org.scalatest.tools.Runner.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2001-2013 Artima, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.scalatest.tools
import org.scalatest._
import java.net.URL
import java.net.MalformedURLException
import java.net.URLClassLoader
import java.io.File
import java.io.IOException
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore
import org.scalatest.events._
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory
import SuiteDiscoveryHelper._
import org.scalatest.time.Span
import org.scalatest.time.Seconds
import org.scalatest.time.Millis
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitWrapperSuite
import org.scalatest.testng.TestNGWrapperSuite
import Suite.{mergeMap, CHOSEN_STYLES, SELECTED_TAG, testSortingReporterTimeout}
import ArgsParser._
import org.scalactic.Requirements._
Command line args:
a - archive count for dashboard reporter --archive
A - select previously failed and/or canceled tests to rerun --again
b - run a testNG test (b for Beust) --testng
B -
c - parallel execution (--parallel) --parallel (deprecated, will be custom reporter)
C - custom reporter (temporarily)
d - dashboard reporter --dashboard
D - config map pair -D
e - standard error reporter (--stderr-reporter) --stderr
E -
f - file reporter --file
F - Span scale factor
g - graphical reporter --graphical
G -
h - HTML Reporter --html
H -
i - this one is used for the Suite ID --suiteId
I -
j - currently JUnit directly (can drop and use WrapWith) --junit
J -
k - socket reporter XML
K - socket reporter binary
l - tags to exclude --exclude
L -
m - members only path --members
M - memory reporter --memory (records failed tests in a file, so they can be rerun with A)
n - tags to include --include
N -
o - standard out reporter
O -
p - space-separated runpath (currently deprecated, will be parallel execution)
P - parallel execution (temporarily)
q - Suffix? -q Spec will only look at class files whose name ends in Spec
Q - equalivalent to -q Suite -q Spec
r - custom reporter (currently deprecated, will be runpath)
R - space-separated runpath (temporarily)
s - suite class name (to become a glob)
S -
t - test name
T - sorting timeout --sorting-timeout
u - JUnit XML reporter
U -
v - ScalaTest version number (also -version and --version)
V -
w - wildcard path
W - slowpoke detector (with two integral args, for timeout (delay) and interval (period), in seconds)
x - save for ScalaTest native XML
X -
y - sets org.scalatest.chosenstyle -y FunSpec or -y "FunSpec FunSuite"
-Y for after -h to set a custom style sheet
z - test name wildcard
Z -
StringReporter configuration params:
A - drop AlertProvided events
B - drop NoteProvided events
C - drop TestSucceeded events
D - show all durations
E - drop TestPending events
F - show full stack traces
*G - reminder with full stack traces
H - drop SuiteStarting events
*I - Reminder without stack traces
*K - exclude TestCanceled events from reminder
L - drop SuiteCompleted events
M - drop MarkupProvided events
N - drop TestStarting events
O - drop InfoProvided events
P - drop ScopeOpened events
Q - drop ScopeClosed events
R - drop ScopePending events
S - show short stack traces
*T - reminder with short stack traces
U - unformatted mode
W - without color
X - drop TestIgnored events
private[tools] case class SuiteConfig(suite: Suite, dynaTags: DynaTags, requireSelectedTag: Boolean, excludeNestedSuites: Boolean)
private[scalatest] case class ConcurrentConfig(numThreads: Int, enableSuiteSortingReporter: Boolean)
private[tools] case class SlowpokeConfig(delayInMillis: Long, periodInMillis: Long)
* Application that runs a suite of tests.
* Note: this application offers the full range of ScalaTest features via command line arguments described below. If you just want
* to run a suite of tests from the command line and see results on the standard output, you may prefer to use ScalaTest's simple runner.
* The basic form of a Runner
invocation is:
* * scala [-cp scalatest-<version>.jar:...] org.scalatest.tools.Runner [arguments]
* The arguments Runner
accepts are described in the following table:
* argument description example -Dkey=value
defines a key/value pair for the config map -DmaxConnections=100
-R <runpath elements>
the specifies the runpath from which tests classes will be
discovered and loaded (Note: only one -R
allowed) Unix: -R target/classes:target/generated/classes
Windows: -R target\classes;target\generated\classes
-n <tag name>
specifies a tag to include (Note: only one tag name allowed per -n
) -n UnitTests -n FastTests
-l <tag name>
specifies a tag to exclude (Note: only one tag name allowed per -l
) -l SlowTests -l PerfTests
-P[S][integer thread count]
specifies a parallel run, with optional suite sorting and thread count
(Note: only one -P
allowed) -P
, -PS
, -PS 8
, or -P8
-s <suite class name>
specifies a suite class to run -s com.company.project.StackSpec
-m <members-only package>
requests that suites that are direct members of the specified package
be discovered and run -m com.company.project
-w <wildcard package>
requests that suites that are members of the specified package or its subpackages
be discovered and run -w com.company.project
-q <suffixes>
specify suffixes to discover -q Spec -q Suite
discover only classes whose names end with Spec
or Suite
(or other suffixes specified by -q
) -Q
-j <JUnit class name>
instantiate and run a JUnit test class -j StackTestClass
-b <TestNG XML file>
run TestNG tests using the specified TestNG XML file -b testng.xml
-F <span scale factor>
a factor by which to scale time spans
(Note: only one -F
is allowed) -F 10
or -F 2.5
-T <sorting timeout>
specifies a integer timeout (in seconds) for sorting the events of
parallel runs back into sequential order -T 5
-y <chosen styles>
specifies chosen styles for your project -y org.scalatest.FlatSpec
-i <suite ID>
specifies a suite to run by ID (Note: must follow -s
and is intended to be used primarily by tools such as IDEs.) -i com.company.project.FileSpec-file1.txt
-t <test name>
select the test with the specified name -t "An empty Stack should complain when popped"
-z <test name substring>
select tests whose names include the specified substring -z "popped"
select the graphical reporter -g
-f[NCXEHLOPQMDWSFU] <filename>
select the file reporter -f output.txt
-u <directory name>
select the JUnit XML reporter -u target/junitxmldir
-h <directory name> [-Y <css file name>]
select the HTML reporter, optionally including the specified CSS file -h target/htmldir -Y src/main/html/customStyles.css
print the ScalaTest version -v
or, also -version
select the standard output reporter -o
select the standard error reporter -e
-C[NCXEHLOPQMD] <reporter class>
select a custom reporter -C com.company.project.BarReporter
-M <file name>
memorize failed and canceled tests in a file, so they can be rerun with -A (again) -M rerun.txt
-A <file name>
used in conjunction with -M (momento) to select previously failed
and canceled tests to rerun again -A rerun.txt
-W <delay> <period>
requests notifications of slowpoke tests, tests that have been running
longer than delay seconds, every period seconds. -W 60 60
* The simplest way to start Runner
is to specify the directory containing your compiled tests as the sole element of the runpath, for example:
* scala -classpath scalatest-<version>.jar org.scalatest.tools.Runner -R compiled_tests
* Given the previous command, Runner
will discover and execute all Suite
s in the compiled_tests
directory and its subdirectories,
* and show results in graphical user interface (GUI).
* Executing suites
* Each -s
argument must be followed by one and only one fully qualified class name. The class must either extend Suite
* have a public, no-arg constructor, or be annotated by a valid WrapWith
* Specifying the config map
* A config map contains pairs consisting of a string key and a value that may be of any type. (Keys that start with
* "org.scalatest." are reserved for ScalaTest. Configuration values that are themselves strings may be specified on the
* Runner
command line.
* Each configuration pair is denoted with a "-D", followed immediately by the key string, an "=", and the value string.
* For example:
* -Ddbname=testdb -Dserver=
* Specifying a runpath
* A runpath is the list of filenames, directory paths, and/or URLs that Runner
* uses to load classes for the running test. If runpath is specified, Runner
* a custom class loader to load classes available on the runpath.
* The graphical user interface reloads the test classes anew for each run
* by creating and using a new instance of the custom class loader for each run.
* The classes that comprise the test may also be made available on
* the classpath, in which case no runpath need be specified.
* The runpath is specified with the -R option. The -R must be followed by a space,
* a double quote ("
), a white-space-separated list of
* paths and URLs, and a double quote. If specifying only one element in the runpath, you can leave off
* the double quotes, which only serve to combine a white-space separated list of strings into one
* command line argument. If you have path elements that themselves have a space in them, you must
* place a backslash (\) in front of the space. Here's an example:
* -R "serviceuitest-1.1beta4.jar myjini http://myhost:9998/myfile.jar target/class\ files"
* Specifying reporters
* Reporters can be specified on the command line in any of the following
* ways:
* -
- causes display of a graphical user interface that allows
* tests to be run and results to be investigated
* -
-f[configs...] <filename>
- causes test results to be written to
* the named file
* -
-u <directory>
- causes test results to be written to
* junit-style xml files in the named directory
* -
-h <directory> [-Y <CSS file>]
- causes test results to be written to
* HTML files in the named directory, optionally included the specified CSS file
* -
-a <number of files to archive>
- causes specified number of old
* summary and durations files to be archived (in summaries/ and durations/ subdirectories)
* for dashboard reporter (default is two)
* -
- causes test results to be written to
* the standard output
* -
- causes test results to be written to
* the standard error
* -
-k <host> <port>
- causes test results to be written to
* socket in the named host and port number, using XML format
* -
-K <host> <port>
- causes test results to be written to
* socket in the named host and port number, using Java object binary format
* -
-C[configs...] <reporterclass>
- causes test results to be reported to
* an instance of the specified fully qualified Reporter
class name
* The [configs...]
parameter, which is used to configure reporters, is described in the next section.
* The -C
option causes the reporter specified in
* <reporterclass>
to be
* instantiated.
* Each reporter class specified with a -C option must be public, implement
* org.scalatest.Reporter
, and have a public no-arg constructor.
* Reporter classes must be specified with fully qualified names.
* The specified reporter classes may be
* deployed on the classpath. If a runpath is specified with the
* -R
option, the specified reporter classes may also be loaded from the runpath.
* All specified reporter classes will be loaded and instantiated via their no-arg constructor.
* For example, to run a suite named MySuite
from the mydir
* using two reporters, the graphical reporter and a file reporter
* writing to a file named "test.out"
, you would type:
* java -jar scalatest.jar -R mydir -g -f test.out -s MySuite
* The -g
, -o
, or -e
options can
* appear at most once each in any single command line.
* Multiple appearances of -f
and -C
result in multiple reporters
* unless the specified <filename>
or <reporterclass>
* repeated. If any of -g
, -o
, -e
* <filename>
or <reporterclass>
are repeated on
* the command line, the Runner
will print an error message and not run the tests.
* Runner
adds the reporters specified on the command line to a dispatch reporter,
* which will dispatch each method invocation to each contained reporter. Runner
will pass
* the dispatch reporter to executed suites. As a result, every
* specified reporter will receive every report generated by the running suite of tests.
* If no reporters are specified, a graphical
* runner will be displayed that provides a graphical report of
* executed suites.
* Configuring reporters
* Each reporter option on the command line can include configuration characters. Configuration characters
* are specified immediately following the -g
, -o
* -e
, -f
, or -C
. The following configuration
* characters, which cause reports to be dropped, are valid for any reporter:
* -
- drop TestStarting
* -
- drop TestSucceeded
* -
- drop TestIgnored
* -
- drop TestPending
* -
- drop SuiteStarting
* -
- drop SuiteCompleted
* -
- drop InfoProvided
* -
- drop ScopeOpened
* -
- drop ScopeClosed
* -
- drop ScopePending
* -
- drop MarkupProvided
* A dropped event will not be delivered to the reporter at all. So the reporter will not know about it and therefore not
* present information about the event in its report. For example, if you specify -oN
, the standard output reporter
* will never receive any TestStarting
events and will therefore never report them. The purpose of these
* configuration parameters is to allow users to selectively remove events they find add clutter to the report without
* providing essential information.
* The following three reporter configuration parameters may additionally be used on standard output (-o), standard error (-e),
* and file (-f) reporters:
* -
- without color
* -
- show all durations
* -
- show short stack traces
* -
- show full stack traces
* -
- unformatted mode
* -
- show reminder of failed and canceled tests without stack traces
* -
- show reminder of failed and canceled tests with short stack traces
* -
- show reminder of failed and canceled tests with full stack traces
* -
- exclude TestCanceled
events from reminder
* If you specify a W, D, S, F, U, R, T, G, or K for any reporter other than standard output, standard error, or file reporters, Runner
* will complain with an error message and not perform the run.
* Configuring a standard output, error, or file reporter with D
will cause that reporter to
* print a duration for each test and suite. When running in the default mode, a duration will only be printed for
* the entire run.
* Configuring a standard output, error, or file reporter with F
will cause that reporter to print full stack traces for all exceptions,
* including TestFailedExceptions
. Every TestFailedException
contains a stack depth of the
* line of test code that failed so that users won't need to search through a stack trace to find it. When running in the default,
* mode, these reporters will only show full stack traces when other exceptions are thrown, such as an exception thrown
* by production code. When a TestFailedException
is thrown in default mode, only the source filename and
* line number of the line of test code that caused the test to fail are printed along with the error message, not the full stack
* trace.
* The 'U' unformatted configuration removes some formatting from the output and adds verbosity.
* The purpose of unformatted (or, "ugly") mode is to facilitate debugging of parallel runs. If you have
* tests that fail or hang during parallel runs, but succeed when run sequentially, unformatted mode can help.
* In unformatted mode, you can see exactly what is happening when it is happening. Rather than attempting to make the output
* look as pretty and human-readable as possible, unformatted mode will just print out verbose information about each event
* as it arrives, helping you track down the problem
* you are trying to debug.
* By default, a standard output, error, or file reporter inserts ansi escape codes into the output printed to change and later reset
* terminal colors. Information printed as a result of run starting, completed, and stopped events
* is printed in cyan. Information printed as a result of ignored or pending test events is shown in yellow. Information printed
* as a result of test failed, suite aborted, or run aborted events is printed in red. All other information is printed in green.
* The purpose of these colors is to facilitate speedy reading of the output, especially the finding of failed tests, which can
* get lost in a sea of passing tests. Configuring a standard output, error, or file reporter into without-color mode (W
) will
* turn off this behavior. No ansi codes will be inserted.
* The R
, T
, and G
options enable "reminders" of failed and, optionally, canceled tests to be printed
* at the end of the summary. This minimizes or eliminates the need to search and scroll backwards to find out what tests failed or were canceled.
* For large test suites, the actual failure message could have scrolled off the top of the buffer, making it otherwise impossible
* to see what failed. You can configure the detail level of the stack trace for regular reports of failed and canceled tests independently
* from that of reminders. To set the detail level for regular reports, use S
for short stack traces, F
* full stack traces, or nothing for the default of no stack trace. To set the detail level for reminder reports, use T
* reminders with short stack traces, G
for reminders with full stack traces in reminders, or R
for reminders
* with no stack traces. If you wish to exclude reminders of canceled tests, i.e., only see reminders of failed tests, specify
* K
along with one of R
, T
, or G
, as in "-oRK"
* For example, to run a suite using two reporters, the graphical reporter configured to present every reported event
* and a standard error reporter configured to present everything but test starting, test succeeded, test ignored, test
* pending, suite starting, suite completed, and info provided events, you would type:
* scala -classpath scalatest-<version>.jar -R mydir -g -eNDXEHLO -s MySuite
* Note that no white space is allowed between the reporter option and the initial configuration
* parameters. So "-e NDXEHLO"
will not work,
will work.
* Specifying tags to include and exclude
* You can specify tag names of tests to include or exclude from a run. To specify tags to include,
* use -n
followed by a white-space-separated list of tag names to include, surrounded by
* double quotes. (The double quotes are not needed if specifying just one tag.) Similarly, to specify tags
* to exclude, use -l
followed by a white-space-separated
* list of tag names to exclude, surrounded by double quotes. (As before, the double quotes are not needed
* if specifying just one tag.) If tags to include is not specified, then all tests
* except those mentioned in the tags to exclude (and in the org.scalatest.Ignore
tag), will be executed.
* (In other words, the absence of a -n
option is like a wildcard, indicating all tests be included.)
* If tags to include is specified, then only those tests whose tags are mentioned in the argument following -n
* and not mentioned in the tags to exclude, will be executed. For more information on test tags, see
* the documentation for Suite
. Here are some examples:
* -n CheckinTests
* -n FunctionalTests -l org.scalatest.tags.Slow
* -n "CheckinTests FunctionalTests" -l "org.scalatest.tags.Slow org.scalatest.tags.Network"
* Specifying suffixes to discover
* You can specify suffixes of Suite
names to discover. To specify suffixes to discover,
* use -q
followed by a vertical-bar-separated list of suffixes to discover, surrounded by
* double quotes. (The double quotes are not needed if specifying just one suffix.) Or you can specify
* them individually using multiple -q's.
* If suffixes to discover is not specified, then all suffixes are considered.
* If suffixes is specified, then only those Suites whose class names end in one of the specified suffixes
* will be considered during discovery. Here are some examples:
* -q Spec
* -q "Spec|Suite"
* -q Spec -q Suite
* Option -Q can be used to specify a default set of suffixes "Spec|Suite". If you specify both -Q and -q, you'll get Spec
* and Suite in addition to the other suffix or suffixes you specify with -q.
* Specifying suffixes can speed up the discovery process because class files with names not ending the specified suffixes
* can be immediately disqualified, without needing to load and inspect them to see if they either extend Suite
* and declare a public, no-arg constructor, or are annotated with WrapWith
* Executing Suite
s in parallel
* With the proliferation of multi-core architectures, and the often parallelizable nature of tests, it is useful to be able to run
* tests in parallel. If you include -P
on the command line, Runner
will pass a Distributor
* the Suite
s you specify with -s
. Runner
will set up a thread pool to execute any Suite
* passed to the Distributor
's put
method in parallel. Trait Suite
's implementation of
* runNestedSuites
will place any nested Suite
s into this Distributor
. Thus, if you have a Suite
* of tests that must be executed sequentially, you should override runNestedSuites
as described in the documentation for Distributor
* The -P
option may optionally be appended with a number (e.g.
* "-P10
" -- no intervening space) to specify the number of
* threads to be created in the thread pool. If no number (or 0) is
* specified, the number of threads will be decided based on the number of
* processors available.
* Specifying Suite
* Suites are specified on the command line with a -s followed by the fully qualified
* name of a Suite
subclass, as in:
* -s com.artima.serviceuitest.ServiceUITestkit
* Each specified suite class must be public, a subclass of
* org.scalatest.Suite
, and contain a public no-arg constructor.
* Suite
classes must be specified with fully qualified names.
* The specified Suite
classes may be
* loaded from the classpath. If a runpath is specified with the
* -R
option, specified Suite
classes may also be loaded from the runpath.
* All specified Suite
classes will be loaded and instantiated via their no-arg constructor.
* The runner will invoke execute
on each instantiated org.scalatest.Suite
* passing in the dispatch reporter to each execute
* Runner
is intended to be used from the command line. It is included in org.scalatest
* package as a convenience for the user. If this package is incorporated into tools, such as IDEs, which take
* over the role of runner, object org.scalatest.tools.Runner
may be excluded from that implementation of the package.
* All other public types declared in package org.scalatest.tools.Runner
should be included in any such usage, however,
* so client software can count on them being available.
* Specifying "members-only" and "wildcard" Suite
* If you specify Suite
path names with -m
or -w
, Runner
will automatically
* discover and execute accessible Suite
s in the runpath that are either a member of (in the case of -m
* or enclosed by (in the case of -w
) the specified path. As used in this context, a path is a portion of a fully qualified name.
* For example, the fully qualifed name com.example.webapp.MySuite
contains paths com
, com.example
, and com.example.webapp
* The fully qualifed name com.example.webapp.MyObject.NestedSuite
contains paths com
, com.example
* com.example.webapp
, and com.example.webapp.MyObject
* An accessible Suite
is a public class that extends org.scalatest.Suite
* and defines a public no-arg constructor. Note that Suite
s defined inside classes and traits do not have no-arg constructors,
* and therefore won't be discovered. Suite
s defined inside singleton objects, however, do get a no-arg constructor by default, thus
* they can be discovered.
* For example, if you specify -m com.example.webapp
* on the command line, and you've placed com.example.webapp.RedSuite
and com.example.webapp.BlueSuite
* on the runpath, then Runner
will instantiate and execute both of those Suite
s. The difference
* between -m
and -w
is that for -m
, only Suite
s that are direct members of the named path
* will be discovered. For -w
, any Suite
s whose fully qualified
* name begins with the specified path will be discovered. Thus, if com.example.webapp.controllers.GreenSuite
* exists on the runpath, invoking Runner
with -w com.example.webapp
will cause GreenSuite
* to be discovered, because its fully qualifed name begins with "com.example.webapp"
. But if you invoke Runner
* with -m com.example.webapp
, GreenSuite
will not be discovered because it is directly
* a member of com.example.webapp.controllers
, not com.example.webapp
* If you specify no -s
, -m
, or -w
arguments on the command line to Runner
, it will discover and execute all accessible Suite
* in the runpath.
* Specifying chosen styles
* You can optionally specify chosen styles for a ScalaTest run. ScalaTest supports different styles of
* testing so that different teams can use the style or styles that best suits their situation and culture. But
* in any one project, it is recommended you decide on one main style for unit testing, and
* consistently use only that style for unit testing throughout the project. If you also have integration
* tests in your project, you may wish to pick a different style for them than you are using for unit testing.
* You may want to allow certain styles to be used in special testing situations on a project, but in general,
* it is best to minimize the styles used in any given project to a few, or one.
* To facilitate the communication and enforcement of a team's style choices for a project, you can
* specify the chosen styles in your project build. If chosen styles is defined, ScalaTest style traits that are
* not among the chosen list will abort with a message complaining that the style trait is not one of the
* chosen styles. The style name for each ScalaTest style trait is its fully qualified name. For example,
* to specify that org.scalatest.FunSpec
as your chosen style you'd pass this to
* Runner
* -y org.scalatest.FunSpec
* If you wanted org.scalatest.FunSpec
as your main unit testing style, but also wanted to
* allow PropSpec
for test matrixes and FeatureSpec
* integration tests, you would write:
* -y org.scalatest.FunSpec -y org.scalatest.PropSpec -y org.scalatest.FeatureSpec
* To select org.scalatest.FlatSpec
as your main unit testing style, but allow
* org.scalatest.fixture.FlatSpec
for multi-threaded unit tests, you'd write:
* -y org.scalatest.FlatSpec -y org.scalatest.fixture.FlatSpec
* The style name for a suite is obtained by invoking its styleName
method. Custom style
* traits can override this method so that a custom style can participate in the chosen styles list.
* Because ScalaTest is so customizable, a determined programmer could circumvent
* the chosen styles check, but in practice -y
should be persuasive enough tool
* to keep most team members in line.
* Selecting suites and tests
* Runner
accepts three arguments that facilitate selecting suites and tests: -i
, -t
, and
* The -i
option enables a suite to be selected by suite ID. This argument is intended to allow tools such as IDEs or build tools to
* rerun specific tests or suites from information included in the results of a previous run. A -i
must follow a -s
* that specifies a class with a public, no-arg constructor. The -i
parameter can be used, for example, to rerun a nested suite that
* declares no zero-arg constructor, which was created by containing suite that does declare a no-arg constructor. In this case, -s
would be
* used to specify the class ScalaTest can instantiate directly, the containing suite that has a public, no-arg constructor, and -i
would be
* used to select the desired nested suite. One important use case for -i
is to enable such a nested suite that aborted during the previous run
* to be rerun.
* The -t
argument allows a test to be selected by its (complete) test name. Like -i
, the -t
argument is primarily intented
* to be used by tools such as IDEs or build tools, to rerun selected tests based on information obtained from the results of a previous run.
* For example, -t
could be used to rerun a test that failed in the previous run.
* The -t
argument can be used directly by users, but because descriptive test names are usually rather long, the -z
argument (described next), will
* usually be a more practical choice for users. If a -t
follows either -s
or -i
, then it only applies to the suite
* identified. If it is specified independent of a -s
or -i
, then discovery is performed to find all Suites containing the test name.
* The -z
option allows tests to be selected by a simplified wildcard: any test whose name includes the substring specified after -z
* will be selected. For example, -z popped
would select tests named "An empty stack should complain when popped"
and "A non-empty stack
* should return the last-pushed value when popped
, but not "An empty stack should be empty"
. In short, -z popped
would select any
* tests whose name includes the substring "popped"
, and not select any tests whose names don't include "popped"
. This simplified
* approach to test name wildcards, which was suggested by Mathias Doenitz, works around the difficulty of finding an actual wildcard character that will work
* reliably on different operating systems. Like -t
, if -z
follows -s
or -i
, then it only applies to the Suite specified. Otherwise discovery is performed to find all Suites containing test names that include the substring.
* Specifying a span scale factor
* If you specify a integer or floating point span scale factor with -F
, trait ScaledTimeSpans
* trait will return the specified value from its implementation of spanScaleFactor
. This allows you to tune the "patience" of a run (how long to wait
* for asynchronous operations) from the command line. For more information, see the documentation for trait ScaledTimeSpans
* Specifying TestNG XML config file paths
* If you specify one or more file paths with -b
(b for Beust, the last name of TestNG's creator), Runner
will create a org.scalatest.testng.TestNGWrapperSuite
* passing in a List
of the specified paths. When executed, the TestNGWrapperSuite
will create one TestNG
* and pass each specified file path to it for running. If you include -b
arguments, you must include TestNG's jar file on the class path or runpath.
* The -b
argument will enable you to run existing TestNG
tests, including tests written in Java, as part of a ScalaTest run.
* You need not use -b
to run suites written in Scala that extend TestNGSuite
. You can simply run such suites with
* -s
, -m
, or -w parameters.
* Specifying JUnit tests
* JUnit tests, including ones written in Java, may be run by specifying
* -j classname
, where the classname is a valid JUnit class
* such as a TestCase, TestSuite, or a class implementing a static suite()
* method returning a TestSuite.
* To use this option you must include a JUnit jar file on your classpath.
* Memorizing and rerunning failed and canceled tests
* You can memorize failed and canceled tests using -M
* * -M failed-canceled.txt
* All failed and canceled tests will be memorized in failed-canceled.txt
, to rerun them again, you use -A
* * -A failed-canceled.txt
* Slowpoke notifications
* You can request to recieve periodic notifications of slowpokes, tests that have been running longer than a given amount of time, specified in
* seconds by the first integer after -W
, the delay.
* You specify the period between slowpoke notifications in seconds with the second integer after -W
, the period. Thus to receive
* notifications very minute of tests that have been running longer than two minutes, you'd use:
* * -W 120 60
* Slowpoke notifications will be sent via AlertProvided
events. The standard out reporter, for example,
* will report such notifications like:
* * *** Test still running after 2 minutes, 13 seconds: suite name: ExampleSpec, test name: An egg timer should take 10 minutes.
* @author Bill Venners
* @author George Berger
* @author Josh Cough
* @author Chee Seng
object Runner {
private val RUNNER_JFRAME_START_X: Int = 150
private val RUNNER_JFRAME_START_Y: Int = 100
@volatile private[scalatest] var spanScaleFactor: Double = 1.0
private final val DefaultNumFilesToArchive = 2
// TO
// We always include a PassFailReporter on runs in order to determine
// whether or not all tests passed.
// The thread that calls Runner.run() will either start a GUI, if a graphic
// reporter was requested, or just run the tests itself. If a GUI is started,
// an event handler thread will get going, and it will start a RunnerThread,
// which will actually do the running. The GUI can repeatedly start RunnerThreads
// and RerunnerThreads, until the GUI is closed. If -P is specified, that means
// the tests should be run concurrently, which in turn means a Distributor will
// be passed to the execute method of the Suites, which will in turn populate
// it with its nested suites instead of executing them directly in the same
// thread. The Distributor works in conjunction with a pool of threads that
// will take suites out of the distributor queue and execute them. The DispatchReporter
// will serialize all reports via an actor, which because that actor uses receive
// not react, will have its own thread. So the DispatchReporter actor's thread will
// be the one that actually invokes TestFailed, RunAborted, etc., on this PassFailReporter.
// The thread that invoked Runner.run(), will be the one that calls allTestsPassed.
// The thread that invoked Runner.run() will be the one to instantiate the PassFailReporter
// and in its primary constructor acquire the single semaphore permit. This permit will
// only be released by the DispatchReporter's actor thread when a runAborted, runStopped,
// or runCompleted is invoked. allTestsPassed will block until it can reacquire the lone
// semaphore permit. Thus, a PassFailReporter can just be used for one run, then it is
// spent. A new PassFailReporter is therefore created each time the Runner.run() method is invoked.
private class PassFailReporter extends Reporter {
@volatile private var failedAbortedOrStopped = false
private val runDoneSemaphore = new Semaphore(1)
override def apply(event: Event): Unit = {
event match {
case _: TestFailed =>
failedAbortedOrStopped = true
case _: RunAborted =>
failedAbortedOrStopped = true
case _: SuiteAborted =>
failedAbortedOrStopped = true
case _: RunStopped =>
failedAbortedOrStopped = true
case _: RunCompleted =>
case _ =>
def allTestsPassed = {
// TODO: I don't think I'm enforcing that properties can't start with "org.scalatest"
// TODO: I don't think I'm handling rejecting multiple -f/-C with the same arg. -f fred.txt -f fred.txt should
// fail, as should -C MyReporter -C MyReporter. I'm failing on -o -o, -g -g, and -e -e, but the error messages
// could indeed be nicer.
* Runs a suite of tests, with optional GUI. See the main documentation for this singleton object for the details.
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// println("FOR DEBUGGING, THESE ARE THE ARGS PASSED TO main(): " + args.mkString(" "))
val result =
if (args.contains("-v") || args.contains("--version")) {
val version = org.scalatest.ScalaTestVersions.ScalaTestVersion
val scalaVersion = org.scalatest.ScalaTestVersions.BuiltForScalaVersion
println("ScalaTest " + version + " (Built for Scala " + scalaVersion + ")")
runOptionallyWithPassFailReporter(args.filter(arg => arg != "-v" && arg != "--version"), true)
runOptionallyWithPassFailReporter(args, true)
if (result)
* Runs a suite of tests, with optional GUI. See the main documentation for this singleton object for the details.
* The difference between this method and main
is simply that this method will block until the run
* has completed, aborted, or been stopped, and return true
if all tests executed and passed. In other
* words, if any test fails, or if any suite aborts, or if the run aborts or is stopped, this method will
* return false
. This value is used, for example, by the ScalaTest ant task to determine whether
* to continue the build if haltOnFailure
is set to true
* @return true if all tests were executed and passed.
def run(args: Array[String]): Boolean = {
// println("FOR DEBUGGING, THESE ARE THE ARGS PASSED TO run(): " + args.mkString(" "))
val originalThreadName = Thread.currentThread.getName
try {
runOptionallyWithPassFailReporter(args, true)
finally Thread.currentThread.setName(originalThreadName)
private def runOptionallyWithPassFailReporter(args: Array[String], runWithPassFailReporter: Boolean): Boolean = {
checkArgsForValidity(args) match {
case Some(s) => {
System.exit(1) // TODO: Shouldn't this be returning false?
case None =>
val ParsedArgs(
) = parseArgs(args)
val fullReporterConfigurations: ReporterConfigurations =
if (reporterArgs.isEmpty)
// If no reporters specified, just give them a graphic reporter
new ReporterConfigurations(Some(GraphicReporterConfiguration(Set())), Nil, Nil, Nil, /*Nil, Nil, */None, None, Nil, Nil, Nil, Nil)
val (suitesList: List[SuiteParam], testSpecs: List[TestSpec]) =
val agains: List[String] = parseAgainArgs(againArgs)
val junitsList: List[String] = parseSuiteArgsIntoNameStrings(junitArgs, "-j")
val runpathList: List[String] = parseRunpathArgIntoList(runpathArgs)
val propertiesMap: ConfigMap = parsePropertiesArgsIntoMap(propertiesArgs)
val tagsToInclude: Set[String] = parseCompoundArgIntoSet(tagsToIncludeArgs, "-n")
val tagsToExclude: Set[String] = parseCompoundArgIntoSet(tagsToExcludeArgs, "-l")
val concurrent: Boolean = !concurrentArgs.isEmpty
val concurrentConfig: ConcurrentConfig = parseConcurrentConfig(concurrentArgs)
val membersOnlyList: List[String] = parseSuiteArgsIntoNameStrings(membersOnlyArgs, "-m")
val wildcardList: List[String] = parseSuiteArgsIntoNameStrings(wildcardArgs, "-w")
val testNGList: List[String] = parseSuiteArgsIntoNameStrings(testNGArgs, "-b")
val chosenStyleSet: Set[String] = parseChosenStylesIntoChosenStyleSet(chosenStyles, "-y")
val slowpokeConfig: Option[SlowpokeConfig] = parseSlowpokeConfig(slowpokeArgs)
spanScaleFactor = parseDoubleArgument(spanScaleFactors, "-F", 1.0)
testSortingReporterTimeout = Span(parseDoubleArgument(testSortingReporterTimeouts, "-T", 2.0), Seconds)
// If there's a graphic reporter, we need to leave it out of
// reporterSpecs, because we want to pass all reporterSpecs except
// the graphic reporter's to the RunnerJFrame (because RunnerJFrame *is*
// the graphic reporter).
val reporterConfigs: ReporterConfigurations =
fullReporterConfigurations.graphicReporterConfiguration match {
case None => fullReporterConfigurations
case Some(grs) => {
new ReporterConfigurations(
val passFailReporter = if (runWithPassFailReporter) Some(new PassFailReporter) else None
if (propertiesMap.isDefinedAt(CHOSEN_STYLES))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property name '" + CHOSEN_STYLES + "' is used by ScalaTest, please choose other property name.")
val configMap: ConfigMap =
if (chosenStyleSet.isEmpty)
propertiesMap + (CHOSEN_STYLES -> chosenStyleSet)
val (detectSlowpokes: Boolean, slowpokeDetectionDelay: Long, slowpokeDetectionPeriod: Long) =
slowpokeConfig match {
case Some(SlowpokeConfig(delayInMillis, periodInMillis)) => (true, delayInMillis, periodInMillis)
case _ => (false, 60000L, 60000L)
fullReporterConfigurations.graphicReporterConfiguration match {
case Some(GraphicReporterConfiguration(configSet)) => {
val graphicEventsToPresent: Set[EventToPresent] = EventToPresent.allEventsToPresent filter
(if (configSet.contains(FilterTestStarting)) {_ != PresentTestStarting} else etp => true) filter
(if (configSet.contains(FilterTestSucceeded)) {_ != PresentTestSucceeded} else etp => true) filter
(if (configSet.contains(FilterTestIgnored)) {_ != PresentTestIgnored} else etp => true) filter
(if (configSet.contains(FilterTestPending)) {_ != PresentTestPending} else etp => true) filter
(if (configSet.contains(FilterScopeOpened)) {_ != PresentScopeOpened} else etp => true) filter
(if (configSet.contains(FilterScopeClosed)) {_ != PresentScopeClosed} else etp => true) filter
(if (configSet.contains(FilterScopePending)) {_ != PresentScopePending} else etp => true) filter
(if (configSet.contains(FilterSuiteStarting)) {_ != PresentSuiteStarting} else etp => true) filter
(if (configSet.contains(FilterSuiteCompleted)) {_ != PresentSuiteCompleted} else etp => true) filter
(if (configSet.contains(FilterInfoProvided)) {_ != PresentInfoProvided} else etp => true) filter
(if (configSet.contains(FilterMarkupProvided)) {_ != PresentMarkupProvided} else etp => true)
val abq = new ArrayBlockingQueue[RunnerJFrame](1)
usingEventDispatchThread {
val rjf = new RunnerJFrame(
// To get the Ant task to work, the main thread needs to block until
// The GUI window exits.
val rjf = abq.take()
case None => { // Run the test without a GUI
) { (loader, dispatchReporter) =>
new RunDoneListener {},
passFailReporter match {
case Some(pfr) => pfr.allTestsPassed
case None => false
// For debugging.
private[scalatest] def printOpts(opt: EventToPresent.Set32) {
if (opt.contains(EventToPresent.PresentRunStarting))
if (opt.contains(EventToPresent.PresentTestStarting))
if (opt.contains(EventToPresent.PresentTestSucceeded))
if (opt.contains(EventToPresent.PresentTestFailed))
if (opt.contains(EventToPresent.PresentTestIgnored))
if (opt.contains(EventToPresent.PresentSuiteStarting))
if (opt.contains(EventToPresent.PresentSuiteCompleted))
if (opt.contains(EventToPresent.PresentSuiteAborted))
if (opt.contains(EventToPresent.PresentInfoProvided))
if (opt.contains(EventToPresent.PresentRunStopped))
if (opt.contains(EventToPresent.PresentRunCompleted))
if (opt.contains(EventToPresent.PresentRunAborted))
// We number our named threads so that people can keep track
// of it as it goes through different suites. But in case the
// multiple doRunRunRunDaDoRunRun's get called, we want to
// use different numbers. So this is a "global" count in Runner.
private val atomicThreadCounter = new AtomicInteger
private[scalatest] def doRunRunRunDaDoRunRun(
dispatch: DispatchReporter,
suitesList: List[SuiteParam],
agains: List[String],
testSpecs: List[TestSpec],
junitsList: List[String],
stopper: Stopper,
tagsToIncludeSet: Set[String],
tagsToExcludeSet: Set[String],
configMap: ConfigMap,
concurrent: Boolean,
membersOnlyList: List[String],
wildcardList: List[String],
testNGList: List[String],
runpath: List[String],
loader: ClassLoader,
doneListener: RunDoneListener,
runStamp: Int,
concurrentConfig: ConcurrentConfig,
suffixes: Option[Pattern],
chosenStyleSet: Set[String]
): Unit = {
// TODO: add more, and to RunnerThread too
val (globSuites, nonGlobSuites) = suitesList.partition(_.isGlob)
var tracker = new Tracker(new Ordinal(runStamp))
// Generates SuiteConfigs for Suites found via discovery.
def genDiscoSuites: List[SuiteConfig] = {
val emptyDynaTags = DynaTags(Map.empty[String, Set[String]], Map.empty[String, Map[String, Set[String]]])
// If user specified any -t or -z arguments independent of
// a Suite name, or any members-only or wildcard args, or
// suite args with glob characters, then we need to do
// discovery to find the Suites associated with those
// args.
val discoArgsArePresent =
!membersOnlyList.isEmpty || !wildcardList.isEmpty ||
!testSpecs.isEmpty || !globSuites.isEmpty
// If user specified any specific Suites to run, then we don't
// have to do any discovery unless discoArgsArePresent.
val suiteArgsArePresent =
!nonGlobSuites.isEmpty || !junitsList.isEmpty || !testNGList.isEmpty ||
if (suiteArgsArePresent && !discoArgsArePresent) {
Nil // No DiscoverySuites in this case. Just run Suites
// named with -s or -j or -b
else {
val discoveryStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis
dispatch(DiscoveryStarting(tracker.nextOrdinal(), configMap))
val accessibleSuites: Set[String] =
discoverSuiteNames(runpath, loader, suffixes)
val discoSuites =
if (!discoArgsArePresent && !suiteArgsArePresent) {
// In this case, they didn't specify any -w, -m, -s,
// -j or -b on the command line, so the default is to
// run any accessible Suites discovered on the runpath
List(SuiteConfig(new DiscoverySuite("", accessibleSuites, true, loader), emptyDynaTags, false, false))
else {
val membersOnlyInstances =
for (membersOnlyName <- membersOnlyList)
yield SuiteConfig(new DiscoverySuite(membersOnlyName, accessibleSuites, false, loader), emptyDynaTags, false, false)
val wildcardInstances =
for (wildcardName <- wildcardList)
yield SuiteConfig(new DiscoverySuite(wildcardName, accessibleSuites, true, loader), emptyDynaTags, false, false)
val testSpecSuiteParams =
testSpecs, accessibleSuites, loader)
val testSpecInstances =
for (suiteParam <- testSpecSuiteParams)
yield genSuiteConfig(suiteParam, loader)
val deglobbedSuiteParams: List[SuiteParam] =
deglobSuiteParams(globSuites, accessibleSuites)
val globInstances =
for (suiteParam <- deglobbedSuiteParams)
yield genSuiteConfig(suiteParam, loader)
membersOnlyInstances ::: wildcardInstances ::: testSpecInstances ::: globInstances
val discoveryDuration = System.currentTimeMillis - discoveryStartTime
DiscoveryCompleted(tracker.nextOrdinal(), Some(discoveryDuration)))
// suites specified by name, either directly via -s or in a file via -A
val againSuites = readMemoryFiles(agains, dispatch, tracker)
val specificSuites = nonGlobSuites ::: againSuites
val runStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis
try {
val loadProblemsExist =
try {
val unrunnableList = specificSuites.filter{ suiteParam =>
val className = suiteParam.className
loader.loadClass(className) // Check if the class exist, so if not we get the nice cannot load suite error message.
!isAccessibleSuite(className, loader) && !isRunnable(className, loader)
if (!unrunnableList.isEmpty) {
val names = for (suiteParam <- unrunnableList) yield " " + suiteParam.className
dispatch(RunAborted(tracker.nextOrdinal(), Resources.nonSuite + names.mkString(", "), None))
else {
catch {
case e: ClassNotFoundException => {
dispatch(RunAborted(tracker.nextOrdinal(), Resources.cannotLoadSuite(e.getMessage), Some(e)))
if (!loadProblemsExist) {
try {
val namedSuiteInstances: List[SuiteConfig] =
for (suiteParam <- specificSuites)
yield genSuiteConfig(suiteParam, loader)
val emptyDynaTags = DynaTags(Map.empty[String, Set[String]], Map.empty[String, Map[String, Set[String]]])
val junitSuiteInstances: List[SuiteConfig] =
for (junitClassName <- junitsList)
yield SuiteConfig(new JUnitWrapperSuite(junitClassName, loader), emptyDynaTags, false, true) // JUnit suite should exclude nested suites
val testNGWrapperSuiteList: List[SuiteConfig] =
if (!testNGList.isEmpty)
List(SuiteConfig(new TestNGWrapperSuite(testNGList), emptyDynaTags, false, true)) // TestNG suite should exclude nested suites
val discoSuiteInstances = genDiscoSuites
val suiteInstances: List[SuiteConfig] = namedSuiteInstances ::: junitSuiteInstances ::: discoSuiteInstances ::: testNGWrapperSuiteList
val testCountList =
for (suiteConfig <- suiteInstances)
yield {
val tagsToInclude = if (suiteConfig.requireSelectedTag) tagsToIncludeSet ++ Set(SELECTED_TAG) else tagsToIncludeSet
val filter = Filter(if (tagsToInclude.isEmpty) None else Some(tagsToInclude), tagsToExcludeSet, suiteConfig.excludeNestedSuites, suiteConfig.dynaTags)
def sumInts(list: List[Int]): Int =
list match {
case Nil => 0
case x :: xs => x + sumInts(xs)
val expectedTestCount = sumInts(testCountList)
dispatch(RunStarting(tracker.nextOrdinal(), expectedTestCount, configMap))
if (concurrent) {
// Because some tests may do IO, will create a pool of 2 times the number of processors reported
// by the Runtime's availableProcessors method.
val poolSize =
if (concurrentConfig.numThreads > 0) concurrentConfig.numThreads
else Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * 2
val distributedSuiteSorter =
if (concurrentConfig.enableSuiteSortingReporter)
Some(new SuiteSortingReporter(dispatch, Span(testSortingReporterTimeout.millisPart + 1000, Millis), System.err))
val concurrentDispatch =
distributedSuiteSorter match {
case Some(dss) => dss
case None => dispatch
val threadFactory =
new ThreadFactory {
val defaultThreadFactory = Executors.defaultThreadFactory
def newThread(runnable: Runnable): Thread = {
val thread = defaultThreadFactory.newThread(runnable)
thread.setName("ScalaTest-" + atomicThreadCounter.incrementAndGet())
val execSvc: ExecutorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(poolSize, threadFactory)
try {
val distributor = new ConcurrentDistributor(Args(dispatch, stopper, Filter(if (tagsToIncludeSet.isEmpty) None else Some(tagsToIncludeSet), tagsToExcludeSet), configMap, None, tracker, chosenStyleSet), execSvc)
if (System.getProperty("org.scalatest.tools.Runner.forever", "false") == "true") {
while (true) {
val statuses = for (suiteConfig <- suiteInstances) yield {
val tagsToInclude = if (suiteConfig.requireSelectedTag) tagsToIncludeSet ++ Set(SELECTED_TAG) else tagsToIncludeSet
val filter = Filter(if (tagsToInclude.isEmpty) None else Some(tagsToInclude), tagsToExcludeSet, suiteConfig.excludeNestedSuites, suiteConfig.dynaTags)
val runArgs = Args(concurrentDispatch, stopper, filter, configMap, Some(distributor), tracker.nextTracker, chosenStyleSet, false, None, distributedSuiteSorter)
distributor.apply(suiteConfig.suite, runArgs)
(new CompositeStatus(statuses.toSet)).waitUntilCompleted()
else {
val statuses = for (suiteConfig <- suiteInstances) yield {
val tagsToInclude = if (suiteConfig.requireSelectedTag) tagsToIncludeSet ++ Set(SELECTED_TAG) else tagsToIncludeSet
val filter = Filter(if (tagsToInclude.isEmpty) None else Some(tagsToInclude), tagsToExcludeSet, suiteConfig.excludeNestedSuites, suiteConfig.dynaTags)
val runArgs = Args(concurrentDispatch, stopper, filter, configMap, Some(distributor), tracker.nextTracker, chosenStyleSet, false, None, distributedSuiteSorter)
distributor.apply(suiteConfig.suite, runArgs)
(new CompositeStatus(statuses.toSet)).waitUntilCompleted()
finally {
else {
for (suiteConfig <- suiteInstances) {
val tagsToInclude = if (suiteConfig.requireSelectedTag) tagsToIncludeSet ++ Set(SELECTED_TAG) else tagsToIncludeSet
val filter = Filter(if (tagsToInclude.isEmpty) None else Some(tagsToInclude), tagsToExcludeSet, suiteConfig.excludeNestedSuites, suiteConfig.dynaTags)
val runArgs = Args(dispatch, stopper, filter, configMap, None, tracker, chosenStyleSet)
val status = new ScalaTestStatefulStatus()
val suiteRunner = new SuiteRunner(suiteConfig.suite, runArgs, status)
val duration = System.currentTimeMillis - runStartTime
if (stopper.stopRequested) {
dispatch(RunStopped(tracker.nextOrdinal(), Some(duration)))
else {
dispatch(RunCompleted(tracker.nextOrdinal(), Some(duration)))
catch {
case e: InstantiationException =>
dispatch(RunAborted(tracker.nextOrdinal(), Resources.cannotInstantiateSuite(e.getMessage), Some(e), Some(System.currentTimeMillis - runStartTime)))
case e: IllegalAccessException =>
dispatch(RunAborted(tracker.nextOrdinal(), Resources.cannotInstantiateSuite(e.getMessage), Some(e), Some(System.currentTimeMillis - runStartTime)))
case e: NoClassDefFoundError =>
dispatch(RunAborted(tracker.nextOrdinal(), Resources.cannotLoadClass(e.getMessage), Some(e), Some(System.currentTimeMillis - runStartTime)))
case e: Throwable =>
dispatch(RunAborted(tracker.nextOrdinal(), Resources.bigProblems(e), Some(e), Some(System.currentTimeMillis - runStartTime)))
finally {
// Creates a SuiteParam for each Suite found that matches one
// of the patterns in a list of SuiteParams containing globs.
private[tools] def deglobSuiteParams(globsList: List[SuiteParam],
accessibleSuites: Set[String]):
List[SuiteParam] =
for {
suiteParam <- globsList
name <- accessibleSuites
if suiteParam.matches(name)
yield suiteParam.copy(className = name)
// Reads each specified file and generates a SuiteParam object
// for each entry in file. Files are of the format created when
// -M option is specified to record failed/canceled/aborted
// tests so they can be run again later.
private[tools] def readMemoryFiles(fileNames: List[String],
reporter: Reporter,
tracker: Tracker):
List[SuiteParam] =
val mementos =
for {
fileName <- fileNames
memento <- Memento.readFromFile(fileName)
yield memento
val (unrerunnables, rerunnables) = mementos.partition(_.className == None)
for (memento <- unrerunnables)
Resources.cannotRerun(memento.eventName, memento.suiteId,
private[tools] def genSuiteConfig(suiteParam: SuiteParam, loader: ClassLoader): SuiteConfig = {
val suiteClassName = suiteParam.className
val clazz = loader.loadClass(suiteClassName)
val wrapWithAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(classOf[WrapWith])
val suiteInstance =
if (wrapWithAnnotation == null)
else {
val suiteClazz = wrapWithAnnotation.value
val constructorList = suiteClazz.getDeclaredConstructors()
val constructor = constructorList.find { c =>
val types = c.getParameterTypes
types.length == 1 && types(0) == classOf[java.lang.Class[_]]
if (suiteParam.testNames.length == 0 && suiteParam.wildcardTestNames.length == 0 && suiteParam.nestedSuites.length == 0)
SuiteConfig(suiteInstance, new DynaTags(Map.empty, Map.empty), false, false) // -s suiteClass, no dynamic tagging required.
else {
val nestedSuites = suiteParam.nestedSuites
val (selectSuiteList, selectTestList) = nestedSuites.partition(ns => ns.testNames.length == 0 || ns.wildcardTestNames.length == 0)
val suiteDynaTags: Map[String, Set[String]] = Map() ++ selectSuiteList.map(ns => (ns.suiteId -> Set(SELECTED_TAG)))
val suiteExactTestDynaTags: Map[String, Map[String, Set[String]]] =
if (suiteParam.testNames.length > 0)
Map(suiteInstance.suiteId -> (Map() ++ suiteParam.testNames.map(tn => (tn -> Set(SELECTED_TAG)))))
val suiteWildcardTestDynaTags: Map[String, Map[String, Set[String]]] =
if (suiteParam.wildcardTestNames.length > 0) {
val wildcardTestNames = suiteParam.wildcardTestNames
val allTestNames = suiteInstance.testNames
val wildcardTestTags = Map() ++ allTestNames.filter(tn => wildcardTestNames.find(wc => tn.contains(wc)).isDefined)
.map(tn => (tn -> Set(SELECTED_TAG)))
Map(suiteInstance.suiteId -> wildcardTestTags)
def getNestedSuiteSelectedTestNames(nestedSuite: NestedSuiteParam): Array[String] = {
if (nestedSuite.wildcardTestNames.length == 0)
else {
val wildcardTestNames = nestedSuite.wildcardTestNames
val allTestNames = suiteInstance.testNames
nestedSuite.testNames ++ allTestNames.filter(tn => wildcardTestNames.find(wc => tn.contains(wc)).isDefined)
val nestedSuitesTestDynaTags: Map[String, Map[String, Set[String]]]
= Map() ++ selectTestList.map(ns => (ns.suiteId -> (Map() ++ getNestedSuiteSelectedTestNames(ns).map(tn => (tn, Set(SELECTED_TAG))))))
val testDynaTags = mergeMap[String, Map[String, Set[String]]](List(suiteExactTestDynaTags, suiteWildcardTestDynaTags, nestedSuitesTestDynaTags)) { (suiteTestMap1, suiteTestMap2) =>
mergeMap[String, Set[String]](List(suiteTestMap1, suiteTestMap2)) { (tagSet1, tagSet2) =>
tagSet1 ++ tagSet2
// Only exclude nested suites when using -s XXX -t XXXX, or -s XXX -z XXX
val excludeNestedSuites = suiteParam.testNames.length > 0 && nestedSuites.length == 0
SuiteConfig(suiteInstance, new DynaTags(suiteDynaTags, testDynaTags), true, excludeNestedSuites)
private[scalatest] def excludesWithIgnore(excludes: Set[String]) = excludes + "org.scalatest.Ignore"
private[scalatest] def withClassLoaderAndDispatchReporter(
runpathList: List[String],
reporterSpecs: ReporterConfigurations,
graphicReporter: Option[Reporter],
passFailReporter: Option[Reporter],
detectSlowpokes: Boolean,
slowpokeDetectionDelay: Long,
slowpokeDetectionPeriod: Long
)(f: (ClassLoader, DispatchReporter) => Unit): Unit = {
val loader: ClassLoader = getRunpathClassLoader(runpathList)
try {
try {
val dispatchReporter = ReporterFactory.getDispatchReporter(reporterSpecs, graphicReporter, passFailReporter, loader, None, detectSlowpokes, slowpokeDetectionDelay, slowpokeDetectionPeriod)
try {
f(loader, dispatchReporter)
finally {
catch {
// getDispatchReporter may complete abruptly with an exception, if there is an problem trying to load
// or instantiate a custom reporter class.
case ex: Throwable => {
finally {
// eventually call close on the RunpathClassLoader
private[scalatest] def getRunpathClassLoader(runpathList: List[String]): ClassLoader = {
if (runpathList.isEmpty) {
classOf[Suite].getClassLoader // Could this be null technically?
else {
val urlsList: List[URL] =
for (raw <- runpathList) yield {
try {
new URL(raw)
catch {
case murle: MalformedURLException => {
// Assume they tried to just pass in a file name
val file: File = new File(raw)
// file.toURL may throw MalformedURLException too, but for now
// just let that propagate up.
file.toURI.toURL // If a dir, comes back terminated by a slash
// Here is where the Jini preferred class loader stuff went.
// Tell the URLConnections to not use caching, so that repeated runs and reruns actually work
// on the latest binaries.
for (url <- urlsList) {
try {
catch {
case e: IOException => // just ignore these
new URLClassLoader(urlsList.toArray, classOf[Suite].getClassLoader)
private[scalatest] def usingEventDispatchThread(f: => Unit): Unit = {
new Runnable() {
def run(): Unit = {