org.scalatest.junit.JUnitSuite.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2001-2008 Artima, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.scalatest.junit;
import collection.immutable.TreeSet
import java.lang.reflect.{Method, Modifier}
import org.junit.runner.{Request, JUnitCore, Description, Result}
import org.scalatest._
import org.scalatest.Suite
import org.junit.runner.notification.RunListener
import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure
import org.scalatest.events._
import org.scalatest.Suite.autoTagClassAnnotations
* A suite of tests that can be run with either JUnit or ScalaTest. This trait allows you to write JUnit 4 tests
* with ScalaTest's more concise assertion syntax as well as JUnit's assertions (assertEquals
, etc.).
* You create tests by defining methods that are annotated with Test
, and can create fixtures with
* methods annotated with Before
and After
. For example:
* import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitSuite
* import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* import _root_.org.junit.Test
* import _root_.org.junit.Before
* class TwoSuite extends JUnitSuite {
* var sb: StringBuilder = _
* var lb: ListBuffer[String] = _
* @Before def initialize() {
* sb = new StringBuilder("ScalaTest is ")
* lb = new ListBuffer[String]
* }
* @Test def verifyEasy() {
* sb.append("easy!")
* assert(sb.toString === "ScalaTest is easy!")
* assert(lb.isEmpty)
* lb += "sweet"
* }
* @Test def verifyFun() {
* sb.append("fun!")
* assert(sb.toString === "ScalaTest is fun!")
* assert(lb.isEmpty)
* }
* }
* To execute JUnitSuite
s with ScalaTest's Runner
, you must include JUnit's jar file on the class path or runpath.
* This version of JUnitSuite
was tested with JUnit version 4.10.
* Instances of this trait are not thread safe.
* See also: Getting started with JUnit 4 and ScalaTest.
* @author Bill Venners
* @author Daniel Watson
* @author Joel Neely
trait JUnitSuite extends Suite with AssertionsForJUnit { thisSuite =>
// This is volatile, because who knows what Thread JUnit will fire through this.
@volatile private var theTracker = new Tracker
* Throws UnsupportedOperationException
, because this method is unused by this
* class, given this class's run
method delegates to JUnit to run
* its tests.
* The main purpose of this method implementation is to render a compiler error an attempt
* to mix in a trait that overrides withFixture
. Because this
* trait does not actually use withFixture
, the attempt to mix
* in behavior would very likely not work.
* @param test the no-arg test function to run with a fixture
override final protected def withFixture(test: NoArgTest) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException
* Throws UnsupportedOperationException
, because this method is unused by this
* trait, given this trait's run
method delegates to JUnit to run
* its tests.
* The main purpose of this method implementation is to render a compiler error an attempt
* to mix in a trait that overrides runNestedSuites
. Because this
* trait does not actually use runNestedSuites
, the attempt to mix
* in behavior would very likely not work.
* @param args the Args
for this run
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException always.
override final protected def runNestedSuites(args: Args): Status = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException
* Throws UnsupportedOperationException
, because this method is unused by this
* trait, given this trait's run
method delegates to JUnit to run
* its tests.
* The main purpose of this method implementation is to render a compiler error an attempt
* to mix in a trait that overrides runTests
. Because this
* trait does not actually use runTests
, the attempt to mix
* in behavior would very likely not work.
* @param testName an optional name of one test to run. If None
, all relevant tests should be run.
* I.e., None
acts like a wildcard that means run all relevant tests in this Suite
* @param args the Args
for this run
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException always.
override protected final def runTests(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException
* Throws UnsupportedOperationException
, because this method is unused by this
* trait, given this traits's run
method delegates to JUnit to run
* its tests.
* The main purpose of this method implementation is to render a compiler error an attempt
* to mix in a trait that overrides runTest
. Because this
* trait does not actually use runTest
, the attempt to mix
* in behavior would very likely not work.
* @param testName the name of one test to run.
* @param args the Args
for this run
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException always.
override protected final def runTest(testName: String, args: Args): Status = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException
* Returns the set of test names that will be executed by JUnit when run
is invoked
* on an instance of this class, or the instance is passed directly to JUnit for running.
* The iterator obtained by invoking elements
on this
* returned Set
will produce the test names in their natural order, as determined by String
* compareTo
method. Nevertheless, this method is not consulted by JUnit when it
* runs the tests, and JUnit may run the tests in any order.
override def testNames: Set[String] = {
// TODO: Check to see if JUnit discovers static methods, private methods, etc.
// Also, JUnit has something about test methods that can be parameterized. Will
// eventually need to find those here too. What a pain.
def isTestMethod(m: Method) = {
val isInstanceMethod = !Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers())
val paramTypes = m.getParameterTypes
val hasNoParams = paramTypes.length == 0
// val hasVoidReturnType = m.getReturnType == Void.TYPE
val hasTestAnnotation = m.getAnnotation(classOf[org.junit.Test]) != null
isInstanceMethod && hasNoParams && hasTestAnnotation
val testNameArray =
for (m <- getClass.getMethods; if isTestMethod(m))
yield m.getName
TreeSet[String]() ++ testNameArray
* Returns the number of tests expected to be run by JUnit when run
is invoked
* on this JUnitSuite
* If tagsToInclude
in the passed Filter
is defined, this class's
* implementation of this method returns 0. Else this class's implementation of this method
* returns the size of the set returned by testNames
on the current instance,
* less the number of tests that were annotated with org.junit.Ignore
override def expectedTestCount(filter: Filter) =
if (filter.tagsToInclude.isDefined) 0 else (testNames.size - tags.size)
// Returns just tests that have org.junit.Ignore on them, but calls it org.scalatest.Ignore!
// Also autotag suite level annotation.
override def tags: Map[String, Set[String]] = {
val elements =
for (testName <- testNames; if hasIgnoreTag(testName))
yield testName -> Set("org.scalatest.Ignore")
autoTagClassAnnotations(Map() ++ elements, this)
private def getMethodForJUnitTestName(testName: String) =
getClass.getMethod(testName, new Array[Class[_]](0): _*)
private def hasIgnoreTag(testName: String) = getMethodForJUnitTestName(testName).getAnnotation(classOf[org.junit.Ignore]) != null
override def testDataFor(testName: String, theConfigMap: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty): TestData = {
val suiteTags = for {
a <- this.getClass.getDeclaredAnnotations
annotationClass = a.annotationType
if annotationClass.isAnnotationPresent(classOf[TagAnnotation])
} yield annotationClass.getName
val testTags: Set[String] =
try {
if (hasIgnoreTag(testName))
catch {
case e: IllegalArgumentException => Set.empty[String]
new TestData {
val configMap = theConfigMap
val name = testName
val scopes = Vector.empty
val text = testName
val tags = Set.empty ++ suiteTags ++ testTags
override def run(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status = {
import args._
theTracker = tracker
val status = new ScalaTestStatefulStatus
if (!filter.tagsToInclude.isDefined) {
val jUnitCore = new JUnitCore
jUnitCore.addListener(new MyRunListener(wrapReporterIfNecessary(reporter), configMap, tracker, status))
val myClass = this.getClass
testName match {
case None => jUnitCore.run(myClass)
case Some(tn) =>
if (!testNames.contains(tn))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Resources("testNotFound", testName))
jUnitCore.run(Request.method(myClass, tn))
* Suite style name.
final override val styleName: String = "JUnitSuite"
// verifySomething(org.scalatest.junit.helpers.HappySuite)
// Description.displayName of a test report has the form ()