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org.scalatra.test.HttpComponentsClient.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package org.scalatra.test

import org.apache.http.impl.client.{BasicCookieStore, DefaultHttpClient}
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse
import org.apache.http.client.methods._
import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity
import{OutputStream, File, ByteArrayOutputStream}
import org.apache.http.client.params.{CookiePolicy, ClientPNames}
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.{FormBodyPart, MultipartEntity, HttpMultipartMode}
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.{ContentBody, FileBody, StringBody}
import util.DynamicVariable
import org.apache.http.client.CookieStore

case class HttpComponentsClientResponse(res: HttpResponse) extends ClientResponse {
  lazy val bodyBytes: Array[Byte] = {
    Option(res.getEntity) match {
      case Some(entity) =>
        val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()


      case None => Array()

  def inputStream = res.getEntity.getContent

  def statusLine = {
    val sl = res.getStatusLine
    ResponseStatus(sl.getStatusCode, sl.getReasonPhrase)

  def headers = {
    res.getAllHeaders.foldLeft(Map[String, Seq[String]]()) { (hmap, header) =>
      val Array(name, value) = Array(header.getName, header.getValue)
      val values = hmap.getOrElse(name, Seq())

      hmap + (name -> (values :+ value))

trait HttpComponentsClient extends Client {
  def baseUrl: String

  private val _cookieStore = new DynamicVariable[CookieStore](null)

  def session[A](f: => A): A = {
    _cookieStore.withValue(new BasicCookieStore) { f }

  def submit[A](
    method: String,
    path: String,
    queryParams: Iterable[(String, String)] = Map.empty,
    headers: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
    body: Array[Byte] = null)(f: => A): A =
    val client = createClient
    val queryString = toQueryString(queryParams)
    val url = if (queryString == "")
      "%s/%s".format(baseUrl, path)
      "%s/%s?%s".format(baseUrl, path, queryString)

    val req = createMethod(method.toUpperCase, url)
    attachBody(req, body)
    attachHeaders(req, headers)

    withResponse(HttpComponentsClientResponse(client.execute(req))) { f }

  protected def submitMultipart[A](
    method: String,
    path: String,
    params: Iterable[(String, String)],
    headers: Map[String, String],
    files: Iterable[(String, Any)])(f: => A): A =
    val client = createClient
    val url = "%s/%s".format(baseUrl, path)
    val req = createMethod(method.toUpperCase, url)

    attachMultipartBody(req, params, files)
    attachHeaders(req, headers)

    withResponse(HttpComponentsClientResponse(client.execute(req))) { f }

  protected def createClient = {
    val client = new DefaultHttpClient()
    client.getParams.setBooleanParameter(ClientPNames.HANDLE_REDIRECTS, false)
    client.getParams.setParameter(ClientPNames.COOKIE_POLICY, CookiePolicy.BROWSER_COMPATIBILITY)

    if (_cookieStore.value != null) {


  private def attachHeaders(req: HttpRequestBase, headers: Map[String, String]) {
    headers.foreach { case (name, value) => req.setHeader(name, value) }

  private def createMethod(method: String, url: String) = {
    method match {
      case "GET"     => new HttpGet(url)
      case "HEAD"    => new HttpHead(url)
      case "OPTIONS" => new HttpOptions(url)
      case "DELETE"  => new HttpDelete(url)
      case "TRACE"   => new HttpTrace(url)
      case "POST"  => new HttpPost(url)
      case "PUT"   => new HttpPut(url)
      case "PATCH" => new HttpPatch(url)

  private def attachBody(req: HttpRequestBase, body: Array[Byte]) {
    if (body == null) return

    req match {
      case r: HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase =>
        r.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(body))

      case _ =>
        if (body.length > 0) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            """|HTTP %s does not support enclosing an entity.
               |Please remove the value from `body` parameter
               |or use POST/PUT/PATCH instead.""".stripMargin.format(req.getMethod))

  private def attachMultipartBody(
    req: HttpRequestBase,
    params: Iterable[(String, String)],
    files: Iterable[(String, Any)])

    if (params.isEmpty && files.isEmpty) {

    req match {
      case r: HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase =>
        val multipartEntity = new MultipartEntity(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE)
        params.foreach {
          case (name, value) =>
            multipartEntity.addPart(new FormBodyPart(name, new StringBody(value)))

        files.foreach {
          case (name, file) =>
            multipartEntity.addPart(name, createBody(name, file))


      case _ =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          """|HTTP %s does not support enclosing an entity.
             |Please remove the value from `body` parameter
             |or use POST/PUT/PATCH instead.""".stripMargin.format(req.getMethod))

  def createBody(name: String, content: Any) = content match {
    case file: File => UploadableBody(FilePart(file))
    case uploadable: Uploadable => UploadableBody(uploadable)

    case s: Any =>
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        ("The body type for file parameter '%s' could not be inferred. The " +
        "supported types are java.util.File and org.scalatra.test.Uploadable").format(name))

case class UploadableBody(uploadable: Uploadable) extends ContentBody {
  def getMimeType = uploadable.contentType

  def getMediaType = "MULTIPART"

  def getSubType = "FORM-DATA"

  def getCharset = null

  def getTransferEncoding = "binary"

  def getContentLength = uploadable.contentLength

  def getFilename = uploadable.fileName

  def writeTo(out: OutputStream) {

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