org.scalatest.FunSpec.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2001-2008 Artima, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.scalatest
import scala.collection.immutable.ListSet
import verb.BehaveWord
import Suite.autoTagClassAnnotations
* Trait that facilitates a “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests
* are combined with text that specifies the behavior the tests verify.
* Recommended Usage:
* For teams coming from Ruby's RSpec tool, FunSpec
will feel familiar and comfortable; More generally, for any team that prefers BDD, FunSpec
's nesting
* and gentle guide to structuring text (with describe
and it
) provide an excellent general-purpose choice for writing specification-style tests.
* Here's an example FunSpec
* package org.scalatest.examples.funspec
* import org.scalatest.FunSpec
* class SetSpec extends FunSpec {
* describe("A Set") {
* describe("when empty") {
* it("should have size 0") {
* assert(Set.empty.size === 0)
* }
* it("should produce NoSuchElementException when head is invoked") {
* intercept[NoSuchElementException] {
* Set.empty.head
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* A FunSpec
contains describe clauses and tests. You define a describe clause
* with describe
, and a test with either it
or they
* describe
, it
, and and they
are methods, defined in
* FunSpec
, which will be invoked
* by the primary constructor of SetSpec
* A describe clause names, or gives more information about, the subject (class or other entity) you are specifying
* and testing. In the previous example, "A Set"
* is the subject under specification and test. With each test you provide a string (the spec text) that specifies
* one bit of behavior of the subject, and a block of code that tests that behavior.
* You place the spec text between the parentheses, followed by the test code between curly
* braces. The test code will be wrapped up as a function passed as a by-name parameter to
* it
(or they
), which will register the test for later execution.
* Note: the they
method is intended for use when the subject is plural, for example:
* describe("The combinators") {
* they("should be easy to learn") {}
* they("should be efficient") {}
* they("should do something cool") {}
* }
* A FunSpec
's lifecycle has two phases: the registration phase and the
* ready phase. It starts in registration phase and enters ready phase the first time
* run
is called on it. It then remains in ready phase for the remainder of its lifetime.
* Tests can only be registered with the it
or they
methods while the FunSpec
* in its registration phase. Any attempt to register a test after the FunSpec
* entered its ready phase, i.e., after run
has been invoked on the FunSpec
* will be met with a thrown TestRegistrationClosedException
. The recommended style
* of using FunSpec
is to register tests during object construction as is done in all
* the examples shown here. If you keep to the recommended style, you should never see a
* TestRegistrationClosedException
* When you execute a FunSpec
, it will send Formatter
s in the events it sends to the
* Reporter
. ScalaTest's built-in reporters will report these events in such a way
* that the output is easy to read as an informal specification of the subject being tested.
* For example, were you to run SetSpec
from within the Scala interpreter:
* scala> new SetSpec execute
* You would see:
* A Set
* when empty
* - should have size 0
* - should produce NoSuchElementException when head is invoked
* Or, to run just the “A Set when empty should have size 0
” test, you could pass that test's name, or any unique substring of the
* name, such as "size 0"
or even just "0"
. Here's an example:
* scala> new SetSuite execute "size 0"
* A Set
* when empty
* - should have size 0
* You can also pass to execute
a config map of key-value
* pairs, which will be passed down into suites and tests, as well as other parameters that configure the run itself.
* For more information on running in the Scala interpreter, see the documentation for execute
(below) and the
* ScalaTest shell.
* The execute
method invokes a run
method that takes two
* parameters. This run
method, which actually executes the suite, will usually be invoked by a test runner, such
* as run
, tools.Runner
, a build tool, or an IDE.
* Note: Trait FunSpec
's syntax is in great part inspired by RSpec, a Ruby BDD framework.
* See also: Getting started with FunSpec
* Ignored tests
* To support the common use case of temporarily disabling a test, with the
* good intention of resurrecting the test at a later time, FunSpec
provides registration
* methods that start with ignore
instead of it
or they
. For example, to temporarily
* disable the test with the text "should have size 0"
, just change “it
” into “ignore
,” like this:
* package org.scalatest.examples.funspec.ignore
* import org.scalatest.FunSpec
* class SetSpec extends FunSpec {
* describe("A Set") {
* describe("when empty") {
* ignore("should have size 0") {
* assert(Set.empty.size === 0)
* }
* it("should produce NoSuchElementException when head is invoked") {
* intercept[NoSuchElementException] {
* Set.empty.head
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* If you run this version of SetSpec
* scala> new SetSpec execute
* It will run only the second test and report that the first test was ignored:
* A Set
* when empty
* - should have size 0 !!! IGNORED !!!
* - should produce NoSuchElementException when head is invoked
* If you wish to temporarily ignore an entire suite of tests, you can annotate the test class with @Ignore
, like this:
* package org.scalatest.examples.funspec.ignoreall
* import org.scalatest.FunSpec
* import org.scalatest.Ignore
* @Ignore
* class SetSpec extends FunSpec {
* describe("A Set") {
* describe("when empty") {
* it("should have size 0") {
* assert(Set.empty.size === 0)
* }
* it("should produce NoSuchElementException when head is invoked") {
* intercept[NoSuchElementException] {
* Set.empty.head
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* When you mark a test class with a tag annotation, ScalaTest will mark each test defined in that class with that tag.
* Thus, marking the SetSpec
in the above example with the @Ignore
tag annotation means that both tests
* in the class will be ignored. If you run the above SetSpec
in the Scala interpreter, you'll see:
* scala> new SetSpec execute
* SetSpec:
* A Set
* when empty
* - should have size 0 !!! IGNORED !!!
* - should produce NoSuchElementException when head is invoked !!! IGNORED !!!
* Note that marking a test class as ignored won't prevent it from being discovered by ScalaTest. Ignored classes
* will be discovered and run, and all their tests will be reported as ignored. This is intended to keep the ignored
* class visible, to encourage the developers to eventually fix and “un-ignore” it. If you want to
* prevent a class from being discovered at all, use the DoNotDiscover
annotation instead.
* Informers
* One of the parameters to FunSpec
's run
method is a Reporter
, which
* will collect and report information about the running suite of tests.
* Information about suites and tests that were run, whether tests succeeded or failed,
* and tests that were ignored will be passed to the Reporter
as the suite runs.
* Most often the reporting done by default by FunSpec
's methods will be sufficient, but
* occasionally you may wish to provide custom information to the Reporter
from a test.
* For this purpose, an Informer
that will forward information to the current Reporter
* is provided via the info
parameterless method.
* You can pass the extra information to the Informer
via one of its apply
* The Informer
will then pass the information to the Reporter
via an InfoProvided
* Here's an example in which the Informer
returned by info
is used implicitly by the
* Given
, When
, and Then
methods of trait GivenWhenThen
* package org.scalatest.examples.funspec.info
* import collection.mutable
* import org.scalatest._
* class SetSpec extends FunSpec with GivenWhenThen {
* describe("A mutable Set") {
* it("should allow an element to be added") {
* Given("an empty mutable Set")
* val set = mutable.Set.empty[String]
* When("an element is added")
* set += "clarity"
* Then("the Set should have size 1")
* assert(set.size === 1)
* And("the Set should contain the added element")
* assert(set.contains("clarity"))
* info("That's all folks!")
* }
* }
* }
* If you run this FunSpec
from the interpreter, you will see the following output:
* scala> new SetSpec execute
* A mutable Set
* - should allow an element to be added
* + Given an empty mutable Set
* + When an element is added
* + Then the Set should have size 1
* + And the Set should contain the added element
* + That's all folks!
* Pending tests
* A pending test is one that has been given a name but is not yet implemented. The purpose of
* pending tests is to facilitate a style of testing in which documentation of behavior is sketched
* out before tests are written to verify that behavior (and often, before the behavior of
* the system being tested is itself implemented). Such sketches form a kind of specification of
* what tests and functionality to implement later.
* To support this style of testing, a test can be given a name that specifies one
* bit of behavior required by the system being tested. The test can also include some code that
* sends more information about the behavior to the reporter when the tests run. At the end of the test,
* it can call method pending
, which will cause it to complete abruptly with TestPendingException
* Because tests in ScalaTest can be designated as pending with TestPendingException
, both the test name and any information
* sent to the reporter when running the test can appear in the report of a test run. (In other words,
* the code of a pending test is executed just like any other test.) However, because the test completes abruptly
* with TestPendingException
, the test will be reported as pending, to indicate
* the actual test, and possibly the functionality, has not yet been implemented.
* You can mark a test as pending in FunSpec
by placing "(pending)
" after the
* test name, like this:
* package org.scalatest.examples.funspec.pending
* import org.scalatest._
* class SetSpec extends FunSpec {
* describe("A Set") {
* describe("when empty") {
* it("should have size 0") (pending)
* it("should produce NoSuchElementException when head is invoked") {
* intercept[NoSuchElementException] {
* Set.empty.head
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* (Note: "(pending)
" is the body of the test. Thus the test contains just one statement, an invocation
* of the pending
method, which throws TestPendingException
* If you run this version of SetSpec
* scala> new SetSpec execute
* It will run both tests, but report that the test named "should have size 0
" is pending. You'll see:
* A Set
* when empty
* - should have size 0 (pending)
* - should produce NoSuchElementException when head is invoked
* Tagging tests
* A FunSpec
's tests may be classified into groups by tagging them with string names.
* As with any suite, when executing a FunSpec
, groups of tests can
* optionally be included and/or excluded. To tag a FunSpec
's tests,
* you pass objects that extend class org.scalatest.Tag
to methods
* that register tests. Class Tag
takes one parameter, a string name. If you have
* created tag annotation interfaces as described in the Tag
documentation, then you
* will probably want to use tag names on your test functions that match. To do so, simply
* pass the fully qualified names of the tag interfaces to the Tag
constructor. For example, if you've
* defined tag annotation interfaces with fully qualified names, com.mycompany.tags.SlowTest
* com.mycompany.tags.DbTest
, then you could
* create matching tags for FunSpec
s like this:
* package org.scalatest.examples.funspec.tagging
* import org.scalatest.Tag
* object SlowTest extends Tag("com.mycompany.tags.SlowTest")
* object DbTest extends Tag("com.mycompany.tags.DbTest")
* Given these definitions, you could place FunSpec
tests into groups like this:
* import org.scalatest.FunSpec
* class SetSpec extends FunSpec {
* describe("A Set") {
* describe("when empty") {
* it("should have size 0", SlowTest) {
* assert(Set.empty.size === 0)
* }
* it("should produce NoSuchElementException when head is invoked", SlowTest, DbTest) {
* intercept[NoSuchElementException] {
* Set.empty.head
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* This code marks both tests with the com.mycompany.tags.SlowTest
* and the second test with the com.mycompany.tags.DbTest
* The run
method takes a Filter
, whose constructor takes an optional
* Set[String]
called tagsToInclude
and a Set[String]
* tagsToExclude
. If tagsToInclude
is None
, all tests will be run
* except those those belonging to tags listed in the
* tagsToExclude
. If tagsToInclude
is defined, only tests
* belonging to tags mentioned in the tagsToInclude
set, and not mentioned in tagsToExclude
* will be run.
* It is recommended, though not required, that you create a corresponding tag annotation when you
* create a Tag
object. A tag annotation allows you to tag all the tests of a FunSpec
* one stroke by annotating the class. For more information and examples, see the
* documentation for class Tag
* Shared fixtures
* A test fixture is composed of the objects and other artifacts (files, sockets, database
* connections, etc.) tests use to do their work.
* When multiple tests need to work with the same fixtures, it is important to try and avoid
* duplicating the fixture code across those tests. The more code duplication you have in your
* tests, the greater drag the tests will have on refactoring the actual production code.
* ScalaTest recommends several techniques to eliminate such code duplication, and provides several
* traits to help. Each technique is geared towards helping you reduce code duplication without introducing
* instance var
s, shared mutable objects, or other dependencies between tests. Eliminating shared
* mutable state across tests will make your test code easier to reason about and more amenable for parallel
* test execution.
* The following sections
* describe these techniques, including explaining the recommended usage
* for each. But first, here's a table summarizing the options:
* Technique Recommended uses
* get-fixture methods Use when you need the same mutable fixture objects in multiple tests, and don't need to clean up after.
* fixture-context objects Use when you need different combinations of mutable fixture objects in different tests, and don't need to clean up after.
* OneInstancePerTest
Use when porting JUnit tests to ScalaTest, or if you prefer JUnit's approach to test isolation: running each test in its own instance of the test class.
* withFixture(NoArgTest)
Use when you need to perform side effects at the beginning and end of all or most tests, or want to stack traits that perform such side-effects.
* loan-fixture methods Use when different tests need different fixtures that must be cleaned up afterwords.
* withFixture(OneArgTest)
Use when all or most tests need the same fixtures that must be cleaned up afterwords.
* BeforeAndAfter
Use when you need to perform the same side-effects before and/or after tests, rather than at the beginning or end of tests.
* BeforeAndAfterEach
Use when you want to stack traits that perform the same side-effects before and/or after tests, rather than at the beginning or end of tests.
* Calling get-fixture methods
* If you need to create the same mutable fixture objects in multiple tests, and don't need to clean them up after using them, the simplest approach is to write one or
* more get-fixture methods. A get-fixture method returns a new instance of a needed fixture object (or an holder object containing
* multiple fixture objects) each time it is called. You can call a get-fixture method at the beginning of each
* test that needs the fixture, storing the returned object or objects in local variables. Here's an example:
* package org.scalatest.examples.funspec.getfixture
* import org.scalatest.FunSpec
* import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* class ExampleSpec extends FunSpec {
* def fixture =
* new {
* val builder = new StringBuilder("ScalaTest is ")
* val buffer = new ListBuffer[String]
* }
* describe("Testing") {
* it("should be easy") {
* val f = fixture
* f.builder.append("easy!")
* assert(f.builder.toString === "ScalaTest is easy!")
* assert(f.buffer.isEmpty)
* f.buffer += "sweet"
* }
* it("should be fun") {
* val f = fixture
* f.builder.append("fun!")
* assert(f.builder.toString === "ScalaTest is fun!")
* assert(f.buffer.isEmpty)
* }
* }
* }
* The “f.
” in front of each use of a fixture object provides a visual indication of which objects
* are part of the fixture, but if you prefer, you can import the the members with “import f._
” and use the names directly.
* If you need to configure fixture objects differently in different tests, you can pass configuration into the get-fixture method. For example, if you could pass
* in an initial value for a mutable fixture object as a parameter to the get-fixture method.
* Instantiating fixture-context objects
* An alternate technique that is especially useful when different tests need different combinations of fixture objects is to define the fixture objects as instance variables
* of fixture-context objects whose instantiation forms the body of tests. Like get-fixture methods, fixture-context objects are only
* appropriate if you don't need to clean up the fixtures after using them.
* To use this technique, you define instance variables intialized with fixture objects in traits and/or classes, then in each test instantiate an object that
* contains just the fixture objects needed by the test. Traits allow you to mix together just the fixture objects needed by each test, whereas classes
* allow you to pass data in via a constructor to configure the fixture objects. Here's an example in which fixture objects are partitioned into two traits
* and each test just mixes together the traits it needs:
* package org.scalatest.examples.funspec.fixturecontext
* import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* import org.scalatest.FunSpec
* class ExampleSpec extends FunSpec {
* trait Builder {
* val builder = new StringBuilder("ScalaTest is ")
* }
* trait Buffer {
* val buffer = ListBuffer("ScalaTest", "is")
* }
* describe("Testing") {
* // This test needs the StringBuilder fixture
* it("should be productive") {
* new Builder {
* builder.append("productive!")
* assert(builder.toString === "ScalaTest is productive!")
* }
* }
* }
* describe("Test code") {
* // This test needs the ListBuffer[String] fixture
* it("should be readable") {
* new Buffer {
* buffer += ("readable!")
* assert(buffer === List("ScalaTest", "is", "readable!"))
* }
* }
* // This test needs both the StringBuilder and ListBuffer
* it("should be clear and concise") {
* new Builder with Buffer {
* builder.append("clear!")
* buffer += ("concise!")
* assert(builder.toString === "ScalaTest is clear!")
* assert(buffer === List("ScalaTest", "is", "concise!"))
* }
* }
* }
* }
* Mixing in OneInstancePerTest
* If every test method requires the same set of
* mutable fixture objects, and none require cleanup, one other approach you can take is make them simply val
s and mix in trait
* OneInstancePerTest
. If you mix in OneInstancePerTest
, each test
* will be run in its own instance of the Suite
, similar to the way JUnit tests are executed. Here's an example:
* package org.scalatest.examples.funspec.oneinstancepertest
* import org.scalatest._
* import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* class ExampleSuite extends FunSpec with OneInstancePerTest {
* val builder = new StringBuilder("ScalaTest is ")
* val buffer = new ListBuffer[String]
* describe("Testing") {
* it("should be easy") {
* builder.append("easy!")
* assert(builder.toString === "ScalaTest is easy!")
* assert(buffer.isEmpty)
* buffer += "sweet"
* }
* it("should be fun") {
* builder.append("fun!")
* assert(builder.toString === "ScalaTest is fun!")
* assert(buffer.isEmpty)
* }
* }
* }
* One way to think of OneInstancePerTest
is that the entire Suite
instance is like a fixture-context object,
* but with the difference that the test code doesn't run during construction as it does with the real fixture-context object technique. Because this trait emulates JUnit's manner
* of running tests, this trait can be helpful when porting JUnit tests to ScalaTest. The primary intended use of OneInstancePerTest
is to serve as a supertrait for
* ParallelTestExecution
and the path traits, but you can also mix it in
* directly to help you port JUnit tests to ScalaTest or if you prefer JUnit's approach to test isolation.
* Overriding withFixture(NoArgTest)
* Although the get-fixture method, fixture-context object, and OneInstancePerTest
approaches take care of setting up a fixture at the beginning of each
* test, they don't address the problem of cleaning up a fixture at the end of the test. If you just need to perform a side-effect at the beginning or end of
* a test, and don't need to actually pass any fixture objects into the test, you can override withFixture(NoArgTest)
, one of ScalaTest's
* lifecycle methods defined in trait Suite
* Trait Suite
's implementation of runTest
passes a no-arg test function to withFixture(NoArgTest)
. It is withFixture
* responsibility to invoke that test function. Suite
's implementation of withFixture
* invokes the function, like this:
* // Default implementation in trait Suite
* protected def withFixture(test: NoArgTest) {
* test()
* }
* You can, therefore, override withFixture
to perform setup before and/or cleanup after invoking the test function. If
* you have cleanup to perform, you should invoke the test function inside a try
block and perform the cleanup in
* a finally
clause, because the exception that causes a test to fail will propagate through withFixture
* to runTest
. (In other words, if the test fails, the test function invoked by withFixture
will throw an exception.)
* The withFixture
method is designed to be stacked, and to enable this, you should always call the super
* of withFixture
, and let it invoke the test function rather than invoking the test function directly. In other words, instead of writing
* “test()
”, you should write “super.withFixture(test)
”, like this:
* // Your implementation
* override def withFixture(test: NoArgTest) {
* // Perform setup
* try super.withFixture(test) // Invoke the test function
* finally {
* // Perform cleanup
* }
* }
* Here's an example in which withFixture(NoArgTest)
is used to take a snapshot of the working directory if a test fails, and
* and send that information to the reporter:
* package org.scalatest.examples.funspec.noargtest
* import java.io.File
* import org.scalatest.FunSpec
* class ExampleSpec extends FunSpec {
* override def withFixture(test: NoArgTest) {
* try super.withFixture(test)
* catch {
* case e: Exception =>
* val currDir = new File(".")
* val fileNames = currDir.list()
* info("Dir snapshot: " + fileNames.mkString(", "))
* throw e
* }
* }
* describe("This test") {
* it("should succeed") {
* assert(1 + 1 === 2)
* }
* it("should fail") {
* assert(1 + 1 === 3)
* }
* }
* }
* Running this version of ExampleSuite
in the interpreter in a directory with two files, hello.txt
and world.txt
* would give the following output:
* scala> new ExampleSuite execute
* ExampleSuite:
* This test
* - should succeed
* - should fail *** FAILED ***
* 2 did not equal 3 (:33)
* + Dir snapshot: hello.txt, world.txt
* Note that the NoArgTest
passed to withFixture
, in addition to
* an apply
method that executes the test, also includes the test name and the config
* map passed to runTest
. Thus you can also use the test name and configuration objects in your withFixture
* implementation.
* Calling loan-fixture methods
* If you need to both pass a fixture object into a test and perform cleanup at the end of the test, you'll need to use the loan pattern.
* If different tests need different fixtures that require cleanup, you can implement the loan pattern directly by writing loan-fixture methods.
* A loan-fixture method takes a function whose body forms part or all of a test's code. It creates a fixture, passes it to the test code by invoking the
* function, then cleans up the fixture after the function returns.
* The following example shows three tests that use two fixtures, a database and a file. Both require cleanup after, so each is provided via a
* loan-fixture method. (In this example, the database is simulated with a StringBuffer
* package org.scalatest.examples.funspec.loanfixture
* import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
* object DbServer { // Simulating a database server
* type Db = StringBuffer
* private val databases = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Db]
* def createDb(name: String): Db = {
* val db = new StringBuffer
* databases.put(name, db)
* db
* }
* def removeDb(name: String) {
* databases.remove(name)
* }
* }
* import org.scalatest.FunSpec
* import DbServer._
* import java.util.UUID.randomUUID
* import java.io._
* class ExampleSpec extends FunSpec {
* def withDatabase(testCode: Db => Any) {
* val dbName = randomUUID.toString
* val db = createDb(dbName) // create the fixture
* try {
* db.append("ScalaTest is ") // perform setup
* testCode(db) // "loan" the fixture to the test
* }
* finally removeDb(dbName) // clean up the fixture
* }
* def withFile(testCode: (File, FileWriter) => Any) {
* val file = File.createTempFile("hello", "world") // create the fixture
* val writer = new FileWriter(file)
* try {
* writer.write("ScalaTest is ") // set up the fixture
* testCode(file, writer) // "loan" the fixture to the test
* }
* finally writer.close() // clean up the fixture
* }
* describe("Testing") {
* // This test needs the file fixture
* it("should be productive") {
* withFile { (file, writer) =>
* writer.write("productive!")
* writer.flush()
* assert(file.length === 24)
* }
* }
* }
* describe("Test code") {
* // This test needs the database fixture
* it("should be readable") {
* withDatabase { db =>
* db.append("readable!")
* assert(db.toString === "ScalaTest is readable!")
* }
* }
* // This test needs both the file and the database
* it("should be clear and concise") {
* withDatabase { db =>
* withFile { (file, writer) => // loan-fixture methods compose
* db.append("clear!")
* writer.write("concise!")
* writer.flush()
* assert(db.toString === "ScalaTest is clear!")
* assert(file.length === 21)
* }
* }
* }
* }
* }
* As demonstrated by the last test, loan-fixture methods compose. Not only do loan-fixture methods allow you to
* give each test the fixture it needs, they allow you to give a test multiple fixtures and clean everything up afterwords.
* Also demonstrated in this example is the technique of giving each test its own "fixture sandbox" to play in. When your fixtures
* involve external side-effects, like creating files or databases, it is a good idea to give each file or database a unique name as is
* done in this example. This keeps tests completely isolated, allowing you to run them in parallel if desired.
* Overriding withFixture(OneArgTest)
* If all or most tests need the same fixture, you can avoid some of the boilerplate of the loan-fixture method approach by using a fixture.Suite
* and overriding withFixture(OneArgTest)
* Each test in a fixture.Suite
takes a fixture as a parameter, allowing you to pass the fixture into
* the test. You must indicate the type of the fixture parameter by specifying FixtureParam
, and implement a
* withFixture
method that takes a OneArgTest
. This withFixture
method is responsible for
* invoking the one-arg test function, so you can perform fixture set up before, and clean up after, invoking and passing
* the fixture into the test function.
* To enable the stacking of traits that define withFixture(NoArgTest)
, it is a good idea to let
* withFixture(NoArgTest)
invoke the test function instead of invoking the test
* function directly. To do so, you'll need to convert the OneArgTest
to a NoArgTest
. You can do that by passing
* the fixture object to the toNoArgTest
method of OneArgTest
. In other words, instead of
* writing “test(theFixture)
”, you'd delegate responsibility for
* invoking the test function to the withFixture(NoArgTest)
method of the same instance by writing:
* withFixture(test.toNoArgTest(theFixture)) ** *
* Here's a complete example: *
* ** package org.scalatest.examples.funspec.oneargtest * * import org.scalatest.fixture * import java.io._ * * class ExampleSpec extends fixture.FunSpec { * * case class F(file: File, writer: FileWriter) * type FixtureParam = F * * def withFixture(test: OneArgTest) { * * // create the fixture * val file = File.createTempFile("hello", "world") * val writer = new FileWriter(file) * val theFixture = F(file, writer) * * try { * writer.write("ScalaTest is ") // set up the fixture * withFixture(test.toNoArgTest(theFixture)) // "loan" the fixture to the test * } * finally writer.close() // clean up the fixture * } * * describe("Testing") { * it("should be easy") { f => * f.writer.write("easy!") * f.writer.flush() * assert(f.file.length === 18) * } * * it("should be fun") { f => * f.writer.write("fun!") * f.writer.flush() * assert(f.file.length === 17) * } * } * } ** *
* In this example, the tests actually required two fixture objects, a File
and a FileWriter
. In such situations you can
* simply define the FixtureParam
type to be a tuple containing the objects, or as is done in this example, a case class containing
* the objects. For more information on the withFixture(OneArgTest)
technique, see the documentation for fixture.Suite
Mixing in BeforeAndAfter
* In all the shared fixture examples shown so far, the activities of creating, setting up, and cleaning up the fixture objects have been
* performed during the test. This means that if an exception occurs during any of these activities, it will be reported as a test failure.
* Sometimes, however, you may want setup to happen before the test starts, and cleanup after the test has completed, so that if an
* exception occurs during setup or cleanup, the entire suite aborts and no more tests are attempted. The simplest way to accomplish this in ScalaTest is
* to mix in trait BeforeAndAfter
. With this trait you can denote a bit of code to run before each test
* with before
and/or after each test each test with after
, like this:
* package org.scalatest.examples.funspec.beforeandafter * * import org.scalatest.FunSpec * import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter * import collection.mutable.ListBuffer * * class ExampleSpec extends FunSpec with BeforeAndAfter { * * val builder = new StringBuilder * val buffer = new ListBuffer[String] * * before { * builder.append("ScalaTest is ") * } * * after { * builder.clear() * buffer.clear() * } * * describe("Testing") { * it("should be easy") { * builder.append("easy!") * assert(builder.toString === "ScalaTest is easy!") * assert(buffer.isEmpty) * buffer += "sweet" * } * * it("should be fun") { * builder.append("fun!") * assert(builder.toString === "ScalaTest is fun!") * assert(buffer.isEmpty) * } * } * } ** *
* Note that the only way before
and after
code can communicate with test code is via some side-effecting mechanism, commonly by
* reassigning instance var
s or by changing the state of mutable objects held from instance val
s (as in this example). If using
* instance var
s or mutable objects held from instance val
s you wouldn't be able to run tests in parallel in the same instance
* of the test class unless you synchronized access to the shared, mutable state. This is why ScalaTest's ParallelTestExecution
trait extends
* OneInstancePerTest
. By running each test in its own instance of the class, each test has its own copy of the instance variables, so you
* don't need to synchronize. If you mixed ParallelTestExecution
into the ExampleSuite
above, the tests would run in parallel just fine
* without any synchronization needed on the mutable StringBuilder
and ListBuffer[String]
* Although BeforeAndAfter
provides a minimal-boilerplate way to execute code before and after tests, it isn't designed to enable stackable
* traits, because the order of execution would be non-obvious. If you want to factor out before and after code that is common to multiple test suites, you
* should use trait BeforeAndAfterEach
instead, as shown later in the next section,
* composing fixtures by stacking traits.
Composing fixtures by stacking traits
* *
* In larger projects, teams often end up with several different fixtures that test classes need in different combinations,
* and possibly initialized (and cleaned up) in different orders. A good way to accomplish this in ScalaTest is to factor the individual
* fixtures into traits that can be composed using the stackable trait pattern. This can be done, for example, by placing
* withFixture
methods in several traits, each of which call super.withFixture
. Here's an example in
* which the StringBuilder
and ListBuffer[String]
fixtures used in the previous examples have been
* factored out into two stackable fixture traits named Builder
and Buffer
* package org.scalatest.examples.funspec.composingwithfixture * * import org.scalatest._ * import collection.mutable.ListBuffer * * trait Builder extends SuiteMixin { this: Suite => * * val builder = new StringBuilder * * abstract override def withFixture(test: NoArgTest) { * builder.append("ScalaTest is ") * try super.withFixture(test) // To be stackable, must call super.withFixture * finally builder.clear() * } * } * * trait Buffer extends SuiteMixin { this: Suite => * * val buffer = new ListBuffer[String] * * abstract override def withFixture(test: NoArgTest) { * try super.withFixture(test) // To be stackable, must call super.withFixture * finally buffer.clear() * } * } * * class ExampleSpec extends FunSpec with Builder with Buffer { * * describe("Testing") { * it("should be easy") { * builder.append("easy!") * assert(builder.toString === "ScalaTest is easy!") * assert(buffer.isEmpty) * buffer += "sweet" * } * * it("should be fun") { * builder.append("fun!") * assert(builder.toString === "ScalaTest is fun!") * assert(buffer.isEmpty) * buffer += "clear" * } * } * } ** *
* By mixing in both the Builder
and Buffer
traits, ExampleSuite
gets both fixtures, which will be
* initialized before each test and cleaned up after. The order the traits are mixed together determines the order of execution.
* In this case, Builder
is “super” to Buffer
. If you wanted Buffer
to be “super”
* to Builder
, you need only switch the order you mix them together, like this:
* class Example2Suite extends Suite with Buffer with Builder ** *
* And if you only need one fixture you mix in only that trait: *
* ** class Example3Suite extends Suite with Builder ** *
* Another way to create stackable fixture traits is by extending the BeforeAndAfterEach
* and/or BeforeAndAfterAll
* BeforeAndAfterEach
has a beforeEach
method that will be run before each test (like JUnit's setUp
* and an afterEach
method that will be run after (like JUnit's tearDown
* Similarly, BeforeAndAfterAll
has a beforeAll
method that will be run before all tests,
* and an afterAll
method that will be run after all tests. Here's what the previously shown example would look like if it
* were rewritten to use the BeforeAndAfterEach
methods instead of withFixture
* package org.scalatest.examples.funspec.composingbeforeandaftereach * * import org.scalatest._ * import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach * import collection.mutable.ListBuffer * * trait Builder extends BeforeAndAfterEach { this: Suite => * * val builder = new StringBuilder * * override def beforeEach() { * builder.append("ScalaTest is ") * super.beforeEach() // To be stackable, must call super.beforeEach * } * * override def afterEach() { * try super.afterEach() // To be stackable, must call super.afterEach * finally builder.clear() * } * } * * trait Buffer extends BeforeAndAfterEach { this: Suite => * * val buffer = new ListBuffer[String] * * override def afterEach() { * try super.afterEach() // To be stackable, must call super.afterEach * finally buffer.clear() * } * } * * class ExampleSpec extends FunSpec with Builder with Buffer { * * describe("Testing") { * it("should be easy") { * builder.append("easy!") * assert(builder.toString === "ScalaTest is easy!") * assert(buffer.isEmpty) * buffer += "sweet" * } * * it("should be fun") { * builder.append("fun!") * assert(builder.toString === "ScalaTest is fun!") * assert(buffer.isEmpty) * buffer += "clear" * } * } * } ** *
* To get the same ordering as withFixture
, place your super.beforeEach
call at the end of each
* beforeEach
method, and the super.afterEach
call at the beginning of each afterEach
* method, as shown in the previous example. It is a good idea to invoke super.afterEach
in a try
* block and perform cleanup in a finally
clause, as shown in the previous example, because this ensures the
* cleanup code is performed even if super.afterEach
throws an exception.
* The difference between stacking traits that extend BeforeAndAfterEach
versus traits that implement withFixture
* that setup and cleanup code happens before and after the test in BeforeAndAfterEach
, but at the beginning and
* end of the test in withFixture
. Thus if a withFixture
method completes abruptly with an exception, it is
* considered a failed test. By contrast, if any of the beforeEach
or afterEach
methods of BeforeAndAfterEach
* complete abruptly, it is considered an aborted suite, which will result in a SuiteAborted
Shared tests
* *
* Sometimes you may want to run the same test code on different fixture objects. In other words, you may want to write tests that are "shared"
* by different fixture objects.
* To accomplish this in a FunSpec
, you first place shared tests in behavior functions. These behavior functions will be
* invoked during the construction phase of any FunSpec
that uses them, so that the tests they contain will be registered as tests in that FunSpec
* For example, given this stack class:
* import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer * * class Stack[T] { * * val MAX = 10 * private val buf = new ListBuffer[T] * * def push(o: T) { * if (!full) * buf.prepend(o) * else * throw new IllegalStateException("can't push onto a full stack") * } * * def pop(): T = { * if (!empty) * buf.remove(0) * else * throw new IllegalStateException("can't pop an empty stack") * } * * def peek: T = { * if (!empty) * buf(0) * else * throw new IllegalStateException("can't pop an empty stack") * } * * def full: Boolean = buf.size == MAX * def empty: Boolean = buf.size == 0 * def size = buf.size * * override def toString = buf.mkString("Stack(", ", ", ")") * } ** *
* You may want to test the Stack
class in different states: empty, full, with one item, with one item less than capacity,
* etc. You may find you have several tests that make sense any time the stack is non-empty. Thus you'd ideally want to run
* those same tests for three stack fixture objects: a full stack, a stack with a one item, and a stack with one item less than
* capacity. With shared tests, you can factor these tests out into a behavior function, into which you pass the
* stack fixture to use when running the tests. So in your FunSpec
for stack, you'd invoke the
* behavior function three times, passing in each of the three stack fixtures so that the shared tests are run for all three fixtures. You
* can define a behavior function that encapsulates these shared tests inside the FunSpec
that uses them. If they are shared
* between different FunSpec
s, however, you could also define them in a separate trait that is mixed into each FunSpec
that uses them.
* For example, here the nonEmptyStack
behavior function (in this case, a behavior method) is defined in a trait along with another
* method containing shared tests for non-full stacks:
* trait StackBehaviors { this: FunSpec => * * def nonEmptyStack(newStack: => Stack[Int], lastItemAdded: Int) { * * it("should be non-empty") { * assert(!newStack.empty) * } * * it("should return the top item on peek") { * assert(newStack.peek === lastItemAdded) * } * * it("should not remove the top item on peek") { * val stack = newStack * val size = stack.size * assert(stack.peek === lastItemAdded) * assert(stack.size === size) * } * * it("should remove the top item on pop") { * val stack = newStack * val size = stack.size * assert(stack.pop === lastItemAdded) * assert(stack.size === size - 1) * } * } * * def nonFullStack(newStack: => Stack[Int]) { * * it("should not be full") { * assert(!newStack.full) * } * * it("should add to the top on push") { * val stack = newStack * val size = stack.size * stack.push(7) * assert(stack.size === size + 1) * assert(stack.peek === 7) * } * } * } ** *
* Given these behavior functions, you could invoke them directly, but FunSpec
offers a DSL for the purpose,
* which looks like this:
* it should behave like nonEmptyStack(stackWithOneItem, lastValuePushed) * it should behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem) ** *
* If you prefer to use an imperative style to change fixtures, for example by mixing in BeforeAndAfterEach
* reassigning a stack
in beforeEach
, you could write your behavior functions
* in the context of that var
, which means you wouldn't need to pass in the stack fixture because it would be
* in scope already inside the behavior function. In that case, your code would look like this:
* it should behave like nonEmptyStack // assuming lastValuePushed is also in scope inside nonEmptyStack * it should behave like nonFullStack ** *
* The recommended style, however, is the functional, pass-all-the-needed-values-in style. Here's an example: *
* ** class SharedTestExampleSpec extends FunSpec with StackBehaviors { * * // Stack fixture creation methods * def emptyStack = new Stack[Int] * * def fullStack = { * val stack = new Stack[Int] * for (i <- 0 until stack.MAX) * stack.push(i) * stack * } * * def stackWithOneItem = { * val stack = new Stack[Int] * stack.push(9) * stack * } * * def stackWithOneItemLessThanCapacity = { * val stack = new Stack[Int] * for (i <- 1 to 9) * stack.push(i) * stack * } * * val lastValuePushed = 9 * * describe("A Stack") { * * describe("(when empty)") { * * it("should be empty") { * assert(emptyStack.empty) * } * * it("should complain on peek") { * intercept[IllegalStateException] { * emptyStack.peek * } * } * * it("should complain on pop") { * intercept[IllegalStateException] { * emptyStack.pop * } * } * } * * describe("(with one item)") { * it should behave like nonEmptyStack(stackWithOneItem, lastValuePushed) * it should behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem) * } * * describe("(with one item less than capacity)") { * it should behave like nonEmptyStack(stackWithOneItemLessThanCapacity, lastValuePushed) * it should behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItemLessThanCapacity) * } * * describe("(full)") { * * it("should be full") { * assert(fullStack.full) * } * * it should behave like nonEmptyStack(fullStack, lastValuePushed) * * it("should complain on a push") { * intercept[IllegalStateException] { * fullStack.push(10) * } * } * } * } * } ** *
* If you load these classes into the Scala interpreter (with scalatest's JAR file on the class path), and execute it, * you'll see: *
* *
* scala> new StackSpec execute
* A Stack (when empty)
* - should be empty
* - should complain on peek
* - should complain on pop
* A Stack (with one item)
* - should be non-empty
* - should return the top item on peek
* - should not remove the top item on peek
* - should remove the top item on pop
* - should not be full
* - should add to the top on push
* A Stack (with one item less than capacity)
* - should be non-empty
* - should return the top item on peek
* - should not remove the top item on peek
* - should remove the top item on pop
* - should not be full
* - should add to the top on push
* A Stack (full)
* - should be full
* - should be non-empty
* - should return the top item on peek
* - should not remove the top item on peek
* - should remove the top item on pop
* - should complain on a push
* One thing to keep in mind when using shared tests is that in ScalaTest, each test in a suite must have a unique name.
* If you register the same tests repeatedly in the same suite, one problem you may encounter is an exception at runtime
* complaining that multiple tests are being registered with the same test name. A good way to solve this problem in a FunSpec
is to surround
* each invocation of a behavior function with a describe
clause, which will prepend a string to each test name.
* For example, the following code in a FunSpec
would register a test with the name "A Stack (when empty) should be empty"
* describe("A Stack") { * * describe("(when empty)") { * * it("should be empty") { * assert(emptyStack.empty) * } * // ... ** *
* If the "should be empty"
test was factored out into a behavior function, it could be called repeatedly so long
* as each invocation of the behavior function is inside a different set of describe
* @author Bill Venners
trait FunSpec extends Suite { thisSuite =>
private final val engine = new Engine("concurrentSpecMod", "FunSpec")
import engine._
// TODO: Probably make this private final val sourceFileName in a singleton object so it gets compiled in rather than carried around in each instance
private[scalatest] val sourceFileName = "FunSpec.scala"
* Returns an Informer
that during test execution will forward strings (and other objects) passed to its
* apply
method to the current reporter. If invoked in a constructor, it
* will register the passed string for forwarding later during test execution. If invoked while this
* FunSpec
is being executed, such as from inside a test function, it will forward the information to
* the current reporter immediately. If invoked at any other time, it will
* throw an exception. This method can be called safely by any thread.
implicit protected def info: Informer = atomicInformer.get
* Returns a Documenter
that during test execution will forward strings passed to its
* apply
method to the current reporter. If invoked in a constructor, it
* will register the passed string for forwarding later during test execution. If invoked while this
* Spec
is being executed, such as from inside a test function, it will forward the information to
* the current reporter immediately. If invoked at any other time, it will
* throw an exception. This method can be called safely by any thread.
implicit protected def markup: Documenter = atomicDocumenter.get
* Class that, via an instance referenced from the it
* supports test (and shared test) registration in FunSpec
* This class supports syntax such as the following test registration: *
* ** it("should be empty") * ^ ** *
* and the following shared test registration: *
* ** it should behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem) * ^ ** *
* For more information and examples, see the main documentation for FunSpec
* methods. The name of the test will be a concatenation of the text of all surrounding describers,
* from outside in, and the passed spec text, with one space placed between each item. (See the documenation
* for testNames
for an example.) The resulting test name must not have been registered previously on
* this FunSpec
* @param specText the specification text, which will be combined with the descText of any surrounding describers
* to form the test name
* @param testTags the optional list of tags for this test
* @param testFun the test function
* @throws DuplicateTestNameException if a test with the same name has been registered previously
* @throws TestRegistrationClosedException if invoked after run
has been invoked on this suite
* @throws NullPointerException if specText
or any passed test tag is null
def apply(specText: String, testTags: Tag*)(testFun: => Unit) {
registerTest(specText, testFun _, "itCannotAppearInsideAnotherIt", sourceFileName, "apply", 3, -2, None, None, None, testTags: _*)
* Supports the registration of shared tests.
* * This method supports syntax such as the following: *
* ** it should behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem) * ^ ** *
* For examples of shared tests, see the Shared tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FunSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following: *
* ** it must behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem) * ^ ** *
* For examples of shared tests, see the Shared tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FunSpec
* * This field supports syntax such as the following: *
* ** it("should be empty") * ^ ** *
class="stExamples" * it should behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem) * ^ ** *
* For more information and examples of the use of the it
field, see the main documentation for this trait.
* supports test (and shared test) registration in FunSpec
* * This class supports syntax such as the following test registration: *
* ** they("should be empty") * ^ ** *
* and the following shared test registration: *
* ** they should behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem) * ^ ** *
* For more information and examples, see the main documentation for FunSpec
* methods. The name of the test will be a concatenation of the text of all surrounding describers,
* from outside in, and the passed spec text, with one space placed between each item. (See the documenation
* for testNames
for an example.) The resulting test name must not have been registered previously on
* this FunSpec
* @param specText the specification text, which will be combined with the descText of any surrounding describers
* to form the test name
* @param testTags the optional list of tags for this test
* @param testFun the test function
* @throws DuplicateTestNameException if a test with the same name has been registered previously
* @throws TestRegistrationClosedException if invoked after run
has been invoked on this suite
* @throws NullPointerException if specText
or any passed test tag is null
def apply(specText: String, testTags: Tag*)(testFun: => Unit) {
registerTest(specText, testFun _, "theyCannotAppearInsideAnotherThey", sourceFileName, "apply", 3, -2, None, None, None, testTags: _*)
* Supports the registration of shared tests.
* * This method supports syntax such as the following: *
* ** they should behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem) * ^ ** *
* For examples of shared tests, see the Shared tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FunSpec
* This method supports syntax such as the following: *
* ** they must behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem) * ^ ** *
* For examples of shared tests, see the Shared tests section
* in the main documentation for trait FunSpec
* * This field supports syntax such as the following: *
* ** they("should be empty") * ^ ** *
class="stExamples" * it should behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem) * ^ ** *
* For more information and examples of the use of the it
field, see the main documentation for this trait.
* methods. This method exists to make it easy to ignore an existing test by changing the call to it
* to ignore
without deleting or commenting out the actual test code. The test will not be executed, but a
* report will be sent that indicates the test was ignored. The name of the test will be a concatenation of the text of all surrounding describers,
* from outside in, and the passed spec text, with one space placed between each item. (See the documenation
* for testNames
for an example.) The resulting test name must not have been registered previously on
* this FunSpec
* @param testText the specification text, which will be combined with the descText of any surrounding describers
* to form the test name
* @param testTags the optional list of tags for this test
* @param testFun the test function
* @throws DuplicateTestNameException if a test with the same name has been registered previously
* @throws TestRegistrationClosedException if invoked after run
has been invoked on this suite
* @throws NullPointerException if specText
or any passed test tag is null
protected def ignore(testText: String, testTags: Tag*)(testFun: => Unit) {
registerIgnoredTest(testText, testFun _, "ignoreCannotAppearInsideAnIt", sourceFileName, "ignore", 4, -2, None, testTags: _*)
* Describe a “subject” being specified and tested by the passed function value. The
* passed function value may contain more describers (defined with describe
) and/or tests
* (defined with it
). This trait's implementation of this method will register the
* description string and immediately invoke the passed function.
protected def describe(description: String)(fun: => Unit) {
registerNestedBranch(description, None, fun, "describeCannotAppearInsideAnIt", sourceFileName, "describe", 4, -2, None)
* An immutable Set
of test names. If this FunSpec
contains no tests, this method returns an
* empty Set
* This trait's implementation of this method will return a set that contains the names of all registered tests. The set's
* iterator will return those names in the order in which the tests were registered. Each test's name is composed
* of the concatenation of the text of each surrounding describer, in order from outside in, and the text of the
* example itself, with all components separated by a space. For example, consider this FunSpec
* import org.scalatest.FunSpec * * class StackSpec extends FunSpec { * describe("A Stack") { * describe("(when not empty)") { * it("must allow me to pop") {} * } * describe("(when not full)") { * it("must allow me to push") {} * } * } * } ** *
* Invoking testNames
on this FunSpec
will yield a set that contains the following
* two test name strings:
* "A Stack (when not empty) must allow me to pop" * "A Stack (when not full) must allow me to push" **/ override def testNames: Set[String] = { // I'm returning a ListSet here so that they tests will be run in registration order ListSet(atomic.get.testNamesList.toArray: _*) } /** * Run a test. This trait's implementation runs the test registered with the name specified by *
. Each test's name is a concatenation of the text of all describers surrounding a test,
* from outside in, and the test's spec text, with one space placed between each item. (See the documenation
* for testNames
for an example.)
* @param testName the name of one test to execute.
* @param args the Args
for this run
* @return a Status
object that indicates when the test started by this method has completed, and whether or not it failed .
* @throws NullPointerException if any of testName
, reporter
, stopper
, or configMap
* is null
protected override def runTest(testName: String, args: Args): Status = {
def invokeWithFixture(theTest: TestLeaf) {
val theConfigMap = args.configMap
val testData = testDataFor(testName, theConfigMap)
new NoArgTest {
val name = testData.name
def apply() { theTest.testFun() }
val configMap = testData.configMap
val scopes = testData.scopes
val text = testData.text
val tags = testData.tags
runTestImpl(thisSuite, testName, args, true, invokeWithFixture)
* A Map
whose keys are String
tag names to which tests in this FunSpec
belong, and values
* the Set
of test names that belong to each tag. If this FunSpec
contains no tags, this method returns an empty Map
* This trait's implementation returns tags that were passed as strings contained in Tag
objects passed to
* methods test
and ignore
* In addition, this trait's implementation will also auto-tag tests with class level annotations. * For example, if you annotate @Ignore at the class level, all test methods in the class will be auto-annotated with @Ignore. *
*/ override def tags: Map[String, Set[String]] = autoTagClassAnnotations(atomic.get.tagsMap, this) /** * Run zero to many of thisFunSpec
's tests.
* @param testName an optional name of one test to run. If None
, all relevant tests should be run.
* I.e., None
acts like a wildcard that means run all relevant tests in this Suite
* @param args the Args
for this run
* @return a Status
object that indicates when all tests started by this method have completed, and whether or not a failure occurred.
* @throws NullPointerException if any of the passed parameters is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if testName
is defined, but no test with the specified test name
* exists in this Suite
protected override def runTests(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status = {
runTestsImpl(thisSuite, testName, args, info, true, runTest)
override def run(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status = {
runImpl(thisSuite, testName, args, super.run)
* Supports shared test registration in FunSpec
* * This field supports syntax such as the following: *
* ** it should behave like nonFullStack(stackWithOneItem) * ^ ** *
* For more information and examples of the use of