org.scalatra.commands.field.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.scalatra
package commands
import validation._
import util.conversion._
import scalaz._
import syntax.validation._
import syntax.std.option._
import mojolly.inflector.InflectorImports._
import org.scalatra.util.RicherString._
object DefVal {
def apply[T:Manifest](prov: => T) = new DefVal(prov)
class DefVal[T:Manifest](valueProvider: => T) {
lazy val value = valueProvider
object ValueSource extends Enumeration {
val Header = Value("header")
val Body = Value("body")
val Query = Value("query")
val Path = Value("path")
object FieldDescriptor {
def apply[T](name: String)(implicit mf: Manifest[T], defV: DefaultValue[T]): FieldDescriptor[T] =
new BasicFieldDescriptor[T](name, transformations = identity, defVal = DefVal(defV.default))
trait FieldDescriptor[T] {
def name: String
def value: FieldValidation[T]
def validator: Option[Validator[T]]
def notes: String
def notes(note: String): FieldDescriptor[T]
def description: String
def description(desc: String): FieldDescriptor[T]
def valueManifest: Manifest[T]
def valueSource: ValueSource.Value
def sourcedFrom(valueSource: ValueSource.Value): FieldDescriptor[T]
def allowableValues: List[T]
def allowableValues(vals: T*): FieldDescriptor[T]
def displayName: Option[String]
def displayName(name: String): FieldDescriptor[T]
private[commands] def defVal: DefVal[T]
def defaultValue: T = defVal.value
def withDefaultValue(default: => T): FieldDescriptor[T]
def isValid = value.isSuccess
def isInvalid = value.isFailure
private[commands] def isRequired: Boolean
def required: FieldDescriptor[T]
def optional: FieldDescriptor[T]
override def toString() = "FieldDescriptor(name: %s)".format(name)
def validateWith(validators: BindingValidator[T]*): FieldDescriptor[T]
def apply[S](original: Either[String, Option[S]])(implicit ms: Manifest[S], df: DefaultValue[S], convert: TypeConverter[S, T]): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T]
override def hashCode() = 41 + 41 * name.hashCode()
def transform(endo: T => T): FieldDescriptor[T]
private[commands] def transformations: T => T
override def equals(obj: Any) = obj match {
case b : FieldDescriptor[_] => ==
case _ => false
class BasicFieldDescriptor[T](
val name: String,
val validator: Option[Validator[T]] = None,
private[commands] val transformations: T => T = identity _,
private[commands] var isRequired: Boolean = false,
val description: String = "",
val notes: String = "",
private[commands] val defVal: DefVal[T],
val valueSource: ValueSource.Value = ValueSource.Body,
val allowableValues: List[T] = Nil,
val displayName: Option[String] = None)(implicit val valueManifest: Manifest[T]) extends FieldDescriptor[T] {
val value: FieldValidation[T] = defaultValue.success
def validateWith(bindingValidators: BindingValidator[T]*): FieldDescriptor[T] = {
val nwValidators: Option[Validator[T]] =
if(bindingValidators.nonEmpty) Some( apply name).reduce(_ andThen _)) else None
copy(validator = validator.flatMap(v => andThen _)) orElse nwValidators)
def copy(
name: String = name,
validator: Option[Validator[T]] = validator,
transformations: T => T = transformations,
isRequired: Boolean = isRequired,
description: String = description,
notes: String = notes,
defVal: DefVal[T] = defVal,
valueSource: ValueSource.Value = valueSource,
allowableValues: List[T] = allowableValues,
displayName: Option[String] = displayName): FieldDescriptor[T] = {
new BasicFieldDescriptor(name, validator, transformations, isRequired, description, notes, defVal, valueSource, allowableValues, displayName)(valueManifest)
def apply[S](original: Either[String, Option[S]])(implicit ms: Manifest[S], df: DefaultValue[S], convert: TypeConverter[S, T]): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] = {
val defValS = df.default
val conv = original.fold(e => ValidationError(e).fail, o => (convert(o | defValS) | defaultValue).success)
val o = original.fold(_ => None, identity)
BoundFieldDescriptor(o, conv, this)
def transform(endo: T => T): FieldDescriptor[T] = copy(transformations = transformations andThen endo)
def required = copy(isRequired = true)
def optional = copy(isRequired = false)
def description(desc: String) = copy(description = desc)
def notes(note: String) = copy(notes = note)
def withDefaultValue(default: => T): FieldDescriptor[T] = copy(defVal = DefVal(default), isRequired = false)
def sourcedFrom(valueSource: ValueSource.Value): FieldDescriptor[T] = copy(valueSource = valueSource)
def allowableValues(vals: T*): FieldDescriptor[T] = copy(allowableValues = vals.toList).validateWith(BindingValidators.oneOf("%%s must be one of %s.", vals))
def displayName(name: String): FieldDescriptor[T] = copy(displayName = name.blankOption)
trait DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] extends FieldDescriptor[T] {
def field: FieldDescriptor[T]
def original: Option[S]
def transform(endo: T => T): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T]
def apply[V](original: Either[String, Option[V]])(implicit mv: Manifest[V], df: DefaultValue[V], convert: TypeConverter[V, T]): DataboundFieldDescriptor[V, T] =
this.asInstanceOf[DataboundFieldDescriptor[V, T]]
override def toString() = "FieldDescriptor(name: %s, original: %s, value: %s)".format(name, original, value)
def validate: ValidatedFieldDescriptor[S, T]
def validateWith(bindingValidators: BindingValidator[T]*): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T]
def required: DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T]
def optional: DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T]
def isRequired = field.isRequired
def description = field.description
def description(desc: String): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T]
def notes = field.notes
def notes(note: String): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T]
def valueManifest = field.valueManifest
private[commands] def defVal: DefVal[T] = field.defVal
def withDefaultValue(default: => T): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T]
def valueSource: ValueSource.Value = field.valueSource
def sourcedFrom(valueSource: ValueSource.Value): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T]
def allowableValues = field.allowableValues
def allowableValues(vals: T*): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T]
def displayName: Option[String] = field.displayName
def displayName(name: String): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T]
trait ValidatedFieldDescriptor[S, T] extends DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] {
def validate: ValidatedFieldDescriptor[S, T] = this
object BoundFieldDescriptor {
def apply[S:DefaultValue, T](original: Option[S], value: FieldValidation[T], binding: FieldDescriptor[T]): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] =
new BoundFieldDescriptor(original, value, binding, binding.validator)
class BoundFieldDescriptor[S:DefaultValue, T](
val original: Option[S],
val value: FieldValidation[T],
val field: FieldDescriptor[T],
val validator: Option[Validator[T]]) extends DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] {
def name: String =
override def hashCode(): Int = field.hashCode()
override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
case o: BasicFieldDescriptor[T] => field.equals(o)
case o: BoundFieldDescriptor[T, S] => field.equals(o.field)
case _ => false
override def toString() = "BoundFieldDescriptor(name: %s, original: %s, converted: %s)".format(name, original, value)
def validateWith(bindingValidators: BindingValidator[T]*): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] = {
val nwFld = field.validateWith(bindingValidators:_*)
copy(field = nwFld, validator = nwFld.validator)
def copy(original: Option[S] = original, value: FieldValidation[T] = value, field: FieldDescriptor[T] = field, validator: Option[Validator[T]] = validator): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] =
new BoundFieldDescriptor(original, value, field, validator)
def transform(endo: T => T): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] = copy(value = value map endo)
def required = copy(field = field.required)
def optional = copy(field = field.optional)
def description(desc: String) = copy(field = field.description(desc))
def notes(note: String) = copy(field = field.notes(note))
def validate: ValidatedFieldDescriptor[S, T] = {
val defaultValidator: Validator[T] = validator getOrElse identity
if (!isRequired && original.isEmpty) {
new ValidatedBoundFieldDescriptor(value map transformations, this)
} else {
val doValidation: Validator[T] = if (isRequired) {
(x: FieldValidation[T]) => x flatMap { v =>
if (original.isDefined) v.success else ValidationError("%s is required." format(name.underscore.humanize), FieldName(name), ValidationFail).fail
} else identity
new ValidatedBoundFieldDescriptor((doValidation andThen defaultValidator)(value) map transformations, this)
private[commands] def transformations: (T) => T = field.transformations
def withDefaultValue(default: => T): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] = copy(field = field.withDefaultValue(default))
def sourcedFrom(valueSource: ValueSource.Value): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] = copy(field = field.sourcedFrom(valueSource))
def allowableValues(vals: T*): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] = copy(field = field.allowableValues(vals:_*))
def displayName(name: String): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] = copy(field = field.displayName(name))
class ValidatedBoundFieldDescriptor[S, T](val value: FieldValidation[T], val field: DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T]) extends ValidatedFieldDescriptor[S, T] {
def name: String =
override def hashCode(): Int = field.hashCode()
override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
case o: BasicFieldDescriptor[T] => field.equals(o)
case o: BoundFieldDescriptor[T, S] => field.equals(o.field)
case o: ValidatedBoundFieldDescriptor[S, T] => field.equals(o.field)
case _ => false
override def toString() = "BoundFieldDescriptor(name: %s, original: %s, converted: %s)".format(name, original, value)
def validateWith(bindingValidators: BindingValidator[T]*): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] = {
copy(field = field.validateWith(bindingValidators:_*))
def copy(value: FieldValidation[T] = value, field: DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] = field): ValidatedFieldDescriptor[S, T] =
new ValidatedBoundFieldDescriptor(value, field)
def transform(endo: T => T): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] = copy(value = value map endo)
def required = copy(field = field.required)
def optional = copy(field = field.optional)
def description(desc: String) = copy(field = field.description(desc))
def notes(note: String) = copy(field = field.notes(note))
def validator: Option[Validator[T]] = field.validator
def original: Option[S] = field.original
private[commands] def transformations: (T) => T = field.transformations
def withDefaultValue(default: => T): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] = copy(field = field.withDefaultValue(default))
def sourcedFrom(valueSource: ValueSource.Value): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] = copy(field = field.sourcedFrom(valueSource))
def allowableValues(vals: T*): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] = copy(field = field.allowableValues(vals:_*))
def displayName(name: String): DataboundFieldDescriptor[S, T] = copy(field = field.displayName(name))
import scala.util.matching.Regex
trait BindingValidatorImplicits {
import BindingValidators._
implicit def validatableStringBinding(b: FieldDescriptor[String]) = new ValidatableStringBinding(b)
implicit def validatableSeqBinding[T <: Seq[_]](b: FieldDescriptor[T]) = new ValidatableSeq(b)
implicit def validatableGenericBinding[T](b: FieldDescriptor[T]) = new ValidatableGenericBinding(b)
implicit def validatableOrderedBinding[T <% Ordered[T]](b: FieldDescriptor[T]) = new ValidatableOrdered(b)
object BindingValidators {
class ValidatableSeq[T <: Seq[_]](b: FieldDescriptor[T]) {
def notEmpty: FieldDescriptor[T] = notEmpty()
def notEmpty(messageFormat: String = "%s is required."): FieldDescriptor[T] =
class ValidatableOrdered[T <% Ordered[T]](b: FieldDescriptor[T]) {
def greaterThan(min: T, messageFormat: String = "%%s must be greater than %s"): FieldDescriptor[T] =
b.validateWith(BindingValidators.greaterThan(min, messageFormat))
def lessThan(max: T, messageFormat: String = "%%s must be less than %s"): FieldDescriptor[T] =
b.validateWith(BindingValidators.lessThan(max, messageFormat))
def greaterThanOrEqualTo(min: T, messageFormat: String = "%%s must be greater than or equal to %s"): FieldDescriptor[T] =
b.validateWith(BindingValidators.greaterThanOrEqualTo(min, messageFormat))
def lessThanOrEqualTo(max: T, messageFormat: String = "%%s must be greater than or equal to %s"): FieldDescriptor[T] =
b.validateWith(BindingValidators.lessThanOrEqualTo(max, messageFormat))
class ValidatableGenericBinding[T](b: FieldDescriptor[T]) {
def validate(validate: T => Boolean, messageFormat: String = "%s is invalid."): FieldDescriptor[T] =
b.validateWith(BindingValidators.validate(validate, messageFormat))
class ValidatableStringBinding(b: FieldDescriptor[String]) {
def notBlank: FieldDescriptor[String] = notBlank()
def notBlank(messageFormat: String = "%s is required"): FieldDescriptor[String] =
def validEmail: FieldDescriptor[String] = validEmail()
def validEmail(messageFormat: String = "%s must be a valid email address."): FieldDescriptor[String] =
def validAbsoluteUrl(allowLocalHost: Boolean, messageFormat: String = "%s must be a valid absolute url.", schemes: Seq[String] = Seq("http", "https")): FieldDescriptor[String] =
b.validateWith(BindingValidators.validAbsoluteUrl(allowLocalHost, messageFormat, schemes))
def validUrl(allowLocalHost: Boolean, messageFormat: String = "%s must be a valid url.", schemes: Seq[String] = Seq("http", "https")): FieldDescriptor[String] =
b.validateWith(BindingValidators.validUrl(allowLocalHost, messageFormat, schemes))
def validForFormat(regex: Regex, messageFormat: String = "%s is invalid."): FieldDescriptor[String] =
b.validateWith(BindingValidators.validFormat(regex, messageFormat))
def validForConfirmation(against: Field[String], messageFormat: String = "%%s must match %s."): FieldDescriptor[String] =
b.validateWith(BindingValidators.validConfirmation(against, messageFormat))
def minLength(min: Int, messageFormat: String = "%%s must be at least %s characters long."): FieldDescriptor[String] =
b.validateWith(BindingValidators.minLength(min, messageFormat))
def enumValue(enum: Enumeration, messageFormat: String = "%%s must be one of %s."): FieldDescriptor[String] =
b.validateWith(BindingValidators.enumValue(enum, messageFormat))
import org.scalatra.validation.Validation
def validate[TValue](validate: TValue => Boolean, messageFormat: String = "%s is invalid."): BindingValidator[TValue] = (s: String) => {
_ flatMap (Validators.validate(s, messageFormat = messageFormat, validate = validate).validate(_))
def nonEmptyString: BindingValidator[String] = nonEmptyString()
def nonEmptyString(messageFormat: String = "%s is required."): BindingValidator[String] = (s: String) => {
_ flatMap (Validation.nonEmptyString(s, _, messageFormat))
def notNull: BindingValidator[AnyRef] = notNull()
def notNull(messageFormat: String = "%s is required."): BindingValidator[AnyRef] = (s: String) => {
_ flatMap (Validation.notNull(s, _, messageFormat))
def nonEmptyCollection[TResult <: Traversable[_]]: BindingValidator[TResult] = nonEmptyCollection[TResult]()
def nonEmptyCollection[TResult <: Traversable[_]](messageFormat: String = "%s must not be empty."): BindingValidator[TResult] = (s: String) =>{
_ flatMap (Validation.nonEmptyCollection(s, _, messageFormat))
def validEmail: BindingValidator[String] = validEmail()
def validEmail(messageFormat: String = "%s must be a valid email address."): BindingValidator[String] = (s: String) =>{
_ flatMap (Validation.validEmail(s, _, messageFormat))
def validAbsoluteUrl(allowLocalHost: Boolean, messageFormat: String = "%s must be a absolute valid url.", schemes: Seq[String] = Seq("http", "https")): BindingValidator[String] = (s: String) =>{
_ flatMap (Validators.validAbsoluteUrl(s, allowLocalHost, messageFormat, schemes).validate(_))
def validUrl(allowLocalHost: Boolean, messageFormat: String = "%s must be a valid url.", schemes: Seq[String] = Seq("http", "https")): BindingValidator[String] = (s: String) =>{
_ flatMap (Validators.validUrl(s, allowLocalHost, messageFormat, schemes).validate(_))
def validFormat(regex: Regex, messageFormat: String = "%s is invalid."): BindingValidator[String] = (s: String) =>{
_ flatMap (Validators.validFormat(s, regex, messageFormat).validate(_))
def validConfirmation(against: Field[String], messageFormat: String = "%%s must match %s."): BindingValidator[String] = (s: String) =>{
_ flatMap { Validators.validConfirmation(s,, against.value | against.defaultValue, messageFormat).validate(_) }
def greaterThan[T <% Ordered[T]](min: T, messageFormat: String = "%%s must be greater than %s."): BindingValidator[T] = (s: String) =>{
_ flatMap (Validators.greaterThan(s, min, messageFormat).validate(_))
def lessThan[T <% Ordered[T]](max: T, messageFormat: String = "%%s must be less than %s."): BindingValidator[T] = (s: String) =>{
_ flatMap (Validators.lessThan(s, max, messageFormat).validate(_))
def greaterThanOrEqualTo[T <% Ordered[T]](min: T, messageFormat: String = "%%s must be greater than or equal to %s."): BindingValidator[T] = (s: String) =>{
_ flatMap (Validators.greaterThanOrEqualTo(s, min, messageFormat).validate(_))
def lessThanOrEqualTo[T <% Ordered[T]](max: T, messageFormat: String = "%%s must be less than or equal to %s."): BindingValidator[T] = (s: String) =>{
_ flatMap (Validators.lessThanOrEqualTo(s, max, messageFormat).validate(_))
def minLength(min: Int, messageFormat: String = "%%s must be at least %s characters long."): BindingValidator[String] = (s: String) =>{
_ flatMap (Validators.minLength(s, min, messageFormat).validate(_))
def oneOf[TResult](messageFormat: String = "%%s must be one of %s.", expected: Seq[TResult]): BindingValidator[TResult] = (s: String) => {
_ flatMap (Validators.oneOf(s, messageFormat, expected).validate(_))
def enumValue(enum: Enumeration, messageFormat: String = "%%s must be one of %s."): BindingValidator[String] =
class Field[A:Manifest](descr: FieldDescriptor[A], command: Command) {
val name =
def validation: FieldValidation[A] = binding.field.value.asInstanceOf[FieldValidation[A]]
def value: Option[A] = binding.field.value.toOption.asInstanceOf[Option[A]]
def defaultValue: A = descr.defaultValue
def error: Option[ValidationError] = binding.field.value.fold(_.some, _=>None)
def original = binding.original
def binding: Binding = command.bindings(name)
def isValid = validation.isSuccess
def isInvalid = validation.isFailure
def notes: String = descr.notes
def description: String = descr.description
def isRequired: Boolean = descr.isRequired
def valueSource: ValueSource.Value = descr.valueSource
def allowableValues = descr.allowableValues
def displayName: Option[String] = descr.displayName
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