenTraversable
* Array
* java.util.Collection
* java.util.Map
object Collecting {
* Implicit to support Collecting
nature of GenTraversable
* @tparam E the type of the element in the GenTraversable
* @tparam TRAV any subtype of GenTraversable
* @return Collecting[E, TRAV[E]]
that supports GenTraversable
in loneElement
implicit def collectingNatureOfGenTraversable[E, TRAV[e] <: scala.collection.GenTraversable[e]]: Collecting[E, TRAV[E]] =
new Collecting[E, TRAV[E]] {
def loneElementOf(trav: TRAV[E]): Option[E] = {
if (trav.size == 1) Some(trav.head) else None
def sizeOf(trav: TRAV[E]): Int = trav.size
def genTraversableFrom(collection: TRAV[E]): GenTraversable[E] = collection
* Implicit to support Collecting
nature of Array
* @tparam E the type of the element in the Array
* @return Collecting[E, Array[E]]
that supports Array
in loneElement
implicit def collectingNatureOfArray[E]: Collecting[E, Array[E]] =
new Collecting[E, Array[E]] {
def loneElementOf(array: Array[E]): Option[E] = {
if (array.size == 1) Some(array.head) else None
def sizeOf(array: Array[E]): Int = array.length
def genTraversableFrom(collection: Array[E]): GenTraversable[E] = collection
* Implicit to support Collecting
nature of String
* @return Collecting[Char, String]
that supports String
in loneElement
implicit def collectingNatureOfString: Collecting[Char, String] =
new Collecting[Char, String] {
def loneElementOf(string: String): Option[Char] = {
if (string.size == 1) Some(string.head) else None
def sizeOf(string: String): Int = string.length
def genTraversableFrom(collection: String): GenTraversable[Char] = collection.toVector
* Implicit to support Collecting
nature of java.util.Collection
* @tparam E the type of the element in the java.util.Collection
* @tparam JCOL any subtype of java.util.Collection
* @return Collecting[E, JCOL[E]]
that supports java.util.Collection
in loneElement
implicit def collectingNatureOfJavaCollection[E, JCOL[e] <: java.util.Collection[e]]: Collecting[E, JCOL[E]] =
new Collecting[E, JCOL[E]] {
def loneElementOf(coll: JCOL[E]): Option[E] = {
if (coll.size == 1) Some(coll.iterator.next) else None
def sizeOf(coll: JCOL[E]): Int = coll.size
def genTraversableFrom(collection: JCOL[E]): GenTraversable[E] = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
This is what asScala does, to make sure it keeps the order of Lists
scala.collection.mutable.Buffer <=> java.util.List
scala.collection.mutable.Set <=> java.util.Set
collection match {
case jList: java.util.List[E @unchecked] => jList.asScala
case jSet: java.util.Set[E @unchecked] => jSet.asScala
case _ => collection.asScala
// Wrap the extracted entry in an org.scalatest.Entry so people can call key and value methods instead of getKey and getValue
* Implicit to support Collecting
nature of java.util.Map
* @tparam K the type of the key in the java.util.Map
* @tparam V the type of the value in the java.util.Map
* @tparam JMAP any subtype of java.util.Map
* @return Collecting[org.scalatest.Entry[K, V], JMAP[K, V]]
that supports java.util.Map
in loneElement
implicit def collectingNatureOfJavaMap[K, V, JMAP[k, v] <: java.util.Map[k, v]]: Collecting[org.scalatest.Entry[K, V], JMAP[K, V]] =
new Collecting[org.scalatest.Entry[K, V], JMAP[K, V]] {
def loneElementOf(jmap: JMAP[K, V]): Option[org.scalatest.Entry[K, V]] = {
if (jmap.size == 1) {
val loneEntry = jmap.entrySet.iterator.next
Some(org.scalatest.Entry(loneEntry.getKey, loneEntry.getValue))
} else None
def sizeOf(jmap: JMAP[K, V]): Int = jmap.size
Original order needs to be preserved
def genTraversableFrom(collection: JMAP[K, V]): scala.collection.GenTraversable[org.scalatest.Entry[K, V]] = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
collection.entrySet.iterator.asScala.map(entry => org.scalatest.Entry(entry.getKey, entry.getValue)).toList
* Implicit to support Collecting
nature of Every
* @tparam E the type of the element in the Every
* @tparam EVERY any subtype of Every
* @return Collecting[EVERY[E]]
that supports Every
in loneElement
implicit def collectingNatureOfEvery[E, EVERY[e] <: Every[e]]: Collecting[E, EVERY[E]] =
new Collecting[E, EVERY[E]] {
def loneElementOf(every: EVERY[E]): Option[E] =
if (every.size == 1) Some(every.head) else None
def sizeOf(every: EVERY[E]): Int = every.size
def genTraversableFrom(collection: EVERY[E]): GenTraversable[E] = collection.toVector