org.scalatest.ConcurrentInformer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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package org.scalatest
import org.scalactic.Requirements._
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import org.scalactic.source
import org.scalatest.events.AlertProvided
import org.scalatest.events.LineInFile
import org.scalatest.events.Location
import org.scalatest.events.NoteProvided
import org.scalatest.events.NotificationEvent
import org.scalatest.events.RecordableEvent
import MessageRecorder.ConcurrentMessageFiringFun
import MessageRecorder.RecordedMessageEventFun
This is used by Suite and test informers created as tests run, which therefore have
populated defined NameInfos. These informers are returned by info in FunSuite and Spec,
or passed to test methods that take an Informer in Suite, for example. If called by the
thread that constructed them, which is the thread that was executing the suite and the tests
inside the suite, then that NameInfo should be propagated. However, if a test starts other
threads for a multi-threaded test, and those threads apply the Informer, then the NameInfo
should *not* be propagated, because otherwise it could become very confusing to figure out
what came from where in the report. Threads started by the test could outlast the thread
that was running the test, for example. There will be a thread-name, so they can use that
to figure out who sent what. And threads that call these informers will share a Tracker with
the thread that was running the tests, so they should be ordered close together after
sorting by Ordinal. But that's it. NameInfo only goes out when the thread running a test
or suite applies the Informer.
This in turn means that a reporter may get hit by multiple threads sending InfoProvided
messages. If run with the Runner, that will be OK, because DispatchReporter will be in front
serializing events with its actor. If run() is invoked directly on a suite instance, such as
from the Scala interpreter, then it may not work. I think I may just say that when running
from the interpreter, say with run(), you may get interleaved output. This would only happen
when doing a multi-threaded test that starts threads that calls informer methods, likely a
rare case. Also, in that case I think it is reasonable to say you may get interleaved output
in the interpreter, so if you don't like that, use the Runner.
private[scalatest] abstract class ThreadAwareness {
private final val atomic = new AtomicReference[Thread](Thread.currentThread)
def isConstructingThread: Boolean = {
val constructingThread = atomic.get
Thread.currentThread == constructingThread
private[scalatest] class ConcurrentMessageSender(fire: ConcurrentMessageFiringFun) extends ThreadAwareness {
def apply(message: String) {
fire(message, None, isConstructingThread, getLineInFile(Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace, 2)) // Fire the info provided event using the passed function
def apply(message: String, payload: Option[Any] = None) {
requireNonNull(message, payload)
fire(message, payload, isConstructingThread, getLineInFile(Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace, 2))
private[scalatest] class ConcurrentInformer(fire: ConcurrentMessageFiringFun) extends ThreadAwareness with Informer {
def apply(message: String, payload: Option[Any] = None)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
requireNonNull(message, payload)
fire(message, payload, isConstructingThread, Some(LineInFile(pos.lineNumber, pos.fileName, Some(pos.filePathname))))
private[scalatest] object ConcurrentInformer {
def apply(fire: (String, Option[Any], Boolean, Option[Location]) => Unit) = new ConcurrentInformer(fire)
private[scalatest] class ConcurrentNotifier(fire: ConcurrentMessageFiringFun) extends ThreadAwareness with Notifier {
def apply(message: String, payload: Option[Any] = None)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
requireNonNull(message, payload)
fire(message, payload, isConstructingThread, Some(LineInFile(pos.lineNumber, pos.fileName, Some(pos.filePathname))))
private[scalatest] object ConcurrentNotifier {
def apply(fire: (String, Option[Any], Boolean, Option[Location]) => Unit) = new ConcurrentNotifier(fire)
private[scalatest] class ConcurrentAlerter(fire: ConcurrentMessageFiringFun) extends ThreadAwareness with Alerter {
def apply(message: String, payload: Option[Any] = None)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
requireNonNull(message, payload)
fire(message, payload, isConstructingThread, Some(LineInFile(pos.lineNumber, pos.fileName, Some(pos.filePathname))))
private[scalatest] object ConcurrentAlerter {
def apply(fire: (String, Option[Any], Boolean, Option[Location]) => Unit) = new ConcurrentAlerter(fire)
private[scalatest] class ConcurrentDocumenter(fire: ConcurrentMessageFiringFun) extends ThreadAwareness with Documenter {
def apply(text: String)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
fire(text, None, isConstructingThread, Some(LineInFile(pos.lineNumber, pos.fileName, Some(pos.filePathname)))) // Fire the info provided event using the passed function
private[scalatest] object ConcurrentDocumenter {
def apply(fire: (String, Option[Any], Boolean, Option[Location]) => Unit) = new ConcurrentDocumenter(fire)
// Three params of function are the string message, a boolean indicating this was from the current thread, and
// the last one is an optional boolean that indicates the message is about a pending test, in which case it would
// be printed out in yellow.
// This kind of informer is only used during the execution of tests, to delay the printing out of info's fired
// during tests until after the test succeeded, failed, or pending gets sent out.
private[scalatest] class MessageRecorder(dispatch: Reporter) extends ThreadAwareness {
private var messages = List[(String, Option[Any], RecordedMessageEventFun, Option[Location])]()
// Should only be called by the thread that constructed this
// ConcurrentInformer, because don't want to worry about synchronization here. Just send stuff from
// other threads whenever they come in. So only call record after first checking isConstructingThread
private def record(message: String, payload: Option[Any], eventFun: RecordedMessageEventFun, location: Option[Location]): Unit = {
messages ::= (message, payload, eventFun, location)
// Returns them in order recorded
private def recordedMessages: List[(String, Option[Any], RecordedMessageEventFun, Option[Location])] = messages.reverse
def apply(message: String, payload: Option[Any], eventFun: RecordedMessageEventFun, location: Option[Location]): Unit = {
requireNonNull(message, payload)
if (isConstructingThread)
record(message, payload, eventFun, location)
dispatch(eventFun(message, payload, false, false, false, location)) // Fire the info provided event using the passed function
def recordedEvents(testWasPending: Boolean, testWasCanceled: Boolean): collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[RecordableEvent] = {
Vector.empty ++ recordedMessages.map { case (message, payload, eventFun, location) =>
eventFun(message, payload, true, testWasPending, testWasCanceled, location)
private[scalatest] class MessageRecordingInformer(recorder: MessageRecorder, eventFun: RecordedMessageEventFun) extends Informer {
def apply(message: String, payload: Option[Any])(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
val stackDepth = 2
//SCALATESTJS-ONLY val stackDepth = 4
recorder.apply(message, payload, eventFun, Some(LineInFile(pos.lineNumber, pos.fileName, Some(pos.filePathname))))
private[scalatest] object MessageRecordingInformer {
def apply(recorder: MessageRecorder, eventFun: RecordedMessageEventFun) = new MessageRecordingInformer(recorder, eventFun)
private[scalatest] class MessageRecordingDocumenter(recorder: MessageRecorder, eventFun: RecordedMessageEventFun) extends Documenter {
def apply(message: String)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
recorder.apply(message, None, eventFun, Some(LineInFile(pos.lineNumber, pos.fileName, Some(pos.filePathname))))
private[scalatest] object MessageRecordingDocumenter {
def apply(recorder: MessageRecorder, eventFun: RecordedMessageEventFun) = new MessageRecordingDocumenter(recorder, eventFun)
private[scalatest] object MessageRecorder {
// Three params of function are the string message, a boolean indicating this was from the current
// thread, two booleans that indicate the message is about a pending or canceled
// test (in which case it would be printed out in yellow) and an optional location.
type RecordedMessageEventFun = (String, Option[Any], Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Option[Location]) => RecordableEvent
// First two params of function are the string message and a boolean indicating this was from the current thread,
// and an optional location.
type ConcurrentMessageFiringFun = (String, Option[Any], Boolean, Option[Location]) => Unit
// For path traits, need a message recording informer that only later gets
// (theSuite: Suite, report: Reporter, tracker: Tracker, testName: String, theTest: TestLeaf, includeIcon: Boolean. thread: Thread)
private[scalatest] class PathMessageRecordingInformer(eventFun: (String, Option[Any], Boolean, Boolean, Suite, Reporter, Tracker, String, Int, Boolean, Thread) => RecordableEvent) extends ThreadAwareness with Informer {
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.SynchronizedBuffer
type Tup = (String, Option[Any], Thread, Boolean)
private val messages = new ArrayBuffer[Tup] with SynchronizedBuffer[Tup]
// Should only be called by the thread that constructed this
// ConcurrentInformer, because don't want to worry about synchronization here. Just send stuff from
// other threads whenever they come in. So only call record after first checking isConstructingThread
// So now do have to worry about concurrency
private def record(message: String, payload: Option[Any]): Unit = {
messages += ((message, payload, Thread.currentThread, isConstructingThread))
def apply(message: String, payload: Option[Any] = None)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
requireNonNull(message, payload)
record(message, payload) // have to record all because of eager execution of tests in path traits
def recordedEvents(testWasPending: Boolean, theSuite: Suite, report: Reporter, tracker: Tracker, testName: String, indentation: Int, includeIcon: Boolean): collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[RecordableEvent] = {
Vector.empty ++ messages.map { case (message, payload, thread, wasConstructingThread) =>
eventFun(message, payload, wasConstructingThread, testWasPending, theSuite, report, tracker, testName, indentation, includeIcon, thread)
private[scalatest] object PathMessageRecordingInformer {
def apply(eventFun: (String, Option[Any], Boolean, Boolean, Suite, Reporter, Tracker, String, Int, Boolean, Thread) => RecordableEvent) = new PathMessageRecordingInformer(eventFun)
private[scalatest] class PathMessageRecordingNotifier(eventFun: (String, Option[Any], Boolean, Boolean, Suite, Reporter, Tracker, String, Int, Boolean, Thread) => NoteProvided) extends ThreadAwareness with Notifier {
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.SynchronizedBuffer
type Tup = (String, Option[Any], Thread, Boolean)
private val messages = new ArrayBuffer[Tup] with SynchronizedBuffer[Tup]
// Should only be called by the thread that constructed this
// ConcurrentNotifier, because don't want to worry about synchronization here. Just send stuff from
// other threads whenever they come in. So only call record after first checking isConstructingThread
// So now do have to worry about concurrency
private def record(message: String, payload: Option[Any]): Unit = {
messages += ((message, payload, Thread.currentThread, isConstructingThread))
def apply(message: String, payload: Option[Any] = None)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
requireNonNull(message, payload)
record(message, payload) // have to record all because of eager execution of tests in path traits
def recordedEvents(testWasPending: Boolean, theSuite: Suite, report: Reporter, tracker: Tracker, testName: String, indentation: Int, includeIcon: Boolean): collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[NotificationEvent] = {
Vector.empty ++ messages.map { case (message, payload, thread, wasConstructingThread) =>
eventFun(message, payload, wasConstructingThread, testWasPending, theSuite, report, tracker, testName, indentation, includeIcon, thread)
private[scalatest] object PathMessageRecordingNotifier {
def apply(eventFun: (String, Option[Any], Boolean, Boolean, Suite, Reporter, Tracker, String, Int, Boolean, Thread) => NoteProvided) = new PathMessageRecordingNotifier(eventFun)
private[scalatest] class PathMessageRecordingAlerter(eventFun: (String, Option[Any], Boolean, Boolean, Suite, Reporter, Tracker, String, Int, Boolean, Thread) => AlertProvided) extends ThreadAwareness with Alerter {
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.SynchronizedBuffer
type Tup = (String, Option[Any], Thread, Boolean)
private val messages = new ArrayBuffer[Tup] with SynchronizedBuffer[Tup]
// Should only be called by the thread that constructed this
// ConcurrentAlerter, because don't want to worry about synchronization here. Just send stuff from
// other threads whenever they come in. So only call record after first checking isConstructingThread
// So now do have to worry about concurrency
private def record(message: String, payload: Option[Any]): Unit = {
messages += ((message, payload, Thread.currentThread, isConstructingThread))
def apply(message: String, payload: Option[Any] = None)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
requireNonNull(message, payload)
record(message, payload) // have to record all because of eager execution of tests in path traits
def recordedEvents(testWasPending: Boolean, theSuite: Suite, report: Reporter, tracker: Tracker, testName: String, indentation: Int, includeIcon: Boolean): collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[NotificationEvent] = {
Vector.empty ++ messages.map { case (message, payload, thread, wasConstructingThread) =>
eventFun(message, payload, wasConstructingThread, testWasPending, theSuite, report, tracker, testName, indentation, includeIcon, thread)
private[scalatest] object PathMessageRecordingAlerter {
def apply(eventFun: (String, Option[Any], Boolean, Boolean, Suite, Reporter, Tracker, String, Int, Boolean, Thread) => AlertProvided) = new PathMessageRecordingAlerter(eventFun)
private[scalatest] class PathMessageRecordingDocumenter(eventFun: (String, Boolean, Boolean, Suite, Reporter, Tracker, String, Int, Boolean, Thread) => RecordableEvent) extends ThreadAwareness with Documenter {
import scala.collection.mutable.SynchronizedBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
type Tup = (String, Thread, Boolean)
private val messages = new ArrayBuffer[Tup] with SynchronizedBuffer[Tup]
// Should only be called by the thread that constructed this
// ConcurrentDocumenter, because don't want to worry about synchronization here. Just send stuff from
// other threads whenever they come in. So only call record after first checking isConstructingThread
// So now do have to worry about concurrency
private def record(message: String): Unit = {
messages += ((message, Thread.currentThread, isConstructingThread))
def apply(message: String)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = {
record(message) // have to record all because of eager execution of tests in path traits
def recordedEvents(testWasPending: Boolean, theSuite: Suite, report: Reporter, tracker: Tracker, testName: String, indentation: Int, includeIcon: Boolean): collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[RecordableEvent] = {
Vector.empty ++ messages.map { case (message, thread, wasConstructingThread) =>
eventFun(message, wasConstructingThread, testWasPending, theSuite, report, tracker, testName, indentation, includeIcon, thread)
private[scalatest] object PathMessageRecordingDocumenter {
def apply(eventFun: (String, Boolean, Boolean, Suite, Reporter, Tracker, String, Int, Boolean, Thread) => RecordableEvent) = new PathMessageRecordingDocumenter(eventFun)
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