org.scalatra.validation.ValidationError.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.scalatra
package validation
import org.json4s._
import JsonDSL._
* Encapsulates errors in an API
* @param message The message for this error
* @param field An optional field name, useful when it applies to a particular field
* @param code Decouple business logic error types from http errors
* @param args Optional args, these need to be serializable to json if you're using the [[org.scalatra.validation.ValidationErrorSerializer]]
case class ValidationError(message: String, field: Option[FieldName], code: Option[ErrorCode], args: Seq[Any])
* Encapsulates a field name for use in a validation error
* @param name The name of the field
case class FieldName(name: String)
* A base trait for error codes, all error codes need to extend this.
* It's available for you so you can add more in your app
trait ErrorCode
case object NotFound extends ErrorCode
case object UnknownError extends ErrorCode
case object NotImplemented extends ErrorCode
case object BadGateway extends ErrorCode
case object ValidationFail extends ErrorCode
case object ServiceUnavailable extends ErrorCode
case object GatewayTimeout extends ErrorCode
* Allows for unordered building of [[org.scalatra.validation.ValidationError]]
object ValidationError {
* Allows for unordered building of [[org.scalatra.validation.ValidationError]]
* You can add do `ValidationError("the message", ValidationFail, FieldName("email"))`
* or `ValidationError("the message", FieldName("email"), ValidationFail)`
* and also `ValidationError("the message", FieldName("email"), Some(ValidationFail))`
* This method will create a correct ValidationError that looks like:
* `ValidationError("the message", FieldName("email"), Some(ValidationFail), Seq())`
def apply(msg: String, arguments: Any*): ValidationError = {
val field = arguments collectFirst {
case f: FieldName => f
case Some(f: FieldName) => f
val code = arguments collectFirst {
case f: ErrorCode => f
case Some(f: ErrorCode) => f
val args = arguments filter {
case _: FieldName | _: ErrorCode | Some(_: FieldName) | Some(_: ErrorCode) => false
case _ => false
new ValidationError(msg, field, code, args)
* Assumes your error codes will always be case objects.
* @param knownCodes A list of known error codes for your system
class ErrorCodeSerializer(knownCodes: ErrorCode*) extends Serializer[ErrorCode] {
val ecs = Map(knownCodes map { c ⇒ c.getClass.getSimpleName.replaceAll("\\$$","").toUpperCase -> c }: _*)
val Class = classOf[ErrorCode]
def deserialize(implicit format: Formats): PartialFunction[(TypeInfo, JValue), ErrorCode] = {
case (TypeInfo(Class, _), JString(c)) if ecs contains c.toUpperCase =>
ecs get c.toUpperCase getOrElse UnknownError
case (TypeInfo(Class, _), json) =>
throw new MappingException("Can't convert " + json + " to " + Class)
def serialize(implicit format: Formats): PartialFunction[Any, JValue] = {
case c: ErrorCode => JString(c.getClass.getSimpleName.replaceAll("\\$$", ""))
* Serializes a validation error into a structure:
* {
* "message": "the error message",
* "field": "field_name",
* "code": "ValidationFail",
* "args": []
* }
* You can configure whether or not to include the args. And on the way in it assumes args are JValues.
* The fields: field, code and args are only added if they have actual data.
* @param includeCode Include the code field if an error code is provided
* @param includeArgs Include the args field when args are provided
class ValidationErrorSerializer(includeCode: Boolean = true, includeArgs: Boolean = true) extends CustomSerializer[ValidationError](
(formats: Formats) ⇒ ({
case jo @ JObject(JField("message", _) :: _) ⇒
implicit val fmts = formats
new ValidationError(
(jo \ "message").extractOrElse(""),
(jo \ "field").extractOpt[String] map FieldName,
(jo \ "code").extractOpt[ErrorCode],
(jo \ "args").children)
}, {
case ValidationError(message, fieldName, code, args) ⇒
implicit val fmts = formats
val jv: JValue = ("message" -> message)
val wf: JValue = fieldName map (fn ⇒ ("field" -> JValue) getOrElse JNothing
val ec: JValue = if (includeCode && code.isDefined) ("code" -> (code map (Extraction.decompose(_)(formats)))) else JNothing
val arg: JValue = if (includeArgs && args.nonEmpty) ("args" -> Extraction.decompose(args)(formats)) else JNothing
jv merge wf merge ec merge arg
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