org.scalatest.prop.Randomizer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2001-2015 Artima, Inc.
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package org.scalatest.prop
import org.scalactic.anyvals._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import org.scalactic.Requirements._
// Wrote this class by looking at the Javadoc of java.util.Random.
// And by testing its behavior against that of java.util.Random.
// Maybe this should be a trait, so that people can, hmm. Could
// make subclasses with extra methods, like nextSmallInt or something,
// and in a pattern match narrow the type and call that method.
private[prop] class Randomizer(seed: Long, edges: Edges) { thisRandomizer =>
def nextRandomizer: Randomizer = {
val newSeed = (seed * 0x5DEECE66DL + 0xBL) & ((1L << 48) - 1)
new Randomizer(newSeed, edges)
def next(bits: Int): (Int, Randomizer) = {
val newSeed = (seed * 0x5DEECE66DL + 0xBL) & ((1L << 48) - 1)
val newInt = (newSeed >>> (48 - bits)).toInt
(newInt, new Randomizer(newSeed, edges))
def nextByte: (Byte, Randomizer) = {
val (i, r) = next(8)
(i.toByte, r)
def nextShort: (Short, Randomizer) = {
val (i, r) = next(16)
(i.toShort, r)
// When an invalid Unicode char between 0xD800 and 0xDFFF is generated, just
// return a character between 0x0000 and 0x00FF. These characters are more
// common in practice anyway. So this generator does favor slightly
// the first code block.
def nextChar: (Char, Randomizer) = {
val (i, r) = nextRandomizer.next(16)
if (i >= 0xD800 && i <= 0xDFFF) (((i - 0xD800) & 0xFF).toChar, r)
else (i.toChar, r)
def nextInt: (Int, Randomizer) = next(32)
def nextLong: (Long, Randomizer) = {
val (ia, ra) = thisRandomizer.next(32)
val (ib, rb) = ra.next(32)
((ia.toLong << 32) + ib, rb)
def nextByteWithEdges: (Byte, Randomizer) = {
edges.byteEdges match {
case head :: tail => (head, new Randomizer(seed, edges.copy(byteEdges = tail)))
case Nil => nextByte
def nextShortWithEdges: (Short, Randomizer) = {
edges.shortEdges match {
case head :: tail => (head, new Randomizer(seed, edges.copy(shortEdges = tail)))
case Nil => nextShort
def nextCharWithEdges: (Char, Randomizer) = {
edges.charEdges match {
case head :: tail => (head, new Randomizer(seed, edges.copy(charEdges = tail)))
case Nil => nextChar
def nextIntWithEdges: (Int, Randomizer) = {
edges.intEdges match {
case head :: tail => (head, new Randomizer(seed, edges.copy(intEdges = tail)))
case Nil => nextInt
def nextLongWithEdges: (Long, Randomizer) = {
edges.longEdges match {
case head :: tail => (head, new Randomizer(seed, edges.copy(longEdges = tail)))
case Nil => nextLong
def nextFloatBetween0And1: (Float, Randomizer) = {
val (i, r) = thisRandomizer.next(24)
(i / ((1 << 24).toFloat), r)
def nextFloat: (Float, Randomizer) = { // Use same algorithm as ScalaCheck for this one
val (s, rs) = chooseInt(0, 1)
val (e, re) = chooseInt(0, 0xfe)
val (m, rm) = chooseInt(0, 0x7fffff)
(java.lang.Float.intBitsToFloat((s << 31) | (e << 23) | m), rm)
def nextFloatWithEdges: (Float, Randomizer) = {
edges.floatEdges match {
case head :: tail => (head, new Randomizer(seed, edges.copy(floatEdges = tail)))
case Nil => nextFloat
def nextDoubleBetween0And1: (Double, Randomizer) = {
val (ia, ra) = thisRandomizer.next(26)
val (ib, rb) = ra.next(27)
(((ia.toLong << 27) + ib) / (1L << 53).toDouble, rb)
def nextDouble: (Double, Randomizer) = { // Use same algorithm as ScalaCheck for this one
val (s, rs) = thisRandomizer.chooseLong(0L, 1L)
val (e, re) = rs.chooseLong(0L, 0x7feL)
val (m, rm) = re.chooseLong(0L, 0xfffffffffffffL)
(java.lang.Double.longBitsToDouble((s << 63) | (e << 52) | m), rm)
def nextDoubleWithEdges: (Double, Randomizer) = {
edges.doubleEdges match {
case head :: tail => (head, new Randomizer(seed, edges.copy(doubleEdges = tail)))
case Nil => nextDouble
def nextPosInt: (PosInt, Randomizer) = {
val (i, r) = next(31) // 31 ensures sign bit is 0
val pos = if (i == 0) 1 else i
(PosInt.from(pos).get, r)
def nextPosIntWithEdges: (PosInt, Randomizer) = {
edges.posIntEdges match {
case head :: tail => (head, new Randomizer(seed, edges.copy(posIntEdges = tail)))
case Nil => nextPosInt
def nextPosZInt: (PosZInt, Randomizer) = {
val (i, r) = next(31) // 31 ensures sign bit is 0
(PosZInt.from(i).get, r)
def nextPosZIntWithEdges: (PosZInt, Randomizer) = {
edges.posZIntEdges match {
case head :: tail => (head, new Randomizer(seed, edges.copy(posZIntEdges = tail)))
case Nil => nextPosZInt
def nextPosLong: (PosLong, Randomizer) = {
val (ia, ra) = thisRandomizer.next(31) // 31 ensures sign bit is 0
val (ib, rb) = ra.next(32)
val candidate = (ia.toLong << 32) + ib
val pos = if (candidate == 0L) 1L else candidate
(PosLong.from(pos).get, rb)
def nextPosLongWithEdges: (PosLong, Randomizer) = {
edges.posLongEdges match {
case head :: tail => (head, new Randomizer(seed, edges.copy(posLongEdges = tail)))
case Nil => nextPosLong
def nextPosZLong: (PosZLong, Randomizer) = {
val (ia, ra) = thisRandomizer.next(31) // 31 ensures sign bit is 0
val (ib, rb) = ra.next(32)
val pos = (ia.toLong << 32) + ib
(PosLong.from(pos).get, rb)
def nextPosZLongWithEdges: (PosZLong, Randomizer) = {
edges.posZLongEdges match {
case head :: tail => (head, new Randomizer(seed, edges.copy(posZLongEdges = tail)))
case Nil => nextPosZLong
def nextPosFloat: (PosFloat, Randomizer) = {
val (f, r) = nextFloat
val candidate = f.abs // 0.0f or greater
val pos = if (candidate <= 1.0f) candidate else candidate + 1.0f
(PosFloat.from(pos).get, r)
def nextPosFloatWithEdges: (PosFloat, Randomizer) = {
edges.posFloatEdges match {
case head :: tail => (head, new Randomizer(seed, edges.copy(posFloatEdges = tail)))
case Nil => nextPosFloat
def nextPosZFloat: (PosZFloat, Randomizer) = {
val (f, r) = nextFloat
val pos = f.abs // 0.0f or greater
(PosZFloat.from(pos).get, r)
def nextPosZFloatWithEdges: (PosZFloat, Randomizer) = {
edges.posZFloatEdges match {
case head :: tail => (head, new Randomizer(seed, edges.copy(posZFloatEdges = tail)))
case Nil => nextPosZFloat
def nextPosDouble: (PosDouble, Randomizer) = {
val (d, r) = nextDouble
val candidate = d.abs // 0.0 or greater
val pos = if (candidate <= 1.0) candidate else candidate + 1.0
(PosDouble.from(pos).get, r)
def nextPosDoubleWithEdges: (PosDouble, Randomizer) = {
edges.posDoubleEdges match {
case head :: tail => (head, new Randomizer(seed, edges.copy(posDoubleEdges = tail)))
case Nil => nextPosDouble
def nextPosZDouble: (PosZDouble, Randomizer) = {
val (d, r) = nextDouble
val pos = d.abs // 0.0 or greater
(PosZDouble.from(pos).get, r)
def nextPosZDoubleWithEdges: (PosZDouble, Randomizer) = {
edges.posZDoubleEdges match {
case head :: tail => (head, new Randomizer(seed, edges.copy(posZDoubleEdges = tail)))
case Nil => nextPosZDouble
// Maybe add in some > 16 bit UTF-16 encodings
def nextString(length: Int): (String, Randomizer) = {
require(length >= 0, "; the length passed to nextString must be >= 0")
def loop(acc: List[Char], count: Int, nextRandomizer: Randomizer): (String, Randomizer) = {
if (count == length) (acc.mkString, nextRandomizer)
else {
val (c, r) = nextRandomizer.nextChar
loop(c :: acc, count + 1, r)
loop(List.empty, 0, thisRandomizer)
def nextList[T](length: Int)(implicit genOfT: Generator[T]): (List[T], Randomizer) = {
require(length >= 0, "; the length passed to nextString must be >= 0")
def loop(acc: List[T], count: Int, nextRandomizer: Randomizer): (List[T], Randomizer) = {
if (count == length) (acc, nextRandomizer)
else {
val (o, r) = genOfT.next(length, nextRandomizer)
loop(o :: acc, count + 1, r)
loop(List.empty, 0, thisRandomizer)
def chooseInt(from: Int, to: Int): (Int, Randomizer) = {
if(from == to) {
(from, this.nextInt._2)
} else {
val min = math.min(from, to)
val max = math.max(from, to)
def loop(state: Randomizer): (Int, Randomizer) = {
val next = state.nextInt
if (min <= next._1 && next._1 <= max) {
} else if(0 < (max - min)){
val x = (next._1 % (max - min + 1)) + min
if (min <= x && x <= max) {
x -> next._2
} else {
} else {
def chooseLong(from: Long, to: Long): (Long, Randomizer) = {
if(from == to) {
(from, this.nextLong._2)
} else {
val min = math.min(from, to)
val max = math.max(from, to)
def loop(state: Randomizer): (Long, Randomizer) = {
val next = state.nextLong
if (min <= next._1 && next._1 <= max) {
} else if(0 < (max - min)){
val x = (next._1 % (max - min + 1)) + min
if (min <= x && x <= max) {
x -> next._2
} else {
} else {
private[prop] object Randomizer {
private val byteEdges = List(Byte.MinValue, -1.toByte, 0.toByte, 1.toByte, Byte.MaxValue)
private val shortEdges = List(Short.MinValue, -1.toShort, 0.toShort, 1.toShort, Short.MaxValue)
private val charEdges = List(Char.MinValue, Char.MaxValue)
private val intEdges = List(Int.MinValue, -1, 0, 1, Int.MaxValue)
private val posIntEdges = List(PosInt(1), PosInt.MaxValue)
private val posZIntEdges = List(PosZInt(0), PosZInt(1), PosZInt.MaxValue)
private val posLongEdges = List(PosLong(1L), PosLong.MaxValue)
private val posZLongEdges = List(PosZLong(0L), PosZLong(1L), PosZLong.MaxValue)
private val posFloatEdges = List(PosFloat(1.0f), PosFloat.MaxValue)
private val posZFloatEdges = List(PosZFloat(0.0f), PosZFloat(1.0f), PosZFloat.MaxValue)
private val posDoubleEdges = List(PosDouble(1.0), PosDouble.MaxValue)
private val posZDoubleEdges = List(PosZDouble(0.0), PosZDouble(1.0), PosZDouble.MaxValue)
private val longEdges = List(Long.MinValue, -1, 0, 1, Long.MaxValue)
private val standardEdges =
def default(): Randomizer =
new Randomizer(
(System.currentTimeMillis() ^ 0x5DEECE66DL) & ((1L << 48) - 1),
// Note, this method where you pass the seed in will produce edges in always the same order, so it
// is completely predictable. Maybe I should offer a way to let people customize edges too I suppose.
def apply(seed: Long): Randomizer = new Randomizer((seed ^ 0x5DEECE66DL) & ((1L << 48) - 1), standardEdges)
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