org.scalatest.enablers.Sequencing.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2001-2013 Artima, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.scalatest.enablers
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import org.scalactic.{Equality, Every}
import scala.collection.GenTraversable
import org.scalatest.verbs.ArrayWrapper
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* Typeclass that enables for sequencing certain contain
syntax in the ScalaTest matchers DSL.
* An Sequencing[A]
provides access to the "sequenching nature" of type A
in such
* a way that relevant contain
matcher syntax can be used with type A
. An A
* can be any type of sequencing—an object that in some way brings together other objects in order.
* ScalaTest provides implicit implementations for several types out of the box in the
* Sequencing
companion object:
* scala.collection.GenSeq
* scala.collection.SortedSet
* scala.collection.SortedMap
* Array
* java.util.List
* java.util.SortedSet
* java.util.SortedMap
* String
* The contain
syntax enabled by this trait is:
* result should contain inOrder (1, 2, 3)
* result should contain inOrderOnly (1, 2, 3)
* result should contain theSameElementsInOrderAs List(1, 2, 3)
* You can enable the contain
matcher syntax enabled by Sequencing
on your own
* type U
by defining an Sequencing[U]
for the type and making it available implicitly.
trait Sequencing[-S] {
* Implements contain
syntax for sequences of type S
* @param sequence an sequence about which an assertion is being made
* @param eles elements all of which should be contained, in order of appearance in eles
, in the passed sequence
* @return true if the passed sequence contains all of the passed elements in (iteration) order
def containsInOrder(sequence: S, eles: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean
* Implements contain
syntax for sequences of type S
* @param sequence an sequence about which an assertion is being made
* @param eles the only elements that should be contained, in order of appearence in eles
, in the passed sequence
* @return true if the passed sequence contains only the passed elements in (iteration) order
def containsInOrderOnly(sequence: S, eles: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean
* Implements contain
syntax for sequences of type S
* @param leftSequence an sequence about which an assertion is being made
* @param rightSequence an sequence that should contain the same elements, in (iterated) order as the passed leftSequence
* @return true if the passed leftSequence
contains the same elements, in (iterated) order, as the passed rightSequence
def containsTheSameElementsInOrderAs(leftSequence: S, rightSequence: GenTraversable[Any]): Boolean
* Companion object for Sequencing
that provides implicit implementations for the following types:
* scala.collection.GenSeq
* scala.collection.SortedSet
* scala.collection.SortedMap
* Array
* java.util.List
* java.util.SortedSet
* java.util.SortedMap
* String
object Sequencing {
private def checkTheSameElementsInOrderAs[T](left: GenTraversable[T], right: GenTraversable[Any], equality: Equality[T]): Boolean = {
def checkEqual(left: Iterator[T], right: Iterator[Any]): Boolean = {
if (left.hasNext && right.hasNext) {
val nextLeft = left.next
val nextRight = right.next
if (!equality.areEqual(nextLeft, nextRight))
checkEqual(left, right)
left.isEmpty && right.isEmpty
checkEqual(left.toIterator, right.toIterator)
private def checkInOrderOnly[T](left: GenTraversable[T], right: GenTraversable[Any], equality: Equality[T]): Boolean = {
def checkEqual(left: T, right: Any, leftItr: Iterator[T], rightItr: Iterator[Any]): Boolean = {
if (equality.areEqual(left, right)) { // The first time in, left must equal right
// Now need to iterate through the left while it is equal to the right
def checkNextLeftAgainstCurrentRight(): Option[T] = { // Returns first left that doesn't match the current right, or None, if all remaining lefts matched current right
if (leftItr.hasNext) {
val nextLeft = leftItr.next
if (equality.areEqual(nextLeft, right))
else None // No more lefts
val nextLeftOption = checkNextLeftAgainstCurrentRight()
nextLeftOption match {
case Some(nextLeft) =>
if (rightItr.hasNext) {
checkEqual(nextLeft, rightItr.next, leftItr, rightItr)
else false
case None => !rightItr.hasNext // No more lefts remaining, so we're good so long as no more rights remaining either.
else false
val leftItr: Iterator[T] = left.toIterator
val rightItr: Iterator[Any] = right.toIterator
if (leftItr.hasNext && rightItr.hasNext)
checkEqual(leftItr.next, rightItr.next, leftItr, rightItr)
else left.isEmpty && right.isEmpty
private def checkInOrder[T](left: GenTraversable[T], right: GenTraversable[Any], equality: Equality[T]): Boolean = {
def lastIndexOf(itr: Iterator[T], element: Any, idx: Option[Int], i: Int): Option[Int] = {
if (itr.hasNext) {
val next = itr.next
if (equality.areEqual(next, element))
lastIndexOf(itr, element, Some(i), i + 1)
lastIndexOf(itr, element, idx, i + 1)
def checkEqual(leftItr: Iterator[T], currentRight: Any, matchedCurrentRight: Boolean, rightItr: Iterator[Any]): Boolean =
if (leftItr.hasNext) {
val left = leftItr.next
if (equality.areEqual(left, currentRight)) {
if (rightItr.hasNext) {
val right = rightItr.next
checkEqual(leftItr, right, false, rightItr)
checkEqual(leftItr, currentRight, matchedCurrentRight, rightItr)
matchedCurrentRight && !rightItr.hasNext
def checkEqualRec(left: GenTraversable[T], rightItr: Iterator[Any]): Boolean = {
if (rightItr.hasNext) {
val nextRight = rightItr.next
lastIndexOf(left.toIterator, nextRight, None, 0) match {
case Some(idx) =>
if (checkEqual(left.drop(idx).toIterator, nextRight, false, rightItr))
checkEqualRec(left.take(idx), right.toIterator)
case None =>
false // Element not found, let's fail early
else // No more element in right, left contains all of right.
checkEqualRec(left, right.toIterator)
import scala.language.higherKinds
* Implicit to support Sequencing
nature of scala.collection.GenSeq
* @param equality Equality
type class that is used to check equality of element in the scala.collection.GenSeq
* @tparam E the type of the element in the scala.collection.GenSeq
* @tparam SEQ any subtype of scala.collection.GenSeq
* @return Sequencing[SEQ[E]]
that supports scala.collection.GenSeq
in relevant contain
implicit def sequencingNatureOfGenSeq[E, SEQ[e] <: scala.collection.GenSeq[e]](implicit equality: Equality[E]): Sequencing[SEQ[E]] =
new Sequencing[SEQ[E]] {
def containsInOrder(seq: SEQ[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
checkInOrder(seq, elements, equality)
def containsInOrderOnly(seq: SEQ[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
checkInOrderOnly[E](seq, elements, equality)
// TODO: Make elements a Sequencing
def containsTheSameElementsInOrderAs(seq: SEQ[E], elements: GenTraversable[Any]): Boolean = {
checkTheSameElementsInOrderAs[E](seq, elements, equality)
import scala.language.implicitConversions
* Implicit conversion that converts an Equality
of type E
* into Sequencing
of type SEQ[E]
, where SEQ
is a subtype of scala.collection.GenSeq
* This is required to support the explicit Equality
syntax, for example:
* (List("hi", "he") should contain inOrderOnly ("HI", "HE")) (after being lowerCased)
* (after being lowerCased)
will returns an Equality[String]
* and this implicit conversion will convert it into Sequencing[List[String]]
* @param equality Equality
of type E
* @tparam E type of elements in the scala.collection.GenSeq
* @tparam SEQ subtype of scala.collection.GenSeq
* @return Sequencing
of type SEQ[E]
implicit def convertEqualityToGenSeqSequencing[E, SEQ[e] <: scala.collection.GenSeq[e]](equality: Equality[E]): Sequencing[SEQ[E]] =
* Implicit to support Sequencing
nature of scala.collection.SortedSet
* @param equality Equality
type class that is used to check equality of element in the scala.collection.SortedSet
* @tparam E the type of the element in the scala.collection.SortedSet
* @tparam SET any subtype of scala.collection.SortedSet
* @return Sequencing[SET[E]]
that supports scala.collection.SortedSet
in relevant contain
implicit def sequencingNatureOfSortedSet[E, SET[e] <: scala.collection.SortedSet[e]](implicit equality: Equality[E]): Sequencing[SET[E]] =
new Sequencing[SET[E]] {
def containsInOrder(set: SET[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
checkInOrder(set, elements, equality)
def containsInOrderOnly(set: SET[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
checkInOrderOnly[E](set, elements, equality)
def containsTheSameElementsInOrderAs(set: SET[E], elements: GenTraversable[Any]): Boolean = {
checkTheSameElementsInOrderAs[E](set, elements, equality)
* Implicit conversion that converts an Equality
of type E
* into Sequencing
of type SET[E]
, where SET
is a subtype of scala.collection.SortedSet
* This is required to support the explicit Equality
syntax, for example:
* (SortedSet("hi", "he") should contain inOrderOnly ("HI", "HE")) (after being lowerCased)
* (after being lowerCased)
will returns an Equality[String]
* and this implicit conversion will convert it into Sequencing[SortedSet[String]]
* @param equality Equality
of type E
* @tparam E type of elements in the scala.collection.SortedSet
* @tparam SET subtype of scala.collection.SortedSet
* @return Sequencing
of type SET[E]
implicit def convertEqualityToSortedSetSequencing[E, SET[e] <: scala.collection.SortedSet[e]](equality: Equality[E]): Sequencing[SET[E]] =
* Implicit to support Sequencing
nature of scala.collection.SortedMap
* @param equality Equality
type class that is used to check equality of element in the scala.collection.SortedMap
* @tparam K the type of the key in the scala.collection.SortedMap
* @tparam V the type of the value in the scala.collection.SortedMap
* @tparam MAP any subtype of scala.collection.SortedMap
* @return Sequencing[MAP[K, V]]
that supports scala.collection.SortedMap
in relevant contain
implicit def sequencingNatureOfSortedMap[K, V, MAP[k, v] <: scala.collection.SortedMap[k, v]](implicit equality: Equality[(K, V)]): Sequencing[MAP[K, V]] =
new Sequencing[MAP[K, V]] {
def containsInOrder(map: MAP[K, V], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
checkInOrder(map, elements, equality)
def containsInOrderOnly(map: MAP[K, V], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
checkInOrderOnly(map, elements, equality)
def containsTheSameElementsInOrderAs(map: MAP[K, V], elements: GenTraversable[Any]): Boolean = {
checkTheSameElementsInOrderAs(map, elements, equality)
* Implicit conversion that converts an Equality
of type (K, V)
* into Sequencing
of type MAP[K, V]
, where MAP
is a subtype of scala.collection.SortedMap
* This is required to support the explicit Equality
syntax, for example:
* // lowerCased needs to be implemented as Normalization[(K, V)]
* (SortedMap("hi" -> "hi", "he" -> "he") should contain inOrderOnly ("HI" -> "HI", "HE" -> "HE")) (after being lowerCased)
* (after being lowerCased)
will returns an Equality[String]
* and this implicit conversion will convert it into Sequencing[SortedMap[String, String]]
* @param equality Equality
of type (K, V)
* @tparam K the type of the key in the scala.collection.SortedMap
* @tparam V the type of the value in the scala.collection.SortedMap
* @tparam MAP subtype of scala.collection.SortedMap
* @return Sequencing
of type MAP[K, V]
implicit def convertEqualityToSortedMapSequencing[K, V, MAP[k, v] <: scala.collection.SortedMap[k, v]](equality: Equality[(K, V)]): Sequencing[MAP[K, V]] =
* Implicit to support Sequencing
nature of Array
* @param equality Equality
type class that is used to check equality of element in the Array
* @tparam E the type of the element in the Array
* @return Sequencing[Array[E]]
that supports Array
in relevant contain
implicit def sequencingNatureOfArray[E](implicit equality: Equality[E]): Sequencing[Array[E]] =
new Sequencing[Array[E]] {
def containsInOrder(array: Array[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
checkInOrder(new ArrayWrapper(array), elements, equality)
def containsInOrderOnly(array: Array[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
checkInOrderOnly(new ArrayWrapper(array), elements, equality)
def containsTheSameElementsInOrderAs(array: Array[E], elements: GenTraversable[Any]): Boolean = {
checkTheSameElementsInOrderAs[E](new ArrayWrapper(array), elements, equality)
* Implicit conversion that converts an Equality
of type E
* into Sequencing
of type Array[E]
* This is required to support the explicit Equality
syntax, for example:
* (Array("hi", "he") should contain inOrderOnly ("HI", "HE")) (after being lowerCased)
* (after being lowerCased)
will returns an Equality[String]
* and this implicit conversion will convert it into Sequencing[Array[String]]
* @param equality Equality
of type E
* @tparam E type of elements in the Array
* @return Sequencing
of type Array[E]
implicit def convertEqualityToArraySequencing[E](equality: Equality[E]): Sequencing[Array[E]] =
* Implicit to support Sequencing
nature of java.util.List
* @param equality Equality
type class that is used to check equality of element in the java.util.List
* @tparam E the type of the element in the java.util.List
* @tparam JLIST any subtype of java.util.List
* @return Sequencing[JLIST[E]]
that supports java.util.List
in relevant contain
implicit def sequencingNatureOfJavaList[E, JLIST[e] <: java.util.List[e]](implicit equality: Equality[E]): Sequencing[JLIST[E]] =
new Sequencing[JLIST[E]] {
def containsInOrder(col: JLIST[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
checkInOrder(col.asScala, elements, equality)
def containsInOrderOnly(col: JLIST[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
checkInOrderOnly(col.asScala, elements, equality)
def containsTheSameElementsInOrderAs(col: JLIST[E], elements: GenTraversable[Any]): Boolean = {
checkTheSameElementsInOrderAs(col.asScala, elements, equality)
* Implicit conversion that converts an Equality
of type E
* into Sequencing
of type JLIST[E]
, where JLIST
is a subtype of java.util.List
* This is required to support the explicit Equality
syntax, for example:
* val javaList = new java.util.ArrayList[String]()
* javaList.add("hi", "he")
* (javaList should contain ("HI", "HE")) (after being lowerCased)
* (after being lowerCased)
will returns an Equality[String]
* and this implicit conversion will convert it into Sequencing[java.util.ArrayList[String]]
* @param equality Equality
of type E
* @tparam E type of elements in the java.util.List
* @tparam JLIST subtype of java.util.List
* @return Sequencing
of type JLIST[E]
implicit def convertEqualityToJavaListSequencing[E, JLIST[e] <: java.util.List[e]](equality: Equality[E]): Sequencing[JLIST[E]] =
* Implicit to support Sequencing
nature of java.util.SortedSet
* @param equality Equality
type class that is used to check equality of element in the java.util.SortedSet
* @tparam E the type of the element in the java.util.SortedSet
* @tparam JSET any subtype of java.util.SortedSet
* @return Sequencing[JSET[E]]
that supports java.util.SortedSet
in relevant contain
implicit def sequencingNatureOfJavaSortedSet[E, JSET[e] <: java.util.SortedSet[e]](implicit equality: Equality[E]): Sequencing[JSET[E]] =
new Sequencing[JSET[E]] {
def containsInOrder(set: JSET[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
checkInOrder(set.iterator.asScala.toVector, elements, equality)
def containsInOrderOnly(set: JSET[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
checkInOrderOnly[E](set.iterator.asScala.toVector, elements, equality)
def containsTheSameElementsInOrderAs(set: JSET[E], elements: GenTraversable[Any]): Boolean = {
checkTheSameElementsInOrderAs[E](set.iterator.asScala.toVector, elements, equality)
* Implicit conversion that converts an Equality
of type E
* into Sequencing
of type JSET[E]
, where JSET
is a subtype of java.util.SortedSet
* This is required to support the explicit Equality
syntax, for example:
* val javaSet = new java.util.TreeSet[String]()
* javaSet.add("hi", "he")
* (javaSet should contain inOrderOnly ("HI", "HE")) (after being lowerCased)
* (after being lowerCased)
will returns an Equality[String]
* and this implicit conversion will convert it into Sequencing[java.util.TreeSet[String]]
* @param equality Equality
of type E
* @tparam E type of elements in the java.util.List
* @tparam JSET subtype of java.util.List
* @return Sequencing
of type JLIST[E]
implicit def convertEqualityToJavaSortedSetSequencing[E, JSET[e] <: java.util.SortedSet[e]](equality: Equality[E]): Sequencing[JSET[E]] =
* Implicit to support Sequencing
nature of java.util.SortedMap
* @param equality Equality
type class that is used to check equality of entry in the java.util.SortedMap
* @tparam K the type of the key in the java.util.SortedMap
* @tparam V the type of the value in the java.util.SortedMap
* @tparam JMAP any subtype of java.util.SortedMap
* @return Sequencing[JMAP[K, V]]
that supports java.util.SortedMap
in relevant contain
implicit def sequencingNatureOfJavaSortedMap[K, V, JMAP[k, v] <: java.util.SortedMap[k, v]](implicit equality: Equality[java.util.Map.Entry[K, V]]): Sequencing[JMAP[K, V]] =
new Sequencing[JMAP[K, V]] {
def containsInOrder(map: JMAP[K, V], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
checkInOrder(map.entrySet.iterator.asScala.toVector, elements, equality)
def containsInOrderOnly(map: JMAP[K, V], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
checkInOrderOnly(map.entrySet.iterator.asScala.toVector, elements, equality)
def containsTheSameElementsInOrderAs(map: JMAP[K, V], elements: GenTraversable[Any]): Boolean = {
checkTheSameElementsInOrderAs(map.entrySet.iterator.asScala.toVector, elements, equality)
* Implicit conversion that converts an Equality
of type java.util.Map.Entry[K, V]
* into Sequencing
of type JMAP[K, V]
, where JMAP
is a subtype of java.util.SortedMap
* This is required to support the explicit Equality
syntax, for example:
* val javaMap = new java.util.TreeMap[Int, String]()
* javaMap.put(1, "one")
* // lowerCased needs to be implemented as Normalization[java.util.Map.Entry[K, V]]
* (javaMap should contain inOrderOnly (Entry(1, "ONE"))) (after being lowerCased)
* (after being lowerCased)
will returns an java.util.Map.Entry[Int, String]
* and this implicit conversion will convert it into Aggregating[java.util.TreeMap[Int, String]]
* @param equality Equality
of type java.util.Map.Entry[K, V]
* @tparam K the type of the key in the java.util.SortedMap
* @tparam V the type of the value in the java.util.SortedMap
* @tparam JMAP subtype of java.util.SortedMap
* @return Sequencing
of type JMAP[K, V]
implicit def convertEqualityToJavaSortedMapSequencing[K, V, JMAP[k, v] <: java.util.SortedMap[k, v]](equality: Equality[java.util.Map.Entry[K, V]]): Sequencing[JMAP[K, V]] =
* Implicit to support Sequencing
nature of String
* @param equality Equality
type class that is used to check equality of Char
in the String
* @return Sequencing[String]
that supports String
in relevant contain
implicit def sequencingNatureOfString(implicit equality: Equality[Char]): Sequencing[String] =
new Sequencing[String] {
def containsInOrder(s: String, elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
checkInOrder(s, elements, equality)
def containsInOrderOnly(s: String, elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean = {
checkInOrderOnly(s, elements, equality)
def containsTheSameElementsInOrderAs(s: String, elements: GenTraversable[Any]): Boolean = {
checkTheSameElementsInOrderAs(s, elements, equality)
* Implicit conversion that converts an Equality
of type Char
* into Sequencing
of type String
* This is required to support the explicit Equality
syntax, for example:
* // lowerCased needs to be implemented as Normalization[Char]
* ("hi hello" should contain inOrderOnly ('E')) (after being lowerCased)
* (after being lowerCased)
will returns an Equality[Char]
* and this implicit conversion will convert it into Sequencing[String]
* @param equality Equality
of type Char
* @return Sequencing
of type String
implicit def convertEqualityToStringSequencing(equality: Equality[Char]): Sequencing[String] =
* Implicit to support Sequencing
nature of Every
* @param equality Equality
type class that is used to check equality of element in the Every
* @tparam E the type of the element in the Every
* @return Sequencing[Every[E]]
that supports Every
in relevant contain
implicit def sequencingNatureOfEvery[E](implicit equality: Equality[E]): Sequencing[Every[E]] =
new Sequencing[Every[E]] {
def containsInOrder(every: Every[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean =
checkInOrder(every, elements, equality)
def containsInOrderOnly(every: Every[E], elements: scala.collection.Seq[Any]): Boolean =
checkInOrderOnly(every, elements, equality)
def containsTheSameElementsInOrderAs(every: Every[E], elements: GenTraversable[Any]): Boolean =
checkTheSameElementsInOrderAs[E](every, elements, equality)
* Implicit conversion that converts an Equality
of type E
* into Sequencing
of type Every[E]
* This is required to support the explicit Equality
syntax, for example:
* (Every("hi", "he") should contain inOrderOnly ("HI", "HE")) (after being lowerCased)
* (after being lowerCased)
will returns an Equality[String]
* and this implicit conversion will convert it into Sequencing[Every[String]]
* @param equality Equality
of type E
* @tparam E type of elements in the Every
* @return Sequencing
of type Every[E]
implicit def convertEqualityToEverySequencing[E](equality: Equality[E]): Sequencing[Every[E]] =
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