org.scalatest.tools.Memento.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2001-2013 Artima, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.scalatest.tools
import java.io.PrintWriter
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import scala.io.Source
import org.scalatest.events.TestFailed
import org.scalatest.events.TestCanceled
import org.scalatest.events.SuiteAborted
import org.scalatest.events.Event
import Memento._
* A record of a test to be run again. Mementos get stored
* into a specified file when tests are run using Runner's -M
* option, and then stored Mementos can be rerun by using
* option -A.
private[tools] case class Memento(eventName: String,
className: Option[String],
suiteId: String,
testName: Option[String])
// Generates a one-line string containing class's encoded
// fields separated by spaces, so they can be stored as a line
// in a file and reconstituted back into an object later.
// E.g.:
// TestFailed Some(org.eg.HelloSuite) org.eg.HelloSuite Some(this_is_a_fail)
def singleLine: String =
eventName +" "+
className +" "+
encode(suiteId) +" "+
// Creates a SuiteParam object from a Memento.
// If the Memento's class name is the same as its suite id,
// then the test name is stored in the SuiteParam's top-level
// testNames array. Otherwise the suite id and test name are
// stored in an element in the SuiteParam's nestedSuites
// array.
def toSuiteParam: SuiteParam = {
val testNamesArray = testName match {
case Some(name) => Array(name)
case None => Array.empty[String]
val classNameStr = className.getOrElse("unknown")
val (testNames, nestedSuites) =
if (suiteId == classNameStr)
(testNamesArray, Array.empty[NestedSuiteParam])
else {
val nestedSuiteParam =
NestedSuiteParam(suiteId, testNamesArray, Array())
(Array.empty[String], Array(nestedSuiteParam))
SuiteParam(classNameStr, testNames, Array(), nestedSuites)
private[tools] object Memento {
// Generates a Memento object from an Event.
def apply (event: Event): Memento = {
val (eventName: String,
className: Option[String],
suiteId: String,
testName: Option[String]
) =
event match {
case e: TestFailed =>
("TestFailed", e.rerunner, e.suiteId, Some(e.testName))
case e: TestCanceled =>
("TestCanceled", e.rerunner, e.suiteId, Some(e.testName))
case e: SuiteAborted =>
("SuiteAborted", e.rerunner, e.suiteId, None)
case e =>
("unexpected", None, e.toString, None)
Memento(eventName, className, suiteId, testName)
// Generates a list of Mementos from a file containing
// strings created using Memento.singleLine.
def readFromFile(fileName: String): List[Memento] = {
val source = Source.fromFile(fileName)
try {
for (line <- source.getLines.toList)
yield fromString(line)
finally source.close()
// Writes Mementos to a file as single-line strings, sorted
// alphabetically.
def writeToFile(fileName: String, mementos: Set[Memento]): Unit = {
val out = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8")
try {
val lines = mementos.map(_.singleLine).toList.sortWith(_<_)
finally out.close()
// Constructs a Memento object from a single-line string.
def fromString(str: String): Memento = {
val splits = str.split(" ")
if (splits.length != 4)
throw new Exception("bad line format ["+ str +"]")
val eventName = splits(0)
val className = optionFromString(splits(1))
val suiteId = decode(splits(2))
val testName = optionFromString(decode(splits(3)))
Memento(eventName, className, suiteId, testName)
// Constructs an Option from a string formatted as "Some(...)" or
// "None".
val SomeNonePat = Pattern.compile("""^(Some\(|None)(.*?)\)?$""")
def optionFromString(str: String): Option[String] = {
val matcher = SomeNonePat.matcher(str)
if (!matcher.find())
throw new Exception("bad option string ["+ str +"]")
matcher.group(1) match {
case "Some(" => Some(matcher.group(2))
case "None" => None
case _ => throw new Exception("bad Option format ["+ str +"]")
// Encodes a string, converting newlines and spaces to
// encoded replacements.
def encode(text: String): String = {
replaceAll("""\\""", """\\5c""").
replaceAll("\n", """\\1f""").
replaceAll("_", """\\5f""").
replaceAll(" ", "_")
// Undoes encoding performed by encode function above.
def decode(text: String): String = {
replaceAll("_", " ").
replaceAll("""\\5f""", "_").
replaceAll("""\\1f""", "\n").
replaceAll("""\\5c""", """\\""")
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