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exceptionExpected=Expected exception {0} to be thrown, but no exception was thrown.
exceptionThrown={0} was thrown.
didNotEqual={0} did not equal {1}
wrongException=Expected exception {0} to be thrown, but {1} was thrown.
anException=Expected no exception to be thrown, but {0} was thrown.
expectedButGot=Expected {0}, but got {1}
conditionFalse=A boolean condition should have been true.
refNotNull=A reference should have been null.
refNull=A reference should have been non-null.
floatInfinite=A float value was infinite. Expected: {0} Actual: {1}. Delta: {2}.
floatNaN=A float value was NaN. Expected: {0} Actual: {1}. Delta: {2}.
doubleInfinite=A double value was infinite. Expected: {0} Actual: {1}. Delta: {2}.
doubleNaN=A double value was NaN. Expected: {0} Actual: {1}. Delta: {2}.
testEvent=Test Event: {0}: {1}

testFailed=TEST FAILED - {0}
testStarting=Test Starting - {0}
testSucceeded=Test Succeeded - {0}
testIgnored=Test Ignored - {0}
testPending=Test Pending - {0}
suiteStarting=Suite Starting - {0}
suiteCompleted=Suite Completed - {0}
suiteAborted=SUITE ABORTED - {0}
runAborted=*** RUN ABORTED ***
infoProvided=Info Provided - {0}

noNameSpecified=(No name specified)

runStarting=Run starting. Expected test count is: {0}
rerunStarting=Rerun starting. Expected test count is: {0}
rerunCompleted=Rerun completed. Total number of tests run was: {0}
rerunStopped=Rerun stopped. Total number of tests run was: {0}
friendlyFailure=Invalid option given to Runner.\njava org.suiterunner.Runner [option1 [option2..]] [suite1 [suite2...]]\n    Valid options are:\n    -g  display graphical user interface\n    -o  print results to standard output\n    -e  print results to standard error\n    -f   print results to file\n    -r   pass test events to reporter
showStackTraceOption=Show Stack Traces
suitebeforeclass=Suite class names must appear after reporters.
reportTestsStarting=Report Tests Starting
reportTestsSucceeded=Report Test Success
reportTestsFailed=Report Test Failed
reportAlerts=Report Alerts
reportInfo=Report Miscellaneous Information Messages
reportStackTraces=Include Stack Traces in Reports
reportRunStarting=Report Run Starting
reportRunCompleted=Report Run Completed
reportSummary=Show A Summary of Results
probarg=Problem arg: {0}
errBuildingDispatchReporter=Error preparing reporters.
missingFileName=A -f option must be followed by an output file name.
missingReporterClassName=A -r option must be followed by a Reporter class name.
errParsingArgs=Error parsing command line arguments.
invalidConfigOption=Invalid configuration option: {0}
cantOpenFile=Unable to create a PrintReporter that prints reports to a file.
reporterThrew=Reporter completed abruptly with an exception after receiving event: {0}.
reporterDisposeThrew=Reporter completed abruptly with an exception on invocation of the dispose method.
suiteExecutionStarting=The run method of a nested suite is about to be invoked.
executeException=Exception encountered when invoking run on a nested suite.
executeExceptionWithMessage=Exception encountered when invoking run on a nested suite - {0}
runOnSuiteException=Exception encountered when invoking run on a suite.
runOnSuiteExceptionWithMessage=Exception encountered when invoking run on a suite - {0}
suiteCompletedNormally=The run method of a nested suite returned normally.
notOneOfTheChosenStyles={0} is not one of the chosen styles, which are: {1}. For information on chosen styles, see the Scaladoc documentation for
notTheChosenStyle={0} is not the chosen style, which is: {1}. For information on chosen styles, see the Scaladoc documentation for
executeStopping=The run method of a Suite is returning because a stop was requested.
illegalReporterArg=An illegal reporter argument was specified on the command line: "{0}".
cantLoadReporterClass=Couldn''t load a Reporter class: "{0}".
cantInstantiateReporter=Couldn''t instantiate a Reporter class: "{0}". Is the class public with a public no-arg constructor?
overwriteExistingFile=The file "{0}" already exists in this directory. Replace it?
cannotLoadSuite=Unable to load a Suite class. This could be due to an error in your runpath. Missing class: {0}
cannotLoadDiscoveredSuite=Unable to load a Suite class that was discovered in the runpath: {0} 
nonSuite=One or more requested classes are not Suites:
cannotInstantiateSuite=Unable to instantiate a Suite class. Is each Suite class you specified public, with a public no-arg constuctor? Suite class name: {0}
cannotLoadClass=A needed class was not found. This could be due to an error in your runpath. Missing class: {0}
bigProblems=An exception or error caused a run to abort. 
bigProblemsWithMessage=An exception or error caused a run to abort: {0} 
bigProblemsMaybeCustomReporter=An exception or error caused a run to abort. This may have been caused by a problematic custom reporter.
cannotFindMethod=The Suite to rerun does not contain the method to rerun. Method name: {0}
securityWhenRerunning=A SecurityException was thrown when attempting a rerun: {0}
openPrefs=Open Recipe
savePrefs=Save Recipe
runsFailures=Runs and Failures
allEvents=All Events
needFileNameTitle=Edit Reporter Configuration
needFileNameMessage=A file name is required to create a File Reporter. Please supply a valid file name.
needClassNameTitle=Edit Reporter Configuration
needClassNameMessage=A Reporter class name is required to create a Custom Reporter. Please supply a fully qualified name of a class that implements org.suiterunner.Reporter.
NoSuitesFoundText=No Suites found in the runpath
cantInvokeExceptionText=Can't invoke method
multipleTestsFailed=*** {0} TESTS FAILED ***
oneTestFailed=*** 1 TEST FAILED ***
oneSuiteAborted=*** 1 SUITE ABORTED ***
multipleSuitesAborted=*** {0} SUITES ABORTED ***
allTestsPassed=All tests passed.

testsRun=Tests Run:

AboutBoxTitle=About ScalaTest

AppCopyright=Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Artima, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reason=A tool for testing Scala and Java software
Trademarks=ScalaTest is a trademark of Artima, Inc.
ArtimaInc=Artima, Inc.
MoreInfo=For more information, visit:


JavaSuiteRunnerFileDescription=Recipe Files (*.srj)


reporterTypeLabel=Reporter Type:
graphicReporterType=Graphic Reporter
customReporterType=Custom Reporter
stdoutReporterType=Standard Output Reporter
stderrReporterType=Standard Error Reporter
fileReporterType=File Reporter
reporterConfigLabel=Reporter Configuration: {0}
unusedField=Field for Custom and File Reporters:

couldntRun=Couldn't Run
couldntRerun=Couldn't Rerun

MENU_PRESENT_INFO_PROVIDED=Information Provided Reports




should=should {0}
itShould=it should {0}
prefixSuffix={0} {1}
prefixShouldSuffix={0} should {1}

iconPlusShortName={0} {1}
iconPlusShortNameAndNote={0} {1} {2}
failedNote=*** FAILED ***
abortedNote=*** ABORTED ***
specTextAndNote={0} {1}
ignoredNote=!!! IGNORED !!!

givenMessage=Given {0}
whenMessage=When {0}
thenMessage=Then {0}
andMessage=And {0}

scenario=Scenario: {0}
commaBut={0}, but {1}
commaAnd={0}, and {1}
equaled={0} equaled {1}
was={0} was {1}
wasNot={0} was not {1}
wasA={0} was a {1}
wasNotA={0} was not a {1}
wasAn={0} was an {1}
wasNotAn={0} was not an {1}
wasPlusOrMinus={0} was {1} plus or minus {2}
wasNotPlusOrMinus={0} was not {1} plus or minus {2}
wasLessThan={0} was less than {1}
wasNotLessThan={0} was not less than {1}
wasGreaterThan={0} was greater than {1}
wasNotGreaterThan={0} was not greater than {1}
wasLessThanOrEqualTo={0} was less than or equal to {1}
wasNotLessThanOrEqualTo={0} was not less than or equal to {1}
wasGreaterThanOrEqualTo={0} was greater than or equal to {1}
wasNotGreaterThanOrEqualTo={0} was not greater than or equal to {1}
wasSameInstanceAs={0} was the same instance as {1}
wasNotSameInstanceAs={0} was not the same instance as {1}
booleanExpressionWas=the boolean expression was {0}
booleanExpressionWasNot=the boolean expression was not {0}
wasAnInstanceOf={0} was an instance of {1}
wasNotAnInstanceOf={0} was not an instance of {1}
wasEmpty={0} was empty
wasNotEmpty={0} was not empty
wasNull=The reference was null
midSentenceWasNull=the reference was null
wasNotNull={0} was not null
wasNone={0} was None
wasNotNone={0} was not None
wasNil={0} was Nil
wasNotNil={0} was not Nil
wasSome={0} was equal to Some({1})
wasNotSome={0} was not equal to Some({1})
hasNeitherAOrAnMethod={0} has neither a {1} nor an {2} method
hasNeitherAnOrAnMethod={0} has neither an {1} nor an {2} method
hasBothAAndAnMethod={0} has both a {1} and an {2} method
hasBothAnAndAnMethod={0} has both an {1} and an {2} method
didNotEndWith={0} did not end with substring {1}
endedWith={0} ended with substring {1}
didNotStartWith={0} did not start with substring {1}
startedWith={0} started with substring {1}
didNotStartWithRegex={0} did not start with a substring that matched the regular expression {1}
startedWithRegex={0} started with a substring that matched the regular expression {1}
didNotEndWithRegex={0} did not end with a substring that matched the regular expression {1}
endedWithRegex={0} ended with a substring that matched the regular expression {1}
didNotContainKey={0} did not contain key {1}
containedKey={0} contained key {1}
didNotContainValue={0} did not contain value {1}
containedValue={0} contained value {1}
didNotHaveExpectedSize={0} did not have size {1}
hadExpectedSize={0} had size {1}
didNotContainExpectedElement={0} did not contain element {1}
containedExpectedElement={0} contained element {1}
didNotIncludeSubstring={0} did not include substring {1}
includedSubstring={0} included substring {1}
didNotIncludeRegex={0} did not include substring that matched regex {1}
includedRegex={0} included substring that matched regex {1}
didNotHaveExpectedLength={0} did not have length {1}
hadExpectedLength={0} had length {1}
didNotFullyMatchRegex={0} did not fully match the regular expression {1}
fullyMatchedRegex={0} fully matched the regular expression {1}
matchResultedInFalse=The value {0} matched a case in the specified partial function, but the result was false
didNotMatch=The value {0} did not match any case in the specified partial function
matchResultedInTrue=The value {0} matched a case in the specified partial function, and the result was true
noLengthStructure=have length ({0}) used with an object that had no public field or method named 'length' or 'getLength'
noSizeStructure=have size ({0}) used with an object that had no public field or method named 'size' or 'getSize'
sizeAndGetSize=have size ({0}) used with an object that has multiple fields and/or methods named 'size' and 'getSize'
negativeOrZeroRange=Range ({0}) passed to plusOrMinus was zero or negative. Must be a positive non-zero number.
duplicateTestName=Duplicate test name: {0}
cantNestFeatureClauses=Feature clauses cannot be nested.
itCannotAppearInsideAnotherIt=An it clause may not appear inside another it clause.
theyCannotAppearInsideAnotherThey=A they clause may not appear inside another they clause.
describeCannotAppearInsideAnIt=A describe clause may not appear inside an it clause.
ignoreCannotAppearInsideAnIt=An ignore clause may not appear inside an it clause.
scenarioCannotAppearInsideAnotherScenario=A scenario clause may not appear inside another scenario clause.
featureCannotAppearInsideAScenario=A feature clause may not appear inside a scenario clause.
ignoreCannotAppearInsideAScenario=An ignore clause may not appear inside a scenario clause.
testCannotAppearInsideAnotherTest=A test clause may not appear inside another test clause.
propertyCannotAppearInsideAnotherProperty=A property clause may not appear inside another property clause.
ignoreCannotAppearInsideATest=An ignore clause may not appear inside a test clause.
ignoreCannotAppearInsideAProperty=An ignore clause may not appear inside a property clause.
allPropertiesHadExpectedValues=All properties had their expected values, respectively, on object {0}
midSentenceAllPropertiesHadExpectedValues=all properties had their expected values, respectively, on object {0}
propertyHadExpectedValue=The {0} property had its expected value {1}, on object {2}
midSentencePropertyHadExpectedValue=the {0} property had its expected value {1}, on object {2}
propertyDidNotHaveExpectedValue=The {0} property had value {2}, instead of its expected value {1}, on object {3}
midSentencePropertyDidNotHaveExpectedValue=the {0} property had value {2}, instead of its expected value {1}, on object {3}
propertyNotFound=have {0} ({1}) used with an object that had no public field or method named {0} or {2}
lengthPropertyNotAnInteger=The length property was none of Byte, Short, Int, or Long.
sizePropertyNotAnInteger=The size property was none of Byte, Short, Int, or Long.
wasEqualTo={0} was equal to {1}
wasNotEqualTo={0} was not equal to {1}
printedReportPlusLineNumber={0} ({1})
propertyFailed=Falsified after {0} successful property evaluations.
propertyExhausted=Gave up after {0} successful property evaluations. {1} evaluations were discarded.
undecoratedPropertyCheckFailureMessage=Property check failed.
propertyException={0} was thrown during property evaluation.
generatorException={0} was thrown during argument generation.
thrownExceptionsMessage=Message: {0}
thrownExceptionsLocation=Location: ({0})
propCheckExhausted=Gave up after {0} successful property evaluations. {1} evaluations were discarded.
propCheckExhaustedAfterOne=Gave up after 1 successful property evaluation. {0} evaluations were discarded.
occurredAtRow=Occurred at table row {0} (zero based, not counting headings), which had values (
occurredOnValues=Occurred when passed generated values (
argN=Arg {0}
suiteAndTestNamesFormattedForDisplay={0}, {1}
testNGConfigFailed=TestNG configuration failed
jUnitTestFailed=A JUnit test failed
testSummary=Tests: succeeded {0}, failed {1}, ignored {2}, pending {3}
suiteSummary=Suites: completed {0}, aborted {1}
runCompletedIn=Run completed in {0}.
runCompleted=Run completed.
runAbortedIn=Run aborted after {0}.
runStoppedIn=Run stopped after {0}.
runStopped=Run aborted.
totalNumberOfTestsRun=Total number of tests run: {0}
oneMillisecond=1 millisecond
milliseconds={0} milliseconds
oneSecond=1 second
oneSecondOneMillisecond=1 second, 1 millisecond
oneSecondMilliseconds=1 second, {0} milliseconds
seconds={0} seconds
secondsMilliseconds={0} seconds, {1} milliseconds
oneMinute=1 minute
oneMinuteOneSecond=1 minute, 1 second
oneMinuteSeconds=1 minute, {0} seconds
minutes={0} minutes
minutesOneSecond={0} minutes, 1 second
minutesSeconds={0} minutes, {1} seconds
oneHour=1 hour
oneHourOneSecond=1 hour, 1 second
oneHourSeconds=1 hour, {0} seconds
oneHourOneMinute=1 hour, 1 minute
oneHourOneMinuteOneSecond=1 hour, 1 minute, 1 second
oneHourOneMinuteSeconds=1 hour, 1 minute, {0} seconds
oneHourMinutes=1 hour, {0} minutes
oneHourMinutesOneSecond=1 hour, {0} minutes, 1 second
oneHourMinutesSeconds=1 hour, {0} minutes, {1} seconds
hours={0} hours
hoursOneSecond={0} hours, 1 second
hoursSeconds={0} hours, {1} seconds
hoursOneMinute={0} hours, 1 minute
hoursOneMinuteOneSecond={0} hours, 1 minute, 1 second
hoursOneMinuteSeconds={0} hours, 1 minute, {1} seconds
hoursMinutes={0} hours, {1} minutes
hoursMinutesOneSecond={0} hours, {1} minutes, 1 second
hoursMinutesSeconds={0} hours, {1} minutes, {2} seconds
withDuration={0} ({1})
feature=Feature: {0}
needFixtureInTestName=No test found with the name {0}, because in an org.scalatest.fixture.Suite test names end in either "(Fixture)" or "(Fixture, Informer)"
testNotFound=Test not found: {0}
pendingUntilFixed=A block of code that was marked pendingUntilFixed did not throw an exception. Remove "pendingUntilFixed" and the curly braces to eliminate this failure.
dashXDeprecated=-x has been deprecated and will select an XML reporter in a future version of ScalaTest. Please use -l instead of -x to specify tagsToExclude.
threadCalledAfterConductingHasCompleted=Cannot invoke the thread method on Conductor after its multi-threaded test has completed.
cannotInvokeWhenFinishedAfterConduct=Cannot invoke whenFinished after conduct (which is called by whenFinished) has been invoked.
cantRegisterThreadsWithSameName=Cannot register two threads with the same name. Duplicate name: {0}.
cannotCallConductTwice=A Conductor's conduct method can only be invoked once.
cannotWaitForBeatZero=A Conductor starts at beat zero, so you can't wait for beat zero.
cannotWaitForNegativeBeat=A Conductor starts at beat zero, so you can only wait for a beat greater than zero.
cannotPassNonPositiveClockPeriod=The clockPeriod passed to conduct must be greater than zero. Value passed was: {0}.
cannotPassNonPositiveTimeout=The timeout passed to conduct must be greater than zero. Value passed was: {0}.
whenFinishedCanOnlyBeCalledByMainThread=whenFinished can only be called by the thread that created Conductor.
suspectedDeadlock=Test aborted because of suspected deadlock. No progress has been made (the beat did not advance) for {0} clock periods ({1}).
testTimedOut=Test timed out because threads existed that were runnable while no progress was made (the beat did not advance) for {0}.
suspectedDeadlockDEPRECATED=Test aborted because of suspected deadlock. No progress has been made (the beat did not advance) for {0} clock periods ({1} ms).
testTimedOutDEPRECATED=Test timed out because threads existed that were runnable while no progress was made (the beat did not advance) for {0} seconds.
concurrentInformerMod=Two threads have apparently attempted to run a suite at the same time. This has resulted in both threads attempting to concurrently change the current informer. Suite class name: {0
cantCallInfoNow="Sorry, you can only call the info method during the registration and running phases (i.e., when constructing or executing this {0})."
concurrentFunSuiteMod=Two threads attempted to modify FunSuite's internal data, which should only be modified by the thread that constructs the object. This likely means that a subclass has allowed the this reference to escape during construction, and some other thread attempted to invoke the "testsFor" or "test" methods on the object before the first thread completed its construction.
concurrentPropSpecMod=Two threads attempted to modify PropSpec's internal data, which should only be modified by the thread that constructs the object. This likely means that a subclass has allowed the this reference to escape during construction, and some other thread attempted to invoke the "testsFor" or "test" methods on the object before the first thread completed its construction.
concurrentFixtureFunSuiteMod=Two threads attempted to modify FixtureFunSuite's internal data, which should only be modified by the thread that constructs the object. This likely means that a subclass has allowed the this reference to escape during construction, and some other thread attempted to invoke the "testsFor" or "test" methods on the object before the first thread completed its construction.
concurrentFixturePropSpecMod=Two threads attempted to modify FixturePropSpec's internal data, which should only be modified by the thread that constructs the object. This likely means that a subclass has allowed the this reference to escape during construction, and some other thread attempted to invoke the "testsFor" or "test" methods on the object before the first thread completed its construction.
concurrentSpecMod=Two threads attempted to modify Spec's internal data, which should only be modified by the thread that constructs the object. This likely means that a subclass has allowed the this reference to escape during construction, and some other thread attempted to invoke the "describe" or "it" methods on the object before the first thread completed its construction.
concurrentFreeSpecMod=Two threads attempted to modify FreeSpec's internal data, which should only be modified by the thread that constructs the object. This likely means that a subclass has allowed the this reference to escape during construction, and some other thread attempted to invoke the "describe" or "it" methods on the object before the first thread completed its construction.
concurrentFixtureSpecMod=Two threads attempted to modify FixtureSpec's internal data, which should only be modified by the thread that constructs the object. This likely means that a subclass has allowed the this reference to escape during construction, and some other thread attempted to invoke the "describe" or "it" methods on the object before the first thread completed its construction.
concurrentFlatSpecMod=Two threads attempted to modify FlatSpec's internal data, which should only be modified by the thread that constructs the object. This likely means that a subclass has allowed the this reference to escape during construction, and some other thread attempted to register tests (such as with "it should") on the object before the first thread completed its construction.
concurrentFixtureFlatSpecMod=Two threads attempted to modify FixtureFlatSpec's internal data, which should only be modified by the thread that constructs the object. This likely means that a subclass has allowed the this reference to escape during construction, and some other thread attempted to register tests (such as with "it should") on the object before the first thread completed its construction.
concurrentWordSpecMod=Two threads attempted to modify WordSpec's internal data, which should only be modified by the thread that constructs the object. This likely means that a subclass has allowed the this reference to escape during construction, and some other thread attempted to register tests (such as with "do something" in) on the object before the first thread completed its construction.
concurrentFixtureWordSpecMod=Two threads attempted to modify FixtureWordSpec's internal data, which should only be modified by the thread that constructs the object. This likely means that a subclass has allowed the this reference to escape during construction, and some other thread attempted to register tests (such as with "do something" in) on the object before the first thread completed its construction.
concurrentFixtureFreeSpecMod=Two threads attempted to modify FixtureFreeSpec's internal data, which should only be modified by the thread that constructs the object. This likely means that a subclass has allowed the this reference to escape during construction, and some other thread attempted to register tests (such as with "do something" in) on the object before the first thread completed its construction.
concurrentFeatureSpecMod=Two threads attempted to modify FeatureSpec's internal data, which should only be modified by the thread that constructs the object. This likely means that a subclass has allowed the this reference to escape during construction, and some other thread attempted to invoke the "feature" or "scenario" methods on the object before the first thread completed its construction.
concurrentFixtureFeatureSpecMod=Two threads attempted to modify FixtureFeatureSpec's internal data, which should only be modified by the thread that constructs the object. This likely means that a subclass has allowed the this reference to escape during construction, and some other thread attempted to invoke the "feature" or "scenario" methods on the object before the first thread completed its construction.

optionValueNotDefined=The Option on which value was invoked was not defined.
eitherLeftValueNotDefined=The Either on which left.value was invoked was not defined as a Left.
eitherRightValueNotDefined=The Either on which right.value was invoked was not defined as a Right.
partialFunctionValueNotDefined=The PartialFunction on which valueAt( {0} ) was invoked was not defined.

insidePartialFunctionNotDefined=The partial function passed as the second parameter to inside was not defined at the value passed as the first parameter to inside, which was: {0}
insidePartialFunctionAppendSomeMsg={0}, inside {1}
insidePartialFunctionAppendNone=An exception was thrown, inside {0}

didNotEventuallySucceed=The code passed to eventually never returned normally. Attempted {0} times over {1}.
didNotEventuallySucceedBecause=The code passed to eventually never returned normally. Attempted {0} times over {1}. Last failure message: {2}.
wasNeverReady=The future passed to whenReady was never ready, so whenReady timed out. Queried {0} times, sleeping {1} between each query.
awaitMustBeCalledOnCreatingThread=The await method on Waiter may only be called from the same thread that constructed the Waiter.
awaitTimedOut=The await method on Waiter timed out.
futureReturnedAnException=The future passed to whenReady returned an exception of type: {0}.
futureReturnedAnExceptionWithMessage=The future passed to whenReady returned an exception of type: {0}, with message: {1}.
futureWasCanceled=The future passed to whenReady was canceled.
futureExpired=The future passed to whenReady expired. Queried {0} times, sleeping {1} milliseconds between each query.
timeoutFailedAfter=The code passed to failAfter did not complete within {0}.
timeoutCanceledAfter=The code passed to cancelAfter did not complete within {0}.
testTimeLimitExceeded=The test did not complete within the specified {0} time limit.

singularNanosecondUnits={0} nanosecond
pluralNanosecondUnits={0} nanoseconds
singularMicrosecondUnits={0} microsecond
pluralMicrosecondUnits={0} microseconds
singularMillisecondUnits={0} millisecond
pluralMillisecondUnits={0} milliseconds
singularSecondUnits={0} second
pluralSecondUnits={0} seconds
singularMinuteUnits={0} minute
pluralMinuteUnits={0} minutes
singularHourUnits={0} hour
pluralHourUnits={0} hours
singularDayUnits={0} day
pluralDayUnits={0} days

leftAndRight={0} and {1}
leftCommaAndRight={0}, and {1}

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