org.scalatra.json.JsonOutput.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.scalatra
package json
import java.io.Writer
import org.json4s.Xml._
import org.json4s._
import scala.io.Codec
import scala.xml.XML
object JsonOutput {
val VulnerabilityPrelude = ")]}',\n"
val RosettaPrelude = "/**/"
trait JsonOutput[T] extends ApiFormats with JsonMethods[T] {
import org.scalatra.json.JsonOutput._
* If a request is made with a parameter in jsonpCallbackParameterNames it will
* be assumed that it is a JSONP request and the json will be returned as the
* argument to a function with the name specified in the corresponding parameter.
* By default no parameterNames will be checked
def jsonpCallbackParameterNames: Iterable[String] = Nil
* Whether or not to apply the jsonVulnerabilityGuard when rendering json.
* @see http://haacked.com/archive/2008/11/20/anatomy-of-a-subtle-json-vulnerability.aspx
protected def jsonVulnerabilityGuard = false
* Whether or not to apply the rosetta flash guard when rendering jsonp callbacks.
* @see http://miki.it/blog/2014/7/8/abusing-jsonp-with-rosetta-flash/
protected def rosettaFlashGuard = true
protected lazy val xmlRootNode =
protected def transformResponseBody(body: JValue) = body
override protected def renderPipeline = ({
case JsonResult(jv) => jv
case jv: JValue if format == "xml" =>
contentType = formats("xml")
writeJsonAsXml(transformResponseBody(jv), response.writer)
case jv: JValue =>
// JSON is always UTF-8
response.characterEncoding = Some(Codec.UTF8.name)
val writer = response.writer
val jsonpCallback = for {
paramName <- jsonpCallbackParameterNames
callback <- params.get(paramName)
} yield callback
jsonpCallback match {
case some :: _ =>
// JSONP is not JSON, but JavaScript.
contentType = formats("js")
// Status must always be 200 on JSONP, since it's loaded in a