org.scalatest.Doc.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2001-2013 Artima, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.scalatest
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.xml.Elem
import Doc.stripMargin
import Doc.trimMarkup
import Suite.reportMarkupProvided
import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
* A Doc
class that takes one XML node markup
* which will be returned from its nestedSuites
* For example, you can define a suite that always executes a list of
* nested suites like this:
* class StepsSuite extends Suites(
* new Step1Suite,
* new Step2Suite,
* new Step3Suite,
* new Step4Suite,
* new Step5Suite
* )
* When StepsSuite
is executed, it will execute its
* nested suites in the passed order: Step1Suite
, Step2Suite
* Step3Suite
, Step4Suite
, and Step5Suite
* @param suitesToNest a sequence of Suite
s to nest.
* @throws NullArgumentException if suitesToNest
, or any suite
* it contains, is null
* @author Bill Venners
private[scalatest] trait Doc extends Suite { thisDoc =>
// If registrationThreadName is None, then registration isn't open
// and include calls will return what they are supposed to return, but
// won't have the side effect of registering the suites and tests to run.
private class Bundle private(
val registrationThreadName: Option[String],
val registeredSuites: Map[String, Suite]
) {
def unpack = (registrationThreadName, registeredSuites)
private object Bundle {
def apply(
registrationThreadName: Option[String],
registeredSuites: Map[String, Suite]
): Bundle =
new Bundle(registrationThreadName, registeredSuites)
private final val atomic = new AtomicReference[Bundle](Bundle(None, Map()))
private def updateAtomic(oldBundle: Bundle, newBundle: Bundle): Unit = {
val shouldBeOldBundle = atomic.getAndSet(newBundle)
if (!(shouldBeOldBundle eq oldBundle))
throw new ConcurrentModificationException("concurrentDocSpecMod")
// TODO: Make it atomic
// TODO: A test that throws NotAllowedE if it is called twice
// TODO: A test that throws TestRegistrationClosedE if it is called after run has been called
private var bodyText: Option[String] = None
def body(elem: Elem): Unit = {
bodyText = Some(elem.text)
protected def include(suite: Suite): String = {
val oldBundle = atomic.get
var (registrationThreadName, registeredSuites) = oldBundle.unpack
// TODO: register two instances of the same class, which will break this key
registeredSuites += (suite.getClass.getName -> suite) // TODO: Check thread name, do nothing if None or non-matching
updateAtomic(oldBundle, Bundle(registrationThreadName, registeredSuites))
"\ninclude[" + suite.getClass.getName + "]\n"
// TODO write a test to ensure you get a proper exception when
// body is not called
private lazy val snippets: Vector[Snippet] = getSnippets(bodyText.get)
* Returns a list containing the suites mentioned in the body XML element,
* in the order they were mentioned.
final override lazy val nestedSuites: collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Suite] = for (IncludedSuite(suite) <- snippets) yield suite
override protected def runNestedSuites(reporter: Reporter, stopper: Stopper, filter: Filter,
configMap: ConfigMap, distributor: Option[Distributor], tracker: Tracker) {
reportMarkupProvided(thisDoc, reporter, tracker, None, trimMarkup(stripMargin(body.text)), 0, true, None, None)
override protected def runNestedSuites(args: Args): Status = {
import args._
val statusBuffer = new ListBuffer[Status]()
val (_, registeredSuites) = atomic.get.unpack
snippets foreach {
case Markup(text) =>
reportMarkupProvided(thisDoc, reporter, tracker, None, trimMarkup(stripMargin(text)), 0, None, true)
case IncludedSuite(suite) =>
println("Send SuiteStarting ... ") // TODO: Why is runTestedSuites even here?
statusBuffer += suite.run(None, args)
println("Send SuiteCompleted or Aborted ...")
new CompositeStatus(Set.empty ++ statusBuffer)
private[scalatest] def getSnippets(text: String): Vector[Snippet] = {
//println("text: " + text)
val lines = Vector.empty ++ text.lines
//println("lines: " + lines)
val pairs = lines map { line =>
val trimmed = line.trim
val suite =
if (trimmed.startsWith("include[") && trimmed.endsWith("]")) {
//println("GOT HERE: " + trimmed + ", " + trimmed.substring(8).init)
(line, suite)
//println("pairs: " + pairs)
// val zipped = pairs.zipWithIndex
// val insertionIndexes = for (((_, Some(_)), index) <- zipped) yield index
// Output of my fold left is: List[Snippet] (left is a list of snippets, right is a pair
val backwards =
(Vector[Snippet](Markup("")) /: pairs) { (left: Vector[Snippet], right: (String, Option[String])) =>
right match {
case (_, Some(key)) =>
var (_, registeredSuites) = atomic.get.unpack
// TODO: Maybe give a better error message if this key doesn't exist?
IncludedSuite(registeredSuites(key)) +: left
case (line, None) =>
left.head match {
case Markup(text) => Markup(text + "\n" + line) +: left.tail
case _ => Markup(line) +: left
private[scalatest] sealed trait Snippet extends Product with Serializable
private[scalatest] case class Markup(text: String) extends Snippet
private[scalatest] case class IncludedSuite(suite: Suite) extends Snippet
private[scalatest] object Doc {
private[scalatest] def trimMarkup(text: String): String = {
val lines = text.lines.toList
val zipLines = lines.zipWithIndex
val firstNonWhiteLine = zipLines.find { case (line, _) => !line.trim.isEmpty }
val lastNonWhiteLine = zipLines.reverse.find { case (line, _) => !line.trim.isEmpty }
(firstNonWhiteLine, lastNonWhiteLine) match {
case (None, None) => text.trim // Will be either (None, None) or (Some, Some)
case (Some((_, frontIdx)), Some((_, backIdx))) => lines.take(backIdx + 1).drop(frontIdx).mkString("\n")
private[scalatest] def stripMargin(text: String): String = {
val lines = text.lines.toList
val firstNonWhiteLine = lines.find(!_.trim.isEmpty)
firstNonWhiteLine match {
case None => text.trim
case Some(nonWhiteLine) =>
val initialWhite = nonWhiteLine.dropWhile(_.isWhitespace)
val margin = nonWhiteLine.length - initialWhite.length
val choppedLines = lines map { line =>
val strip = if (line.length > margin) margin else line.length
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