Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2001-2008 Artima, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import org.scalatest._
import java.util.Iterator
import java.util.Set
import PrintReporter._
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitTestFailedError
import org.scalatest.exceptions.PropertyCheckFailedException
import org.scalatest.exceptions.TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException
import Suite.indentation
import org.scalatest.exceptions.StackDepth
* A Reporter
that prints test status information to
* a Writer
, OutputStream
, or file.
* @author Bill Venners
private[scalatest] abstract class StringReporter(presentAllDurations: Boolean,
presentInColor: Boolean, presentShortStackTraces: Boolean, presentFullStackTraces: Boolean,
presentUnformatted: Boolean) extends ResourcefulReporter {
private def withPossibleLineNumber(stringToPrint: String, throwable: Option[Throwable]): String = {
throwable match {
case Some(stackDepth: StackDepth) =>
stackDepth.failedCodeFileNameAndLineNumberString match {
case Some(lineNumberString) =>
Resources("printedReportPlusLineNumber", stringToPrint, lineNumberString)
case None => stringToPrint
case _ => stringToPrint
protected def printPossiblyInColor(text: String, ansiColor: String)
I either want to print the full stack trace, like this:
[scalatest] TEST FAILED - JUnitTestCaseSuite: testSomething(org.scalatestexamples.junit.JUnitTestCaseSuite) (JUnitTestCaseSuite.scala:22)
[scalatest] hi there
[scalatest] org.scalatest.junit.JUnitTestFailedError: hi there
[scalatest] at org.scalatest.junit.AssertionsForJUnit$class.newAssertionFailedException(AssertionsForJUnit.scala:101)
[scalatest] at org.scalatest.junit.JUnit3Suite.newAssertionFailedException(JUnit3Suite.scala:140)
[scalatest] at org.scalatest.Assertions$
[scalatest] at
[scalatest] at org.scalatestexamples.junit.JUnitTestCaseSuite.testSomething(JUnitTestCaseSuite.scala:22)
[scalatest] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[scalatest] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
[scalatest] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
[scalatest] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
[scalatest] at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(
[scalatest] at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(
[scalatest] at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(
[scalatest] at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(
[scalatest] at
[scalatest] at
[scalatest] at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(
[scalatest] at
[scalatest] at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(
[scalatest] at
[scalatest] at
[scalatest] at
[scalatest] at$$anonfun$doRunRunRunADoRunRun$2.apply(Runner.scala:1430)
[scalatest] at$$anonfun$doRunRunRunADoRunRun$2.apply(Runner.scala:1427)
[scalatest] at scala.List.foreach(List.scala:834)
[scalatest] at$.doRunRunRunADoRunRun(Runner.scala:1427)
[scalatest] at$RunnerThread$$anonfun$run$1.apply(RunnerJFrame.scala:1352)
[scalatest] at$RunnerThread$$anonfun$run$1.apply(RunnerJFrame.scala:1350)
[scalatest] at$.withClassLoaderAndDispatchReporter(Runner.scala:1471)
[scalatest] at$
Or show a truncated one like this:
[scalatest] TEST FAILED - JUnitTestCaseSuite: testSomething(org.scalatestexamples.junit.JUnitTestCaseSuite) (JUnitTestCaseSuite.scala:22)
[scalatest] hi there
[scalatest] org.scalatest.junit.JUnitTestFailedError: hi there
[scalatest] ...
[scalatest] at org.scalatestexamples.junit.JUnitTestCaseSuite.testSomething(JUnitTestCaseSuite.scala:22)
[scalatest] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[scalatest] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
[scalatest] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
[scalatest] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
[scalatest] at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(
[scalatest] at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(
[scalatest] ...
If F is specified for the reporter, then show the full stack trace (or if it is not a StackDepth). But
if a StackDepth and no F specified, then show the truncated form.
Now want to change from:
- should do something interesting *** FAILED *** (:18) (0 milliseconds)
org.scalatest.TestFailedException: 2 did not equal 3
- should do something interesting *** FAILED *** (0 milliseconds)
2 did not equal 3 (:18)
The second line would only be printed out if there was an exception. That way
when I add noStacks option, I get:
- should do something interesting *** FAILED *** (0 milliseconds)
2 did not equal 3 (:18)
Or for a prop check get:
- should do something interesting *** FAILED *** (0 milliseconds)
Property check failed. (InfoInsideTestFiredAfterTestProp.scala:24)
Message: 2 was not less than 1
Location: InfoInsideTestFiredAfterTestProp.scala:27
Occurred at table row 0 (zero based, not counting headings), which had values ( / This shouldb e had value without the s
suite = org.scalatest.InfoInsideTestFiredAfterTestProp$$anon$3@18a4edc4
Easiest thing is if the exception message just printed this out. Then StringReporter would just print the message always,
and not print it after the outermost exception
And does print it out after the subsequent ones:
org.scalatest.TestFailedException: 2 did not equal 3
And it would not need to put the line number there. It would already be in the message. It would use the message sent with
the event. Message should just be the throwable's message, or " was thrown" Then it is easy. Always
use the message from the event.
org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException: TestFailedException (included as this exception's cause) was thrown during property evaluation.
[scalatest] Message:
[scalatest] Location: InfoInsideTestFiredAfterTestProp.scala:27
[scalatest] Occurred at table row 0 (zero based, not counting headings), which had values (
[scalatest] suite = org.scalatest.InfoInsideTestFiredAfterTestProp$$anon$3@18a4edc4
[scalatest] )
// Called for TestFailed, InfoProvided (because it can have a throwable in it), SuiteAborted, and RunAborted
private def stringsToPrintOnError(noteResourceName: String, errorResourceName: String, message: String, throwable: Option[Throwable],
formatter: Option[Formatter], suiteName: Option[String], testName: Option[String], duration: Option[Long]): List[String] = {
def genFormattedText = {
formatter match {
case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, _, _)) =>
Resources("specTextAndNote", formattedText, Resources(noteResourceName))
case _ =>
def genUnformattedText = {
// Deny MotionToSuppress directives in error events, because error info needs to be seen by users
suiteName match {
case Some(sn) =>
testName match {
case Some(tn) => Resources(errorResourceName, sn + ": " + tn + ": " + message)
case None => Resources(errorResourceName, sn + ": " + message)
// Should not get here with built-in ScalaTest stuff, but custom stuff could get here.
case None => Resources(errorResourceName, Resources("noNameSpecified"))
val stringToPrint =
if (presentUnformatted) genUnformattedText
else genFormattedText
val stringToPrintWithPossibleDuration =
duration match {
case Some(milliseconds) =>
if (presentAllDurations)
Resources("withDuration", stringToPrint, makeDurationString(milliseconds))
case None => stringToPrint
// If there's a message, put it on the next line, indented two spaces
val possiblyEmptyMessage = Reporter.messageOrThrowablesDetailMessage(message, throwable)
val possiblyEmptyMessageWithPossibleLineNumber =
throwable match {
case Some(e: PropertyCheckFailedException) => possiblyEmptyMessage // PCFEs already include the line number
case Some(e: StackDepth) => withPossibleLineNumber(possiblyEmptyMessage, throwable) // Show it in the stack depth case
case _ => "" // Don't show it in the non-stack depth case. It will be shown after the exception class name and colon.
// The whiteSpace is just used for printing out stack traces, etc., things that go after a test name. The formatted
// text for test names actually goes over to the left once in a sense, to make room for the icon. So if the indentation
// level is 3 for example, the "- " for that test's formatted text is really indented 2 times (or four spaces: " ")
// So that's why normally the indentation level times two spaces should be the white space. But at the top level (indentation
// level of 0), the icon also has to go at 0 (because subtracting one would put it at -1), so in that case the white space
// should be two spaces (or 1 level of indentation).
val whiteSpace =
formatter match {
case Some(IndentedText(_, _, indentationLevel)) if (indentationLevel != 0) => indentation(indentationLevel)
case _ => indentation(1)
def getStackTrace(throwable: Option[Throwable]): List[String] =
throwable match {
case Some(throwable) =>
def stackTrace(throwable: Throwable, isCause: Boolean): List[String] = {
val className = throwable.getClass.getName
val labeledClassName = if (isCause) Resources("DetailsCause") + ": " + className else className
// Only show the : message if a cause, because first one will have its message printed out
// Or if it is a non-StackDepth exception, because if they throw Exception with no message, the
// message was coming out as "java.lang.Exception" then on the next line it repeated it. In the
// case of no exception message, I think it looks best to just say the class name followed by a colon
// and nothing else.
val colonMessageOrJustColon =
if ((throwable.getMessage != null && !throwable.getMessage.trim.isEmpty) && (isCause || !(throwable.isInstanceOf[StackDepth])))
": " + throwable.getMessage.trim
val labeledClassNameWithMessage =
whiteSpace + labeledClassName + colonMessageOrJustColon
if (presentShortStackTraces || presentFullStackTraces || !(throwable.isInstanceOf[StackDepth])) {
// Indent each stack trace item two spaces, and prepend that with an "at "
val stackTraceElements = throwable.getStackTrace.toList map { whiteSpace + "at " + _.toString }
val cause = throwable.getCause
val stackTraceThisThrowable = labeledClassNameWithMessage :: stackTraceElements
if (presentFullStackTraces) {
if (cause == null)
stackTraceThisThrowable ::: stackTrace(cause, true) // Not tail recursive, but shouldn't be too deep
else {
// The drop(1) or drop(stackDepth + 1) that extra one is the labeledClassNameWithMessage
val stackTraceThisThrowableTruncated =
throwable match {
case e: Throwable with StackDepth =>
val stackDepth = e.failedCodeStackDepth
stackTraceThisThrowable.head :: (whiteSpace + "...") :: stackTraceThisThrowable.drop(stackDepth + 1).take(7) ::: List(whiteSpace + "...")
case _ => // In case of IAE or what not, show top 10 stack frames
stackTraceThisThrowable.head :: stackTraceThisThrowable.drop(1).take(10) ::: List(whiteSpace + "...")
if (cause == null)
stackTraceThisThrowableTruncated ::: stackTrace(cause, true) // Not tail recursive, but shouldn't be too deep
stackTrace(throwable, false)
case None => List()
if (possiblyEmptyMessageWithPossibleLineNumber.isEmpty)
stringToPrintWithPossibleDuration :: getStackTrace(throwable)
stringToPrintWithPossibleDuration :: possiblyEmptyMessageWithPossibleLineNumber.split("\n") + _) ::: getStackTrace(throwable)
private def stringToPrintWhenNoError(resourceName: String, formatter: Option[Formatter], suiteName: String, testName: Option[String], message: Option[String]): Option[String] =
stringToPrintWhenNoError(resourceName, formatter, suiteName, testName, None, message)
private def stringToPrintWhenNoError(resourceName: String, formatter: Option[Formatter], suiteName: String, testName: Option[String], duration: Option[Long], message: Option[String]): Option[String] = {
def genUnformattedText = {
val arg =
testName match {
case Some(tn) => suiteName + ": " + tn
case None => suiteName
val messageText =
message match {
case Some(text) => ": " + text
case None => ""
val unformattedText = Resources(resourceName, arg + messageText)
duration match {
case Some(milliseconds) =>
if (presentAllDurations)
Some(Resources("withDuration", unformattedText, makeDurationString(milliseconds)))
case None => Some(unformattedText)
def genFormattedText = {
formatter match {
case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, _, _)) =>
duration match {
case Some(milliseconds) =>
if (presentAllDurations)
Some(Resources("withDuration", formattedText, makeDurationString(milliseconds)))
case None => Some(formattedText)
case Some(MotionToSuppress) => None
case _ => genUnformattedText
if (presentUnformatted) genUnformattedText
else genFormattedText
def apply(event: Event) {
event match {
case RunStarting(ordinal, testCount, configMap, formatter, location, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
if (testCount < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException
val string = Resources("runStarting", testCount.toString)
printPossiblyInColor(string, ansiCyan)
case RunCompleted(ordinal, duration, summary, formatter, location, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
makeFinalReport("runCompleted", duration, summary)
case RunStopped(ordinal, duration, summary, formatter, location, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
makeFinalReport("runStopped", duration, summary)
case RunAborted(ordinal, message, throwable, duration, summary, formatter, location, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
val lines = stringsToPrintOnError("abortedNote", "runAborted", message, throwable, formatter, None, None, duration)
for (line <- lines) printPossiblyInColor(line, ansiRed)
case SuiteStarting(ordinal, suiteName, suiteId, suiteClassName, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
val stringToPrint = stringToPrintWhenNoError("suiteStarting", formatter, suiteName, None, None)
stringToPrint match {
case Some(string) => printPossiblyInColor(string, ansiGreen)
case None =>
case SuiteCompleted(ordinal, suiteName, suiteId, suiteClassName, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
val stringToPrint = stringToPrintWhenNoError("suiteCompleted", formatter, suiteName, None, duration, None)
stringToPrint match {
case Some(string) => printPossiblyInColor(string, ansiGreen)
case None =>
case SuiteAborted(ordinal, message, suiteName, suiteId, suiteClassName, throwable, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
val lines = stringsToPrintOnError("abortedNote", "suiteAborted", message, throwable, formatter, Some(suiteName), None, duration)
for (line <- lines) printPossiblyInColor(line, ansiRed)
case TestStarting(ordinal, suiteName, suiteId, suiteClassName, testName, testText, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
val stringToPrint = stringToPrintWhenNoError("testStarting", formatter, suiteName, Some(testName), None)
stringToPrint match {
case Some(string) => printPossiblyInColor(string, ansiGreen)
case None =>
case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteId, suiteClassName, testName, testText, recordedEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
val stringToPrint = stringToPrintWhenNoError("testSucceeded", formatter, suiteName, Some(testName), duration, None)
stringToPrint match {
case Some(string) => printPossiblyInColor(string, ansiGreen)
case None =>
case TestIgnored(ordinal, suiteName, suiteId, suiteClassName, testName, testText, formatter, location, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
val stringToPrint =
if (presentUnformatted)
Some(Resources("testIgnored", suiteName + ": " + testName))
formatter match {
case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, _, _)) => Some(Resources("specTextAndNote", formattedText, Resources("ignoredNote")))
case Some(MotionToSuppress) => None
case _ => Some(Resources("testIgnored", suiteName + ": " + testName))
stringToPrint match {
case Some(string) => printPossiblyInColor(string, ansiYellow)
case None =>
case TestFailed(ordinal, message, suiteName, suiteId, suiteClassName, testName, testText, recordedEvents, throwable, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
val lines = stringsToPrintOnError("failedNote", "testFailed", message, throwable, formatter, Some(suiteName), Some(testName), duration)
for (line <- lines) printPossiblyInColor(line, ansiRed)
handleRecordedEvents(recordedEvents, ansiRed)
case TestCanceled(ordinal, message, suiteName, suiteId, suiteClassName, testName, testText, recordedEvents, throwable, duration, formatter, location, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
val lines = stringsToPrintOnError("canceledNote", "testCanceled", message, throwable, formatter, Some(suiteName), Some(testName), duration)
for (line <- lines) printPossiblyInColor(line, ansiYellow)
handleRecordedEvents(recordedEvents, ansiYellow)
case ipEvent: InfoProvided =>
handleInfoProvided(ipEvent, ansiGreen)
case ScopeOpened(ordinal, message, nameInfo, formatter, location, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
val testNameInfo = nameInfo.testName
val stringToPrint = stringToPrintWhenNoError("scopeOpened", formatter, nameInfo.suiteName, nameInfo.testName, Some(message))
stringToPrint match {
case Some(string) => printPossiblyInColor(string, ansiGreen)
case None =>
// TODO: Reduce duplication among InfoProvided, ScopeOpened, and ScopeClosed
case ScopeClosed(ordinal, message, nameInfo, formatter, location, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
val testNameInfo = nameInfo.testName
val stringToPrint = stringToPrintWhenNoError("scopeClosed", formatter, nameInfo.suiteName, nameInfo.testName, Some(message)) // TODO: I htink I want ot say Scope Closed - + message
stringToPrint match {
case Some(string) => printPossiblyInColor(string, ansiGreen)
case None =>
case mpEvent: MarkupProvided =>
handleMarkupProvided(mpEvent, ansiGreen)
case TestPending(ordinal, suiteName, suiteId, suiteClassName, testName, testText, recordedEvents, duration, formatter, location, payload, threadName, timeStamp) =>
val stringToPrint =
if (presentUnformatted)
Some(Resources("testPending", suiteName + ": " + testName))
formatter match {
case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, _, _)) => Some(Resources("specTextAndNote", formattedText, Resources("pendingNote")))
case Some(MotionToSuppress) => None
case _ => Some(Resources("testPending", suiteName + ": " + testName))
stringToPrint match {
case Some(string) => printPossiblyInColor(string, ansiYellow)
case None =>
handleRecordedEvents(recordedEvents, ansiYellow)
// case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled event")
private def handleInfoProvided(event: InfoProvided, ansiColor: String) {
val (suiteName, testName) =
event.nameInfo match {
case Some(NameInfo(suiteName, _, _, testName)) => (Some(suiteName), testName)
case None => (None, None)
val lines = stringsToPrintOnError("infoProvidedNote", "infoProvided", event.message, event.throwable, event.formatter, suiteName, testName, None)
for (line <- lines) printPossiblyInColor(line, ansiColor)
private def stringToPrintWhenMarkup(formatter: Option[Formatter],
suiteName: Option[String],
testName: Option[String],
text: String): Option[String] =
def genUnformattedText = {
val prefix =
(suiteName, testName) match {
case (None, None) => ""
case (None, Some(tName)) => tName + ": "
case (Some(sName), None) => sName + ": "
case (Some(sName), Some(tName)) => sName + ": " + tName + ": "
Some(prefix + text)
def genFormattedText = {
formatter match {
case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, _, _)) => Some(formattedText)
case Some(MotionToSuppress) => None
case _ => genUnformattedText
if (presentUnformatted) genUnformattedText
else genFormattedText
private def handleMarkupProvided(event: MarkupProvided, ansiColor: String) {
val (suiteName, testName) =
event.nameInfo match {
case Some(NameInfo(suiteName, _, _, testName)) =>
(Some(suiteName), testName)
case None => (None, None)
val stringToPrint =
stringToPrintWhenMarkup(event.formatter, suiteName, testName, event.text)
stringToPrint match {
case Some(string) => printPossiblyInColor(string, ansiColor)
case None =>
private def handleRecordedEvents(recordedEvents: collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[RecordableEvent], ansiColor: String = ansiGreen) {
recordedEvents.foreach { e =>
e match {
case ipEvent: InfoProvided => handleInfoProvided(ipEvent, ansiColor)
case mpEvent: MarkupProvided => handleMarkupProvided(mpEvent,
protected def makeFinalReport(resourceName: String, duration: Option[Long], summaryOption: Option[Summary]) {
summaryOption match {
case Some(summary) =>
import summary._
duration match {
case Some(msSinceEpoch) =>
printPossiblyInColor(Resources(resourceName + "In", makeDurationString(msSinceEpoch)), ansiCyan)
case None =>
printPossiblyInColor(Resources(resourceName), ansiCyan)
// totalNumberOfTestsRun=Total number of tests run was: {0}
printPossiblyInColor(Resources("totalNumberOfTestsRun", testsCompletedCount.toString), ansiCyan)
// Suite Summary: completed {0}, aborted {1}
printPossiblyInColor(Resources("suiteSummary", suitesCompletedCount.toString, suitesAbortedCount.toString), ansiCyan)
// Test Summary: succeeded {0}, failed {1}, ignored, {2}, pending {3}, canceled {4}
printPossiblyInColor(Resources("testSummary", testsSucceededCount.toString, testsFailedCount.toString, testsCanceledCount.toString, testsIgnoredCount.toString, testsPendingCount.toString), ansiCyan)
// *** 1 SUITE ABORTED ***
if (suitesAbortedCount == 1)
printPossiblyInColor(Resources("oneSuiteAborted"), ansiRed)
// *** {0} SUITES ABORTED ***
else if (suitesAbortedCount > 1)
printPossiblyInColor(Resources("multipleSuitesAborted", suitesAbortedCount.toString), ansiRed)
// *** 1 TEST FAILED ***
if (testsFailedCount == 1)
printPossiblyInColor(Resources("oneTestFailed"), ansiRed)
// *** {0} TESTS FAILED ***
else if (testsFailedCount > 1)
printPossiblyInColor(Resources("multipleTestsFailed", testsFailedCount.toString), ansiRed)
else if (suitesAbortedCount == 0) // Maybe don't want to say this if the run aborted or stopped because "all"
printPossiblyInColor(Resources("allTestsPassed"), ansiGreen)
case None =>
// We subtract one from test reports because we add "- " in front, so if one is actually zero, it will come here as -1
// private def indent(s: String, times: Int) = if (times <= 0) s else (" " * times) + s
// Stupid properties file won't let me put spaces at the beginning of a property
// " {0}" comes out as "{0}", so I can't do indenting in a localizable way. For now
// just indent two space to the left. // if (times <= 0) s
// else Resources("indentOnce", indent(s, times - 1))
private[scalatest] object StringReporter {
def countTrailingEOLs(s: String): Int = s.length - s.lastIndexWhere(_ != '\n') - 1
def countLeadingEOLs(s: String): Int = {
val idx = s.indexWhere(_ != '\n')
if (idx != -1) idx else 0
def colorizeLinesIndividually(text: String, ansiColor: String): String =
if (text.trim.isEmpty) text
else {
("\n" * countLeadingEOLs(text)) +
text.split("\n").dropWhile(_.isEmpty).map(ansiColor + _ + ansiReset).mkString("\n") +
("\n" * countTrailingEOLs(text))
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