org.scalatra.swagger.reflect.Reflector.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.scalatra.swagger.reflect
import java.lang.reflect._
import java.sql.Timestamp
import java.util.Date
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.util.control.Exception._
object Reflector {
private[this] val rawClasses = new Memo[Type, Class[?]]
private[this] val unmangledNames = new Memo[String, String]
private[this] val descriptors = new Memo[ScalaType, ObjectDescriptor]
private[this] val primitives = {
Set[Type](classOf[String], classOf[Char], classOf[Int], classOf[Long], classOf[Double],
classOf[Float], classOf[Byte], classOf[BigInt], classOf[Boolean],
classOf[Short], classOf[java.lang.Integer], classOf[java.lang.Long],
classOf[java.lang.Double], classOf[java.lang.Float], classOf[java.lang.Character],
classOf[java.lang.Byte], classOf[java.lang.Boolean], classOf[Number],
classOf[java.lang.Short], classOf[Date], classOf[Timestamp], classOf[Symbol], classOf[Unit])
private[this] val defaultExcluded = Set(classOf[Nothing], classOf[Null])
def isPrimitive(t: Type) = primitives contains t
def isExcluded(t: Type, excludes: Seq[Type] = Nil) = (defaultExcluded ++ excludes) contains t
def scalaTypeOf[T](implicit mf: Manifest[T]): ScalaType = ManifestScalaType(mf)
def scalaTypeOf(clazz: Class[?]): ScalaType = ManifestScalaType(ManifestFactory.manifestOf(clazz))
def scalaTypeOf(t: Type): ScalaType = ManifestScalaType(ManifestFactory.manifestOf(t))
private[this] val stringTypes = new Memo[String, Option[ScalaType]]
def scalaTypeOf(name: String): Option[ScalaType] =
stringTypes(name, resolveClass[AnyRef](_, ClassLoaders) map (c => scalaTypeOf(c)))
def describe[T](implicit mf: Manifest[T]): ObjectDescriptor = describe(scalaTypeOf[T])
def describe(clazz: Class[?]): ObjectDescriptor = describe(scalaTypeOf(clazz))
def describe(fqn: String): Option[ObjectDescriptor] =
scalaTypeOf(fqn) map (describe(_))
def describe(st: ScalaType, paranamer: ParameterNameReader = ParanamerReader): ObjectDescriptor =
descriptors(st, createDescriptor(_, paranamer))
def resolveClass[X <: AnyRef](c: String, classLoaders: Iterable[ClassLoader]): Option[Class[X]] = classLoaders match {
case Nil => sys.error("resolveClass: expected 1+ classloaders but received empty list")
case many => {
try {
var clazz: Class[?] = null
val iter = many.iterator
while (clazz == null && iter.hasNext) {
try {
clazz = Class.forName(c, true, iter.next())
} catch {
case e: ClassNotFoundException => // keep going, maybe it's in the next one
if (clazz != null) Some(clazz.asInstanceOf[Class[X]]) else None
} catch {
case _: Throwable => None
private[reflect] def createDescriptor(tpe: ScalaType, paramNameReader: ParameterNameReader = ParanamerReader): ObjectDescriptor = {
if (tpe.isPrimitive) {
PrimitiveDescriptor(tpe.simpleName, tpe.fullName, tpe)
} else {
val path = if (tpe.rawFullName.endsWith("$")) tpe.rawFullName else "%s$".format(tpe.rawFullName)
val c = resolveClass(path, Vector(getClass.getClassLoader))
val companion = c flatMap { cl =>
allCatch opt {
SingletonDescriptor(cl.getSimpleName, cl.getName, scalaTypeOf(cl), cl.getField(ModuleFieldName).get(null), Seq.empty)
def properties: Seq[PropertyDescriptor] = {
def fields(clazz: Class[?]): List[PropertyDescriptor] = {
val lb = new ArrayBuffer[PropertyDescriptor]()
val ls = clazz.getDeclaredFields.iterator
while (ls.hasNext) {
val f = ls.next()
val mod = f.getModifiers
if (!(Modifier.isStatic(mod) || Modifier.isTransient(mod) || Modifier.isVolatile(mod) || f.isSynthetic)) {
val st = ManifestScalaType(f.getType, f.getGenericType match {
case p: ParameterizedType => p.getActualTypeArguments.toSeq.zipWithIndex map {
case (cc, i) =>
if (cc == classOf[java.lang.Object]) Reflector.scalaTypeOf(ScalaSigReader.readField(f.getName, clazz, i))
else Reflector.scalaTypeOf(cc)
case _ => Nil
val decoded = unmangleName(f.getName)
lb += PropertyDescriptor(decoded, f.getName, st, f)
if (clazz.getSuperclass != null) lb ++= fields(clazz.getSuperclass)
def ctorParamType(name: String, index: Int, owner: ScalaType, ctorParameterNames: List[String], t: Type, container: Option[(ScalaType, List[Int])] = None): ScalaType = {
val idxes = container.map(_._2.reverse)
t match {
case v: TypeVariable[?] =>
val a = owner.typeVars.getOrElse(v, scalaTypeOf(v))
if (a.erasure == classOf[java.lang.Object]) {
val r = ScalaSigReader.readConstructor(name, owner, index, ctorParameterNames)
} else a
case v: ParameterizedType =>
val st = scalaTypeOf(v)
val actualArgs = v.getActualTypeArguments.toList.zipWithIndex map {
case (ct, idx) =>
val prev = container.map(_._2).getOrElse(Nil)
ctorParamType(name, index, owner, ctorParameterNames, ct, Some((st, idx :: prev)))
st.copy(typeArgs = actualArgs)
case v: WildcardType =>
val upper = v.getUpperBounds
if (upper != null && upper.nonEmpty) scalaTypeOf(upper(0))
else scalaTypeOf[AnyRef]
case x =>
val st = scalaTypeOf(x)
if (st.erasure == classOf[java.lang.Object]) {
scalaTypeOf(ScalaSigReader.readConstructor(name, owner, idxes getOrElse List(index), ctorParameterNames))
} else st
def constructors: Seq[ConstructorDescriptor] = {
tpe.erasure.getConstructors.toSeq map {
ctor =>
val ctorParameterNames = if (Modifier.isPublic(ctor.getModifiers) && ctor.getParameterTypes.length > 0)
allCatch opt { paramNameReader.lookupParameterNames(ctor) } getOrElse Nil
val genParams = ctor.getGenericParameterTypes
val ctorParams = ctorParameterNames.zipWithIndex map {
case (paramName, index) =>
val decoded = unmangleName(paramName)
val default = companion flatMap {
comp =>
defaultValue(comp.erasure.erasure, comp.instance, index)
val theType = ctorParamType(paramName, index, tpe, ctorParameterNames.toList, genParams(index))
ConstructorParamDescriptor(decoded, paramName, index, theType, default)
ConstructorDescriptor(ctorParams, ctor, isPrimary = false)
ClassDescriptor(tpe.simpleName, tpe.fullName, tpe, companion, constructors, properties)
def defaultValue(compClass: Class[?], compObj: AnyRef, argIndex: Int) = {
allCatch.withApply(_ => None) {
Option(compClass.getMethod("%s$%d".format(ConstructorDefault, argIndex + 1))) map { meth => () => meth.invoke(compObj)
def rawClassOf(t: Type): Class[?] = rawClasses(t, {
case c: Class[?] => c
case p: ParameterizedType => rawClassOf(p.getRawType)
case x => sys.error("Raw type of " + x + " not known")
def unmangleName(name: String) =
unmangledNames(name, scala.reflect.NameTransformer.decode)
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