org.scalatra.ScalatraKernel.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.scalatra
import javax.servlet._
import javax.servlet.http._
import scala.util.DynamicVariable
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable.{ConcurrentMap, HashMap, ListBuffer}
import scala.xml.NodeSeq
import util.{MapWithIndifferentAccess, MultiMapHeadView, using}
import{File, FileInputStream}
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object ScalatraKernel
type MultiParams = Map[String, Seq[String]]
type Action = () => Any
val httpMethods = List("GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "OPTIONS")
val writeMethods = "POST" :: "PUT" :: "DELETE" :: Nil
val csrfKey = "csrfToken"
val EnvironmentKey = "org.scalatra.environment"
import ScalatraKernel._
* ScalatraKernel provides the DSL for building Scalatra applications.
* At it's core a type mixing in ScalatraKernel is a registry of possible actions,
* every request is dispatched to the first route matching.
* The [[org.scalatra.ScalatraKernel#get]], [[org.scalatra.ScalatraKernel#post]],
* [[org.scalatra.ScalatraKernel#put]] and [[org.scalatra.ScalatraKernel#delete]]
* methods register a new action to a route for a given HTTP method, possibly
* overwriting a previous one. This trait is thread safe.
trait ScalatraKernel extends Handler with Initializable
protected val Routes: ConcurrentMap[String, List[Route]] = {
val map = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, List[Route]]
httpMethods foreach { x: String => map += ((x, List[Route]())) }
def contentType = response.getContentType
def contentType_=(value: String): Unit = response.setContentType(value)
protected val defaultCharacterEncoding = "UTF-8"
protected val _response = new DynamicVariable[HttpServletResponse](null)
protected val _request = new DynamicVariable[HttpServletRequest](null)
protected implicit def requestWrapper(r: HttpServletRequest) = RichRequest(r)
protected implicit def sessionWrapper(s: HttpSession) = new RichSession(s)
protected implicit def servletContextWrapper(sc: ServletContext) = new RichServletContext(sc)
protected[scalatra] class Route(val routeMatchers: Iterable[RouteMatcher], val action: Action) {
def apply(realPath: String): Option[Any] = RouteMatcher.matchRoute(routeMatchers) flatMap { invokeAction(_) }
private def invokeAction(routeParams: MultiParams) =
_multiParams.withValue(multiParams ++ routeParams) {
try {
catch {
case e: PassException => None
override def toString() = routeMatchers.toString
* Pluggable way to convert Strings into RouteMatchers. By default, we
* interpret them the same way Sinatra does.
protected implicit def string2RouteMatcher(path: String): RouteMatcher =
* Path pattern is decoupled from requests. This adapts the PathPattern to
* a RouteMatcher by supplying the request path.
protected implicit def pathPatternParser2RouteMatcher(pattern: PathPattern): RouteMatcher =
new RouteMatcher {
def apply() = pattern(requestPath)
// By overriding toString, we can list the available routes in the
// default notFound handler.
override def toString = pattern.regex.toString
protected implicit def regex2RouteMatcher(regex: Regex): RouteMatcher = new RouteMatcher {
def apply() = regex.findFirstMatchIn(requestPath) map { _.subgroups match {
case Nil => Map.empty
case xs => Map("captures" -> xs)
override def toString = regex.toString
protected implicit def booleanBlock2RouteMatcher(matcher: => Boolean): RouteMatcher =
() => { if (matcher) Some(Map[String, Seq[String]]()) else None }
def handle(request: HttpServletRequest, response: HttpServletResponse) {
// As default, the servlet tries to decode params with ISO_8859-1.
// It causes an EOFException if params are actually encoded with the other code (such as UTF-8)
if (request.getCharacterEncoding == null)
val realMultiParams = request.getParameterMap.asInstanceOf[java.util.Map[String,Array[String]]].toMap
.transform { (k, v) => v: Seq[String] }
_request.withValue(request) {
_response.withValue(response) {
_multiParams.withValue(Map() ++ realMultiParams) {
val result = try {
beforeFilters foreach { _() }
Routes(effectiveMethod).toStream.flatMap { _(requestPath) }.headOption.getOrElse(doNotFound())
catch {
case HaltException(Some(code), Some(msg)) => response.sendError(code, msg)
case HaltException(Some(code), None) => response.sendError(code)
case HaltException(None, _) =>
case e => handleError(e)
finally {
afterFilters foreach { _() }
protected def effectiveMethod = request.getMethod.toUpperCase match {
case "HEAD" => "GET"
case x => x
def requestPath: String
protected val beforeFilters = new ListBuffer[() => Any]
def before(fun: => Any) = beforeFilters += { () => fun }
protected val afterFilters = new ListBuffer[() => Any]
def after(fun: => Any) = afterFilters += { () => fun }
protected var doNotFound: Action
def notFound(fun: => Any) = doNotFound = { () => fun }
protected def handleError(e: Throwable): Any = {
_caughtThrowable.withValue(e) { errorHandler() }
protected var errorHandler: Action = { () => throw caughtThrowable }
def error(fun: => Any) = errorHandler = { () => fun }
private val _caughtThrowable = new DynamicVariable[Throwable](null)
protected def caughtThrowable = _caughtThrowable.value
protected def renderResponse(actionResult: Any) {
if (contentType == null)
contentType = inferContentType(actionResult)
protected def inferContentType(actionResult: Any): String = actionResult match {
case _: NodeSeq => "text/html"
case _: Array[Byte] => "application/octet-stream"
case _ => "text/plain"
protected def renderResponseBody(actionResult: Any) {
actionResult match {
case bytes: Array[Byte] =>
case file: File =>
using(new FileInputStream(file)) { in => copy(in, response.getOutputStream) }
case _: Unit =>
// If an action returns Unit, it assumes responsibility for the response
case x: Any =>
protected[scalatra] val _multiParams = new DynamicVariable[Map[String, Seq[String]]](Map())
protected def multiParams: MultiParams = (_multiParams.value).withDefaultValue(Seq.empty)
* Assumes that there is never a null or empty value in multiParams. The servlet container won't put them
* in request.getParameters, and we shouldn't either.
protected val _params = new MultiMapHeadView[String, String] with MapWithIndifferentAccess[String] {
protected def multiMap = multiParams
def params = _params
def redirect(uri: String) = (_response value) sendRedirect uri
implicit def request = _request value
implicit def response = _response value
def session = request.getSession
def sessionOption = request.getSession(false) match {
case s: HttpSession => Some(s)
case null => None
def status(code: Int) = (_response value) setStatus code
def halt(code: Int, msg: String) = throw new HaltException(Some(code), Some(msg))
def halt(code: Int) = throw new HaltException(Some(code), None)
def halt() = throw new HaltException(None, None)
private case class HaltException(val code: Option[Int], val msg: Option[String]) extends RuntimeException
def pass() = throw new PassException
protected[scalatra] class PassException extends RuntimeException
* The Scalatra DSL core methods take a list of [[org.scalatra.RouteMatcher]] and a block as
* the action body.
* The return value of the block is converted to a string and sent to the client as the response body.
* See [[org.scalatra.ScalatraKernel.renderResponseBody]] for the detailed behaviour and how to handle your
* response body more explicitly, and see how different return types are handled.
* The block is executed in the context of the ScalatraKernel instance, so all the methods defined in
* this trait are also available inside the block.
* {{{
* get("/") {
* }
* post("/echo") {
* "hello {params('name)}!"
* }
* }}}
* ScalatraKernel provides implicit transformation from boolean blocks, strings and regular expressions
* to [[org.scalatra.RouteMatcher]], so you can write code naturally
* {{{
* get("/", request.getRemoteHost == "") { "Hello localhost!" }
* }}}
def get(routeMatchers: RouteMatcher*)(action: => Any) = addRoute("GET", routeMatchers, action)
* @see [[org.scalatra.ScalatraKernel.get]]
def post(routeMatchers: RouteMatcher*)(action: => Any) = addRoute("POST", routeMatchers, action)
* @see [[org.scalatra.ScalatraKernel.get]]
def put(routeMatchers: RouteMatcher*)(action: => Any) = addRoute("PUT", routeMatchers, action)
* @see [[org.scalatra.ScalatraKernel.get]]
def delete(routeMatchers: RouteMatcher*)(action: => Any) = addRoute("DELETE", routeMatchers, action)
* @see [[org.scalatra.ScalatraKernel.get]]
def options(routeMatchers: RouteMatcher*)(action: => Any) = addRoute("OPTIONS", routeMatchers, action)
* registers a new route for the given HTTP method, can be overriden so that subtraits can use their own logic
* for example, restricting protocol usage, namespace routes based on class name, raise errors on overlapping entries
* etc.
* This is the method invoked by get(), post() etc.
* @see removeRoute
protected[scalatra] def addRoute(verb: String, routeMatchers: Iterable[RouteMatcher], action: => Any): Route = {
val route = new Route(routeMatchers, () => action)
modifyRoutes(verb, route :: _ )
* removes _all_ the actions of a given route for a given HTTP method.
* If [[addRoute]] is overriden this should probably be overriden too.
* @see addRoute
protected def removeRoute(verb: String, route: Route): Unit = {
modifyRoutes(verb, _ filterNot (_ == route) )
* since routes is a ConcurrentMap and we avoid locking, we need to retry if there are
* concurrent modifications, this is abstracted here for removeRoute and addRoute
@tailrec private def modifyRoutes(protocol: String, f: (List[Route] => List[Route])): Unit = {
val oldRoutes = Routes(protocol)
if (!Routes.replace(protocol, oldRoutes, f(oldRoutes))) {
private var config: Config = _
def initialize(config: Config) = this.config = config
def initParameter(name: String): Option[String] = config match {
case config: ServletConfig => Option(config.getInitParameter(name))
case config: FilterConfig => Option(config.getInitParameter(name))
case _ => None
def environment: String = System.getProperty(EnvironmentKey, initParameter(EnvironmentKey).getOrElse("development"))
def isDevelopmentMode = environment.toLowerCase.startsWith("dev")
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