org.scalatra.commands.CommandSupport.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.scalatra
package commands
import util.{ParamsValueReaderProperties, MultiMap}
import collection.mutable
import java.util.Date
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import collection.JavaConverters._
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import grizzled.slf4j.Logger
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
import _root_.akka.dispatch.{Future, ExecutionContext}
* Support for [[org.scalatra.commands.Command]] binding and validation.
trait CommandSupport extends ParamsValueReaderProperties with CommandExecutors { this: ScalatraBase =>
type CommandType <: Command
private[this] val commandFactories: mutable.ConcurrentMap[Class[_], () => Command] = new ConcurrentHashMap[Class[_], () => Command].asScala
def registerCommand[T <: Command](cmd: => T)(implicit mf: Manifest[T]) {
commandFactories += (mf.erasure -> (() => cmd))
* Create and bind a [[org.scalatra.commands.Command]] of the given type with the current Scalatra params.
* For every command type, creation and binding is performed only once and then stored into
* a request attribute.
def command[T <: CommandType](implicit request: HttpServletRequest, mf: Manifest[T]): T = {
def createCommand = commandFactories.get(mf.erasure).map(_()).getOrElse(mf.erasure.newInstance()).asInstanceOf[T]
commandOption[T] getOrElse bindCommand(createCommand)
* Create and bind a [[org.scalatra.commands.Command]] of the given type with the current Scalatra params.
* For every command type, creation and binding is performed only once and then stored into
* a request attribute.
def commandOrElse[T <: CommandType](factory: ⇒ T)(implicit request: HttpServletRequest, mf: Manifest[T]): T = {
commandOption[T] getOrElse bindCommand(factory)
protected def bindCommand[T <: CommandType](newCommand: T)(implicit request: HttpServletRequest, mf: Manifest[T]): T = {
newCommand.bindTo(params(request), multiParams(request), request.headers)
def commandOption[T <: CommandType](implicit request: HttpServletRequest, mf: Manifest[T]) : Option[T] =
private[commands] def commandRequestKey[T <: CommandType](implicit request: HttpServletRequest, mf: Manifest[T]) =
"_command_" + manifest[T].erasure.getName
private class CommandRouteMatcher[T <: CommandType ](implicit mf: Manifest[T]) extends RouteMatcher {
override def apply(requestPath: String) = if (command[T].isValid) Some(MultiMap()) else None
* Create a [[org.scalatra.RouteMatcher]] that evaluates '''true''' only if a command is valid.
def ifValid[T <: CommandType](implicit mf: Manifest[T]): RouteMatcher = new CommandRouteMatcher[T]
trait ParamsOnlyCommandSupport extends CommandSupport { this: ScalatraBase =>
type CommandType = ParamsOnlyCommand
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