org.scalawag.bateman.json.parser2.JsonParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// bateman -- Copyright 2021 -- Justin Patterson
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package org.scalawag.bateman.json.parser2
import cats.syntax.validated._
import org.scalawag.bateman.json._
import org.scalawag.bateman.json.decoding._
import fastparse.NoWhitespace._
import fastparse._
object JsonParser {
def parse(text: String, source: Option[String] = None): ParseResult[JAny] =
new JsonParser(text, source)
// Do this all at once after parsing so that we don't have to maintain the state down through the parser.
private def addPointers(j: JAny): JAny = {
def go(pointer: JPointer, jany: JAny): JAny =
jany match {
case x: JNull => x.copy(pointer = pointer)
case x: JBoolean => x.copy(pointer = pointer)
case x: JString => x.copy(pointer = pointer)
case x: JNumber => x.copy(pointer = pointer)
case x: JObject =>
fieldList = { f =>
val p = pointer /
name = = p),
value = go(p, f.value)
pointer = pointer
case x: JArray =>
items = {
case (v, n) =>
go(pointer / n, v)
pointer = pointer
go(JPointer.Root, j)
class JsonParser private (input: String, source: Option[String] = None) {
private def ws[_: P] = P(CharIn("\t\r\n ").rep(1))
private def hexDigit[_: P] = P(CharIn("0-9", "a-f", "A-F"))
private def twoCharacterEscape[_: P]: P[Char] =
P( {
case c @ ("\"" | "/" | "\\") => c.head
case "b" => '\b'
case "f" => '\f'
case "r" => '\r'
case "n" => '\n'
case "t" => '\t'
private def sixCharacterEscape[_: P]: P[Char] =
P("u" ~ hexDigit.rep(4, "", 4).!).map { s =>
java.lang.Integer.parseInt(s, 16).toChar
private def escapedCharacter[_: P]: P[String] =
private def escapeSequence[_: P]: P[Char] =
P("\\" ~/ (twoCharacterEscape | sixCharacterEscape))
// strings: TODO: exclude control characters (U+0000 to U+001F) here
private def quote[_: P] = P("\"")
private def notQuote[_: P] = P(CharPred(_ != '"').!.map(_.head))
private def quotedStringChars[_: P]: P[String] =
P((escapeSequence | notQuote).rep).map(_.mkString)
private def string[_: P] =
P(Index ~ quote ~ quotedStringChars ~ quote).map {
case (index, s) =>
JString(s, locationForIndex(index), null)
private def comma[_: P] = P(ws.? ~ "," ~/ ws.?)
private def array[_: P]: P[JArray] =
P(Index ~ "[" ~/ jsonExpr.rep(sep = comma) ~ "]").map {
case (index, items) =>
// Prepend the index onto each of the pointers contained in here.
JArray(items.toList, locationForIndex(index), null)
private def field[_: P]: P[JField] =
P {
(string ~ ws.? ~ ":" ~ ws.? ~ jsonExpr).map(JField.tupled)
private def `object`[_: P]: P[JObject] =
P {
(Index ~ "{" ~/ ws.? ~ field.rep(sep = comma) ~ ws.? ~/ "}").map {
case (index, fields) =>
JObject(fields.toList, locationForIndex(index), null)
private def `"null"`[_: P]: P[JNull] =
P {
(Index ~ "null").map { index =>
JNull(locationForIndex(index), null)
private def boolean[_: P]: P[JBoolean] =
P {
(Index ~ ("true" | "false").!).map {
case (index, b) =>
JBoolean(b.toBoolean, locationForIndex(index), null)
private def digit[_: P] = P(CharIn("0-9"))
private def digits[_: P] = P(digit.rep(1))
private def sign[_: P] = P("-")
private def integral[_: P] = P("0" | CharIn("1-9") ~ digits.?)
private def fractional[_: P] = P("." ~ digits)
private def exponent[_: P] = P(CharIn("eE") ~ CharIn("+\\-").? ~ digits)
private def number[_: P]: P[JNumber] =
P {
(Index ~ (sign.? ~ integral ~/ fractional.? ~ exponent.?).!).map {
case (index, s) =>
JNumber(s, locationForIndex(index), null)
private def jsonExpr[_: P]: P[JAny] =
P {
ws.? ~ (`object` | array | `"null"` | boolean | number | string) ~ ws.?
private def root[_: P] = P(jsonExpr ~ End)
def parse: ParseResult[JAny] =
fastparse.parse(input, root(_), verboseFailures = true) match {
case Parsed.Success(value, _) => Right(value)
case f: Parsed.Failure => Left(SyntaxError(locationForIndex(f.index), f))
// This is just a list of the index offset for the beginning of each line to speed up the location derivation.
private val lineForIndex: List[Int] =
.scanLeft(0)(_ + _ + 1)
private def locationForIndex(index: Int): JLocation = {
val (offset, line) = lineForIndex.zipWithIndex.takeWhile(_._1 <= index).last
JLocation(line + 1, index - offset + 1)
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