org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAllConfigMap.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2001-2013 Artima, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.scalatest
* Trait that can be mixed into suites that need methods that make use of the config map invoked before and/or after
* executing the suite.
* This trait allows code to be executed before and/or after all the tests and nested suites of a
* suite are run. This trait overrides run
and calls the
* beforeAll(ConfigMap)
method, then calls super.run
. After the super.run
* invocation completes, whether it returns normally or completes abruptly with an exception,
* this trait's run
method will invoke afterAll(ConfigMap)
* Note that this trait differs from BeforeAndAfterAll
in that it gives
* the beforeAll
and afterAll
code access to the config map. If you don't need
* the config map, use BeforeAndAfterAll
* Trait BeforeAndAfterAllConfigMap
defines beforeAll
* and afterAll
methods that take a configMap
* This trait's implemention of each method does nothing.
* For example, the following ExampleSpec
mixes in BeforeAndAfterAllConfigMap
* in beforeAll
, creates and writes to a temp file, taking the name of the temp file
* from the configMap
. This same configMap
is then passed to the run
* methods of the nested suites, OneSpec
, TwoSpec
, RedSpec
* and BlueSpec
, so those suites can access the filename and, therefore, the file's
* contents. After all of the nested suites have executed, afterAll
is invoked, which
* again grabs the file name from the configMap
and deletes the file. Each of these five
* test classes extend trait TempFileExistsSpec
, which defines a test that ensures the temp file exists.
* (Note: if you're unfamiliar with the withFixture(OneArgTest)
approach to shared fixtures, check out
* the documentation for trait fixture.FlatSpec
* package org.scalatest.examples.beforeandafterallconfigmap
* import org.scalatest._
* import java.io._
* trait TempFileExistsSpec extends fixture.FlatSpec {
* type FixtureParam = File
* override def withFixture(test: OneArgTest) = {
* val fileName = test.configMap.getRequired[String]("tempFileName")
* val file = new File(fileName)
* withFixture(test.toNoArgTest(file)) // loan the fixture to the test
* }
* "The temp file" should ("exist in " + suiteName) in { file =>
* assert(file.exists)
* }
* }
* class OneSpec extends TempFileExistsSpec
* class TwoSpec extends TempFileExistsSpec
* class RedSpec extends TempFileExistsSpec
* class BlueSpec extends TempFileExistsSpec
* class ExampleSpec extends Suites(
* new OneSpec,
* new TwoSpec,
* new RedSpec,
* new BlueSpec
* ) with TempFileExistsSpec with BeforeAndAfterAllConfigMap {
* private val tempFileName = "tempFileName"
* // Set up the temp file needed by the test, taking
* // a file name from the config map
* override def beforeAll(cm: ConfigMap) {
* assume(
* cm.isDefinedAt(tempFileName),
* "must place a temp file name in the config map under the key: " + tempFileName
* )
* val fileName = cm.getRequired[String](tempFileName)
* val writer = new FileWriter(fileName)
* try writer.write("Hello, suite of tests!")
* finally writer.close()
* }
* // Delete the temp file
* override def afterAll(cm: ConfigMap) {
* val fileName = cm.getRequired[String]("tempFileName")
* val file = new File(fileName)
* file.delete()
* }
* }
* Running the above class in the interpreter will give an error if you don't supply a mapping for "tempFileName"
in the config map:
* scala> org.scalatest.run(new ExampleSpec)
* ExampleSpec:
* Exception encountered when invoking run on a suite. *** ABORTED ***
* Exception encountered when invoking run on a suite. (:30)
* *** RUN ABORTED ***
* An exception or error caused a run to abort: must place a temp file name in the config map under the key: tempFileName (:30)
* If you do supply a mapping for "tempFileName"
in the config map, you'll see that the temp file is available to all the tests:
* scala> (new ExampleSpec).execute(configMap = ConfigMap("tempFileName" -> "tmp.txt"))
* ExampleSpec:
* OneSpec:
* The temp file
* - should exist in OneSpec
* TwoSpec:
* The temp file
* - should exist in TwoSpec
* RedSpec:
* The temp file
* - should exist in RedSpec
* BlueSpec:
* The temp file
* - should exist in BlueSpec
* The temp file
* - should exist in ExampleSpec
* Note: As of 2.0.M5, this trait uses the newly added Status
result of Suite
's "run" methods
* to ensure that the code in afterAll
is executed after
* all the tests and nested suites are executed even if a Distributor
is passed.
* Note that it is not guaranteed that afterAll
is invoked from the same thread as beforeAll
* so if there's any shared state between beforeAll
and afterAll
you'll need to make sure they are
* synchronized correctly.
* @author Bill Venners
* @author Chee Seng
trait BeforeAndAfterAllConfigMap extends SuiteMixin { this: Suite =>
* Flag to indicate whether to invoke beforeAll and afterAll even when there are no tests expected.
* The default value is false
, which means beforeAll and afterAll will not be invoked
* if there are no tests expected. Whether tests are expected is determined by invoking expectedTestCount
passing in
* the passed filter. Because this count does not include tests excluded based on tags, such as ignored tests, this prevents
* any side effects in beforeAll
or afterAll
if no tests will ultimately be executed anyway.
* If you always want to see the side effects even if no tests are expected, override this val
and set it to true.
val invokeBeforeAllAndAfterAllEvenIfNoTestsAreExpected = false
* Defines a method (that takes a configMap
) to be run before any
* of this suite's tests or nested suites are run.
* This trait's implementation
* of run
invokes this method before executing
* any tests or nested suites (passing in the configMap
passed to it), thus this
* method can be used to set up a test fixture
* needed by the entire suite. This trait's implementation of this method does nothing.
protected def beforeAll(configMap: ConfigMap): Unit = {
* Defines a method (that takes a configMap
) to be run after
* all of this suite's tests and nested suites have been run.
* This trait's implementation
* of run
invokes this method after executing all tests
* and nested suites (passing in the configMap
passed to it), thus this
* method can be used to tear down a test fixture
* needed by the entire suite. This trait's implementation of this method does nothing.
protected def afterAll(configMap: ConfigMap): Unit = {
* Execute a suite surrounded by calls to beforeAll
and afterAll
* This trait's implementation of this method ("this method") invokes beforeAll(ConfigMap)
* before executing any tests or nested suites and afterAll(ConfigMap)
* after executing all tests and nested suites. It runs the suite by invoking super.run
, passing along
* the parameters passed to it.
* If any invocation of beforeAll
completes abruptly with an exception, this
* method will complete abruptly with the same exception. If any call to
* super.run
completes abruptly with an exception, this method
* will complete abruptly with the same exception, however, before doing so, it will
* invoke afterAll
. If afterAll
also completes abruptly with an exception, this
* method will nevertheless complete abruptly with the exception previously thrown by super.run
* If super.run
returns normally, but afterAll
completes abruptly with an
* exception, this method will complete abruptly with the same exception.
* This method does not invoke either beforeAll
or afterAll
if runTestsInNewInstance
is true so
* that any side effects only happen once per test if OneInstancePerTest
is being used. In addition, if no tests
* are expected, then beforeAll
and afterAll
will be invoked only if the
* invokeBeforeAllAndAfterAllEvenIfNoTestsAreExpected
flag is true. By default, this flag is false, so that if
* all tests are excluded (such as if the entire suite class has been marked with @Ignore
), then side effects
* would happen only if at least one test will ultimately be executed in this suite or its nested suites.
* @param testName an optional name of one test to run. If None
, all relevant tests should be run.
* I.e., None
acts like a wildcard that means run all relevant tests in this Suite
* @param args the Args
for this run
* @return a Status
object that indicates when the test started by this method has completed, and whether or not it failed .
abstract override def run(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status = {
val (runStatus, thrownException) =
try {
if (!args.runTestInNewInstance && (expectedTestCount(args.filter) > 0 || invokeBeforeAllAndAfterAllEvenIfNoTestsAreExpected))
(super.run(testName, args), None)
catch {
case e: Exception => (FailedStatus, Some(e))
try {
val statusToReturn =
if (!args.runTestInNewInstance && (expectedTestCount(args.filter) > 0 || invokeBeforeAllAndAfterAllEvenIfNoTestsAreExpected)) {
// runStatus may not be completed, call afterAll only after it is completed
runStatus withAfterEffect {
try {
catch {
case laterException: Exception if !Suite.anExceptionThatShouldCauseAnAbort(laterException) && thrownException.isDefined =>
// We will swallow the exception thrown from after if it is not test-aborting and exception was already thrown by before or test itself.
else runStatus
thrownException match {
case Some(e) => throw e
case None =>
catch {
case laterException: Exception =>
thrownException match { // If both run and afterAll throw an exception, report the test exception
case Some(earlierException) => throw earlierException
case None => throw laterException
/*thrownException match {
case Some(earlierException) =>
try {
if (!args.runTestInNewInstance && (expectedTestCount(args.filter) > 0 || invokeBeforeAllAndAfterAllEvenIfNoTestsAreExpected))
afterAll(args.configMap) // Make sure that afterAll is called even if run completes abruptly.
catch {
case laterException: Exception => // Do nothing, will need to throw the earlier exception
runStatus // TODO: do a println here of the swallowed exception
finally {
throw earlierException
case None =>
if (!args.runTestInNewInstance && (expectedTestCount(args.filter) > 0 || invokeBeforeAllAndAfterAllEvenIfNoTestsAreExpected)) {
// runStatus may not be completed, call afterAll only after it is completed
runStatus withAfterEffectNew {
try {
catch {
case laterException: Exception =>
thrownException match { // If both run and afterAll throw an exception, report the test exception
case None => Some(laterException)
case someEarlierException => someEarlierException
else runStatus