org.scalatra.servlet.RichServletContext.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.scalatra
package servlet
import{ MalformedURLException, URL }
import java.{ util => jutil }
import org.scalatra.ServletCompat.http.{ HttpServlet, HttpServletRequest }
import org.scalatra.ServletCompat.{ DispatcherType, Filter, ServletContext }
* Extension methods to the standard ServletContext.
case class RichServletContext(sc: ServletContext) extends AttributesMap {
protected[this] type A = ServletContext
protected[this] override def attributes = sc
protected[this] override def attributesTypeClass: Attributes[A] = Attributes[A]
* Optionally returns a URL to the resource mapped to the given path. This
* is a wrapper around `getResource`.
* @param path the path to the resource
* @return the resource located at the path, or None if there is no resource
* at that path.
def resource(path: String): Option[URL] = {
try {
} catch {
case e: MalformedURLException => throw e
* Optionally returns the resource mapped to the request's path.
* @param req the request
* @return the resource located at the result of concatenating the request's
* servlet path and its path info, or None if there is no resource at that path.
def resource(req: HttpServletRequest): Option[URL] = {
val path = req.getServletPath + (Option(req.getPathInfo) getOrElse "")
private[this] def pathMapping(urlPattern: String): String = urlPattern match {
case s if s.endsWith("/*") => s
case s if s.endsWith("/") => s + "*"
case s => s + "/*"
* Mounts a handler to the servlet context. Must be an HttpServlet or a
* Filter.
* @param handler the handler to mount
* @param urlPattern the URL pattern to mount. Will be appended with `\/\*` if
* not already, as path-mapping is the most natural fit for Scalatra.
* If you don't want path mapping, use the native Servlet API.
* @param name the name of the handler
def mount(handler: Handler, urlPattern: String, name: String): Unit = {
mount(handler, urlPattern, name, 1)
* Mounts a handler to the servlet context. Must be an HttpServlet or a
* Filter.
* @param handler the handler to mount
* @param urlPattern the URL pattern to mount. Will be appended with `\/\*` if
* not already, as path-mapping is the most natural fit for Scalatra.
* If you don't want path mapping, use the native Servlet API.
* @param name the name of the handler
def mount(handler: Handler, urlPattern: String, name: String, loadOnStartup: Int): Unit = {
val pathMap = pathMapping(urlPattern)
handler match {
case servlet: HttpServlet => mountServlet(servlet, pathMap, name, loadOnStartup)
case filter: Filter => mountFilter(filter, pathMap, name)
case _ => sys.error("Don't know how to mount this service to a servletContext: " + handler.getClass)
def mount(handler: Handler, urlPattern: String): Unit = mount(handler, urlPattern, 1)
def mount(handler: Handler, urlPattern: String, loadOnStartup: Int): Unit = {
mount(handler, urlPattern, handler.getClass.getName, loadOnStartup)
def mount[T](
handlerClass: Class[T],
urlPattern: String,
name: String,
loadOnStartup: Int = 1): Unit = {
val pathMap = pathMapping(urlPattern)
if (classOf[HttpServlet].isAssignableFrom(handlerClass)) {
mountServlet(handlerClass.asInstanceOf[Class[HttpServlet]], pathMap, name, loadOnStartup)
} else if (classOf[Filter].isAssignableFrom(handlerClass)) {
mountFilter(handlerClass.asInstanceOf[Class[Filter]], pathMap, name)
} else {
sys.error("Don't know how to mount this service to a servletContext: " + handlerClass)
def mount[T](handlerClass: Class[T], urlPattern: String): Unit = mount[T](handlerClass, urlPattern, 1)
def mount[T](handlerClass: Class[T], urlPattern: String, loadOnStartup: Int): Unit = {
mount(handlerClass, urlPattern, handlerClass.getName, loadOnStartup)
private def mountServlet(
servlet: HttpServlet,
urlPattern: String,
name: String,
loadOnStartup: Int): Unit = {
val reg = Option(sc.getServletRegistration(name)) getOrElse {
val r = sc.addServlet(name, servlet)
servlet match {
case s: HasMultipartConfig =>
case _ =>
if (servlet.isInstanceOf[ScalatraAsyncSupport])
private def mountServlet(
servletClass: Class[HttpServlet],
urlPattern: String,
name: String,
loadOnStartup: Int): Unit = {
val reg = Option(sc.getServletRegistration(name)) getOrElse {
val r = sc.addServlet(name, servletClass)
// since we only have a Class[_] here, we can't access the MultipartConfig value
// if (classOf[HasMultipartConfig].isAssignableFrom(servletClass))
if (classOf[ScalatraAsyncSupport].isAssignableFrom(servletClass)) {
private def mountFilter(filter: Filter, urlPattern: String, name: String): Unit = {
val reg = Option(sc.getFilterRegistration(name)) getOrElse {
val r = sc.addFilter(name, filter)
if (filter.isInstanceOf[ScalatraAsyncSupport])
// We don't have an elegant way of threading this all the way through
// in an abstract fashion, so we'll dispatch on everything.
val dispatchers = jutil.EnumSet.allOf(classOf[DispatcherType])
reg.addMappingForUrlPatterns(dispatchers, true, urlPattern)
private def mountFilter(filterClass: Class[Filter], urlPattern: String, name: String): Unit = {
val reg = Option(sc.getFilterRegistration(name)) getOrElse {
val r = sc.addFilter(name, filterClass)
if (classOf[ScalatraAsyncSupport].isAssignableFrom(filterClass)) {
// We don't have an elegant way of threading this all the way through
// in an abstract fashion, so we'll dispatch on everything.
val dispatchers = jutil.EnumSet.allOf(classOf[DispatcherType])
reg.addMappingForUrlPatterns(dispatchers, true, urlPattern)
* A free form string representing the environment.
* `org.scalatra.Environment` is looked up as a system property, and if
* absent, as an init parameter. The default value is `DEVELOPMENT`.
def environment: String = {
sys.props.get(EnvironmentKey) orElse Option(sc.getInitParameter(EnvironmentKey)) getOrElse ("DEVELOPMENT")
def contextPath: String = sc.getContextPath
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