org.scalactic.Differ.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.scalactic
import org.scalactic.source.ObjectMeta
import scala.annotation.tailrec
private[scalactic] trait Differ {
def difference(a: Any, b: Any, prettifier: Prettifier): PrettyPair
private[scalactic] object Differ {
def simpleClassName(v: Any): String = {
val className = v.getClass.getName
val lastIdxOfDot = className.lastIndexOf(".")
val shortName =
if (lastIdxOfDot >= 0)
className.substring(lastIdxOfDot + 1)
if (shortName == "$colon$colon")
else if (shortName.startsWith("Set$Set"))
else if (shortName.startsWith("Map$Map"))
else if (shortName.startsWith("Tuple"))
shortName.takeWhile(_ != '$')
def prettifierLimit(prettifier: Prettifier): Option[Int] =
prettifier match {
case tp: TruncatingPrettifier => Some(tp.sizeLimit.value)
case _ => None
private[scalactic] trait StringDiffer extends Differ {
def difference(a: Any, b: Any, prettifier: Prettifier): PrettyPair = {
def diffStrings(s: String, t: String): Tuple2[String, String] = {
def findCommonPrefixLength(s: String, t: String): Int = {
val max = s.length.min(t.length) // the maximum potential size of the prefix
var i = 0
var found = false
while (i < max & !found) {
found = (s.charAt(i) != t.charAt(i))
if (!found)
i = i + 1
def findCommonSuffixLength(s: String, t: String): Int = {
val max = s.length.min(t.length) // the maximum potential size of the suffix
var i = 0
var found = false
while (i < max & !found) {
found = (s.charAt(s.length - 1 - i) != t.charAt(t.length - 1 - i))
if (!found)
i = i + 1
if (s != t) {
val commonPrefixLength = findCommonPrefixLength(s, t)
val commonSuffixLength = findCommonSuffixLength(s.substring(commonPrefixLength), t.substring(commonPrefixLength))
val prefix = s.substring(0, commonPrefixLength)
val suffix = if (s.length - commonSuffixLength < 0) "" else s.substring(s.length - commonSuffixLength)
val sMiddleEnd = s.length - commonSuffixLength
val tMiddleEnd = t.length - commonSuffixLength
val sMiddle = s.substring(commonPrefixLength, sMiddleEnd)
val tMiddle = t.substring(commonPrefixLength, tMiddleEnd)
val MaxContext = 20
val shortPrefix = if (commonPrefixLength > MaxContext) "..." + prefix.substring(prefix.length - MaxContext) else prefix
val shortSuffix = if (commonSuffixLength > MaxContext) suffix.substring(0, MaxContext) + "..." else suffix
(shortPrefix + "[" + sMiddle + "]" + shortSuffix, shortPrefix + "[" + tMiddle + "]" + shortSuffix)
(s, t)
(a, b) match {
case (aStr: String, bStr: String) =>
val (aRes, bRes) = diffStrings(aStr, bStr)
Some(prettifier(aRes) + " -> " + prettifier(bRes))
case _ =>
private[scalactic] object StringDiffer extends StringDiffer
private[scalactic] class GenSeqDiffer extends Differ {
private def recurDiff(prettifier: Prettifier, aSeq: scala.collection.GenSeq[_], bSeq: scala.collection.GenSeq[_], limit: Int, idx: Int = 0, result: Vector[String] = Vector.empty): Vector[String] =
if (result.length <= limit)
(aSeq.headOption, bSeq.headOption) match {
case (Some(leftEl), Some(rightEl)) =>
recurDiff(prettifier, aSeq.tail, bSeq.tail, limit, idx + 1,
result ++ (if (leftEl != rightEl) Vector(idx + ": " + prettifier(leftEl) + " -> " + prettifier(rightEl)) else Vector.empty))
case (Some(leftEl), None) =>
recurDiff(prettifier, aSeq.tail, bSeq, limit, idx + 1, result :+ (idx + ": " + prettifier(leftEl) + " -> "))
case (None, Some(rightEl)) =>
recurDiff(prettifier, aSeq, bSeq.tail, limit, idx + 1, result :+ (idx + ": -> " + prettifier(rightEl)))
case (None, None) =>
else result.dropRight(1) :+ "..."
def difference(a: Any, b: Any, prettifier: Prettifier): PrettyPair = {
(a, b) match {
case (aSeq: scala.collection.GenSeq[_], bSeq: scala.collection.GenSeq[_]) =>
val limit = Differ.prettifierLimit(prettifier).getOrElse(math.max(aSeq.length, bSeq.length))
val diffs = recurDiff(prettifier, aSeq, bSeq, limit)
val shortName = Differ.simpleClassName(aSeq)
if (diffs.isEmpty)
PrettyPair(prettifier(a), prettifier(b), None)
PrettyPair(prettifier(a), prettifier(b), Some(shortName + "(" + diffs.mkString(", ") + ")"))
case _ => PrettyPair(prettifier(a), prettifier(b), None)
private[scalactic] object GenSeqDiffer extends GenSeqDiffer
private[scalactic] class GenSetDiffer extends Differ {
def difference(a: Any, b: Any, prettifier: Prettifier): PrettyPair = {
(a, b) match {
case (aSet: scala.collection.GenSet[_], bSet: scala.collection.GenSet[_]) =>
val missingInRight = aSet.toList.diff(bSet.toList).map(prettifier.apply)
val missingInLeft = bSet.toList.diff(aSet.toList).map(prettifier.apply)
val limit = Differ.prettifierLimit(prettifier).getOrElse(math.max(aSet.size, bSet.size))
val limitedMissingInRight: List[String] = if (missingInRight.length > limit) missingInRight.take(limit) :+ "..." else missingInRight
val limitedMissingInLeft: List[String] = if (missingInLeft.length > limit) missingInLeft.take(limit) :+ "..." else missingInLeft
val shortName = Differ.simpleClassName(aSet)
if (missingInLeft.isEmpty && missingInRight.isEmpty)
PrettyPair(prettifier(a), prettifier(b), None)
else {
val diffList =
if (limitedMissingInLeft.isEmpty) "" else "missingInLeft: [" + limitedMissingInLeft.mkString(", ") + "]",
if (limitedMissingInRight.isEmpty) "" else "missingInRight: [" + limitedMissingInRight.mkString(", ") + "]"
PrettyPair(prettifier(a), prettifier(b), Some(shortName + "(" + diffList.mkString(", ") + ")"))
case _ => PrettyPair(prettifier(a), prettifier(b), None)
private[scalactic] object GenSetDiffer extends GenSetDiffer
private[scalactic] class GenMapDiffer[K, V] extends Differ {
private def recurDiff[AK, AV, BK, BV](prettifier: Prettifier, aMap: scala.collection.GenMap[AK, AV], bMap: scala.collection.GenMap[BK, BV], limit: Int, result: Vector[String] = Vector.empty): Vector[String] =
if (result.length <= limit)
aMap.headOption match {
case Some((aKey, aValue)) =>
// This gives a compiler error due to k being a wildcard type:
// val rightValue = bMap(k)
// Not sure why aMap(k) doesn't give the same error, but regardless, fixing it
// by pulling the value out for the key using a == comparison, which for now
// works because of universal equality, then assuming the value exists, just
// as bMap(k) previously was assuming.
bMap.collect { case (nextK, nextV) if nextK == aKey => nextV }.headOption match {
case Some(bValue) =>
recurDiff(prettifier, aMap.tail, bMap.filter(_._1 != aKey), limit,
result ++ (if (aValue != bValue) Vector(prettifier(aKey) + ": " + prettifier(aValue) + " -> " + prettifier(bValue)) else Vector.empty))
case None =>
recurDiff(prettifier, aMap.tail, bMap, limit, result :+ (prettifier(aKey) + ": " + prettifier(aValue) + " -> "))
case None =>
result ++ { case (bKey, bValue) =>
prettifier(bKey) + ": -> " + prettifier(bValue)
else result.dropRight(1) :+ "..."
def difference(a: Any, b: Any, prettifier: Prettifier): PrettyPair =
(a, b) match {
case (aMap: scala.collection.GenMap[_, _], bMap: scala.collection.GenMap[_, _]) =>
val limit = Differ.prettifierLimit(prettifier).getOrElse(math.max(aMap.size, bMap.size))
val diffs = recurDiff(prettifier, aMap, bMap, limit)
val shortName = Differ.simpleClassName(aMap)
if (diffs.isEmpty)
PrettyPair(prettifier(a), prettifier(b), None)
PrettyPair(prettifier(a), prettifier(b), Some(shortName + "(" + diffs.mkString(", ") + ")"))
case _ =>
PrettyPair(prettifier(a), prettifier(b), None)
private[scalactic] object GenMapDiffer extends GenMapDiffer[Any, Any]
private[scalactic] trait ObjectDiffer extends Differ {
def difference(a: Any, b: Any, prettifier: Prettifier): PrettyPair = diffImpl(a, b, prettifier, Set.empty)
def diffImpl(a: Any, b: Any, prettifier: Prettifier, processed: Set[Any]): PrettyPair = {
import org.scalactic.source.ObjectMeta
val leftMeta = ObjectMeta(a)
val rightMeta = ObjectMeta(b)
val diffSet =
(leftMeta.fieldNames.flatMap { name =>
val leftValue = leftMeta.value(name)
try {
if (rightMeta.hasField(name)) {
val rightValue = rightMeta.value(name)
if (leftValue != rightValue) {
if (!processed.exists(e => e == leftValue || e == rightValue)) {
val nestedPair = AnyDiffer.diffImpl(leftValue, rightValue, prettifier, processed ++ Set(leftValue, rightValue))
nestedPair.analysis match {
case Some(analysis) =>
Some(name + ": " + analysis)
case None =>
Some(name + ": " + leftValue + " -> " + rightValue)
Some("Cyclic value detected, name: " + leftValue.toString + " -> " + rightValue.toString)
Some(name + ": " + leftValue + " -> ")
catch {
case iae: IllegalArgumentException =>
}) ++
rightMeta.fieldNames.filter(f => !leftMeta.fieldNames.contains(f)).flatMap { name =>
val rightValue = rightMeta.value(name)
Some(name + ": -> " + rightValue)
if (diffSet.isEmpty)
PrettyPair(prettifier(a), prettifier(b), None)
else {
val shortName = Differ.simpleClassName(a)
PrettyPair(prettifier(a), prettifier(b), Some(shortName + "(" + diffSet.toList.sorted.mkString(", ") + ")"))
private[scalactic] object ObjectDiffer extends ObjectDiffer
private[scalactic] class AnyDiffer extends Differ {
def difference(a: Any, b: Any, prettifier: Prettifier): PrettyPair = diffImpl(a, b, prettifier, Set.empty)
def diffImpl(a: Any, b: Any, prettifier: Prettifier, processed: Set[Any]): PrettyPair = {
(a, b) match {
case (s1: String, s2: String) => StringDiffer.difference(s1, s2, prettifier)
case (s1: scala.collection.GenMap[_, _], s2: scala.collection.GenMap[_, _]) => GenMapDiffer.difference(s1, s2, prettifier)
case (s1: scala.collection.GenSeq[_], s2: scala.collection.GenSeq[_]) => GenSeqDiffer.difference(s1, s2, prettifier)
case (s1: scala.collection.GenSet[_], s2: scala.collection.GenSet[_]) => GenSetDiffer.difference(s1, s2, prettifier)
case (s1: Product, s2: Product) => ObjectDiffer.diffImpl(s1, s2, prettifier, processed)
case _ => PrettyPair(prettifier(a), prettifier(b), None)
private[scalactic] object AnyDiffer extends AnyDiffer
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