Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* An ant task to run ScalaTest. Instructions on how to specify various
* options are below. See the scaladocs for the Runner
class for a description
* of what each of the options does.
* To use the ScalaTest ant task, you must first define it in your ant file using taskdef
* Here's an example:
* <path id="scalatest.classpath">
* <pathelement location="${lib}/scalatest.jar"/>
* <pathelement location="${lib}/scala-library.jar"/>
* </path>
* <target name="main" depends="dist">
* <taskdef name="scalatest" classname="">
* <classpath refid="scalatest.classpath"/>
* </taskdef>
* <scalatest ...
* </target>
* Once defined, you use the task by specifying information in a scalatest
* <scalatest ...>
* ...
* </scalatest>
* You can place key value pairs into the configMap
using nested <config>
* like this:
* <scalatest>
* <config name="dbname" value="testdb"/>
* <config name="server" value=""/>
* You can specify a runpath using either a runpath
attribute and/or nested
* <runpath>
elements, using standard ant path notation:
* <scalatest runpath="serviceuitest-1.1beta4.jar:myjini">
* or
* <scalatest>
* <runpath>
* <pathelement location="serviceuitest-1.1beta4.jar"/>
* <pathelement location="myjini"/>
* </runpath>
* To add a URL to your runpath, use a <runpathurl>
* (since ant paths don't support URLs):
* <scalatest>
* <runpathurl url=""/>
* You can specify reporters using nested <reporter>
elements, where the type
* attribute must be one of the following:
* -
* -
* -
* -
* -
* -
* Each may include a config
attribute to specify the reporter configuration.
* Types file
, junitxml
and reporterclass
require additional attributes
* filename
, directory
, and classname
, respectively:
* <scalatest>
* <reporter type="stdout" config="FAB"/>
* <reporter type="file" filename="test.out"/>
* <reporter type="junitxml" directory="target"/>
* <reporter type="reporterclass" classname="my.ReporterClass"/>
* Specify tags to include and/or exclude using <tagsToInclude>
* <tagsToExclude>
elements, like this:
* <scalatest>
* <tagsToInclude>
* CheckinTests
* FunctionalTests
* </tagsToInclude>
* <tagsToExclude>
* SlowTests
* NetworkTests
* </tagsToExclude>
* To specify suites to run, use either a suite
attribute or nested
* <suite>
* <scalatest suite="com.artima.serviceuitest.ServiceUITestkit">
* or
* <scalatest>
* <suite classname="com.artima.serviceuitest.ServiceUITestkit"/>
* To specify suites using members-only or wildcard package names, use
* either the membersonly
or wildcard
attributes, or nested
* <membersonly>
or <wildcard>
* <scalatest membersonly="com.artima.serviceuitest">
* or
* <scalatest wildcard="com.artima.joker">
* or
* <scalatest>
* <membersonly package="com.artima.serviceuitest"/>
* <wildcard package="com.artima.joker"/>
* Use attribute parallel="true"
to specify parallel execution of suites.
* (If the parallel
attribute is left out or set to false, suites will be executed sequentially by one thread.)
* When parallel
is true, you can include an optional numthreads
attribute to specify the number
* of threads to be created in thread pool (e.g., numthreads="10"
* Use attribute haltonfailure="true"
to cause ant to fail the
* build if there's a test failure.
* Use attribute fork="true"
to cause ant to run the tests in
* a separate process.
* When fork
is true
, attribute maxmemory
may be used to specify
* the maximum memory size that will be passed to the forked jvm. For example, the following setting
* will cause "-Xmx1280M"
to be passed to the java command used to
* run the tests.
* <scalatest maxmemory="1280M">
* When fork
is true, nested <jvmarg>
elements may be used
* to pass additional arguments to the forked jvm.
* For example, if you are running into 'PermGen space' memory errors,
* you could add the following jvmarg
to bump up the JVM's MaxPermSize
* <jvmarg value="-XX:MaxPermSize=128m"/>
* @author George Berger
class ScalaTestAntTask extends Task {
private var includes: String = null
private var excludes: String = null
private var maxMemory: String = null
private var parallel = false
private var haltonfailure = false
private var fork = false
private var numthreads = 0
private val runpath = new ListBuffer[String]
private val jvmArgs = new ListBuffer[String]
private val suites = new ListBuffer[String]
private val membersonlys = new ListBuffer[String]
private val wildcards = new ListBuffer[String]
private val testNGSuites = new ListBuffer[String]
private val reporters = new ListBuffer[ReporterElement]
private val properties = new ListBuffer[NameValuePair]
* Executes the task.
override def execute {
val args = new ListBuffer[String]
val argsArray = args.toArray
val success = if (fork) javaTaskRunner(args.toList)
if (!success && haltonfailure)
throw new BuildException("ScalaTest run failed.")
private def javaTaskRunner(args: List[String]): Boolean = {
val java = new Java
val classLoader = getClass.getClassLoader.asInstanceOf[AntClassLoader]
java.setClasspath(new Path(getProject, classLoader.getClasspath))
if (maxMemory != null) java.createJvmarg.setValue("-Xmx" + maxMemory)
for (jvmArg <- jvmArgs)
for (arg <- args)
val result = java.executeJava
return (result == 0)
// Adds '-p runpath' arg pair to args list if a runpath
// element or attribute was specified for task.
private def addRunpathArgs(args: ListBuffer[String]) {
if (runpath.size > 0) {
args += "-p"
args += getSpacedOutPathStr(runpath.toList)
private def addTestNGSuiteArgs(args: ListBuffer[String]) {
if (testNGSuites.size > 0) {
args += "-t"
args += getSpacedOutPathStr(testNGSuites.toList)
// Adds '-c' arg to args list if 'parallel' attribute was
// specified true for task.
private def addParallelArg(args: ListBuffer[String]) {
if (parallel) {
args += "-c" + (if (numthreads > 0) ("" + numthreads) else "")
// Adds '-n includes-list' arg pair to args list if a
// element was supplied for task.
private def addIncludesArgs(args: ListBuffer[String]) {
if (includes != null) {
args += "-n"
args += singleSpace(includes)
// Adds '-l excludes-list' arg pair to args list if an
// element was supplied for task.
private def addExcludesArgs(args: ListBuffer[String]) {
if (excludes != null) {
args += "-l"
args += singleSpace(excludes)
// Adds '-Dname=value' argument to args list for each nested
// element supplied for task.
private def addPropertyArgs(args: ListBuffer[String]) {
for (pair <- properties)
args += "-D" + pair.getName + "=" + pair.getValue
// Adds '-s classname' argument to args list for each suite
// specified for task. Adds '-m packagename' for each
// membersonly element specified, and '-w packagename' for
// each wildcard element specified.
private def addSuiteArgs(args: ListBuffer[String]) {
for (suite <- suites) {
if (suite == null)
throw new BuildException(
"missing classname attribute for element")
args += "-s"
args += suite
for (packageName <- membersonlys) {
if (packageName == null)
throw new BuildException(
"missing package attribute for element")
args += "-m"
args += packageName
for (packageName <- wildcards) {
if (packageName == null)
throw new BuildException(
"missing package attribute for element")
args += "-w"
args += packageName
// Adds appropriate reporter options to args list for each
// nested reporter element specified for task. Defaults to
// stdout if no reporter specified.
private def addReporterArgs(args: ListBuffer[String]) {
if (reporters.size == 0)
args += "-o"
for (reporter <- reporters) {
reporter.getType match {
case "stdout" => addReporterOption(args, reporter, "-o")
case "stderr" => addReporterOption(args, reporter, "-e")
case "graphic" => addReporterOption(args, reporter, "-g")
case "file" => addFileReporter(args, reporter)
case "xml" => addXmlReporter(args, reporter)
case "junitxml" => addXmlReporter(args, reporter)
case "html" => addHtmlReporter(args, reporter)
case "reporterclass" => addReporterClass(args, reporter)
case t =>
throw new BuildException("unexpected reporter type [" + t + "]")
// Adds specified option to args for reporter. Appends reporter
// config string to option if specified, e.g. "-eFAB".
private def addReporterOption(args: ListBuffer[String],
reporter: ReporterElement,
option: String)
val config = reporter.getConfig
if (config == null) args += option
else args += option + config
// Adds '-f' file reporter option to args. Appends reporter
// config string to option if specified. Adds reporter's
// filename as additional argument, e.g. "-fFAB", "filename".
private def addFileReporter(args: ListBuffer[String],
reporter: ReporterElement)
addReporterOption(args, reporter, "-f")
if (reporter.getFilename == null)
throw new BuildException(
"reporter type 'file' requires 'filename' attribute")
args += reporter.getFilename
// Adds '-u' xml reporter option to args. Adds reporter's
// directory as additional argument, e.g. "-u", "directory".
private def addXmlReporter(args: ListBuffer[String],
reporter: ReporterElement)
addReporterOption(args, reporter, "-u")
if (reporter.getDirectory == null)
throw new BuildException(
"reporter type 'xml' requires 'directory' attribute")
args += reporter.getDirectory
if (reporter.getType == "xml")
Console.err.println("WARNING: reporter type 'xml' is deprecated " +
"- please use 'junitxml' instead")
// Adds '-h' html reporter option to args. Appends reporter
// config string to option if specified. Adds reporter's
// filename as additional argument, e.g. "-hFAB", "filename".
private def addHtmlReporter(args: ListBuffer[String],
reporter: ReporterElement)
addReporterOption(args, reporter, "-h")
if (reporter.getFilename == null)
throw new BuildException(
"reporter type 'html' requires 'filename' attribute")
args += reporter.getFilename
// Adds '-r' reporter class option to args. Appends
// reporter config string to option if specified. Adds
// reporter's classname as additional argument, e.g. "-rFAB",
// "my.ReporterClass".
private def addReporterClass(args: ListBuffer[String],
reporter: ReporterElement)
addReporterOption(args, reporter, "-r")
if (reporter.getClassName == null)
throw new BuildException(
"reporter type 'reporterclass' requires 'classname' attribute")
args += reporter.getClassName
* Sets value of the runpath
def setRunpath(runpath: Path) {
for (element <- runpath.list) {
this.runpath += element
* Sets value of the haltonfailure
def setHaltonfailure(haltonfailure: Boolean) {
this.haltonfailure = haltonfailure
* Sets value of the fork
def setFork(fork: Boolean) {
this.fork = fork
* Sets value of the maxmemory
def setMaxmemory(max: String) {
this.maxMemory = max
* Sets value of the testngsuites
def setTestNGSuites(testNGSuitePath: Path) {
for (element <- testNGSuitePath.list)
this.testNGSuites += element
* Sets value of the concurrent
* Note: The concurrent
attribute has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest.
* Please use the parallel
attribute instead.
def setConcurrent(concurrent: Boolean) {
Console.err.println("WARNING: 'concurrent' attribute is deprecated " +
"- please use 'parallel' instead")
this.parallel = concurrent
* Sets value of the numthreads
def setNumthreads(numthreads: Int) {
this.numthreads = numthreads
* Sets value of the parallel
def setParallel(parallel: Boolean) {
this.parallel = parallel
* Sets value from nested element runpath
def addConfiguredRunpath(runpath: Path) {
for (element <- runpath.list)
this.runpath += element
* Sets value from nested element testngsuites
def addConfiguredTestNGSuites(testNGSuitePath: Path) {
for (element <- testNGSuitePath.list)
this.testNGSuites += element
* Sets value from nested element runpathurl
def addConfiguredRunpathUrl(runpathurl: RunpathUrl) {
runpath += runpathurl.getUrl
* Sets value from nested element jvmarg
def addConfiguredJvmArg(arg: JvmArg) {
jvmArgs += arg.getValue
* Sets values from nested element property
* The property
attribute has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest.
* Please use the config
attribute instead.
def addConfiguredProperty(property: NameValuePair) {
Console.err.println("WARNING: is deprecated - " +
"please use instead [name: " +
property.getName + "]")
properties += property
* Sets values from nested element config
def addConfiguredConfig(config: NameValuePair) {
properties += config
* Sets value of suite
def setSuite(suite: String) {
suites += suite
* Sets value of membersonly
def setMembersonly(packageName: String) {
membersonlys += packageName
* Sets value of wildcard
def setWildcard(packageName: String) {
wildcards += packageName
* Sets value from nested element suite
def addConfiguredSuite(suite: SuiteElement) {
suites += suite.getClassName
* Sets value from nested element membersonly
def addConfiguredMembersOnly(membersonly: PackageElement) {
membersonlys += membersonly.getPackage
* Sets value from nested element wildcard
def addConfiguredWildcard(wildcard: PackageElement) {
wildcards += wildcard.getPackage
* Sets value from nested element reporter
def addConfiguredReporter(reporter: ReporterElement) {
reporters += reporter
* Sets value from nested element tagsToInclude
def addConfiguredTagsToInclude(tagsToInclude: TextElement) {
this.includes = tagsToInclude.getText
* Sets value from nested element includes
* The includes
attribute has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest.
* Please use the tagsToInclude
attribute instead.
def addConfiguredIncludes(includes: TextElement) {
Console.err.println("WARNING: 'includes' is deprecated - " +
"use 'tagsToInclude' instead [includes: " +
includes.getText + "]")
this.includes = includes.getText
* Sets value from nested element excludes
def addConfiguredTagsToExclude(tagsToExclude: TextElement) {
this.excludes = tagsToExclude.getText
* Sets value from nested element excludes
* The excludes
attribute has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest.
* Please use the tagsToExclude
attribute instead.
def addConfiguredExcludes(excludes: TextElement) {
Console.err.println("WARNING: 'excludes' is deprecated - " +
"use 'tagsToExclude' instead [excludes: " +
excludes.getText + "]")
this.excludes = excludes.getText
// Translates a list of strings making up a path into a
// single space-delimited string. Uses backslashes to escape
// spaces within individual path elements, since that's what
// Runner's -p option expects.
private def getSpacedOutPathStr(path: List[String]): String = {" ", """\\ """)).mkString("", " ", "")
// Translates a whitespace-delimited string into a
// whitespace-delimited string, but not the same whitespace. Trims
// off leading and trailing whitespace and converts inter-element
// whitespace to a single space.
private def singleSpace(str: String): String = {
str.trim.replaceAll("\\s+", " ")
// Class to hold data from and elements.
private class PackageElement {
private var packageName: String = null
def setPackage(packageName: String) {
this.packageName = packageName
def getPackage = packageName
// Class to hold data from elements.
private class SuiteElement {
private var className: String = null
def setClassName(className: String) {
this.className = className
def getClassName = className
// Class to hold data from and elements.
private class TextElement {
private var text: String = null
def addText(text: String) {
this.text = text
def getText = text
// Class to hold data from elements.
private class NameValuePair {
private var name : String = null
private var value : String = null
def setName(name : String) { = name }
def setValue(value : String) { this.value = value }
def getName = name
def getValue = value
// Class to hold data from elements.
private class RunpathUrl {
private var url: String = null
def setUrl(url: String) { this.url = url }
def getUrl = url
// Class to hold data from elements.
private class JvmArg {
private var value: String = null
def setValue(value: String) { this.value = value }
def getValue = value
// Class to hold data from elements.
private class ReporterElement {
private var rtype : String = null
private var config : String = null
private var filename : String = null
private var directory : String = null
private var classname : String = null
def setType(rtype : String) { this.rtype = rtype }
def setConfig(config : String) { this.config = config }
def setFilename(filename : String) { this.filename = filename }
def setDirectory(directory : String) { = directory }
def setClassName(classname : String) { this.classname = classname }
def getType = rtype
def getConfig = config
def getFilename = filename
def getDirectory = directory
def getClassName = classname