org.scalatest.enablers.Containing.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2001-2013 Artima, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.scalatest.enablers
import org.scalactic.{Equality, NormalizingEquality, Every}
import scala.collection.{GenTraversableOnce, GenTraversable}
* Supertrait for typeclasses that enable certain contain
matcher syntax for containers.
* A Containing[C]
provides access to the "containing nature" of type C
in such
* a way that relevant contain
matcher syntax can be used with type C
. A C
* can be any type of "container," a type that in some way can contains one or more other objects. ScalaTest provides
* implicit implementations for several types. You can enable the contain
matcher syntax on your own
* type U
by defining an Containing[U]
for the type and making it available implicitly.
* ScalaTest provides implicit Containing
instances for scala.collection.GenTraversable
* java.util.Collection
, java.util.Map
, String
, Array
* and scala.Option
in the Containing
companion object.
* Containing
versus Aggregating
* The difference between Containing
and Aggregating
is that
* Containing
enables contain
matcher syntax that makes sense for "box" types that can
* contain at most one value (for example, scala.Option
* whereas Aggregating
enables contain
matcher syntax for full-blown collections and other
* aggregations of potentially more than one object. For example, it makes sense to make assertions like these, which
* are enabled by Containing
, for scala.Option
* * val option: Option[Int] = Some(7)
* option should contain (7)
* option should contain oneOf (6, 7, 8)
* option should contain noneOf (3, 4, 5)
* However, given a scala.Option
can only ever contain at most one object, it doesn't make
* sense to make assertions like the following, which are enabled via Aggregation
* * // Could never succeed, so does not compile
* option should contain allOf (6, 7, 8)
* The above assertion could never succceed, because an option cannot contain more than
* one value. By default the above statement does not compile, because contain
* is enabled by Aggregating
, and ScalaTest provides no implicit Aggregating
* for type scala.Option
trait Containing[-C] {
* Implements contain
syntax for containers of type C
* @param container a container about which an assertion is being made
* @param element an element that should be contained in the passed container
* @return true if the passed container contains the passed element
def contains(container: C, element: Any): Boolean
* Implements contain
syntax for containers of type C
* @param container a container about which an assertion is being made
* @param elements elements exactly one (i.e., one and only one) of which should be contained in the passed container
* @return true if the passed container contains exactly one of the passed elements
def containsOneOf(container: C, elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean
* Implements contain
syntax for containers of type C
* @param container a container about which an assertion is being made
* @param elements elements none of which should be contained in the passed container
* @return true if the passed container contains none of the passed elements
def containsNoneOf(container: C, elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean
def containsOneOf[T](left: T, rightItr: Iterator[Any])(implicit holder: Containing[T]): Boolean = {
if (rightItr.hasNext) {
val nextRight = rightItr.next
if (holder.contains(left, nextRight)) // Found one of right in left, can succeed early
containsOneOf(left, rightItr)
else // No more elements in right, left does not contain one of right.
* Companion object for Containing
that provides implicit implementations for the following types:
* scala.collection.GenTraversable
* String
* Array
* scala.Option
* java.util.Collection
* java.util.Map
object Containing {
private def tryEquality[T](left: Any, right: Any, equality: Equality[T]): Boolean =
try equality.areEqual(left.asInstanceOf[T], right)
catch {
case cce: ClassCastException => false
private[scalatest] def checkOneOf[T](left: GenTraversableOnce[T], right: GenTraversable[Any], equality: Equality[T]): Set[Any] = {
// aggregate version is more verbose, but it allows parallel execution.
{ case (fs, r) =>
if (left.exists(t => equality.areEqual(t, r))) {
// r is in the left
if (fs.size != 0) // This .size should be safe, it won't go > 1
return fs + r // fail early by returning early, hmm.. not so 'functional'??
fs + r
fs // r is not in the left
{ case (fs1, fs2) =>
val fs = fs1 + fs2
if (fs.size > 1)
return fs // fail early by returning early
private[scalatest] def checkNoneOf[T](left: GenTraversableOnce[T], right: GenTraversable[Any], equality: Equality[T]): Option[Any] = {
{ case (f, r) =>
if (left.exists(t => equality.areEqual(t, r)))
return Some(r) // r is in the left, fail early by returning.
None // r is not in the left
{ case (f1, f2) => None }
import scala.language.higherKinds
* Implicit to support Containing
nature of java.util.Collection
* @param equality Equality
type class that is used to check equality of element in the java.util.Collection
* @tparam E the type of the element in the java.util.Collection
* @tparam JCOL any subtype of java.util.Collection
* @return Containing[JCOL[E]]
that supports java.util.Collection
in relevant contain
implicit def containingNatureOfJavaCollection[E, JCOL[e] <: java.util.Collection[e]](implicit equality: Equality[E]): Containing[JCOL[E]] =
new Containing[JCOL[E]] {
def contains(javaColl: JCOL[E], ele: Any): Boolean = {
val it: java.util.Iterator[E] = javaColl.iterator
var found = false
while (!found && it.hasNext) {
found = equality.areEqual(it.next , ele)
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
def containsOneOf(javaColl: JCOL[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
val foundSet = checkOneOf[E](javaColl.asScala, elements, equality)
foundSet.size == 1
def containsNoneOf(javaColl: JCOL[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
val found = checkNoneOf[E](javaColl.asScala, elements, equality)
import scala.language.implicitConversions
* Implicit conversion that converts an Equality
of type E
* into Containing
of type JCOL[E]
, where JCOL
is a subtype of java.util.Collection
* This is required to support the explicit Equality
syntax, for example:
* * val javaList = new java.util.ArrayList[String]()
* javaList.add("hi")
* (javaList should contain oneOf ("HI")) (after being lowerCased)
* (after being lowerCased)
will returns an Equality[String]
* and this implicit conversion will convert it into Containing[java.util.ArrayList[String]]
* @param equality Equality
of type E
* @tparam E type of elements in the java.util.Collection
* @tparam JCOL subtype of java.util.Collection
* @return Containing
of type JCOL[E]
implicit def convertEqualityToJavaCollectionContaining[E, JCOL[e] <: java.util.Collection[e]](equality: Equality[E]): Containing[JCOL[E]] =
* Implicit to support Containing
nature of GenTraversable
* @param equality Equality
type class that is used to check equality of element in the GenTraversable
* @tparam E the type of the element in the GenTraversable
* @tparam TRAV any subtype of GenTraversable
* @return Containing[TRAV[E]]
that supports GenTraversable
in relevant contain
implicit def containingNatureOfGenTraversable[E, TRAV[e] <: scala.collection.GenTraversable[e]](implicit equality: Equality[E]): Containing[TRAV[E]] =
new Containing[TRAV[E]] {
def contains(trav: TRAV[E], ele: Any): Boolean = {
equality match {
case normEq: NormalizingEquality[_] =>
val normRight = normEq.normalizedOrSame(ele)
trav.exists((e: E) => normEq.afterNormalizationEquality.areEqual(normEq.normalized(e), normRight))
case _ => trav.exists((e: E) => equality.areEqual(e, ele))
def containsOneOf(trav: TRAV[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
val foundSet = checkOneOf[E](trav, elements, equality)
foundSet.size == 1
def containsNoneOf(trav: TRAV[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
val found = checkNoneOf[E](trav, elements, equality)
* Implicit conversion that converts an Equality
of type E
* into Containing
of type TRAV[E]
, where TRAV
is a subtype of GenTraversable
* This is required to support the explicit Equality
syntax, for example:
* * (List("hi") should contain oneOf ("HI")) (after being lowerCased)
* (after being lowerCased)
will returns an Equality[String]
* and this implicit conversion will convert it into Containing[List[String]]
* @param equality Equality
of type E
* @tparam E type of elements in the GenTraversable
* @tparam TRAV subtype of GenTraversable
* @return Containing
of type TRAV[E]
implicit def convertEqualityToGenTraversableContaining[E, TRAV[e] <: scala.collection.GenTraversable[e]](equality: Equality[E]): Containing[TRAV[E]] =
// OPT so that it will work with Some also, but it doesn't work with None
* Implicit to support Containing
nature of scala.Option
* @param equality Equality
type class that is used to check equality of element in the Option
* @tparam E the type of the element in the scala.Option
* @tparam OPT any subtype of scala.Option
* @return Containing[OPT[E]]
that supports scala.Option
in relevant contain
implicit def containingNatureOfOption[E, OPT[e] <: Option[e]](implicit equality: Equality[E]): Containing[OPT[E]] =
new Containing[OPT[E]] {
def contains(opt: OPT[E], ele: Any): Boolean = {
opt.exists((e: E) => equality.areEqual(e, ele))
def containsOneOf(opt: OPT[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
val foundSet = checkOneOf[E](opt, elements, equality)
foundSet.size == 1
def containsNoneOf(opt: OPT[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
val found = checkNoneOf[E](opt, elements, equality)
* Implicit conversion that converts an Equality
of type E
* into Containing
of type OPT[E]
, where OPT
is a subtype of scala.Option
* This is required to support the explicit Equality
syntax, for example:
* * (Some("hi") should contain oneOf ("HI")) (after being lowerCased)
* (after being lowerCased)
will returns an Equality[String]
* and this implicit conversion will convert it into Containing[Some[String]]
* @param equality Equality
of type E
* @tparam E type of elements in the scala.Option
* @tparam OPT subtype of scala.Option
* @return Containing
of type OPT[E]
implicit def convertEqualityToOptionContaining[E, OPT[e] <: Option[e]](equality: Equality[E]): Containing[OPT[E]] =
* Implicit to support Containing
nature of Array
* @param equality Equality
type class that is used to check equality of element in the Array
* @tparam E the type of the element in the Array
* @return Containing[Array[E]]
that supports Array
in relevant contain
implicit def containingNatureOfArray[E](implicit equality: Equality[E]): Containing[Array[E]] =
new Containing[Array[E]] {
def contains(arr: Array[E], ele: Any): Boolean =
arr.exists((e: E) => equality.areEqual(e, ele))
def containsOneOf(arr: Array[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
val foundSet = checkOneOf[E](arr, elements, equality)
foundSet.size == 1
def containsNoneOf(arr: Array[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
val found = checkNoneOf[E](arr, elements, equality)
* Implicit conversion that converts an Equality
of type E
* into Containing
of type Array[E]
* This is required to support the explicit Equality
syntax, for example:
* * (Array("hi") should contain oneOf ("HI")) (after being lowerCased)
* (after being lowerCased)
will returns an Equality[String]
* and this implicit conversion will convert it into Containing[Array[String]]
* @param equality Equality
of type E
* @tparam E type of elements in the Array
* @return Containing
of type Array[E]
implicit def convertEqualityToArrayContaining[E](equality: Equality[E]): Containing[Array[E]] =
* Implicit to support Containing
nature of String
* @param equality Equality
type class that is used to check equality of Char
in the String
* @return Containing[String]
that supports String
in relevant contain
implicit def containingNatureOfString(implicit equality: Equality[Char]): Containing[String] =
new Containing[String] {
def contains(str: String, ele: Any): Boolean =
str.exists((e: Char) => equality.areEqual(e, ele))
def containsOneOf(str: String, elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
val foundSet = checkOneOf[Char](str, elements, equality)
foundSet.size == 1
def containsNoneOf(str: String, elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
val found = checkNoneOf[Char](str, elements, equality)
* Implicit conversion that converts an Equality
of type Char
* into Containing
of type String
* This is required to support the explicit Equality
syntax, for example:
* * // lowerCased needs to be implemented as Normalization[Char]
* ("hi hello" should contain oneOf ('E')) (after being lowerCased)
* (after being lowerCased)
will returns an Equality[Char]
* and this implicit conversion will convert it into Containing[String]
* @param equality Equality
of type Char
* @return Containing
of type String
implicit def convertEqualityToStringContaining(equality: Equality[Char]): Containing[String] =
* Implicit to support Containing
nature of java.util.Map
* @param equality Equality
type class that is used to check equality of entry in the java.util.Map
* @tparam K the type of the key in the java.util.Map
* @tparam V the type of the value in the java.util.Map
* @tparam JMAP any subtype of java.util.Map
* @return Containing[JMAP[K, V]]
that supports java.util.Map
in relevant contain
implicit def containingNatureOfJavaMap[K, V, JMAP[k, v] <: java.util.Map[k, v]](implicit equality: Equality[java.util.Map.Entry[K, V]]): Containing[JMAP[K, V]] =
new Containing[JMAP[K, V]] {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
def contains(map: JMAP[K, V], ele: Any): Boolean = {
map.entrySet.asScala.exists((e: java.util.Map.Entry[K, V]) => equality.areEqual(e, ele))
def containsOneOf(map: JMAP[K, V], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
val foundSet = checkOneOf[java.util.Map.Entry[K, V]](map.entrySet.asScala, elements, equality)
foundSet.size == 1
def containsNoneOf(map: JMAP[K, V], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
val found = checkNoneOf[java.util.Map.Entry[K, V]](map.entrySet.asScala, elements, equality)
* Implicit conversion that converts an Equality
of type java.util.Map.Entry[K, V]
* into Containing
of type JMAP[K, V]
, where JMAP
is a subtype of java.util.Map
* This is required to support the explicit Equality
syntax, for example:
* * val javaMap = new java.util.HashMap[Int, String]()
* javaMap.put(1, "one")
* // lowerCased needs to be implemented as Normalization[java.util.Map.Entry[K, V]]
* (javaMap should contain (Entry(1, "ONE"))) (after being lowerCased)
* (after being lowerCased)
will returns an java.util.Map.Entry[Int, String]
* and this implicit conversion will convert it into Containing[java.util.HashMap[Int, String]]
* @param equality Equality
of type java.util.Map.Entry[K, V]
* @tparam K the type of the key in the java.util.Map
* @tparam V the type of the value in the java.util.Map
* @tparam JMAP any subtype of java.util.Map
* @return Containing
of type JMAP[K, V]
implicit def convertEqualityToJavaMapContaining[K, V, JMAP[k, v] <: java.util.Map[k, v]](equality: Equality[java.util.Map.Entry[K, V]]): Containing[JMAP[K, V]] =
* Implicit to support Containing
nature of Every
* @param equality Equality
type class that is used to check equality of element in the Every
* @tparam E the type of the element in the Every
* @return Containing[Every[E]]
that supports Every
in relevant contain
implicit def containingNatureOfEvery[E](implicit equality: Equality[E]): Containing[Every[E]] =
new Containing[Every[E]] {
def contains(every: Every[E], ele: Any): Boolean =
equality match {
case normEq: NormalizingEquality[_] =>
val normRight = normEq.normalizedOrSame(ele)
every.exists((e: E) => normEq.afterNormalizationEquality.areEqual(normEq.normalized(e), normRight))
case _ => every.exists((e: E) => equality.areEqual(e, ele))
def containsOneOf(every: Every[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
val foundSet = checkOneOf[E](every, elements, equality)
foundSet.size == 1
def containsNoneOf(every: Every[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
val found = checkNoneOf[E](every, elements, equality)
* Implicit conversion that converts an Equality
of type E
* into Containing
of type Every[E]
* This is required to support the explicit Equality
syntax, for example:
* * (Every("hi", "he", "ho") should contain oneOf ("HI")) (after being lowerCased)
* (after being lowerCased)
will returns an Equality[String]
* and this implicit conversion will convert it into Containing[Every[String]]
* @param equality Equality
of type E
* @tparam E type of elements in the Every
* @return Containing
of type Every[E]
implicit def convertEqualityToEveryContaining[E](equality: Equality[E]): Containing[Every[E]] =