scalaxb.compiler.wsdl11.GenSource.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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scalaxb is an XML data-binding tool for Scala that supports W3C XML Schema (xsd) and wsdl.
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2011 e.e d3si9n
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package scalaxb.compiler.wsdl11
trait GenSource {
import scalashim._
import wsdl11._
import scalaxb.{DataRecord}
import scalaxb.compiler.{Config, Snippet, ReferenceNotFound, Module, Log}
import Module.{NL, indent, camelCase}
import scala.xml.Node
import scalaxb.compiler.xsd.{ReferenceTypeSymbol, SimpleTypeDecl, ComplexTypeDecl, BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol,
XsTypeSymbol, AnyType, XsAnyType}
val WSDL_SOAP11 = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/"
val WSDL_SOAP12 = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/"
val WSDL_HTTP = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http"
val SOAP_MEP_REQUEST_RESPONSE = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/mep/request-response"
val SOAP_MEP_SOAP_RESPONSE = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap/mep/soap-response"
private val logger = Log.forName("wsdl.GenSource")
def context: WsdlContext
def scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding
def schemas = context.xsdcontext.schemas.toList
def xsdgenerator: scalaxb.compiler.xsd.GenSource
lazy val targetNamespace: Option[String] = xsdgenerator.schema.targetNamespace
lazy val pkg = xsdgenerator.packageName(targetNamespace, xsdgenerator.context)
def generate(definition: XDefinitionsType, bindings: Seq[XBindingType]): Snippet = {
(soap11Bindings(bindings) map {makeSoap11Binding}) ++
(soap12Bindings(bindings) map {makeSoap12Binding}): _*)
def soap12Bindings(bindings: Seq[XBindingType]) =
bindings filter { binding =>
binding.any exists {
case DataRecord(_, _, node: Node) => node.scope.getURI((node.prefix)) == WSDL_SOAP12
case _ => false
def soap11Bindings(bindings: Seq[XBindingType]) =
if (!soap12Bindings(bindings).isEmpty) Nil
else bindings filter { binding =>
binding.any exists {
case DataRecord(_, _, node: Node) => node.scope.getURI((node.prefix)) == WSDL_SOAP11
case _ => false
def isMultiPart(param: XParamType, bindingOption: Option[XStartWithExtensionsTypable]): Boolean =
(paramMessage(param).part.size > 1) ||
def isEmptyPart(param: XParamType, bindingOption: Option[XStartWithExtensionsTypable]): Boolean =
paramMessage(param).part.isEmpty && headerBindings(bindingOption).isEmpty
// generate method signature
def makeOperation(binding: XBinding_operationType, intf: XPortTypeType,
defaultDocument: Boolean, soap12: Boolean): String = {
val op = boundOperation(binding, intf)
val document = isDocument(binding, defaultDocument)
def arg(input: XParamType): String =
if (document) {
if (isEmptyPart(input, binding.input)) ""
else if (!isMultiPart(input, binding.input)) buildIRIStyleArgs(input) map {_.toScalaCode} mkString(", ")
else makeOperationInputArgs(binding, intf) map {_.toScalaCode} mkString(", ")
else buildRPCStyleArgs(input) map {_.toScalaCode} mkString(", ")
val name = camelCase(op.name)
logger.debug("makeOperation: " + name)
val retval = op.xoperationtypeoption match {
case DataRecord(_, _, XOnewayoperationSequence(input)) =>
"def %s(%s): Unit".format(name, arg(input))
case DataRecord(_, _, XRequestresponseoperationSequence(input, output, faults)) =>
"def %s(%s): Either[%s, %s]".format(name, arg(input),
faultsToTypeName(faults, soap12), outputTypeName(binding, op, output, document))
case DataRecord(_, _, XSolicitresponseoperationSequence(output, input, faults)) =>
"def %s(%s): Either[%s, %s]".format(name, arg(input),
faultsToTypeName(faults, soap12), outputTypeName(binding, op, output, document))
case DataRecord(_, _, XNotificationoperationSequence(output)) =>
"def %s: %s".format(name, outputTypeName(binding, op, output, document))
case _ => sys.error("unsupported.")
logger.debug("makeOperation: " + retval)
def operationParts(op: XOperationType): (Option[XParamType], Option[XParamType], Option[Seq[XFaultType]]) =
op.xoperationtypeoption match {
case DataRecord(_, _, XOnewayoperationSequence(input)) => (Some(input), None, None)
case DataRecord(_, _, XRequestresponseoperationSequence(input, output, faults)) =>
(Some(input), Some(output), Some(faults))
case DataRecord(_, _, XSolicitresponseoperationSequence(output, input, faults)) =>
(Some(input), Some(output), Some(faults))
case DataRecord(_, _, XNotificationoperationSequence(output)) =>
(None, Some(output), None)
case _ => sys.error("unsupported.")
def makeOperationOutputWrapperName(op: XOperationType): String =
xsdgenerator.makeTypeName(op.name + "Output")
def makeOperationWrapperParams(op: XOperationType, headers: Seq[HeaderBinding],
symbol: XsTypeSymbol): Seq[ParamCache] = {
val param = ParamCache("value", xsdgenerator.buildTypeName(symbol), false)
val headerParams = headers flatMap { header =>
val message = context.messages(splitTypeName(header.message))
message.part find {_.name == Some(header.part)} map {toParamCache}
param +: headerParams
def makeOperationInputArgs(binding: XBinding_operationType, intf: XPortTypeType): Seq[ParamCache] = {
val op = boundOperation(binding, intf)
val headers = headerBindings(binding.input)
val symbol = operationParts(op) match {
case (Some(input), _, _) => toTypeSymbol(input)
case _ => sys.error("expected input:" + op.name)
makeOperationWrapperParams(op, headers, symbol)
def makeOperationOutputArgs(binding: XBinding_operationType, intf: XPortTypeType): Seq[ParamCache] = {
val op = boundOperation(binding, intf)
val headers = headerBindings(binding.output)
val symbol = operationParts(op) match {
case (_, Some(ouput), _) => toTypeSymbol(ouput)
case _ => sys.error("expected ouput: " + op.name)
makeOperationWrapperParams(op, headers, symbol)
// generate case class for op binding in case the soap header is bound.
def makeOperationOutput(binding: XBinding_operationType, intf: XPortTypeType): Option[String] = {
val op = boundOperation(binding, intf)
operationParts(op)._2 flatMap { output =>
isMultiPart(output, binding.output) map { _ =>
val op = boundOperation(binding, intf)
"case class %s(%s)" format(
makeOperationOutputArgs(binding, intf) map {_.toScalaCode} mkString(", ")
def boundOperation(binding: XBinding_operationType, intf: XPortTypeType) =
(intf.operation filter {_.name == binding.name}).headOption getOrElse {
sys.error("operation %s was not found in %s".format(binding.name, intf.name))
def isDocument(binding: XBinding_operationType, defaultDocument: Boolean) =
binding.any.headOption match {
case Some(DataRecord(_, _, node: Node)) => (node \ "@style").headOption map {
_.text == "document"} getOrElse {defaultDocument}
case _ => defaultDocument
// generate method impl
def makeSoapOpBinding(binding: XBinding_operationType, intf: XPortTypeType,
defaultDocument: Boolean, soap12: Boolean): String = {
val op = boundOperation(binding, intf)
logger.debug("makeSoap12OpBinding: " + op.name)
val address = "baseAddress"
val quotedMethod = "\"POST\""
val action = binding.any.headOption match {
case Some(DataRecord(_, _, node: Node)) => (node \ "@soapAction").headOption map {_.text}
case _ => None
val document = isDocument(binding, defaultDocument)
val actionString = action map {"Some(new java.net.URI(\"%s\"))".format(_)} getOrElse {"None"}
def faultString(faults: Seq[XFaultType]): String = faultsToFaultParamTypeName(faults) match {
case "Any" => "x"
case x => "x.asFault[%s]".format(x)
val opImpl = op.xoperationtypeoption match {
case DataRecord(_, _, XOnewayoperationSequence(input)) =>
// "def %s(%s): Unit".format(op.name, arg(input))
| %s, defaultScope, %s, %s, %s) match {
| case Left(x) => error(x.toString)
| case Right(x) => ()
| }""".stripMargin.format(bodyString(op, input, binding, document),
headerString(op, input, binding, document), address, quotedMethod, actionString)
case DataRecord(_, _, XRequestresponseoperationSequence(input, output, faults)) =>
// "def %s(%s): Option[scalaxb.Fault[%s]]".format(op.name, arg(input), faultsToTypeName(faults))
| %s, defaultScope, %s, %s, %s) match {
| case Left(x) => Left(%s)
| case Right((header, body)) =>
| Right(%s)
| }""".stripMargin.format(
bodyString(op, input, binding, document),
headerString(op, input, binding, document), address, quotedMethod, actionString,
faultString(faults), outputString(output, binding, op, document, soap12))
case DataRecord(_, _, XSolicitresponseoperationSequence(output, input, faults)) =>
// "def %s(%s): Either[scalaxb.Fault[Any], %s]".format(op.name, arg(input), paramTypeName)
| %s, defaultScope, %s, %s, %s) match {
| case Left(x) => Left(%s)
| case Right((header, body)) =>
| Right(%s)
| }""".format(
bodyString(op, input, binding, document),
headerString(op, input, binding, document), address, quotedMethod, actionString,
faultString(faults), outputString(output, binding, op, document, soap12))
case DataRecord(_, _, XNotificationoperationSequence(output)) =>
// "def %s: %s".format(op.name, paramTypeName)
"""soapClient.requestResponse(Nil, defaultScope, %s, %s, %s) match {
| case Left(x) => error(x.toString)
| case Right((header, body)) =>
| %s
| }""".stripMargin.format(address, quotedMethod, actionString, outputString(output, binding, op, document, soap12))
case _ => sys.error("unsupported.")
val retval = makeOperation(binding, intf, defaultDocument, soap12) + " = " + NL +
" " + opImpl
case class BodyBinding(literal: Boolean, encodingStyle: Option[String], namespace: Option[String])
// http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_soap:body
def bodyBinding(spec: Option[XStartWithExtensionsTypable]): BodyBinding = {
val b = spec flatMap {
_.any collect {
case DataRecord(_, Some("body"), node: Node) => node
} headOption
BodyBinding(b flatMap { node =>
(node \ "@use").headOption map {_.text == "literal"}
} getOrElse {true},
b flatMap { node => (node \ "@encodingStyle").headOption map {_.text} },
b flatMap { node => (node \ "@namespace").headOption map {_.text} }
case class HeaderBinding(literal: Boolean, message: javax.xml.namespace.QName, part: String,
encodingStyle: Option[String], namespace: Option[String])
// http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_soap:header
def headerBindings(spec: Option[XStartWithExtensionsTypable]): Seq[HeaderBinding] = {
val b: Seq[Node] = spec.toSeq flatMap {
_.any collect {
case DataRecord(_, Some("header"), node: Node) => node
b map { node =>
HeaderBinding((node \ "@use").headOption map {_.text == "literal"} getOrElse {true},
scalaxb.fromXML[javax.xml.namespace.QName](node \ "@message")(scalaxb.XMLStandardTypes.qnameXMLFormat(node.scope)),
(node \ "@part").text,
(node \ "@encodingStyle").headOption map {_.text},
(node \ "@namespace").headOption map {_.text}
def headerString(op: XOperationType, input: XParamType, binding: XBinding_operationType, document: Boolean): String =
headerBindings(binding.input).toList flatMap { b =>
val message = context.messages(splitTypeName(b.message))
message.part find {_.name == Some(b.part)} map { p =>
val param = toParamCache(p)
val v = param.toParamName
val label =
if (b.literal && p.element.isDefined) "\"%s\"".format(toElement(p).name)
else "\"%s\"".format(p.name.getOrElse {"in"})
val namespace =
if (b.literal && p.element.isDefined) toElement(p).namespace
else if (b.literal && document) None
else b.namespace
val nsString = namespace map {"Some(\"%s\")".format(_)} getOrElse {"None"}
val post =
if (b.literal && document && !p.element.isDefined) """ match {
case e: scala.xml.Elem => e.child
case _ => error("Elem not found!")
else ""
"scalaxb.toXML(%s, %s, %s, defaultScope)%s".format(v, nsString, label, post)
} match {
case Nil => "Nil"
case x :: Nil => x
case xs => "Seq.concat(%s)" format (xs.mkString("," + NL + " "))
// http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl#_soap:body
// "If use is literal, then each part references a concrete schema definition using either the element or type attribute."
// http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-part0/#L1185
def bodyString(op: XOperationType, input: XParamType, binding: XBinding_operationType, document: Boolean): String = {
val b = bodyBinding(binding.input)
lazy val entity = toTypeSymbol(input) match {
case AnyType(_) => (buildIRIStyleArgs(input) map {_.toParamName}).head
case symbol: BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol => (buildIRIStyleArgs(input) map {_.toParamName}).head
case ReferenceTypeSymbol(decl: SimpleTypeDecl) => (buildIRIStyleArgs(input) map {_.toParamName}).head
case _ =>
"%s(%s)".format(paramTypeName(input), buildIRIStyleArgs(input) map {_.toVarg} mkString(", "))
lazy val opLabel = "\"%s\"".format(op.name)
lazy val prefix = "targetNamespace map {defaultScope.getPrefix(_)} getOrElse {\"\"}"
lazy val args = paramMessage(input).part map { p =>
val v =
if (document) {
if (isMultiPart(input, binding.input)) "value"
else entity
else p.name.getOrElse {"in"}
val label =
if (b.literal && p.element.isDefined) "\"%s\"".format(toElement(p).name)
else if (b.literal && document) """"Body"""" // """
else "\"%s\"".format(p.name.getOrElse {"in"})
val namespace =
if (b.literal && p.element.isDefined) toElement(p).namespace
else if (b.literal && document) None
else b.namespace
val nsString = namespace map {"Some(\"%s\")".format(_)} getOrElse {"None"}
val post =
if (b.literal && document && !p.element.isDefined) """ match {
case e: scala.xml.Elem => e.child
case _ => error("Elem not found!")
else ""
"scalaxb.toXML(%s, %s, %s, defaultScope)%s".format(v, nsString, label, post)
lazy val argsString =
args.headOption map { _ => args.mkString(" ++ " + NL + " ") } getOrElse {"Nil"}
if (document) args match {
case x :: xs => x
case _ => "Nil"
else """scala.xml.Elem(%s, %s, scala.xml.Null, defaultScope,
%s: _*)""".format(prefix, opLabel, argsString)
def outputString(output: XParamType, binding: XBinding_operationType,
op: XOperationType, document: Boolean, soap12: Boolean): String = {
val parts = paramMessage(output).part
if (parts.isEmpty) "()"
else {
val b = bodyBinding(binding.output)
val multipart = isMultiPart(output, binding.output)
val fromXmls = (parts map { p =>
val v =
if (b.literal && p.element.isDefined) "body.headOption getOrElse {body}"
else if (b.literal) """scala.xml.Elem("", "Body", scala.xml.Null, defaultScope, body.toSeq: _*)"""
else if (!soap12) """(scalaxb.Helper.resolveSoap11Refs(body.head) \ "%s").head""" format (p.name.get)
else """(body.head \ "%s").head""" format (p.name.get)
val post =
if (document) singleOutputType(output, document) map { elem =>
val param = xsdgenerator.buildParam(elem)
"." + param.toParamName
} getOrElse {""}
else ""
"scalaxb.fromXML[%s](%s)%s".format(partTypeName(p), v, post)
}) ++ (headerBindings(binding.output) flatMap { b =>
val message = context.messages(splitTypeName(b.message))
message.part find {_.name == Some(b.part)} map { p =>
val v =
if (b.literal && p.element.isDefined) """({header} \ "%s").head""" format (p.element.get.getLocalPart)
else """({header} \ "%s").head""" format (p.name.get)
"scalaxb.fromXML[%s](%s)".format(partTypeName(p), v)
if (!multipart) fromXmls.head
else "%s(%s)" format (xsdgenerator.buildFullyQualifiedName(pkg, makeOperationOutputWrapperName(op)),
fromXmls.mkString("," + NL + " "))
def paramMessage(input: XParamType): XMessageType = context.messages(splitTypeName(input.message))
case class ParamCache(toParamName: String, typeName: String, seqParam: Boolean) {
def toScalaCode: String = "%s: %s" format(toParamName, typeName)
def toVarg: String =
if (seqParam) toParamName + ": _*"
else toParamName
def buildRPCStyleArg(part: XPartType): ParamCache =
ParamCache(part.name getOrElse {"in"}, xsdgenerator.buildTypeName(toTypeSymbol(part)), false)
def buildRPCStyleArgs(input: XParamType): List[ParamCache] = paramMessage(input).part.toList map {buildRPCStyleArg}
def buildIRIStyleArgs(input: XParamType): List[ParamCache] = paramMessage(input).part.headOption map { part =>
val paramName = part.name getOrElse {"in"}
toTypeSymbol(part) match {
case symbol: BuiltInSimpleTypeSymbol =>
List(ParamCache(paramName, xsdgenerator.buildTypeName(symbol), false))
case symbol@ReferenceTypeSymbol(decl: SimpleTypeDecl) =>
List(ParamCache(paramName, xsdgenerator.buildTypeName(symbol), false))
case ReferenceTypeSymbol(decl: ComplexTypeDecl) =>
import scalaxb.compiler.xsd.{Multiple, AllDecl, ComplexContentDecl, CompContRestrictionDecl, CompContExtensionDecl}
val flatParticles = xsdgenerator.flattenElements(decl, 0)
val attributes = xsdgenerator.flattenAttributes(decl)
val list = List.concat(flatParticles, attributes)
val primary = decl.content match {
case ComplexContentDecl(CompContRestrictionDecl(_, x, _)) => x
case ComplexContentDecl(CompContExtensionDecl(_, x, _)) => x
case _ => None
val longAll: Boolean = primary match {
case Some(all: AllDecl) if xsdgenerator.isLongAll(all, decl.namespace, decl.family) => true
case _ => false
list map { x =>
val param = xsdgenerator.buildParam(x) map {camelCase}
val seqParam = (list.size == 1) && (param.cardinality == Multiple) &
(attributes.size == 0) && (!decl.mixed) && (!longAll)
ParamCache(param.toParamName, param.typeName, seqParam)
case AnyType(symbol) =>
List(ParamCache(paramName, xsdgenerator.buildTypeName(symbol), false))
case x => sys.error("unexpected type: " + x)
} getOrElse {sys.error("unexpected input: " + input)}
def buildPartsArg(input: XParamType): String = (paramMessage(input).part map { part =>
"%s: %s".format(part.name getOrElse {"in"}, partTypeName(part))
}).mkString(", ")
def paramTypeName(param: XParamType): String = xsdgenerator.buildTypeName(toTypeSymbol(param), false)
def partTypeName(part: XPartType): String = xsdgenerator.buildTypeName(toTypeSymbol(part), false)
def toTypeSymbol(param: XParamType): XsTypeSymbol =
paramMessage(param).part.headOption map { toTypeSymbol(_) } getOrElse {XsAnyType}
def toParamCache(part: XPartType): ParamCache =
part.typeValue map { typeValue =>
val name = camelCase(part.name.get)
ParamCache(name, xsdgenerator.buildTypeName(toTypeSymbol(typeValue)), false)
} getOrElse {
part.element map { element =>
val param = xsdgenerator.buildParam(xsdgenerator.elements(splitTypeName(element))) map {camelCase}
ParamCache(param.toParamName, param.typeName, false)
} getOrElse {sys.error("part does not have either type or element: " + part.toString)}
def toTypeSymbol(part: XPartType): XsTypeSymbol =
part.typeValue map { toTypeSymbol(_) } getOrElse {
part.element map { element => xsdgenerator.elements(splitTypeName(element)).typeSymbol
} getOrElse {sys.error("part does not have either type or element: " + part.toString)}
def toTypeSymbol(qname: javax.xml.namespace.QName): XsTypeSymbol = {
import scalaxb.compiler.xsd.{TypeSymbolParser, ReferenceTypeSymbol}
val symbol = TypeSymbolParser.fromQName(qname)
symbol match {
case symbol: ReferenceTypeSymbol =>
val (namespace, typeName) = splitTypeName(qname)
symbol.decl = xsdgenerator.getTypeGlobally(namespace, typeName, context.xsdcontext)
case _ =>
def toElement(part: XPartType) = part.element map { element =>
} getOrElse {sys.error("part does not have an element: " + part.toString)}
def outputTypeName(binding: XBinding_operationType, op: XOperationType,
output: XParamType, document: Boolean): String =
if (headerBindings(binding.output).isEmpty) {
singleOutputType(output, document) map { elem =>
val param = xsdgenerator.buildParam(elem)
} getOrElse {
if (paramMessage(output).part.isEmpty) "Unit"
else paramTypeName(output)
else xsdgenerator.buildFullyQualifiedName(pkg, makeOperationOutputWrapperName(op))
def singleOutputPart(output: XParamType): Option[XPartType] =
def singleOutputType(output: XParamType, document: Boolean): Option[scalaxb.compiler.xsd.ElemDecl] =
if (document) paramMessage(output).part.headOption map { part =>
import scalaxb.compiler.xsd.{ReferenceTypeSymbol, ComplexTypeDecl, Single}
toTypeSymbol(part) match {
case ReferenceTypeSymbol(decl: ComplexTypeDecl) =>
val flatParticles = xsdgenerator.flattenElements(decl, 0)
val attributes = xsdgenerator.flattenAttributes(decl)
if (decl.mixed) None
else if (flatParticles.size == 1 && attributes.size == 0) {
val head = flatParticles.head
if (xsdgenerator.buildParam(head).cardinality == Single) Some(head)
else None
else None
case x => None
} getOrElse {None}
else None
def faultsToTypeName(faults: Seq[XFaultType], soap12: Boolean): String =
"%s[%s]" format (if (soap12) "scalaxb.Fault"
else "scalaxb.Soap11Fault",
def faultsToFaultParamTypeName(faults: Seq[XFaultType]): String =
faults.toList match {
case x :: xs =>
val msg = context.messages(splitTypeName(x.message))
msg.part.headOption map { part =>
val symbol = toTypeSymbol(part)
xsdgenerator.buildTypeName(symbol, false)
} getOrElse {"Any"}
case _ => "Any"
def makeBindingName(binding: XBindingType): String = {
val name = xsdgenerator.makeTypeName(binding.name)
if (name.endsWith("Binding")) name
else name + "Binding"
def makeSoap11Binding(binding: XBindingType): Snippet = {
val name = makeBindingName(binding)
logger.debug("makeSoap11Binding: " + name)
val interfaceType = context.interfaces(splitTypeName(binding.typeValue))
val interfaceTypeName = interfaceType.name.capitalize
val interfaceTypeFQN = xsdgenerator.buildFullyQualifiedName(pkg, interfaceTypeName)
val port = findPort(binding).headOption
val address = port flatMap {_.any flatMap {
case DataRecord(_, _, node: Node) if node.scope.getURI((node.prefix)) == WSDL_SOAP11 =>
Some((node \ "@location").text)
case _ => None
val document = binding.any.headOption map {
case DataRecord(_, _, node: Node) =>
val style = (node \ "@style").text
style == "" || style == "document"
} getOrElse {true}
val addressString = address map {"""def baseAddress = new java.net.URI("%s")""".format(_)} getOrElse {""}
val operationOutputs = binding.operation flatMap { makeOperationOutput(_, interfaceType) }
val operations = binding.operation map { opBinding => makeOperation(opBinding, interfaceType, document, false) }
val bindingOps = binding.operation map { opBinding => makeSoapOpBinding(opBinding, interfaceType, document, false) }
val interfaceTrait =
trait {interfaceTypeName} {{
{operations.mkString(NL + " ")}
{operationOutputs.mkString(NL + NL)}
val bindingTrait =
trait {name}s {{ this: scalaxb.Soap11Clients =>
lazy val targetNamespace: Option[String] = { xsdgenerator.quote(targetNamespace) }
lazy val service: {interfaceTypeFQN} = new {name} {{}}
trait {name} extends {interfaceTypeFQN} {{
{bindingOps.mkString(NL + " ")}
Snippet(interfaceTrait, , bindingTrait, )
// http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/REC-wsdl20-adjuncts-20070626/#soap-binding
// http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/REC-soap12-part2-20070427/
def makeSoap12Binding(binding: XBindingType): Snippet = {
val name = makeBindingName(binding)
val interfaceType = context.interfaces(splitTypeName(binding.typeValue))
val interfaceTypeName = interfaceType.name.capitalize
val interfaceTypeFQN = xsdgenerator.buildFullyQualifiedName(pkg, interfaceTypeName)
val port = findPort(binding).headOption
val address = port flatMap {_.any flatMap {
case DataRecord(_, _, node: Node) if node.scope.getURI((node.prefix)) == WSDL_SOAP12 =>
Some((node \ "@location").text)
case _ => None
val document = binding.any.headOption map {
case DataRecord(_, _, node: Node) =>
val style = (node \ "@style").text
style == "" || style == "document"
} getOrElse {true}
val addressString = address map {"""def baseAddress = new java.net.URI("%s")""".format(_)} getOrElse {""}
val operationOutputs = binding.operation flatMap { makeOperationOutput(_, interfaceType) }
val operations = binding.operation map { opBinding => makeOperation(opBinding, interfaceType, document, true) }
val bindingOps = binding.operation map { opBinding => makeSoapOpBinding(opBinding, interfaceType, document, true) }
val interfaceTrait =
trait {interfaceTypeName} {{
{operations.mkString(NL + " ")}
{operationOutputs.mkString(NL + NL)}
val bindingTrait =
trait {name}s {{ this: scalaxb.SoapClients =>
lazy val targetNamespace: Option[String] = { xsdgenerator.quote(targetNamespace) }
lazy val service: {interfaceTypeFQN} = new {name} {{}}
trait {name} extends {interfaceTypeFQN} {{
{bindingOps.mkString(NL + " ")}
Snippet(interfaceTrait, , bindingTrait, )
def findPort(binding: XBindingType) =
for {
service <- context.services.valuesIterator.toList
port <- service.port if binding == context.bindings(splitTypeName(port.binding))
} yield port
def elements(namespace: Option[String], name: String) =
(for (schema <- schemas;
if schema.targetNamespace == namespace;
if schema.topElems.contains(name))
yield schema.topElems(name)) match {
case x :: xs => x
case Nil => throw new ReferenceNotFound("element" , namespace, name)
def splitTypeName(qname: javax.xml.namespace.QName) = (Option[String](qname.getNamespaceURI), qname.getLocalPart)
implicit def boolToOption(b: Boolean): Option[Unit] = if (b) Some(()) else None
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