org.scalatest.Status.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2001-2013 Artima, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.scalatest
import scala.collection.GenSet
import java.io.Serializable
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.Promise
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
* The result status of running a test or a suite.
* This trait is the return type of the "run" lifecycle methods of trait Suite
: run
, runNestedSuites
* runTests
, and runTest
. It can be used to determine whether a test or suite has completed, and if completed,
* whether it succeeded or failed. The main use case for this trait in ScalaTest is to enable BeforeAndAfterAll
's afterAll
* method to wait until all relevant tests and nested suites have completed before performing the "after all" code, even if those tests are
* nested suites are run in parallel.
* @author cheeseng
sealed trait Status { thisStatus =>
* Blocking call that waits until completion, then returns returns true
if no tests failed and no suites aborted, else returns false
* This only reports false
if there was a failed test or aborted suite in the context of the "run" lifecycle method it was returned from. For example,
* if you call succeeds
on the return Status
of runTest
, it returns (after that test has completed) true
if the
* test whose name was passed to runTest
succeeded, false
if that test failed (or the suite aborts). If you call
* succeeds
on the return value of runTests
, by contrast, it returns (after the suite's tests have completed) true
* if all tests in the suite succeeded. If any test in the suite fails (or the whole suite aborts), the succeeds
call will return false
* The Status
returned from runNestedSuites
will return true only if all tests in all nested suites (and their nested suites, etc.) fired
* off by that runNestedSuites
call succeed and no suites abort.
* Simlarly, the Status
returned from run
will return true only if all tests in all nested suites (and their nested suites, etc.) fired
* off by that run
call succeed and no suites abort.
* @return true
if no tests failed and no suites aborted, false
def succeeds(): Boolean
* Non-blocking call that indicates whether the all the tests or nested suites fired off by the run method that returned the Status
have completed.
* Because this is non-blocking, you can use this to poll the completion status.
* @return true
if the test or suite run is already completed, false
def isCompleted: Boolean
* Blocking call that returns only after the underlying test or suite is completed.
def waitUntilCompleted()
* Registers the passed function to be executed when this status completes.
* You may register multiple functions, which on completion will be executed in an undefined
* order.
def whenCompleted(f: Try[Boolean] => Unit)
final def thenRun(f: => Status): Status = {
val returnedStatus = new ScalaTestStatefulStatus
whenCompleted { _ =>
val innerStatus = f
innerStatus.whenCompleted { tri =>
tri match {
case Success(false) =>
case Failure(ex) =>
case _ =>
// True means succeeded, false means a test failure or suite abort happened.
final def toFuture: Future[Boolean] = {
val promise = Promise[Boolean]
whenCompleted { t => promise.complete(t) }
def unreportedException: Option[Throwable] = None
def withAfterEffect(f: => Option[Throwable]): Status = {
val returnedStatus = new ScalaTestStatefulStatus
whenCompleted { tri =>
tri match {
case Success(result) =>
f match {
case None =>
if (!result) returnedStatus.setFailed()
case Some(ex) =>
case Failure(originalEx) =>
f match {
case None =>
case Some(ex) =>
println("ScalaTest can't report this exception because another preceded it, so printing its stack trace:")
* Singleton status that represents an already completed run with no tests failed and no suites aborted.
* Note: the difference between this SucceededStatus
object and the similarly named Succeeded
* object is that the Succeeded
object indicates one test succeeded, whereas this SucceededStatus
object indicates the absence
* of any failed tests or aborted suites during a run. Both are used as the result type of Suite
lifecycle methods, but Succeeded
* is a possible result of withFixture
, whereas SucceededStatus
is a possible result of run
, runNestedSuites
* runTests
, or runTest
. In short, Succeeded
is always just about one test, whereas SucceededStatus
could be
* about something larger: multiple tests or an entire suite.
object SucceededStatus extends Status with Serializable {
* Always returns true
* @return true
def succeeds() = true
* Always returns true
* @return true
def isCompleted = true
* Always returns immediately.
def waitUntilCompleted() {}
* Executes the passed function immediately on the calling thread.
def whenCompleted(f: Try[Boolean] => Unit) { f(Success(true)) }
* Singleton status that represents an already completed run with at least one failed test or aborted suite.
* Note: the difference between this FailedStatus
object and the similarly named Failed
* class is that a Failed
instance indicates one test failed, whereas this FailedStatus
object indicates either one or more tests failed
* and/or one or more suites aborted during a run. Both are used as the result type of Suite
lifecycle methods, but Failed
* is a possible result of withFixture
, whereas FailedStatus
is a possible result of run
, runNestedSuites
* runTests
, or runTest
. In short, Failed
is always just about one test, whereas FailedStatus
could be
* about something larger: multiple tests or an entire suite.
object FailedStatus extends Status with Serializable {
* Always returns false
* @return true
def succeeds() = false
* Always returns true
* @return true
def isCompleted = true
* Always returns immediately.
def waitUntilCompleted() {}
* Executes the passed function immediately on the calling thread.
def whenCompleted(f: Try[Boolean] => Unit) { f(Success(false)) }
case class AbortedStatus(ex: Throwable) extends Status with Serializable { thisAbortedStatus =>
* Always returns false
* @return true
def succeeds() = false
* Always returns true
* @return true
def isCompleted = true
* Always returns immediately.
def waitUntilCompleted() {}
* Executes the passed function immediately on the calling thread.
def whenCompleted(f: Try[Boolean] => Unit) { f(Failure(unreportedException.get)) }
override val unreportedException: Option[Throwable] = Some(ex)
// Used internally in ScalaTest. We don't use the StatefulStatus, because
// then user code could pattern match on it and then access the setCompleted
// and setFailed methods. We wouldn't want that.
private[scalatest] final class ScalaTestStatefulStatus extends Status with Serializable {
@transient private final val latch = new CountDownLatch(1)
private var succeeded = true
private final val queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Try[Boolean] => Unit]
private var asyncException: Option[Throwable] = None
override def unreportedException: Option[Throwable] = {
synchronized {
def succeeds() = {
synchronized { succeeded }
def isCompleted = synchronized { latch.getCount == 0L }
def waitUntilCompleted() {
synchronized { latch }.await()
def setFailed() {
synchronized {
if (isCompleted)
throw new IllegalStateException("status is already completed")
succeeded = false
def setUnreportedException(ex: Throwable): Unit = {
// TODO: Throw an exception if it is a fatal one?
// TODO: Throw an exception if already have an exception in here.
synchronized {
if (isCompleted)
throw new IllegalStateException("status is already completed")
succeeded = false
asyncException = Some(ex)
def setCompleted() {
// Moved the for loop after the countdown, to avoid what I think is a race condition whereby we register a call back while
// we are iterating through the list of callbacks prior to adding the last one.
val it =
synchronized {
// OLD, OUTDATED COMMENT, left in here to ponder the depths of its meaning a bit longer:
// Only release the latch after the callbacks finish execution, to avoid race condition with other thread(s) that wait
// for this Status to complete.
val tri: Try[Boolean] =
unreportedException match {
case Some(ex) => Failure(ex)
case None => Success(succeeded)
for (f <- it)
def whenCompleted(f: Try[Boolean] => Unit) {
var executeLocally = false
synchronized {
if (!isCompleted)
executeLocally = true
if (executeLocally) {
val tri: Try[Boolean] =
unreportedException match {
case Some(ex) => Failure(ex)
case None => Success(succeeded)
* Status implementation that can change its state over time.
* A StatefulStatus
begins its life in a successful state, and will remain successful unless setFailed
is called.
* Once setFailed
is called, the status will remain at failed. The setFailed
method can be called multiple times (even
* though invoking it once is sufficient to permanently set the status to failed), but only up until setCompleted
has been called.
* After setCompleted
has been called, any invocation of setFailed
will be greeted with an IllegalStateException
* Instances of this class are thread safe.
final class StatefulStatus extends Status with Serializable {
@transient private final val latch = new CountDownLatch(1)
private var succeeded = true
private final val queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Try[Boolean] => Unit]
* Blocking call that waits until completion, as indicated by an invocation of setCompleted
on this instance, then returns returns false
* if setFailed
was called on this instance, else returns true
* @return true
if no tests failed and no suites aborted, false
def succeeds() = {
synchronized { succeeded }
* Non-blocking call that returns true
if setCompleted
has been invoked on this instance, false
* @return true
if the test or suite run is already completed, false
def isCompleted = synchronized { latch.getCount == 0L }
* Blocking call that returns only after setCompleted
has been invoked on this StatefulStatus
def waitUntilCompleted() {
synchronized { latch }.await()
* Sets the status to failed without changing the completion status.
* This method may be invoked repeatedly, even though invoking it once is sufficient to set the state of the Status
to failed, but only
* up until setCompleted
has been called. Once setCompleted
has been called, invoking this method will result in a
* thrown IllegalStateException
* @throws IllegalStateException if this method is invoked on this instance after setCompleted
has been invoked on this instance.
def setFailed() {
synchronized {
if (isCompleted)
throw new IllegalStateException("status is already completed")
succeeded = false
* Sets the status to completed.
* This method may be invoked repeatedly, even though invoking it once is sufficient to set the state of the Status
to completed.
def setCompleted() {
// Moved the for loop after the countdown, to avoid what I think is a race condition whereby we register a call back while
// we are iterating through the list of callbacks prior to adding the last one.
val it =
synchronized {
// OLD, OUTDATED COMMENT, left in here to ponder the depths of its meaning a bit longer:
// Only release the latch after the callbacks finish execution, to avoid race condition with other thread(s) that wait
// for this Status to complete.
val tri: Try[Boolean] =
unreportedException match {
case Some(ex) => Failure(ex)
case None => Success(succeeded)
for (f <- it)
* Registers the passed function to be executed when this status completes.
* You may register multiple functions, which on completion will be executed in an undefined
* order.
def whenCompleted(f: Try[Boolean] => Unit) {
var executeLocally = false
synchronized {
if (!isCompleted)
executeLocally = true
if (executeLocally) {
val tri: Try[Boolean] =
unreportedException match {
case Some(ex) => Failure(ex)
case None => Success(succeeded)
* Composite Status
that aggregates its completion and failed states of set of other Status
es passed to its constructor.
* @param status the Status
es out of which this status is composed.
final class CompositeStatus(statuses: Set[Status]) extends Status with Serializable {
// TODO: Ensure this is visible to another thread, because I'm letting the reference
// escape with my for loop below prior to finishing this object's construction.
@transient private final val latch = new CountDownLatch(statuses.size)
@volatile private var succeeded = true
private var asyncException: Option[Throwable] = None
private final val queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Try[Boolean] => Unit]
for (status <- statuses) {
status.whenCompleted { tri =>
val youCompleteMe =
synchronized {
tri match {
case Success(res) =>
if (!res)
succeeded = false
case Failure(ex) =>
succeeded = false
if (asyncException.isEmpty)
asyncException = Some(ex)
else {
println("ScalaTest can't report this exception because another preceded it, so printing its stack trace:")
latch.getCount == 0
if (youCompleteMe) {
val tri: Try[Boolean] =
unreportedException match {
case Some(ex) => Failure(ex)
case None => Success(succeeded)
for (f <- queue.iterator)
* Blocking call that waits until all composite Status
es have completed, then returns
* true
only if all of the composite Status
es succeeded. If any Status
passed in the statuses
set fails, this method
* will return false
* @return true
if all composite Status
es succeed, false
def succeeds() = {
synchronized { latch }.await()
synchronized { statuses }.forall(_.succeeds())
* Non-blocking call to check if the test or suite run is completed, returns true
if all composite Status
es have completed,
* false
otherwise. You can use this to poll the run status.
* @return true
if all composite Status
es have completed, false
def isCompleted = synchronized { statuses }.forall(_.isCompleted)
* Blocking call that returns only after all composite Status
s have completed.
def waitUntilCompleted() {
// statuses.foreach(_.waitUntilCompleted())
synchronized { latch }.await()
* Registers the passed function to be executed when this status completes.
* You may register multiple functions, which on completion will be executed in an undefined
* order.
def whenCompleted(f: Try[Boolean] => Unit) {
var executeLocally = false
synchronized {
if (!isCompleted)
executeLocally = true
if (executeLocally) {
val tri: Try[Boolean] =
unreportedException match {
case Some(ex) => Failure(ex)
case None => Success(succeeded)
override def unreportedException: Option[Throwable] = synchronized { asyncException }
synchronized {