org.scalatra.swagger.Swagger.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Scalatra integration with Swagger
The newest version!
package org.scalatra
package swagger
import java.lang.reflect.Field
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.{ Date => JDate }
import org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue
import org.scalatra.swagger.reflect._
import org.scalatra.swagger.runtime.annotations.{ ApiModel, ApiModelProperty }
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
trait SwaggerEngine {
def swaggerVersion: String
def apiVersion: String
def host: String
def apiInfo: ApiInfo
def extraSwaggerDefinition: Option[JValue]
private[swagger] val _docs = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Api]().asScala
private[this] var _authorizations = List.empty[AuthorizationType]
def authorizations = _authorizations
def addAuthorization(auth: AuthorizationType): Unit = { _authorizations ::= auth }
def docs = _docs.values
* Configurations used by UrlGenerator when creating baseUrl.
def baseUrlIncludeContextPath = true
def baseUrlIncludeServletPath = false
* Returns the documentation for the given path.
def doc(path: String): Option[Api] = _docs.get(path)
* Registers the documentation for an API with the given path.
def register(listingPath: String, resourcePath: String, description: Option[String], s: SwaggerSupportSyntax with SwaggerSupportBase, consumes: List[String], produces: List[String], protocols: List[String], authorizations: List[String]): Unit
object Swagger {
val excludes: Set[java.lang.reflect.Type] = Set(
val SpecVersion = "2.0"
def collectModels[T: Manifest](alreadyKnown: Set[Model]): Set[Model] = collectModels(Reflector.scalaTypeOf[T], alreadyKnown)
private[swagger] def collectModels(tpe: ScalaType, alreadyKnown: Set[Model], known: Set[ScalaType] = Set.empty): Set[Model] = {
if (excludes contains tpe.erasure) {
// Date classes only output 'date-time' in a uniform format, so there is no need to analyze the structure of the object.
// Therefore, the analysis of classes specified as excludes will be skipped.
} else if (tpe.isMap) {
collectModels(tpe.typeArgs.head, alreadyKnown, tpe.typeArgs.toSet) ++ collectModels(tpe.typeArgs.last, alreadyKnown, tpe.typeArgs.toSet)
} else if ((tpe.isCollection && tpe.typeArgs.nonEmpty) || (tpe.isOption && tpe.typeArgs.nonEmpty)) {
val ntpe = tpe.typeArgs.head
if (!known.contains(ntpe)) {
collectModels(ntpe, alreadyKnown, known + ntpe)
} else {
} else {
if (alreadyKnown.map(_.id).contains(tpe.simpleName)) {
} else {
val descriptor = Reflector.describe(tpe)
descriptor match {
case descriptor: ClassDescriptor =>
val ctorModels = descriptor.mostComprehensive.filterNot(_.isPrimitive).toVector
val propModels = descriptor.properties.filterNot(p => p.isPrimitive || ctorModels.exists(_.name == p.name))
val subModels = (ctorModels.map(_.argType) ++ propModels.map(_.returnType)).toSet -- known
val topLevel = for {
tl <- subModels + descriptor.erasure
if !(tl.isCollection || tl.isMap || tl.isOption)
m <- modelToSwagger(tl)
} yield m
val nested = subModels.foldLeft((topLevel, known + descriptor.erasure)) { (acc, b) =>
val m = collectModels(b, alreadyKnown, acc._2)
(acc._1 ++ m, acc._2 + b)
case _ => Set.empty
import org.scalatra.util.RicherString._
def modelToSwagger[T](implicit mf: Manifest[T]): Option[Model] = modelToSwagger(Reflector.scalaTypeOf[T])
private[this] def toModelProperty(descriptor: ClassDescriptor, position: Option[Int] = None, required: Boolean = true, description: Option[String] = None, allowableValues: String = "", example: Option[String] = None, minimumValue: Option[Double] = None, maximumValue: Option[Double] = None, default: Option[String] = None, hidden: Boolean = false)(prop: PropertyDescriptor) = {
val ctorParam = descriptor.mostComprehensive.find(_.name == prop.name)
val mp = ModelProperty(
`type` = DataType.fromScalaType(if (prop.returnType.isOption) ctorParam.map(_.argType.typeArgs.head).getOrElse(prop.returnType.typeArgs.head) else ctorParam.map(_.argType).getOrElse(prop.returnType)),
position = if (position.isDefined && position.forall(_ >= 0)) position.get else ctorParam.map(_.argIndex).getOrElse(position.getOrElse(0)),
required = required && !prop.returnType.isOption,
description = description.flatMap(_.blankOption),
allowableValues = convertToAllowableValues(allowableValues),
example = example.flatMap(_.blankOption),
default = default.flatMap(_.blankOption),
minimumValue = minimumValue,
maximumValue = maximumValue,
hidden = hidden)
prop.name -> mp
def modelToSwagger(klass: ScalaType): Option[Model] = {
if (Reflector.isPrimitive(klass.erasure) || Reflector.isExcluded(klass.erasure, excludes.toSeq)) None
else {
val name = klass.simpleName
val descriptor = Reflector.describe(klass).asInstanceOf[ClassDescriptor]
val apiModel = Option(klass.erasure.getAnnotation(classOf[ApiModel]))
val fields = klass.erasure.getDeclaredFields.toList collect {
case f: Field if f.getAnnotation(classOf[ApiModelProperty]) != null =>
val annotation = f.getAnnotation(classOf[ApiModelProperty])
val position = if (annotation.position() == Integer.MAX_VALUE) None else Some(annotation.position())
val minimumValue = if (annotation.minimumValue().isNaN) None else Option(annotation.minimumValue())
val maximumValue = if (annotation.maximumValue().isNaN) None else Option(annotation.maximumValue())
val asModelProperty = toModelProperty(descriptor, position, annotation.required(), annotation.description().blankOption, annotation.allowableValues(),
annotation.example().blankOption, minimumValue, maximumValue, annotation.defaultValue().blankOption, annotation.hidden())_
descriptor.properties.find(_.mangledName == f.getName) map asModelProperty
case f: Field =>
val asModelProperty = toModelProperty(descriptor)_
descriptor.properties.find(_.mangledName == f.getName) map asModelProperty
val result = apiModel map { am =>
id = name,
name = name,
qualifiedName = klass.fullName.blankOption,
description = am.description().blankOption,
properties = fields.flatten,
baseModel = am.parent.getName.blankOption,
discriminator = am.discriminator.blankOption)
} orElse Some(Model(name, name, klass.fullName.blankOption, properties = fields.flatten))
private def convertToAllowableValues(csvString: String, paramType: String = null): AllowableValues = {
if (csvString.toLowerCase.startsWith("range[")) {
val ranges = csvString.substring(6, csvString.length() - 1).split(",")
buildAllowableRangeValues(ranges, csvString, inclusive = true)
} else if (csvString.toLowerCase.startsWith("rangeexclusive[")) {
val ranges = csvString.substring(15, csvString.length() - 1).split(",")
buildAllowableRangeValues(ranges, csvString, inclusive = false)
} else {
if (csvString.isEmpty) {
} else {
val params = csvString.split(",").toList
paramType match {
case null => AllowableValues.AllowableValuesList(params)
case "string" => AllowableValues.AllowableValuesList(params)
private def buildAllowableRangeValues(ranges: Array[String], inputStr: String, inclusive: Boolean): AllowableValues.AllowableRangeValues = {
var min: java.lang.Float = 0f
var max: java.lang.Float = 0f
if (ranges.size < 2) {
throw new RuntimeException("Allowable values format " + inputStr + "is incorrect")
if (ranges(0).equalsIgnoreCase("Infinity")) {
min = Float.PositiveInfinity
} else if (ranges(0).equalsIgnoreCase("-Infinity")) {
min = Float.NegativeInfinity
} else {
min = ranges(0).toFloat
if (ranges(1).equalsIgnoreCase("Infinity")) {
max = Float.PositiveInfinity
} else if (ranges(1).equalsIgnoreCase("-Infinity")) {
max = Float.NegativeInfinity
} else {
max = ranges(1).toFloat
AllowableValues.AllowableRangeValues(if (inclusive) Range.inclusive(min.toInt, max.toInt) else Range(min.toInt, max.toInt))
* An instance of this class is used to hold the API documentation.
class Swagger(val swaggerVersion: String, val apiVersion: String, val apiInfo: ApiInfo, val host: String = "", val extraSwaggerDefinition: Option[JValue] = None) extends SwaggerEngine {
private[this] val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
* Registers the documentation for an API with the given path.
def register(listingPath: String, resourcePath: String, description: Option[String], s: SwaggerSupportSyntax with SwaggerSupportBase, consumes: List[String], produces: List[String], protocols: List[String], authorizations: List[String]) = {
logger.debug(s"registering swagger api with: { listingPath: $listingPath, resourcePath: $resourcePath, description: $resourcePath, servlet: ${s.getClass} }")
val endpoints: List[Endpoint] = s.endpoints(resourcePath) collect { case m: Endpoint => m }
_docs += listingPath -> Api(
(produces ::: endpoints.flatMap(_.operations.flatMap(_.produces))).distinct,
(consumes ::: endpoints.flatMap(_.operations.flatMap(_.consumes))).distinct,
(protocols ::: endpoints.flatMap(_.operations.flatMap(_.schemes))).distinct,
(authorizations ::: endpoints.flatMap(_.operations.flatMap(_.authorizations))).distinct,
case class Api(
apiVersion: String,
swaggerVersion: String,
resourcePath: String,
description: Option[String] = None,
produces: List[String] = Nil,
consumes: List[String] = Nil,
protocols: List[String] = Nil,
apis: List[Endpoint] = Nil,
models: Map[String, Model] = Map.empty,
authorizations: List[String] = Nil,
position: Int = 0) {
def model(name: String) = models.get(name)
object ParamType extends Enumeration {
type ParamType = Value
/** A parameter carried in a POST body. **/
val Body = Value("body")
* A parameter carried on the query string.
* E.g. http://example.com/foo?param=2
val Query = Value("query")
* A path parameter mapped to a Scalatra route.
* E.g. http://example.com/foo/2 where there's a route like
* get("/foo/:id").
val Path = Value("path")
/** A parameter carried in an HTTP header. **/
val Header = Value("header")
val File = Value("file")
val Form = Value("form")
sealed trait DataType {
def name: String
object DataType {
case class ValueDataType(name: String, format: Option[String] = None, qualifiedName: Option[String] = None) extends DataType
case class ContainerDataType(name: String, typeArg: Option[DataType] = None, uniqueItems: Boolean = false) extends DataType
val Void = DataType("void")
val String = DataType("string")
val Byte = DataType("string", Some("byte"))
val Int = DataType("integer", Some("int32"))
val Long = DataType("integer", Some("int64"))
val Float = DataType("number", Some("float"))
val Double = DataType("number", Some("double"))
val Boolean = DataType("boolean")
val Date = DataType("string", Some("date"))
val DateTime = DataType("string", Some("date-time"))
object GenList {
def apply(): DataType = ContainerDataType("List")
def apply(v: DataType): DataType = new ContainerDataType("List", Some(v))
object GenSet {
def apply(): DataType = ContainerDataType("Set", uniqueItems = true)
def apply(v: DataType): DataType = new ContainerDataType("Set", Some(v), uniqueItems = true)
object GenArray {
def apply(): DataType = ContainerDataType("Array")
def apply(v: DataType): DataType = new ContainerDataType("Array", Some(v))
object GenMap {
def apply(): DataType = ContainerDataType("Map")
def apply(v: DataType): DataType = new ContainerDataType("Map", Some(v))
def apply(name: String, format: Option[String] = None, qualifiedName: Option[String] = None) =
new ValueDataType(name, format, qualifiedName)
def apply[T](implicit mf: Manifest[T]): DataType = fromManifest[T](mf)
private[this] val StringTypes = Set[Class[?]](classOf[String], classOf[java.lang.String])
private[this] def isString(klass: Class[?]) = StringTypes contains klass
private[this] val BoolTypes = Set[Class[?]](classOf[Boolean], classOf[java.lang.Boolean])
private[this] def isBool(klass: Class[?]) = BoolTypes contains klass
private[swagger] def fromManifest[T](implicit mf: Manifest[T]): DataType = {
private[swagger] def fromClass(klass: Class[?]): DataType = fromScalaType(Reflector.scalaTypeOf(klass))
private[swagger] def fromScalaType(st: ScalaType): DataType = {
val klass = if (st.isOption && st.typeArgs.nonEmpty) st.typeArgs.head.erasure else st.erasure
if (classOf[Unit].isAssignableFrom(klass) || classOf[Void].isAssignableFrom(klass)) this.Void
else if (isString(klass)) this.String
else if (classOf[Byte].isAssignableFrom(klass) || classOf[java.lang.Byte].isAssignableFrom(klass)) this.Byte
else if (classOf[Long].isAssignableFrom(klass) || classOf[java.lang.Long].isAssignableFrom(klass)) this.Long
else if (isInt(klass)) this.Int
else if (classOf[Float].isAssignableFrom(klass) || classOf[java.lang.Float].isAssignableFrom(klass)) this.Float
else if (isDecimal(klass)) this.Double
else if (isDate(klass)) this.Date
else if (isDateTime(klass)) this.DateTime
else if (isBool(klass)) this.Boolean
else if (classOf[scala.collection.Set[?]].isAssignableFrom(klass) || classOf[java.util.Set[?]].isAssignableFrom(klass)) {
if (st.typeArgs.nonEmpty) GenSet(fromScalaType(st.typeArgs.head))
else GenSet()
} else if (classOf[collection.Seq[?]].isAssignableFrom(klass) || classOf[java.util.List[?]].isAssignableFrom(klass)) {
if (st.typeArgs.nonEmpty) GenList(fromScalaType(st.typeArgs.head))
else GenList()
} else if (st.isMap) {
if (st.typeArgs.nonEmpty) GenMap(fromScalaType(st.typeArgs.last))
else GenMap()
} else if (st.isArray || isCollection(klass)) {
if (st.typeArgs.nonEmpty) GenArray(fromScalaType(st.typeArgs.head))
else GenArray()
} else {
val stt = if (st.isOption) st.typeArgs.head else st
new ValueDataType(stt.simpleName, qualifiedName = Option(stt.fullName))
private[this] val IntTypes =
Set[Class[?]](classOf[Int], classOf[java.lang.Integer], classOf[Short], classOf[java.lang.Short], classOf[BigInt], classOf[java.math.BigInteger])
private[this] def isInt(klass: Class[?]) = IntTypes.contains(klass)
private[this] val DecimalTypes =
Set[Class[?]](classOf[Double], classOf[java.lang.Double], classOf[BigDecimal], classOf[java.math.BigDecimal])
private[this] def isDecimal(klass: Class[?]) = DecimalTypes contains klass
private[this] val DateTypes =
private[this] def isDate(klass: Class[?]) = DateTypes.exists(_.isAssignableFrom(klass))
private[this] val DateTimeTypes =
Set[Class[?]](classOf[JDate], classOf[java.time.LocalDateTime], classOf[java.time.ZonedDateTime], classOf[java.time.OffsetDateTime],
private[this] def isDateTime(klass: Class[?]) = DateTimeTypes.exists(_.isAssignableFrom(klass))
private[this] def isCollection(klass: Class[?]) =
classOf[collection.Traversable[?]].isAssignableFrom(klass) ||
case class ApiInfo(
title: String,
description: String,
termsOfServiceUrl: String,
contact: ContactInfo,
license: LicenseInfo)
case class ContactInfo(
name: String,
url: String,
email: String)
case class LicenseInfo(
name: String,
url: String)
trait AllowableValues
object AllowableValues {
case object AnyValue extends AllowableValues
case class AllowableValuesList[T](values: List[T]) extends AllowableValues
case class AllowableRangeValues(values: Range) extends AllowableValues
def apply(): AllowableValues = empty
def apply[T](values: T*): AllowableValues = apply(values.toList)
def apply[T](values: List[T]): AllowableValues = AllowableValuesList(values)
def apply(values: Range): AllowableValues = AllowableRangeValues(values)
def empty = AnyValue
case class Parameter(
name: String,
`type`: DataType,
description: Option[String] = None,
paramType: ParamType.ParamType = ParamType.Query,
defaultValue: Option[String] = None,
allowableValues: AllowableValues = AllowableValues.AnyValue,
required: Boolean = true,
// TODO Add collectionFormat: Option[String] for Swagger 2.0
position: Int = 0,
example: Option[String] = None,
minimumValue: Option[Double] = None,
maximumValue: Option[Double] = None,
hidden: Boolean = false)
case class ModelProperty(
`type`: DataType,
position: Int = 0,
required: Boolean = false,
description: Option[String] = None,
allowableValues: AllowableValues = AllowableValues.AnyValue,
example: Option[String] = None,
default: Option[String] = None,
minimumValue: Option[Double] = None,
maximumValue: Option[Double] = None,
hidden: Boolean = false)
case class Model(
id: String,
name: String,
qualifiedName: Option[String] = None,
description: Option[String] = None,
properties: List[(String, ModelProperty)] = Nil,
baseModel: Option[String] = None,
discriminator: Option[String] = None) {
def setRequired(property: String, required: Boolean): Model = {
val prop = properties.find(_._1 == property).get
copy(properties = (property -> prop._2.copy(required = required)) :: properties)
def getVisibleProperties: Seq[(String, ModelProperty)] = properties.filter(!_._2.hidden)
case class LoginEndpoint(url: String)
case class TokenRequestEndpoint(url: String, clientIdName: String, clientSecretName: String)
case class TokenEndpoint(url: String, tokenName: String)
trait AuthorizationType {
def `type`: String
def keyName: String
def description: String
case class OAuth(
scopes: List[String],
grantTypes: List[GrantType],
keyName: String = "oauth2",
description: String = "") extends AuthorizationType {
override val `type` = "oauth2"
case class ApiKey(keyName: String, passAs: String = "header", description: String = "") extends AuthorizationType {
override val `type` = "apiKey"
case class BasicAuth(keyName: String, description: String = "") extends AuthorizationType {
override val `type` = "basic"
trait GrantType {
def `type`: String
case class ImplicitGrant(
loginEndpoint: LoginEndpoint,
tokenName: String) extends GrantType {
def `type` = "implicit"
case class AuthorizationCodeGrant(
tokenRequestEndpoint: TokenRequestEndpoint,
tokenEndpoint: TokenEndpoint) extends GrantType {
def `type` = "authorization_code"
case class ApplicationGrant(
tokenEndpoint: TokenEndpoint) extends GrantType {
def `type` = "application"
case class Operation(
method: HttpMethod,
operationId: String,
responseClass: DataType,
summary: String,
position: Int,
description: Option[String] = None,
deprecated: Boolean = false,
parameters: List[Parameter] = Nil,
responseMessages: List[ResponseMessage] = Nil,
consumes: List[String] = Nil,
produces: List[String] = Nil,
schemes: List[String] = Nil,
authorizations: List[String] = Nil,
tags: List[String] = Nil) {
def getVisibleParameters: List[Parameter] = parameters.filter(!_.hidden)
case class Endpoint(
path: String,
description: Option[String] = None,
operations: List[Operation] = Nil)
case class ResponseMessage(code: Int, message: String, responseModel: Option[String] = None)
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