org.scalatest.fixture.TestSuite.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2001-2013 Artima, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.scalatest.fixture
import org.scalatest._
import OutcomeOf.outcomeOf
import org.scalactic._
trait TestSuite extends org.scalatest.fixture.Suite with org.scalatest.TestSuite { thisTestSuite =>
* A test function taking a fixture parameter and returning an Outcome
* For more detail and examples, see the
* documentation for trait fixture.FlatSpec
protected trait OneArgTest extends (FixtureParam => Outcome) with TestData { thisOneArgTest =>
* Runs the test, using the passed FixtureParam
* @param fixture the FixtureParam
* @return an instance of Outcome
def apply(fixture: FixtureParam): Outcome
* Convert this OneArgTest
to a NoArgTest
* name
and configMap
methods return the same values
* as this OneArgTest
, and whose apply
method invokes
* this OneArgTest
's apply method,
* passing in the given fixture
* This method makes it easier to invoke the withFixture
* that takes a NoArgTest
. For example, if a fixture.Suite
* mixes in SeveredStackTraces
, it will inherit an implementation
* of withFixture(NoArgTest)
provided by
* SeveredStackTraces
that implements the stack trace severing
* behavior. If the fixture.Suite
does not delegate to that
* withFixture(NoArgTest)
method, the stack trace severing behavior
* will not happen. Here's how that might look in a fixture.Suite
* whose FixtureParam
is StringBuilder
* def withFixture(test: OneArgTest) = {
* withFixture(test.toNoArgTest(new StringBuilder))
* }
* Invoking this method has no side effect. It just returns a NoArgTest
* apply
method invokes apply
on this OneArgTest
, passing
* in the FixtureParam
passed to toNoArgTest
* @param fixture the FixtureParam
* @return an new instance of NoArgTest
def toNoArgTest(fixture: FixtureParam) =
new NoArgTest {
val name = thisOneArgTest.name
val configMap = thisOneArgTest.configMap
def apply(): Outcome = { thisOneArgTest(fixture) }
val scopes = thisOneArgTest.scopes
val text = thisOneArgTest.text
val tags = thisOneArgTest.tags
val pos = thisOneArgTest.pos
* Companion object for OneArgTest
that provides factory method to create new OneArgTest
* instance by passing in a OneArgTest
and a FixtureParam
=> Outcome
object OneArgTest {
* Create new OneArgTest
* @param test a OneArgTest
* @param f a FixtureParam
=> Outcome
* @return a new instance of OneArgTest
, which will call the passed f
function in its apply
def apply(test: OneArgTest)(f: FixtureParam => Outcome): OneArgTest = {
new OneArgTest {
def apply(fixture: FixtureParam): Outcome = { f(fixture) }
val text: String = test.text
val configMap: ConfigMap = test.configMap
val scopes: collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[String] = test.scopes
val name: String = test.name
val tags: Set[String] = test.tags
val pos: Option[source.Position] = test.pos
* Run the passed test function with a fixture created by this method.
* This method should create the fixture object needed by the tests of the
* current suite, invoke the test function (passing in the fixture object),
* and if needed, perform any clean up needed after the test completes.
* For more detail and examples, see the main documentation for this trait.
* @param test the OneArgTest
to invoke, passing in a fixture
* @return an instance of Outcome
protected def withFixture(test: OneArgTest): Outcome
private[fixture] class TestFunAndConfigMap(val name: String, test: FixtureParam => Any, val configMap: ConfigMap)
extends OneArgTest {
def apply(fixture: FixtureParam): Outcome = {
outcomeOf { test(fixture) }
private val testData = testDataFor(name, configMap)
val scopes = testData.scopes
val text = testData.text
val tags = testData.tags
val pos = testData.pos
private[fixture] class FixturelessTestFunAndConfigMap(override val name: String, test: () => Any, override val configMap: ConfigMap)
extends NoArgTest {
def apply(): Outcome = {
outcomeOf { test() }
private val testData = testDataFor(name, configMap)
val scopes = testData.scopes
val text = testData.text
val tags = testData.tags
val pos = testData.pos